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Fantasy ABC's of Blep

Me: He appears at a random time to drop off four reluctant individuals. "Play nice."

Armenia: "Can do...." Her voice trailed off as she looked about the place again. She liked that the swimming hole she'd made was still present.

Valdan: "You cannot order me, I am the Reaper of War! I will plunge this world into.......and he's gone." He sighs in frustration. "Why are all humans so idiotically annoying!!"

Diala: "Valdan, take deep breaths. Humans have some value. After all, war wouldn't exist without them. And without war, you'd be the reaper of nothing."

Valdan: "Diala, if I wanted a therapy session or support group, I'D ASK FOR IT!"

Diego: Casually lights his cigarette and looks for weaknesses within his current position.
Dante: He can't help but laugh. "I can't say I have. But that's probably because I wear a helmet with a faceshield since the eyebrows incident." For now, he pushes the truth of his thieving ways to the back of his mind. She didn't need to know. Not yet at least..

Lux: He's finally got the lead out. "He's going to suffer... once that trigger happy girl is asleep... I can't believe he let her shoot at me.." he fumes, already plotting what he'd do once Dante was alone with the rest asleep on another floor.
Dante: He can't help but laugh. "I can't say I have. But that's probably because I wear a helmet with a faceshield since the eyebrows incident." For now, he pushes the truth of his thieving ways to the back of his mind. She didn't need to know. Not yet at least..

Lux: He's finally got the lead out. "He's going to suffer... once that trigger happy girl is asleep... I can't believe he let her shoot at me.." he fumes, already plotting what he'd do once Dante was alone with the rest asleep on another floor.
Ovia laughed slightly and turned to face him, "Well I was twelve. I did not know I needed to do that. And my hair," She leveled her hand at her thigh, "Used to reach to here." She snickered, "But I guess it was a blessing in disguise, I had forgotten how much more manageable short hair was!" She then looked off to the side smiling fondly at the memory, "But I really did have to cut all of it off, like shaved! I looked like a boy for about two years afterwards until it grew out like this."

She ran her fingers through her neck-length hair giggling a bit, "I remember crying so loudly when I saw myself in the mirror! Shit, it feels like it was so long ago..."
Ovia laughed slightly and turned to face him, "Well I was twelve. I did not know I needed to do that. And my hair," She leveled her hand at her thigh, "Used to reach to here." She snickered, "But I guess it was a blessing in disguise, I had forgotten how much more manageable short hair was!" She then looked off to the side smiling fondly at the memory, "But I really did have to cut all of it off, like shaved! I looked like a boy for about two years afterwards until it grew out like this."

She ran her fingers through her neck-length hair giggling a bit, "I remember crying so loudly when I saw myself in the mirror! Shit, it feels like it was so long ago..."
Dante: he smiles as she recounts the memory. "See, I had the opposite problem. My hair got pretty long when I was youger because I never thought to cut it" he pauses, pointing to the middle of his back. "I got mistaken for a girl a lot until I matured and started getting hair on my face too" he laughed at that memory.

"I eventually cut it myself just because it kept getting in the way. You're right, it's more manageable like this" he smiles over at her as he runs his fingers through his own shoulder-length hair. Any longer and it got in the way of being a thief...
Dante: he smiles as she recounts the memory. "See, I had the opposite problem. My hair got pretty long when I was youger because I never thought to cut it" he pauses, pointing to the middle of his back. "I got mistaken for a girl a lot until I matured and started getting hair on my face too" he laughed at that memory.
Ovia covers her mouth to stop herself from laughing, "No way, I - no offence - cannot imagine you with long hair. Glad you joined the short hair club!"

She sighed and shook her head, "And my amah, she teased the hell out of me for those two long years. I mean, yeah I can imagine being mistaken for a girl would be annoying, but imagine being teased about it by someone who knows you and won't stop bringing it up!" She grinned at nothing, remembering her godmother's antics.
Ovia covers her mouth to stop herself from laughing, "No way, I - no offence - cannot imagine you with long hair. Glad you joined the short hair club!"

She sighed and shook her head, "And my amah, she teased the hell out of me for those two long years. I mean, yeah I can imagine being mistaken for a girl would be annoying, but imagine being teased about it by someone who knows you and won't stop bringing it up!" She grinned at nothing, remembering her godmother's antics.
Dante: "I wouldn't have a clue about that. I've been on my own as long as I can remember" He laughs anyway at the thought. Clearly, the fact he's been on his own so long doesn't bother him much. "Needless to say, I'm better off on all counts having it shorter. Less of a fire hazard too if something I'm working on decides to combust"

Me: He appears at a random time to drop off four reluctant individuals. "Play nice."

