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Fantasy ABC's of Blep

I have an idea, every time a filler story starts, the person that starts it titles it and I'll make links to the corresponding pages on the first post?

Like a title for this filler could be: "Did it For the Oppai" or "Our Reapers are Idiots", smth like that. X)
I have an idea, every time a filler story starts, the person that starts it titles it and I'll make links to the corresponding pages on the first post?

Like a title for this filler could be: "Did it For the Oppai" or "Our Reapers are Idiots", smth like that. X)
Lol, Sounds awesome
Diala: "Diego, why on earth are they playing out these kinds of scenes when it's likely not happening in the RP?"

Diego: "Once again, fangasming to contain their excitement."

Diala: "It's confusing to say the least, but it is something I'd like to try and get behind as well. If only for study."

Diego: "Sadly, your curiosity and lack of emotional input will make that difficult."

Me: "Uhm, guys, you two are already doing it."

Diala: "We are?!" She places her hands on her cheek. "Does that mean we're shipped as well Diego?"

Diego: "I'm not answering that."

Me: "You already know it's going onto the second ship list."

Deigo: "I hate you."

Armenia: "What about me creator?! You haven't involved me yet."

Valdan: "I'd rather he didn't."

Me: "In due time Armenia. In due time."
Destrey: All this "shipping" needs to stop. What even is "shipping"?

Colt: Well, it's when fans find two characters and make them romantic. I think that's how it is.

Destrey: Well, I don't like! Romance is nothing but a waste of my time.

Colt: Pretty sure people are shipping you with other characters by now. (Who would ship with you, you psychopath?)

Destrey: Really?! *blushes hard* Why?

Colt: You're getting way more red than usual. Seems like you'll have to deal with shipping for a while.
Destrey: All this "shipping" needs to stop. What even is "shipping"?

Colt: Well, it's when fans find two characters and make them romantic. I think that's how it is.

Destrey: Well, I don't like! Romance is nothing but a waste of my time.

Colt: Pretty sure people are shipping you with other characters by now. (Who would ship with you, you psychopath?)

Destrey: Really?! *blushes hard* Why?

Colt: You're getting way more red than usual. Seems like you'll have to deal with shipping for a while.

Me: "Psycopathic killer with immense strength. I can see him getting with Lorelai."

Diala: "You mean the woman reaper that just wants to kill everything?"

Me: "Yeah her, but Valdan also wants to purge the humans from the world, so that's a possibility too."

Valdan: "I hate you creator. I should make you suffer."

Armenia: "I'm all for it. I haven't gotten shipped yet!" She glares at her creator.

Me: "Why are you so wanting to be shipped Armenia? You're a balls to the wall kick ass kind of girl. It's hard to just pick people and ship together without there being a legitimate reason. I told you wait, now do it!" He glares back.

Valdan: "And humans continue to waste their time." He turns to Destrey. "Want to go kill some humans while they deal with their problems? We could invite Lorelai too. She'll enjoy it."

Celeste-Ominous Celeste-Ominous
Me: "Psycopathic killer with immense strength. I can see him getting with Lorelai."

Diala: "You mean the woman reaper that just wants to kill everything?"

Me: "Yeah her, but Valdan also wants to purge the humans from the world, so that's a possibility too."

Valdan: "I hate you creator. I should make you suffer."

Armenia: "I'm all for it. I haven't gotten shipped yet!" She glares at her creator.

Me: "Why are you so wanting to be shipped Armenia? You're a balls to the wall kick ass kind of girl. It's hard to just pick people and ship together without there being a legitimate reason. I told you wait, now do it!" He glares back.

Valdan: "And humans continue to waste their time." He turns to Destrey. "Want to go kill some humans while they deal with their problems? We could invite Lorelai too. She'll enjoy it."

Celeste-Ominous Celeste-Ominous

Destrey: And what? Provide more reasons why I should get shipped with people? I'm not all brawn you know.

Colt: Unlike you, I don't think shipping is that bad.


Colt: Ow, my ears... *covers his ears*
Destrey: And what? Provide more reasons why I should get shipped with people? I'm not all brawn you know.

Colt: Unlike you, I don't think shipping is that bad.


Colt: Ow, my ears... *covers his ears*
Valdan: "I meant we can go kill all the humans then there'll be nobody left to ship us." He rubs his head with his forefingers. "Complete annihilation one of the greatest victories in war."

