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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Amalia unlocked her door, almost falling when it opened. She quickly grabbed her backpack with all of her books in it, and shut the door on her way out.

Now, where is my schedule? She thought to herself. Her hands roamed in each pocket as she walked down the hallway.

Her hand collided with a piece of slightly crumpled paper. She retrieved it, unwadding it. Math is first. Amalia groaned. She dispised math. Walking down the hall, she entered the classroom. Nobody was in there. She made her way to the back, sitting in the second to last seat as she waited for everyone to begin coming into the classroom.
"And I'll make sure to bring an anchor to drown you with," Kohart's eye brow twitched as he tried to maintain his peaceful mind against Nagisa's teases. He stared ahead, not daring to look at whatever face his friend was making.
"Pffft, you can't get rid of me so easily, take now for example, bet you never guessed you'd see me again." Nagisa grinned as they kept walking, he checked the time on one of the clocks hung up on the hallway and tilted his head, 'that was quick' he thought. "Maths starts soon."
"I signed up for that class," the vampire informed her softly, looking at the paper, "Do you want to walk there together?" He added after the girl had put it away again. He hadn't really gotten around to acquiring his own schedule yet, but now that he thought about it, he really ought to. He made a mental note to see to it once the first class was over.

He didn't really know why he had wanted to walk with the girl to the classroom, it wasn't as if he didn't know the way, and it certainly wasn't because he was... scared. Frowning slightly, he thought about it again. Was he scared? No, he wasn't. Maybe his subconscious was just craving someone to talk to. One wouldn't know it by looking at him, but the immortal nine year old really did hate being alone.
Amalia sighed. She could've been late and nobody would've even noticed. She pulled out her pen and artbook, and began drawing. Amalia had no idea what she would draw, but it would eventually be something.
"Sure, that would be nice." She smiled.

Slipping the paper back in her pocket, she began towards the exit of the library. She looked down each end of the hall, wondering which way the class room would be. She knew the door number, but other than that she was clueless. She bit her bottom lip, pushing the top one against her tusks. She looked down at the boy. "Do you know which way it is?"
"I do," the boy said as he began walking down the right end corridor, waiting just a moment to listen to the girls footsteps, reassuring himself that she was following him. "I saw the map in the entrance hall yesterday, it's just down this way."

As they walked, Timothy realized with a slight start that he hadn't even asked the girls name. Not surprising, he thought, as they hadn't really known eachother for that long anyways. Deciding he might as well do so, since she had been nothing but kind to him, he looked up at her, craning his neck so that he could look into her face, before asking his question in a soft, monotone voice.

"Whats your name, if I may ask?"
Amalia continued to draw, keeping herself from walking out on class and skipping. Her drawing ended up being the fox she seen in the woods. She frowned upon it and crumpled it up. Why do wolves have enemies? All she wanted was to be friends with it, though it wasn't like her. It was a regular fox. She sighed and put her head down on the desk.
"Oh?" Kohart grabbed Nagisa's wrist and looked at the teens watch. An eyebrow raised when he saw the time and he sighed. "Well, guess we better get going." He quickly turned around on his heel to hurry and get his things, letting go of Nagisa's wrist.
"I'm Wi-" Her sentence was cut off by the sound of someone calling out to her. She directed her attention to the person who said it. "Hey Amalia," She smiled, walking over to her. "I almost forgot you were in this class." She turned back to the boy, realizing she hadn't finished her reply. "I'm Willow," She stuck out her hand. "And you are?"
Nagisa blinks a couple of times when his wrist was stolen from him, he blink a couple more when it is let go of and swipes his arm away and held it against his chest like he kept it from being stolen. He made a pout and followed after Hart. Upon reaching their dorm again he picks up his notepad, timetable and pen, and waited outside for Hart to get his stuff too.
Amalia raised her head off of the desk. "Oh, yeah. I've been in here for awhile. I could've totally been late, and nobody would've noticed." She was rambling. When she got angry, she began to ramble on like an idiot. She noticed there was a boy beside Willow. He was much shorter than what she was.