Armenia: "Can do...." Her voice trailed off as she looked about the place again. She liked that the swimming hole she'd made was still present.

Valdan: "You cannot order me, I am the Reaper of War! I will plunge this world into.......and he's gone." He sighs in frustration. "Why are all humans so idiotically annoying!!"

Diala: "Valdan, take deep breaths. Humans have some value. After all, war wouldn't exist without them. And without war, you'd be the reaper of nothing."

Valdan: "Diala, if I wanted a therapy session or support group, I'D ASK FOR IT!"

Diego: Casually lights his cigarette and looks for weaknesses within his current position.
Lux: By now, he's moved out of that floor, not exactly intent on getting shot at a second time. He pauses, looking over at Armenia and Diala and his sour expression immediately brightens. "well, hello there ladies!" He starts to saunter over, clearly expecting his physical charms to wow them. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long"
Dante: "I wouldn't have a clue about that. I've been on my own as long as I can remember" He laughs anyway at the thought. Clearly, the fact he's been on his own so long doesn't bother him much. "Needless to say, I'm better off on all counts having it shorter. Less of a fire hazard too if something I'm working on decides to combust"
Ovia laughs and is surprised by Lorelai suddenly slinging an arm around her and pulling her into her chest, "Um Lorelai? What are you...?"

Lorelai gazes at Dante curiously and...with a hint of jealousy? Her yellow tinted eyes hardening a bit, "You two seem to be getting along well over here. A little too well..."

Ovia doesn't try to move, knowing the reaper won't let her, and sighs. "Yeah, well what's wrong with that? We're making polite conversation, ever try it before?"

"Of course I have...I just have different topics I like to discuss. Anyways.", Lorelai looks down at Ovia and pets her head, "I don't want Dante to take you away from me, you're my precious host."

Ovia feels the urge to throw her hands up in defeat but just groans, "Lorelai please! I can't be taken away from you, because I don't belong to you! Please stop smushing my face into your boobs!"

Lorelai pouts, but doesn't want to let go of Ovia's head...and so, doesn't.
Ovia laughs and is surprised by Lorelai suddenly slinging an arm around her and pulling her into her chest, "Um Lorelai? What are you...?"

Lorelai gazes at Dante curiously and...with a hint of jealousy? Her yellow tinted eyes hardening a bit, "You two seem to be getting along well over here. A little too well..."

Ovia doesn't try to move, knowing the reaper won't let her, and sighs. "Yeah, well what's wrong with that? We're making polite conversation, ever try it before?"

"Of course I have...I just have different topics I like to discuss. Anyways.", Lorelai looks down at Ovia and pets her head, "I don't want Dante to take you away from me, you're my precious host."

Ovia feels the urge to throw her hands up in defeat but just groans, "Lorelai please! I can't be taken away from you, because I don't belong to you! Please stop smushing my face into your boobs!"

Lorelai pouts, but doesn't want to let go of Ovia's head...and so, doesn't.
Dante blinks a bit in surprise at Lorelai's sudden possessive streak. His face almost starts to flush at Ovia's comment about being smushed into Lorelai's boobs, but a quick drop in body temperature fixes that. His gaze holds Lorelai's, wondering what suddenly changed to cause her to intervene. "You know, you might suffocate her if you keep smothering her like that" He smiles, using that joke to break the silence he'd been holding. "If you wanted us to change the discussion topic, though, you could have just said something. I didn't mean for you to feel left out" he rubs the back of his head, hoping a little conversation might convince her to release the captive Ovia from her bosom.

Sure, he could just use his hypnotic eyes to do that, but that would likely backfire horribly once it broke. No, it was more polite and safer in the long run just to do things his usual way.
Dante blinks a bit in surprise at Lorelai's sudden possessive streak. His face almost starts to flush at Ovia's comment about being smushed into Lorelai's boobs, but a quick drop in body temperature fixes that. His gaze holds Lorelai's, wondering what suddenly changed to cause her to intervene. "You know, you might suffocate her if you keep smothering her like that" He smiles, using that joke to break the silence he'd been holding. "If you wanted us to change the discussion topic, though, you could have just said something. I didn't mean for you to feel left out" he rubs the back of his head, hoping a little conversation might convince her to release the captive Ovia from her bosom.

