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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Darkwolf1344 said:
He cried out when he was tackled before he managed to wriggle around to be belly-up, looking at the boy on top of him. "I don't think he's at the dorm.. wait a moment.." He said before his eyes softly glazed over. 'Cody? It's Angel, can you track me down, I'm in the main building with Nagisa..' He said telepathically to Cody.
Nagisa got off Angel, "Lets go." Nagisa for the first time had a serious look on his face, he waited for Angel to lead him to Cody's dorm.
"Um...well he is my roommate," Kohart couldn't exactly just sniff out Nagisa like a dog or something. He started at the guy and huffed,"I can't promise he'll be there, but I can show you?"
Risk said:
"Um...well he is my roommate," Kohart couldn't exactly just sniff out Nagisa like a dog or something. He started at the guy and huffed,"I can't promise he'll be there, but I can show you?"
Cody was just about to reply when someone started talking, in his head, it sound like Angel. Oh wait, it was Angel! He had found Nagisa! "Wait, I know where he is now!" Cody was frantic and ran off suddenly.

Nyc stopped when she got to the door, pursing her lips and sighing.


She hated these doors, she always had to manage to keep it open or else it shut on her tail. It happened her first day here and it was quite unpleasant. She opened the door and slithered out, still holding it open as she slowly started to bring the rest of her body out. When she thought she was good she nodded to herself and made her way down the steps. Until at least she realized that while straightening back out her tail slipped in front of the door and the door shut on the tip of her tail. Her scale bristled and she dropped her book letting out a yelp as she tried pulling her tail from the door.

"Damn doors!"​
"He went off looking for someone named Nagisa. And I can leave so you can change. I'll see you in class." She smiled before waving goodbye to her friend. She began back towards the entrance. She tilted her head, seeing someone by the door pulling on something that got caught. Her eyes widened realizing it was Nyx and the thing in the door was her tail. Willow quickly ran to the door, pulling it open for her. "Hey,"

@The Darkling
Amalia waved goodbye to her friend and began quickly u dressing. She put the clothes in her bag and sat them on the ground.

Once she had changed, she used her nose to sniff out her prey.
He blinked, snapping out of it before he sat up. "He's coming over here right now" He said, smiling a little. "That boy is really energetic" He mumbled, giving a soft laugh.

Darkwolf1344 said:
He blinked, snapping out of it before he sat up. "He's coming over here right now" He said, smiling a little. "That boy is really energetic" He mumbled, giving a soft laugh.
Nagisa placed his hands on Angel's shoulders, his eyes serious, "Take me. To your Dorm."
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa placed his hands on Angel's shoulders, his eyes serious, "Take me. To your Dorm."
He sighed softly and put his hands on his cheeks. "Nagisa, Cody wasn't at the dorm, I just spoke to him and he's tracking me down as we speak" He said slowly like he were talking to someone who didn't understand English.
Kohart relaxed once the boy left and sighed, happy to be alone again. He was pretty curious as to how Nagisa knew the boy, but guessed it was one of his fuck buddies or long distant friends from traveling. His hands were tucked behind his head now as he laid in the sun, mentally timing himself as to not stay out there too long.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He sighed softly and put his hands on his cheeks. "Nagisa, Cody wasn't at the dorm, I just spoke to him and he's tracking me down as we speak" He said slowly like he were talking to someone who didn't understand English.
"Damn it Angel!" Nagisa folds his arms, "I'll just ask Cody to take me there instead."

Cody was walking around the Academy, sniffing out Angel. Until he found the corridor, Nagisa was in it along with his Roomie, "NAGISA!!!" Cody got on all four and began running towards Nagisa on them, leaping off the ground as he ran and ran. Nagisa turned around and smiled, opening his arms as Cody tackled him to the ground and hugged him tightly. "Cody, I can't believe it's you, its been so long, I missed you."

"I missed you too Nagisa." Tears fell from the werewolf's eyes.
Cloud stood at the gates of the school. "....I can do this" Cloud walked though the halls with her tail swaying around her and her ears twitching at any sound she heard. She walked up to the lady in the office at the desk and getting her key to her dorm then walking to the dorms calmly.

Nyx's eyes were watering and when her friend willow helped pull her tail from the door she wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Thanks willow..of all spots it had to shut on was the tip. That was surely no fun"

When her tail was free she touched it gently and then picked up her book.