Me: "Valdan, cool it with the thoughts of genocide. Otherwise I'll put you into a locked box that you can't break out of. Or I'll have Armenia kick your ass, one of the two."

Armenia: "Oh? I finally get a chance to hurt this prick who tortured me? Forget shipping me. Write it! Write it!"

Diala: "Diego, why is she so eager to kick Valdan in the butt? One kick won't do much."

Diego: "It's a figure of speech. It means beating him up badly."

Diala: "Oh." She nods in understanding, if only for a moment. "Why would she want to do that though?"

Diego: "Go read how Valdan "chose" her to be his vessel."

Diala: She proceeds to read it and come back. "He's an asshole." She concluded before pointing at him. "Your powers are gone Valdan!"

Valdan: "Ugh, women are such a problem, even if they AREN'T humans." He grumbled before walking off to go kill random people outside of Diala's range of effect.
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Snow: 0.0... they scare me...
Melody: *petting Snow like a pet* Shhh Shhh, I won't kill all of humanity. I like humanity.
Snow: *pleasantly surprised* Oh really? Wow Melody that's really nice of you.
Melody: But of course my sweet Snow. Humans dead can't fawn over me before I drown and eat them *smiles softly and winks at the npc boys who are fangirling over her.*
Lux: "Well well.... Looks like some more ladies have joined our lovely party... My harem is expanding all the time!"

Dante: He moves a few cautious steps away from him. "You're going to get us killed talking like that.... Even if superficial wounds heal fast, I'm pretty damn sure a bullet in the face will kill me, and some of these women are armed."

Lux: "Hush Dante.... I'm seducing..." He saunters over

Dante: "...... This perve is going to get me killed...."
Destrey: Fine... I'm going to kill some peeps. *follows Valdan and kills random people*

Colt: Uh... So... Hey, Armenia! How's it going? *smiles*

Destrey: If you as so much talk to anyone, you're dead Colt!

Colt: I doubt you'll kill me. I provide you instructions of things humans know. *poses in a sassy way*

Destrey: (BLEEP) YOU! *kills some more people*

Colt: So, again, how's everyone doing?
Lux: "Well well.... Looks like some more ladies have joined our lovely party... My harem is expanding all the time!"

Dante: He moves a few cautious steps away from him. "You're going to get us killed talking like that.... Even if superficial wounds heal fast, I'm pretty damn sure a bullet in the face will kill me, and some of these women are armed."

Lux: "Hush Dante.... I'm seducing..." He saunters over

Dante: "...... This perve is going to get me killed...."
Destrey: Fine... I'm going to kill some peeps. *follows Valdan and kills random people*

Colt: Uh... So... Hey, Armenia! How's it going? *smiles*

Destrey: If you as so much talk to anyone, you're dead Colt!

Colt: I doubt you'll kill me. I provide you instructions of things humans know. *poses in a sassy way*

Destrey: (BLEEP) YOU! *kills some more people*

Colt: So, again, how's everyone doing?

Armenia: She's morphed her pistols into a 50 cal sniper rifle. "Just one shot into Valdan's head and I'll be free...." She snickers before being interrupted. "I'm fine, about to get my revenge."

Diala: "Armenia, it seems a reaper wants something to do with you."

Armenia: She sighs heavily and turns around to Lux. Her curves plainly visible in her outfit while her sniper turns back into her revolver and colt 45. "What do you want?" She'd glare at him while trying to keep her sights on Valdan.

Diego: "Creator, I don't see this ending well."

Me: "Shhhhh, just eat the popcorn." Offers a bucket of popcorn to Diego.

Diego: "Where did you get this?"

Me: "Stole it from Dante's stash of food."

Diego: "I hate you more creator."
Armenia: She's morphed her pistols into a 50 cal sniper rifle. "Just one shot into Valdan's head and I'll be free...." She snickers before being interrupted. "I'm fine, about to get my revenge."

Diala: "Armenia, it seems a reaper wants something to do with you."

Armenia: She sighs heavily and turns around to Lux. Her curves plainly visible in her outfit while her sniper turns back into her revolver and colt 45. "What do you want?" She'd glare at him while trying to keep her sights on Valdan.

Diego: "Creator, I don't see this ending well."