Sure, he could just use his hypnotic eyes to do that, but that would likely backfire horribly once it broke. No, it was more polite and safer in the long run just to do things his usual way.
Lorelai was suddenly blushing at Dante's words, releasing Ovia's head, she storms over to Dante and places a finger at the center of his chest. "Now listen here," she speaks softly trying not to yell, "I never insinuated I felt 'left out' of anything. I just don't want Ovia affiliating with anyone who might taint her innocence, and you know what I'm talking about!"

She then crosses her arms as the blush and the pink in her eyes fades away, "I don't know why Lux chose you of all humans, so I still don't trust you."

Ovia raises a finger in suggestion, "Maybe it's because he's attractive?"

Lorelai looks back at her, "Attractive?" She turns back to Dante with eyes of scrutiny and squints, "I don't see it."

Ovia can't help but snicker, "Damn you're cold. And what did you mean by 'taint' me?"

Lorelai sighs and shakes her head, "You precious, innocent child..."

Ovia's face is blank for a good minute before she blushes red, mortified as she realizes. "Oh...my fuck Lorelai! That's gross! What the hell?", she squeaks indignantly.
Dante couldn't help but laugh at the whole exchange. Obviously, Lorelai's cold comment didn't faze him, if anything the whole exchange was a welcome reprieve from Lux's antics. "The sad thing is... Ovia is right. Lux selected me purely based on my looks" Dante admitted a little sheepishly.

"I wish there was a more profound reason, but as far as he's concerned, I'm just a pawn in his game to make a harem.." Dante shrugged his shoulders. "It's just a happy coincidence that I'm capable as far as he's concerned. Means he doesn't have to do as much fighting."

"I guess it makes sense, in a way. One of the abilities he passed onto me is completely dependant on the target finding me attractive." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. If he was honest, both the reaper and host in front of him were absolutely adorable when they were blushing. He wondered if that was one taking after the other, or just a coincidence.
Dante couldn't help but laugh at the whole exchange. Obviously, Lorelai's cold comment didn't faze him, if anything the whole exchange was a welcome reprieve from Lux's antics. "The sad thing is... Ovia is right. Lux selected me purely based on my looks" Dante admitted a little sheepishly.

"I wish there was a more profound reason, but as far as he's concerned, I'm just a pawn in his game to make a harem.." Dante shrugged his shoulders. "It's just a happy coincidence that I'm capable as far as he's concerned. Means he doesn't have to do as much fighting."

"I guess it makes sense, in a way. One of the abilities he passed onto me is completely dependant on the target finding me attractive." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. If he was honest, both the reaper and host in front of him were absolutely adorable when they were blushing. He wondered if that was one taking after the other, or just a coincidence.
Lorelai and Ovia looks at Dante incredulously.

"She was right?", Lorelai muttered in disappointment more than disbelief.

"I was right? Lux, you lowlife fucker...", Ovia also mutters in disappointment.

"Though it is quite lucky that you also have a base for everyone to reside in, and supplies to sustain everyone.", Lorelai notes more to herself than Dante.

"Yeah, you're actually a really cool guy too!", Ovia complimented before blushing a bit harder and looking away, "Y'know, despite the reason Lux chose you...he's an asshole is what I'm trying to say, but I'm glad he chose you instead of another asshole."

Lorelai snickered at the girl, "A bit awkward aren't you?"

Lorelai and Ovia looks at Dante incredulously.

"She was right?", Lorelai muttered in disappointment more than disbelief.

"I was right? Lux, you lowlife fucker...", Ovia also mutters in disappointment.

"Though it is quite lucky that you also have a base for everyone to reside in, and supplies to sustain everyone.", Lorelai notes more to herself than Dante.

"Yeah, you're actually a really cool guy too!", Ovia complimented before blushing a bit harder and looking away, "Y'know, despite the reason Lux chose you...he's an asshole is what I'm trying to say, but I'm glad he chose you instead of another asshole."

Lorelai snickered at the girl, "A bit awkward aren't you?"

Dante rubs the back of his head, a flush held at bay by a drop in body temperature. "Thanks... I guess it's lucky for everyone Lux picked me, even if it's just because I have this silo and enough supplies to equip a small army" He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Still, would have been nice if he at least pretended he picked me because of some deep reason. Instead of outright admitting he just picked me because he thinks I look good..."

No doubt it's starting to look pretty strange that pretty boy somehow has this base and all these supplies when most settlements barely have anything close to as much.