"How was biology? I'm hoping you found your clasd ok right?"​

@Deadly Darkness


Elsewhere in the school, Felix was sitting in a dark dorm room with only a little light coming in through the curtains that were put up. Only..this wasn't his dorm, it belonged to the boy he was currently sittinf on top of. He had his hands on the sides of the boys head and Felix was leaning closer and closer to him. His dark hair doing little to hide the intensity of his eyes shimmering in the dark and even so you could see almost a black like aura coming off of him. A low growling noise rose from his throat as he grinned, his eyes gleaned over completely with red.

Suddenly the boy awoke, drenched in sweat and shaking. He had his hand iver his chest where he was having trouble breathing.

"That was a hell of a nightmare"

He got up and opened his curtains, completely alone in the room.

Felix was now strolling down the hall, smiling ear to pointed ear with his sharp teeth gleaming as he stretched.


His voice was low and echoed gently into nothing as his smoky aura slowly started to leave him and his smite pupils came back into view.​
LonelyAssassin said:
"Damn it Angel!" Nagisa folds his arms, "I'll just ask Cody to take me there instead."
Cody was walking around the Academy, sniffing out Angel. Until he found the corridor, Nagisa was in it along with his Roomie, "NAGISA!!!" Cody got on all four and began running towards Nagisa on them, leaping off the ground as he ran and ran. Nagisa turned around and smiled, opening his arms as Cody tackled him to the ground and hugged him tightly. "Cody, I can't believe it's you, its been so long, I missed you."

"I missed you too Nagisa." Tears fell from the werewolf's eyes.
awwww ;o; )

He smiled, watching them before he got up. He started to walk towards the dorm as he wanted to give them space.
Amalia devoured the deer. If there was one thing she was good at in life, it was hunting prey. She knew every scent to almost every animal. Deer was her absolute favorite.

If people seen her like this, they would probably see her as a freak. She desperately hoped nobody seen her. Then Amalia remembered that she was in wolf form. Nobody would recognize her but maybe Cody, if he remembered her scent.
Cody got up and helped Nagisa stand, the two shared another hug before walking towards their dorm, "I'm glad you came, though you should have sent me a message or something..." Cody tilted his head in response, "How do you expect me to do that, I don't even have a Phone to talk to. Angel told me what a phone does, if you got me one we could talk!" Nagisa's eye twitched at the sound of getting Cody a phone, moneeeey, not like he was struggling for it, but phones don't go cheap. "I'll get you one for your birthday."

Cody walked into his and Angel's dorm and jumped onto the couch, sitting on it like a dog would sit. @Darkwolf1344
Angel was already at the dorm, laptop on criss crossed legs while a pair of headphones were on his head and he was chewing gum, humming a tiny bit. He was looking or mixing music.

"It was alright," She wasn't exactly lying. The class had gone by so quickly that she couldn't remember anything that would it positively or negatively. "How was herbology?" She asked, leaning against the wall.
Darkwolf1344 said:
Angel was already at the dorm, laptop on criss crossed legs while a pair of headphones were on his head and he was chewing gum, humming a tiny bit. He was looking or mixing music.
Nagisa walked passed Angel and went over to the Cage, taking the blanket from it and placing it on Cody's bed. Cody was crouching behind Angel, interested in this thing he called a 'computer'. It was like the phone but with a bigger light picture!

Nagisa inspected the cage closely, looking at the symbols on it, he cupped his chin and tapped some of them, making the symbols glow before their creator.
Amalia knew she wouldn't feel very well if she ate the whole thing, so she didn't. She left it and walked further into the woods.

She stopped and used her paw to get the blood off of her snout. Nightfall was coming soon. A couple hours, at the least. She looked up. It was almost a full moon. She dreaded it. She didn't want to kill someone else, and hopefully she wouldn't.

Nyx crouched a little and hugged her book to her chest.

"It went well I think, not like I learned a lot more than I already knew but I enjoy it either way. I love flowers like thst, especially the carnivorous ones"

She chuckled and looked behind herself.

"I was actually heading to the garden of you would like to join me. Exploring is always so much more fun with someone else. So far your the only other person I've talked to twice in a row now"​
Angel suddenly jumped, accidentally throwing his laptop before it froze in the air and floated up while he looked at Cody. "Jeez, Cody you gotta stop sneaking on people..." He whispered, pursing his lips in amusement. He had one headphone off his ear so he could hear the other. @LonelyAssassin
When cloud arrived to her dorm she unlocked it and walked in. "....A new life i guess" Cloud sighed staring at the ground and rested for awhile then walked out of her room to look around.
"Sounds like fun. I haven't seen the garden yet so lead the way." She smiled, following Nyx. She was glad that she ran into Nyx again. If what she said about her being the only person she's talked to twice was true than she was happy she was able to hang out with her. "What kind of plants are kept in the garden?"

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