Vampire, she thought. She could tell from his red eyes.
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Timothy looked over at the girl who had just spoken, giving her a level stare, before turning his attention back to his companion. Willow was an interesting name in it's own right, he thought, and he quite enjoyed the ones that were dancing outside the Academy when he got here.

When he saw her offered hand, he considered his options briefly, before taking it lightly in his own, his small, pale hand dwarfed by hers. "I'm Timothy Papillon."
She carefully shook his hand, afraid that if she shook his like she used to with the people in her tribe she would snap his arm off like a twig. Something she wasn't interested in doing with a potential friend.

She looked back to Amalia, her hand falling back to rest by her side. "I think the exact opposite would be true. If you were late everyone would notice you come in. It would be quiet and you would have to awkwardly try to find an open seat while everyone watched you." She said as she imagined being put in that horrible situation.
Amalia laughed. She liked people who could make her laugh, therefore she liked Willow. "Yes, very true. I didn't think about that." Amalia turned her attention to the young vampire.

"I'm Amalia." She smiled at the boy. He must be older. He couldn't be as young as she thinks he is.
Timothy looked at the girl from under his surprisingly dark eyelashes, his red eyes staring at her while his head tilted slightly to the side. "Hi." He finally said, his voice almost inaudible. He didn't introduce himself this time, as he was pretty sure the girl had heard him do so to her friend and if she hadn't he wasn't about to waste any energy he could use learning, just to seem polite to somebody he didn't know.

Walking past her desk, after a quick glance at Willow, he found an empty seat in the far right corner and sat down, letting his arms rest on the cool wooden surface with a small smile. Now he would finally get to know what getting a proper education would be like.
Willow looked between Timothy and Amalia, unsure of which to sit by. Knowing she shared many of her classes with Amalia she decided to sit with Timothy. "I'll catch up with you later." She smiled at her female friend before heading over to Timothy.

"May I sit here?" She pointed at the desk beside him, tilting her head slightly.
"Yeah, sure." Amalia said as Willow walked away. She went back to sitting her head on the desk. She didn't want to be here.
Looking up at Willow, the vampire's eyes widened slightly before he schooled his expression back to normal. He nodded slowly, his white hair bouncing with the movement before focusing his stare back at the front of the room, where he figured a teacher would appear soon enough.

Why the girl would want to sit next to him, he didn't know. But he couldn't particularly say that he didn't care to know. As far as he knew, he hadn't done or said anything really interesting or witty to her, that would warrant her choosing to sit with him rather than with the girl she obviously knew. Shaking his head slightly to get rid of his distracting thoughts, his fingers began unconsciously playing with a lock of his hair as he again tried to focus on the front of the room.

He quite looked forward to this new experience.
She smiled, taking a seat at the desk next to him. Seeing no teacher yet, she took the opportunity to take in her surroundings. The desks were sitting in a five by six array, the floors and walls appeared to be the same material as all the other rooms, a large cabinet sat near the door, and a larger, wooden desk for the teacher resided my the wall farthest from the door. The windows let in sunlight, warming the area closer to them. She looked up at the standard clock at the front of the room, questioning when the teacher would arrive.
Kohart made it to the dorm and grabbed his supplies, closing the door behind him. He started off to the main building after meeting Nagisa at the door again, glancing at his friend," what?" After a moment he quieted and walked to math with Nagisa, taking a seat at one of the desks.

He placed his notebook in front of him and wrote down the class and date on the first page. The side of his head was propped against his hand, staring at the corner of his notebook. Hart was relieved that he didn't end up late, but wasn't looking forward to taking notes even if he needed them. Tiny tendrils of vines curved around the corner of his book from his finger, decorating the edge carefully. He watched them just barely move around and blinked. Bored.
(Just gonna have a cheeky sneak in if you don't mind me cx )

Dani had left her tree of cloud gazing after realizing she had fallen sleep not too soon after picturing the flamingo cloud. Not too much in a hurry, she picked herself up from the now wet and somewhat sticky grass and began making her way to the building of learning and such. Still in a daze of sleepiness from the nap she had taken, she wandered the halls trying to recall her classes but not bothering to take out her schedule.