"Well, whatever his petty reasoning... On the upside I got to meet the two of you, so it's not all bad being possessed as far as I'm concerned.." A smile crosses his lips.
Dante rubs the back of his head, a flush held at bay by a drop in body temperature. "Thanks... I guess it's lucky for everyone Lux picked me, even if it's just because I have this silo and enough supplies to equip a small army" He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Still, would have been nice if he at least pretended he picked me because of some deep reason. Instead of outright admitting he just picked me because he thinks I look good..."

No doubt it's starting to look pretty strange that pretty boy somehow has this base and all these supplies when most settlements barely have anything close to as much.

"Well, whatever his petty reasoning... On the upside I got to meet the two of you, so it's not all bad being possessed as far as I'm concerned.." A smile crosses his lips.
All at once Lorelai is blushing again and Ovia is sputtering, they can't seem to find words to respond as they stand there. Lorelai then glares at Dante embarrassed and very flattered, "Y-you foolish boy! Don't try to use flattery to lower my guard! Though I am quite an exemplary example of my species, I did not need you to state so!"

Ovia just laughs awkwardly as she looks off to the side and covers her face, knowing she probably looks like a tomato, and unable to formulate a response to Dante's statement. She can't help the smile that appears underneath her hands as she thinks one thing, 'Fuck.'
All at once Lorelai is blushing again and Ovia is sputtering, they can't seem to find words to respond as they stand there. Lorelai then glares at Dante embarrassed and very flattered, "Y-you foolish boy! Don't try to use flattery to lower my guard! Though I am quite an exemplary example of my species, I did not need you to state so!"

Ovia just laughs awkwardly as she looks off to the side and covers her face, knowing she probably looks like a tomato, and unable to formulate a response to Dante's statement. She can't help the smile that appears underneath her hands as she thinks one thing, 'Fuck.'
Dante can't help a laugh at Lorelai's response. "That was just me being honest." He smiles, noting how cute both host and reaper are when they're blushing so obviously...

Lux meanwhile, can feel a disturbance in the force. "...no way.. he's actually making progress with those two?" A smirk curls across his lips.

Dante sighs a little, realizing the irony in saying he's being honest when he's a thief. "So Ovia.. how did you get by before? I mean... like what did you do in your settlement?" He inquires. It's been so long since he was part of one he's almost completely forgotten how they function.
Dante can't help a laugh at Lorelai's response. "That was just me being honest." He smiles, noting how cute both host and reaper are when they're blushing so obviously...

Lux meanwhile, can feel a disturbance in the force. "...no way.. he's actually making progress with those two?" A smirk curls across his lips.

Dante sighs a little, realizing the irony in saying he's being honest when he's a thief. "So Ovia.. how did you get by before? I mean... like what did you do in your settlement?" He inquires. It's been so long since he was part of one he's almost completely forgotten how they function.
Lorelai flushes and shakes her head furiously before crouching down and jumping to the ceiling and sticking there.

Ovia's head snaps up at the noise and looks up, she stares at Lorelai stuck to the ceiling much like the spider queen she claims to be, her long skirt and hair dangling a bit below her. Ovia smiles and gives Dante an awkward smirk, "Don't worry, she'll come back when she calms down." Her blush fades a bit as she drops her hands.

"The Merso Sanctum is a democracy I guess? We live in clans and each one has a representative that attend meetings and schtick to decide things. My amah is the representative of my clan.", Ovia recalled softly before smiling, "We work in shifts to guard entrances, that's what I did sometimes. Most of the time though, I'd be one of the people bringing in food."
Lorelai flushes and shakes her head furiously before crouching down and jumping to the ceiling and sticking there.

Ovia's head snaps up at the noise and looks up, she stares at Lorelai stuck to the ceiling much like the spider queen she claims to be, her long skirt and hair dangling a bit below her. Ovia smiles and gives Dante an awkward smirk, "Don't worry, she'll come back when she calms down." Her blush fades a bit as she drops her hands.

"The Merso Sanctum is a democracy I guess? We live in clans and each one has a representative that attend meetings and schtick to decide things. My amah is the representative of my clan.", Ovia recalled softly before smiling, "We work in shifts to guard entrances, that's what I did sometimes. Most of the time though, I'd be one of the people bringing in food."
Dante's eyes follow Lorelai as she makes her hasty escape to the high, vaulted ceilings. When Ovia starts talking, his gaze diverts once more to her. "Sounds confusing, the political part I mean. I've never really had to deal with that myself... The gathering food part I have though. Those hogs outside are great for food, but they're dangerous as hell to hunt... Almost got myself killed doing it a few times..." he crossed his arms over his chest as he recalled those less than pleasant memories.

