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Fantasy ABC's of Blep

Me: Unfortunately, It's time for me to crash so I get some sleep before work. Lux will probably need awhile to recover anyway.

Dante: "Considering how hard I cracked the whip? He'll be out at least till morning." He looks over at Ovia. "If you take any of my weapons, at least let me know. I try to keep an inventory of what I've got in case I ever need to barter with outsiders. Same reason I got that smokes stockpile. I don't smoke, but those that do treat that shit like gold"

Me: Anyways, time for me to conk out. Night Y'all!
Me: Unfortunately, It's time for me to crash so I get some sleep before work. Lux will probably need awhile to recover anyway.

Dante: "Considering how hard I cracked the whip? He'll be out at least till morning." He looks over at Ovia. "If you take any of my weapons, at least let me know. I try to keep an inventory of what I've got in case I ever need to barter with outsiders. Same reason I got that smokes stockpile. I don't smoke, but those that do treat that shit like gold"

Me: Anyways, time for me to conk out. Night Y'all!
Ovia: "Yeah sure, I won't take anything though, thanks for the offer. I'm fine with my three beauties." She informs shrugging with a smile.

Lorelai: "As long as we can inflict more pain in the morning... I'll tell our creator you went to sleep." She waves in a somewhat foreboding manner.

Ovia: "Stop being creepy."

Lorelai: "No."

Ovia: "...I tried."
Cel tosses Ovia and Lorelai into room, "Okay, I have to go now, so you two stay here with the other weirdos and...I don't know, chat a bit." Cel leaves as quickly as they came, muttering to their self.

Ovia looks over at Lorelai, "So what the hell was that?"

Lorelai blinks in confusion, "What? What was what?"

"The whole emotional shutdown thing? I almost died!"

"Almost dying wasn't fun?"


"It looked pretty fun."

"...You're insane."

"I am aware."

Ovia smacks her own face sighing as she looks around for help, "Can someone please back me up here, she's not hearing me!"
Me: "This is certainly not dead yet."

Colt: "What's not dead?"

Me: "Nothing...... of your concerns"

Destrey: The demon gets suspicious, so he grabs a gun.

Colt: "Welp, I'm going elsewhere."
Dante: ......I can't lie... bungee jumping was more fun than I thought it'd be considering it almost got two of us killed....

Lux: "And it got us closer to these two lovely ladies" He tosses an arm around each of them. "So I'd call that a win"

Dante: As he sees Destrey grab a gun. "..... that can only end badly......"
Colt: "You did some kind of spider-man move, right there."

Destrey: Very slowly loads the gun.

Colt: "It was pretty badass, Dante."
Ovia cringes at Lux's advancements and Lorelai in response gives a tight smile to him before delicately placing a hand on top of his.

Lorelai leans in close to whisper in Lux's ear, "If you don't get your filthy hand off of her, I will break you..." She emphasized her words by breaking the fingers she had grasped, all the while with a smile on her face.
Lux: He yelps when he feels his fingers broken, jumping back immediately. "What was that for?!"

Dante: He watches half expecting what happened. "As I've already said.... I'm incredibly sorry for him...." He keeps a wary eye on Destrey in case he appears to get trigger happy. All he can do is hope that Lux's actions don't get him in more trouble, given he's already labeled as a perve for it.... He looks at Colt. "I just did what needed to be done... Nothing more, nothing less...."
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Lorelai pulls the dumbfounded Ovia's head to her shoulder and glares at Lux, "Don't put your hands on what doesn't belong to you. Simple as that."

Ovia chuckles nervously from her position leaned on Lorelai's shoulder, not daring to move. "It's fine Dante, we're not blaming you..."

"If I were, your fingers would be broken too.", Lorelai added with a light-hearted laugh.
Destrey: Successfully loads the gun. Eyes at Lux and Melody.

Colt: "I assume your reaper is a killer, right Snow? Her song was pretty good."

Destrey: "That song confused my very existence..."
Dante: He laughs a little with Lorelai. "I just hope everyone else is so understanding.... I have enough labels without 'pervert' being added on...." He follows Destrey's gaze, and considers letting him pull the trigger, at least for a moment. "Sorry Destrey.... But for now we still need those two perverted idiots alive...." He flicks his wrist to snatch the gun out of Destrey's hand with a whip before he can try and murder either of the perverts.

Lux: "Doesn't belong to me?! Clearly you don't understand how a harem wo-" He's cut off as Dante's whip wraps around his neck before yanking him to the ground.

Dante: "Sit... damn perverted mongrel...." If looks could kill, Lux would already be dead....
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Destrey: Successfully loads the gun. Eyes at Lux and Melody.

Colt: "I assume your reaper is a killer, right Snow? Her song was pretty good."

Destrey: "That song confused my very existence..."
Snow: Yea... she likes to seduce people... and then drown them and eat them...

Melody: *waves from her little swimmy hole*

Snow: It confuses me too Destrey...
Ovia smiles at Dante and gives him a thumbs up, "Thanks bro."

Lorelai turns to Ovia and presses her lips to the top of her head before looking to Destrey, "The song was indeed hauntingly beautiful. Befitting of a reaper."
Dante: He shakes his head. "Reigning him in is just part of the deal, I suppose...." He flicks his wrist so he skidds right next to Melody's pool. "I will say though, this whips are quite handy"
Ovia smiles at Dante and gives him a thumbs up, "Thanks bro."