"Math..?" Questioning out loud to herself, shrugging and going along with it. It took a bit of wandering, getting lost, and walking into wrong classrooms before finally finding her class, or at least she believed was her class anyways. It seemed that the teacher hadn't arrive just yet but half the students had. I'll just take a little nap.. Stumbling like a drunk over to a free desk nearest to the window where the clouds could best be watched from, Dani sat herself down and leaned forward on her desk, stretching herself like a cat of some sort.
Amalia noticed two boys and a girl walk in. She sighed, continuing to keep her head down. She began to fall into a deep sleep. She tried her hardest to stay awake, but couldn't. Her eyes fluttered as they began to shut.


The wind danced across his face, his whisker standing up at the soft caress of their invisible hands. The cat shivered for a moment, until one of the jet black jackals behind him walked to his side and gently nudged him, his body heat warming the feline's body just enough to resist the cold. Purring at the feel of the canine's silk like fur, Namir smiled while patting the other on the head for being his mobile heater. The other jackal watched with an expression of envy as his brother received all the attention from their "mother" in which he nudged him softly to warrant some loving his way. A small chuckle escaped his maw as he patted the large dog on his head whispering how he would never forget about Styx. Styx smiled as he "mother's" paw ran across his head, Isle seemingly happy for his brother while keeping his jealously in check. Rubbing Styx's back, Namir and his children moved forward towards an unimaginably large building that he soon would be calling his new home. He traveled quite the distance to get here, and faced many adversities such as his father protest and ultimate refusal of him leaving home for reasons unknown.

Just the mere thought of there heated argument sparked a little anger within him, but he managed to bottle it up once more as he made his towards the entrance of the campus. Reaching the entrance, Namir maw dropped, amazed at the sheer size and magnitude of the building. Being a cat it was a given that the world was much larger than himself, but the size difference was just to immense. Did humans and humanoid creatures also feel tiny when up against something as gigantic as this? Probably not. To them maybe it was just another part of their daily lives, but to him who had spent most of his time living in an isolated village in a forgotten forest this was extraordinary.

Shaking his head, he told himself that he shouldn't lose his cool over something as minuscule as a building, and with a gulp passed through the gates that lead into the school's office. There, he was greeted by a young maiden who seemed rather shocked at the sudden arrival of a cat at her desk, but lightened up to him in a matter of seconds. It was to be expected. This was a school for the otherworldly, so she must have seen crazier stuff then a anthropomorphic cat followed by two jackals with an egg on it's back.

"Well good morning s-. How can I help you to day?" she stumbled, unsure whether to call him sir or ma'm, something that almost everyone who came into contact with him wondered about.

"Hi, I'm a new student who will be transferring here today. My name is Namir." he responded, the woman turned away typing into her computer as his blue eyes absorbed his new surroundings. Compared to where he used to live, this place was rather remarkable. A wooden table made of oak decorated with a beautifully laced cloth and a bowl of fruit he had suspected to be fake accompanied by a few nicely carved chairs that lay sprawled across the room in an orderly fashion. The woman wasn't bad on the eyes either, with her brown hair bunched up into a neat little bun on top of her head. She wore casual clothing mixing dark colors of black and blue which brought to attention of her peach skin and hazel eyes. To top is all off were a pair of black horned rimmed glasses that gave off a feel of maturity, something that made Namir feel rather comfortable around her.

"Aha! There we are. Well Namir, we're glad that you could join us and add a little more diversity to this school. As you may already know, we are a school made specifically for those who don't fit into the norms. To be more accurate we are a inter-species school that where students from different races and species come together to learn and help one another." she paused before continuing," I won't be able to guide you today since I'm a little busy but here's a little map so you can familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus. Since you're new you can just browse around the school grounds for awhile, to get a better feel of what you'll be getting into. Any questions?" she asked, her hazel eyes staring into Namir's looking to see if he had any concerns. Shaking his head no in response she continued on with his explanation.