Around this time, Lux has returned and from his angle, he can see right up Lorelai's skirt. He stays hidden on the stairs, enjoying the all too perfect view while only half listening to the idle chitchat of his vessel.

"As i found out the hard way, hunting is just another thing I don't have any natural knack for" He chuckled as he leaned on the wall next to Ovia. "I swear.. It seems like everyone the reapers possessed has some great skill they can contribute.. Nora's a damn tech genius, Diego's a hand to hand combat specialist, you and Armenia are sharpshooters, Snow knows more about plants and herbs than I thought possible, Luciana's basically a doctor... I mean the list goes on... And me? well I'm just a...." he pauses, realizing he almost said it out loud before he abruptly shuts his mouth. "Just... a guy with a silo...." He adds on slowly trying to recover from his slip-up, hoping Ovia and Lorelai didn't notice.
Dante's eyes follow Lorelai as she makes her hasty escape to the high, vaulted ceilings. When Ovia starts talking, his gaze diverts once more to her. "Sounds confusing, the political part I mean. I've never really had to deal with that myself... The gathering food part I have though. Those hogs outside are great for food, but they're dangerous as hell to hunt... Almost got myself killed doing it a few times..." he crossed his arms over his chest as he recalled those less than pleasant memories.

Around this time, Lux has returned and from his angle, he can see right up Lorelai's skirt. He stays hidden on the stairs, enjoying the all too perfect view while only half listening to the idle chitchat of his vessel.

"As i found out the hard way, hunting is just another thing I don't have any natural knack for" He chuckled as he leaned on the wall next to Ovia. "I swear.. It seems like everyone the reapers possessed has some great skill they can contribute.. Nora's a damn tech genius, Diego's a hand to hand combat specialist, you and Armenia are sharpshooters, Snow knows more about plants and herbs than I thought possible, Luciana's basically a doctor... I mean the list goes on... And me? well I'm just a...." he pauses, realizing he almost said it out loud before he abruptly shuts his mouth. "Just... a guy with a silo...." He adds on slowly trying to recover from his slip-up, hoping Ovia and Lorelai didn't notice.
Lorelai clings to the ceiling, trying to will her blush away. What was that boy thinking? Of course of how glorious her majesty was, but he was so blunt about it! She sniffs the air and frowns, she smells...a rat...

Ovia stares at Dante, her blush fading nearly completely. "I don't believe that.", she states in unwavering confidence. She walks up closer to him and grips the sleeve of his shirt, tugging it as she speaks. "Lorelai told me that...if I hadn't passed her test when we first met, I would have died. And that's scary and all, but I'm glad I did," she looks up into his eyes her own eyes determined, "Because she told me, that it wasn't only my will that...kept me alive, but my strength in spirit...or something like that. And she said that any vessel that was weak in spirit would have died within an hour of being possessed."

She lets go of his sleeve and sighs, "I know I may sound crazy when I say it, but we have a purpose on this literal, godforsaken world, and we are the few that are strong enough to fulfill that purpose. So, no, you're not just 'the guy with the silo', okay?" She gives a soft smile, "You can't be, 'cause you're still here..."
Lorelai clings to the ceiling, trying to will her blush away. What was that boy thinking? Of course of how glorious her majesty was, but he was so blunt about it! She sniffs the air and frowns, she smells...a rat...

Ovia stares at Dante, her blush fading nearly completely. "I don't believe that.", she states in unwavering confidence. She walks up closer to him and grips the sleeve of his shirt, tugging it as she speaks. "Lorelai told me that...if I hadn't passed her test when we first met, I would have died. And that's scary and all, but I'm glad I did," she looks up into his eyes her own eyes determined, "Because she told me, that it wasn't only my will that...kept me alive, but my strength in spirit...or something like that. And she said that any vessel that was weak in spirit would have died within an hour of being possessed."

She lets go of his sleeve and sighs, "I know I may sound crazy when I say it, but we have a purpose on this literal, godforsaken world, and we are the few that are strong enough to fulfill that purpose. So, no, you're not just 'the guy with the silo', okay?" She gives a soft smile, "You can't be, 'cause you're still here..."
Dante manages a bit of smile, wondering if she'd still say that if she knew. "I'm still here because I just plain refuse to die, no matter what..." His eyes hold her gaze for several moments, searching for the answer to a question he has yet to ask. He sighs a little and averts his gaze. "I'm surprised no one ever asked how I got all this stuff..." he murmurs, more to himself than anyone else. Did they all just trust him, or did none of them care? Or was it a case where they preferred not to know so they could pretend to keep their hands clean? He had thought it'd be about the first question anyone asked, given he had gadets and gizmos aplenty. Whosits and whatsits galore.. Not to mention thingamabobs...