Me: "Shhhhh, just eat the popcorn." Offers a bucket of popcorn to Diego.

Diego: "Where did you get this?"

Me: "Stole it from Dante's stash of food."

Diego: "I hate you more creator."
Dante: Stay out of my food!! Popcorn is a bitch to find these days! Speaking of which... Why did everyone decide we're moving into MY house?!" He grumbles crossing his arms over his chest.

Lux: "My my.... aren't you a lovely one....Strong... sassy... Hmm... yes... You're a tough one... Could probably take a real pounding and still keep going..." He slowly licks his lips as he watches her.

Dante: "Oh for fuck's sake Lux....." He face-palms before cracking a whip around Lux and yanking him back. "Heel boy..... Sit....."

Lux: "Dante.... it is not bondage time yet! Her clothes are still on!"

Dante: "......"
Dante: Stay out of my food!! Popcorn is a bitch to find these days! Speaking of which... Why did everyone decide we're moving into MY house?!" He grumbles crossing his arms over his chest.

Lux: "My my.... aren't you a lovely one....Strong... sassy... Hmm... yes... You're a tough one... Could probably take a real pounding and still keep going..." He slowly licks his lips as he watches her.

Dante: "Oh for fuck's sake Lux....." He face-palms before cracking a whip around Lux and yanking him back. "Heel boy..... Sit....."

Lux: "Dante.... it is not bondage time yet! Her clothes are still on!"

Dante: "......"
Armenia: "Awww, is that your attempt at a compliment. It's rather pathetic." Her pistols turn into desert eagles and point square at Lux's crotch. "I wonder how well your 'harem' will grow if I blow that square off your body." She smiled with vicious intent at Lux.

Diala: "Diego, this woman seems prone to violence. Should we avoid her."

Diego: While eating the popcorn, speaks up. "Nah. Lux is just such a pervert that she's actually responding appropriately."

Diala: "Really? Then what about during that little vision during the ship of you and Sn-"

Diego: Covers her mouth instantly. "Say nothing of that! That never happened! Our creator was just being weird again."

Diala: "I see. So what about that other woman from....." She silences at Diego's glare.

Diego: "We don't talk about my past Diala."

Diala: "Understood."

Armenia: "We can hear everything you two are saying!" She returns her smile towards Dante. "You didn't have to restrain him. I'm sure blowing his junk away with two magazines worth of Desert Eagle rounds would be enough to cool his jets."
Colt: "Sorry, Dante! Your house has a lot of room for my exercising equipment..." Smiles awkwardly.

Destrey: "Hey, Valdan. Why do you want to kill humanity?" Rips off some guy's head.

Colt: "How about we work-out to cool off our heads? That helps me out. It should work for you guys!"
Snow: *yawns a bit and rests her head in her hand while sitting beside Melody* Huh, at least you don't get threatened.
Melody: Of course not. I am a beacon of decorum *brushing hair*
Snow: -.-.....Then why do you never wear a top?
Melody: Um because flaunt it if you got it Snow.
Snow: You're just as bad as him Mel... just... different.
Melody: Of course. He's an incubus, I am a siren. He makes people want to have sex, I make people want to have sex so I can kill them ^.^
Colt: "Sorry, Dante! Your house has a lot of room for my exercising equipment..." Smiles awkwardly.

Destrey: "Hey, Valdan. Why do you want to kill humanity?" Rips off some guy's head.

Colt: "How about we work-out to cool off our heads? That helps me out. It should work for you guys!"
Valdan: "They're pathetic and weak." He impales one on his spear letting the memories of war kill him. "They destroyed this planet and expect us reapers to fix up their mess. I'm a god of war, not an over glorified maid. Ugh." He sighed tossing, the husk of a male to the side. "That annoying girl was just able to resist me too much and I couldn't continue my murder spree." He grumbled under his breath.
Armenia: "Awww, is that your attempt at a compliment. It's rather pathetic." Her pistols turn into desert eagles and point square at Lux's crotch. "I wonder how well your 'harem' will grow if I blow that square off your body." She smiled with vicious intent at Lux.

Diala: "Diego, this woman seems prone to violence. Should we avoid her."

Diego: While eating the popcorn, speaks up. "Nah. Lux is just such a pervert that she's actually responding appropriately."