"Okay! Now I see that you have two pets with you, and it does say you're living in the dorms so I'll tell you this. We do allow pets in the dorms, however, you must first get the consent of dorm manager as well as your roommate before allowing animals to live within your room. Don't worry if they say no. We do have places where we can store your pets until later whenever you decided to pick them up." she smiled, Namir not sharing the same sentiment as the female before him. He loathed when people called his children his pets, but she didn't know any better so he'd let it slide for now. Staring up at the woman, the white cat awaited for anymore instructions that she might have for him. Clacking away at her keyboard, she slammed her thumb on enter which seems to start up the printer that printed a sheet that stated the rooms and his classes.

"This is your schedule. Again feel free to visit any of your classes before hand. My name is Eden Montgomery and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to visit me here in my office or call that number on the school map. If there are no questions then have a wonderful day." she stated, giving him one of those award winning smiles before returning to her work. Holding the map and his schedule he decided, it would be best to roam around the school for a bit seeing as he didn't really have any luggage with him so going to the dorm wasn't anything necessary. Carefully adjusting his bag which carried an egg, he exited the office and out into the courtyard, where he saw few classes being held. Looking at his schedule he decided it would be good to see his math class seeing at his was relatively close to his current location, if the "You are here" was correct anyway.

Taking a little detour, he found it was rather difficult walking through the building. People threatened to step over you whatever chance they got, and doors were nearly impossibly to open as he could barely reach the handle. He was a little embarrassed to admit he had to let Isle and Styx open to door for him as they were significantly taller and stronger than he was. Right. Left. Left. Right. He turned and zigzagged until he finally found the classroom in which math was being held. Wanting to enter, he glared at the formidable foe before him. The door was significantly smaller than the ones that preceded it, but the fact still remained. He was not tall enough to push through to enter the room.

"Isle. Styx. Come here." he asked, his two little boys obediently walked towards him.

"Stay still okay." he commanded, the jackals becoming stiff as board as he carefully climbed up onto their back taking precaution as to not harm the egg. When he was sure he was on a them safe, he put his paws together and pushed the door, the weight of the door threatening to destroy what little arm muscles he had. With a grunt he pushed with all his might, Styx and Isle giving him a little boost by nudging the door a bit slowly pushing the open. He didn't smile, but one could tell that he felt rather accomplished by his exploits as he quietly enter the room on his kids. Namir didn't want to make a scene, however a house cat riding two dogs was something one didn't see everyday ... well not in a classroom setting. Searching for an empty seat he found one by a white haired boy with tan skin and beautiful turquoise eyes. Taking residence near him, he struggled into his chair only managing to push the chair out a little as he sat straight up, his head barely reaching over the top of the desk. He released a low growl thinking if he had this much trouble getting into a chair who know how much trouble it'd be just to live here. With thoughts of the days to come, Namir whined watching the teacher who seemed unamused by his late entry to class lecture. Oh man. It's was going to be tough.

@Risk & @LonelyAssassin

Sorry ... I write alot @A@

(If it wasn't clear he is the size of a house cat. So he's pretty dayum tiny)
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Nagisa of course took a seat next to Kohart when they entered the class together, he had his notebook opened at the first blank page and his pen rested against the side of it, waiting to take notes. He wasn't as organised as Hart and hadn't put a date or title or even page numbers, which would probably bite him in the ass later.Already the class began to drag, Maths was never his favourite subject - just as he was about to talk to his Room Mate the door opened and he had no choice but to be interested by this late appearance.

Nagisa had to stop himself make an audible noise that overloaded his cuteness meter, it was a cat person and he instantly became interested in the creature. This was Math class but it seemed as though Monster Education just appeared at his doorstep... literally. Plus it was accompanied by two dog like creatures, strange especially for a cat. Though the cat didn't seem too amused with it's situation, it struggled to get upon it's chair and already the teacher had a dislike for it's lateness.

Nagisa probably didn't realise that he couldn't stop looking

@Risk & @A Guileless Fable

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