Lorelai turns to Ovia and presses her lips to the top of her head before looking to Destrey, "The song was indeed hauntingly beautiful. Befitting of a reaper."
Melody: Stop stop you're making me blush *purring happily as she swims around*
Melody: Stop stop you're making me blush *purring happily as she swims around*
Lorelai smirks teasingly, "Well I can't help but tell the truth. Your voice is lovely."

Ovia looks up at the reaper incredulously, "Kind of a flirt aren't you?"

"I'm not flirting dear, you must be imagining things."

"Huh, I must be..."
Lux: Watches the flirting from the ground "good good... now kiss her...."

Dante: "It's like he enjoys getting the shit beat out of him..." he sighs and shakes his head. "At least now he can do it in his own body.. I've already got one scar, I don't need more.."
Lorelai smirks teasingly, "Well I can't help but tell the truth. Your voice is lovely."

Ovia looks up at the reaper incredulously, "Kind of a flirt aren't you?"

"I'm not flirting."

"Could've fooled me."
Melody: Smirks right back and gives a wink, coming to the water's edge. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head Ovia. Me and Lori here are just two reapers appreciating each other. I loved how you put that stupid little disrespectful human Diego in his place." Splashed her tail a bit.
Lux: Watches the flirting from the ground "good good... now kiss her...."

Dante: "It's like he enjoys getting the shit beat out of him..." he sighs and shakes his head. "At least now he can do it in his own body.. I've already got one scar, I don't need more.."
Snow: "Awwww you have a scar? You know coconut oil can help smooth scar tissue and prevent future scarring." Smiles.
Snow: "Awwww you have a scar? You know coconut oil can help smooth scar tissue and prevent future scarring." Smiles.
Dante: maybe. But this scar is around a decade old now. It ain't going anywhere and it ain't getting any less ugly looking... Even the healing factor I got from Lux doesn't touch it ..
Melody: Smirks right back and gives a wink, coming to the water's edge. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head Ovia. Me and Lori here are just two reapers appreciating each other. I loved how you put that stupid little disrespectful human Diego in his place." Splashed her tail a bit.
Lorelai smiles widely, "Well I had to be thorough. The little whelp didn't understand how to properly address a being such as I, something had to be done."

Ovia rolls her eyes and looks to the side, Lorelai chuckles and pets her head before turning back to Melody. "Though your decision to begin singing to soothe the agitated souls in the room, quite ingenious really. A marvelous effort on your behalf.", Lorelai's eyes flash a light shade of green as she speaks.
Dante: maybe. But this scar is around a decade old now. It ain't going anywhere and it ain't getting any less ugly looking... Even the healing factor I got from Lux doesn't touch it ..
Snow: "Well, I think it ads characters. Don't you worry about it at all. Oh oh oh guess what!! I made TWO best friends. Colt and Nora are now my best friends. Yay!" Claps her hands excitedly.
Lorelai smiles widely, "Well I had to be thorough. The little whelp didn't understand how to properly address a being such as I, something had to be done."

Ovia rolls her eyes and looks to the side, Lorelai chuckles and pets her head before turning back to Melody. "Though your decision to begin singing to soothe the agitated souls in the room, quite ingenious really. A marvelous effort on your behalf.", Lorelai's eyes flash a light shade of green as she speaks.
Me: *eating popcorn and watching* This should be titled something... everyone think of funny titles for this filler haha

Melody: She bats her eyelashes, pleased as a peach under the praise. "Of course, someone only of your strong abilities and wicked ways could appreciate a good old controlling of lesser beings."

Snow: "Hey!"

Melody: Sighs and rests her head in her hand. "You know, I think this is the start of a gloriously evil friendship."

Snow: "Oh god no... This will not end well..."
Snow: "Well, I think it ads characters. Don't you worry about it at all. Oh oh oh guess what!! I made TWO best friends. Colt and Nora are now my best friends. Yay!" Claps her hands excitedly.

Me: *eating popcorn and watching* This should be titled something... everyone think of funny titles for this filler haha

Melody: She bats her eyelashes, pleased as a peach under the praise. "Of course, someone only of your strong abilities and wicked ways could appreciate a good old controlling of lesser beings."

Snow: "Hey!"

Melody: Sighs and rests her head in her hand. "You know, I think this is the start of a gloriously evil friendship."

Snow: "Oh god no... This will not end well..."
Dante: "good to hear. Friends.. good ones at least... are hard to find..." his eyes shift to Melody and he makes eye contact, the colors of his iris seeming to swirl because of the Hypnotic Gaze. "Climb out of the water..."
Me: *eating popcorn and watching* This should be titled something... everyone think of funny titles for this filler haha

Melody: She bats her eyelashes, pleased as a peach under the praise. "Of course, someone only of your strong abilities and wicked ways could appreciate a good old controlling of lesser beings."

Snow: "Hey!"

Melody: Sighs and rests her head in her hand. "You know, I think this is the start of a gloriously evil friendship."

Snow: "Oh god no... This will not end well..."
Ovia sighs and tries to lift her head up to look at Snow, but is stopped as Lorelai refuses to move her hand. "Snow, sorry to say it, but I think you're right. Not even going to sugarcoat it.", she deadpans in mental exhaustion.

Lorelai giggles in amusement, "Yes I believe this will be a wonderful friendship indeed, Melody darling."

Ovia groans in despair.

"Shush dear."

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