Diala: "Really? Then what about during that little vision during the ship of you and Sn-"

Diego: Covers her mouth instantly. "Say nothing of that! That never happened! Our creator was just being weird again."

Diala: "I see. So what about that other woman from....." She silences at Diego's glare.

Diego: "We don't talk about my past Diala."

Diala: "Understood."

Armenia: "We can hear everything you two are saying!" She returns her smile towards Dante. "You didn't have to restrain him. I'm sure blowing his junk away with two magazines worth of Desert Eagle rounds would be enough to cool his jets."
Dante: "yeah, it probably would, but I'm still not exactly clear how injuries work when we have to get put back together. Frankly, I don't want to lose mine because he's a dumbass...." He shakes his head before looking at Colt. "At least you brought something useful...."

Lux: "This one will be a difficult acquisition... But I'm not so easily deterred...." He smirks.

Dante: "Will you just shut up already?" His eyes narrow as he whips him into a wall. "It's bad enough my home has been invaded. I'd rather not have you piss off everyone and get me kicked out of it"

Me: "I wonder how long it will take for people to realize Dante actually hates being alone...."

Dante: He gives me a glare that would end me if looks could kill. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up?! I really don't need everyone invading my personal space and knowing my personal business!"
Dante: "yeah, it probably would, but I'm still not exactly clear how injuries work when we have to get put back together. Frankly, I don't want to lose mine because he's a dumbass...." He shakes his head before looking at Colt. "At least you brought something useful...."

Lux: "This one will be a difficult acquisition... But I'm not so easily deterred...." He smirks.

Dante: "Will you just shut up already?" His eyes narrow as he whips him into a wall. "It's bad enough my home has been invaded. I'd rather not have you piss off everyone and get me kicked out of it"

Me: "I wonder how long it will take for people to realize Dante actually hates being alone...."

Dante: He gives me a glare that would end me if looks could kill. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up?! I really don't need everyone invading my personal space and knowing my personal business!"
Snow: Awww you hate being alone? Me too Dante ^.^

Melody: Yeaaa being alone sucks *lounging in her shallow pool* Snow I want you to start digging a wide slightly deep hole

Snow: Why?

Melody: Soooo I can have a proper place to be obviously.
Me: Hey who wants to come up with new ways to torture our Peeps ^.^ I'm thinking all the evil big baddies are forced in a cuddle puddle
Me: Appears out of nowhere. "Colt, you're in some weird gang..."

Colt: Jumps in fright. "Gah! You scared me!"

Destrey: Laughs. "Well, The Devil will surely take care of us if we don't do anything." Stops killing people. "The athlete of mine is sure strong-willed. Able to resist my possession over him the first time." He smiles evilly for fun.

Colt: "Lux, why're you such a pervert? Armenia, you should teach me how to use one of those. And, Dante, thanks for letting crash."

Me: "Torture my creations? Hmm... Maybe so."
Snow: Awww you hate being alone? Me too Dante ^.^

Melody: Yeaaa being alone sucks *lounging in her shallow pool* Snow I want you to start digging a wide slightly deep hole

Snow: Why?

Melody: Soooo I can have a proper place to be obviously.
Dante: He looks like he's about to say something, but realizing it's Snow talking, he closes his mouth and just looks away. "You ain't digging a hole in my house..... The lowest floor is my room, and I don't exactly want a swimming pool in my bedroom."

Lux: "Dante are you insane?!" He's suddenly right in front of Dante. "Putting a swimming space for Melody there would be perfect ! Then she'd basically be sharing a room and that would mean Snow sharing a room with you! Don't lie and tell me you don't want that!" he smirks up at Dante.

Dante: "......." The glaring is now at such a level Lux visibly shudders.

Lux: "Damn.... That's a menacing glare you've got....."

Dante: He says nothing and just shitwhips Lux into the wall again.

Me: Forcing all the Reapers in a cuddle pile? Lux would enjoy that too much. He'd find a way to get close to all the female reapers.... to charge that Perve Battery of his....
ooooh Let's Title this Filler: Torture of the Creations

Annnnd all our creations are powerless to stop it as their worst nightmares come true muahaha Like Destrey and Val have to be cuddled. Annnnd Melody and Lux... well Melody has to wear clothes while Lux is no around woman... and in clothes.

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