He had more possessions than several settlements put together, and yet no one had asked how he'd acquired it all. He had already mentioned he didn't have any particular skill, so why weren't any of them questioning it?

While Dante went through this dilemma of conscience, Lux was quite enjoying himself, openly oggling the delicate garments of the Spider Queen, unaware or just choosing not to acknowledge the possibility that he had been sniffed out.
Dante manages a bit of smile, wondering if she'd still say that if she knew. "I'm still here because I just plain refuse to die, no matter what..." His eyes hold her gaze for several moments, searching for the answer to a question he has yet to ask. He sighs a little and averts his gaze. "I'm surprised no one ever asked how I got all this stuff..." he murmurs, more to himself than anyone else. Did they all just trust him, or did none of them care? Or was it a case where they preferred not to know so they could pretend to keep their hands clean? He had thought it'd be about the first question anyone asked, given he had gadets and gizmos aplenty. Whosits and whatsits galore.. Not to mention thingamabobs...

He had more possessions than several settlements put together, and yet no one had asked how he'd acquired it all. He had already mentioned he didn't have any particular skill, so why weren't any of them questioning it?

While Dante went through this dilemma of conscience, Lux was quite enjoying himself, openly oggling the delicate garments of the Spider Queen, unaware or just choosing not to acknowledge the possibility that he had been sniffed out.
Lorelai feels a shudder go up her spine and she scowls. She releases her hands from the ceiling and twists her body to glare at Lux with red eyes. Her skirt now hangs carelessly around her torso, exposing the black underwear and stockings underneath. She gives no indication that she cares. She leaps down and begins stalking over to him, her bare feet leaving black web-like patterns in their wake. "You miserable cretin!", she roars as her mouth fills with venom.

Ovia is distracted by this and turns back to Dante smiling a bit, "So! Who owned this place before you? It's huge, maintenance must be a bitch." She seems to not have heard him.
Lorelai feels a shudder go up her spine and she scowls. She releases her hands from the ceiling and twists her body to glare at Lux with red eyes. Her skirt now hangs carelessly around her torso, exposing the black underwear and stockings underneath. She gives no indication that she cares. She leaps down and begins stalking over to him, her bare feet leaving black web-like patterns in their wake. "You miserable cretin!", she roars as her mouth fills with venom.

Ovia is distracted by this and turns back to Dante smiling a bit, "So! Who owned this place before you? It's huge, maintenance must be a bitch." She seems to not have heard him.
Lux's jaw almost hits the floor when she stands up, and it's clear he's taking the time to commit every curve of her body to memory. It's not until she yells that he realizes how busted he is. "Oh would you look at the time..." He feigns checking his watch before bolting back down the stairs, knowing full well he would not enjoy an eyeful of whatever she was bringing up.

"That idiot...." Dante just shakes his head, Lux's perverted antics snapping him out of his mindset at last. His gaze returns to Ovia when she starts asking about his silo. "I... Can't say I really know. When I found this place the only occupants were a couple of skeletons. So they weren't all that lively.... You're right though, maintenance is a nightmare... I had several of the power generators decide to break down over the span of a month... It wasn't easy getting the smaller ones I put in their place...." In truth, it had been a fairly simple heist, but that wasn't something he wanted to outright mention....
Lux's jaw almost hits the floor when she stands up, and it's clear he's taking the time to commit every curve of her body to memory. It's not until she yells that he realizes how busted he is. "Oh would you look at the time..." He feigns checking his watch before bolting back down the stairs, knowing full well he would not enjoy an eyeful of whatever she was bringing up.

"That idiot...." Dante just shakes his head, Lux's perverted antics snapping him out of his mindset at last. His gaze returns to Ovia when she starts asking about his silo. "I... Can't say I really know. When I found this place the only occupants were a couple of skeletons. So they weren't all that lively.... You're right though, maintenance is a nightmare... I had several of the power generators decide to break down over the span of a month... It wasn't easy getting the smaller ones I put in their place...." In truth, it had been a fairly simple heist, but that wasn't something he wanted to outright mention....
Lorelai screamed and nearly glides down the stairs after Lux, spitting bullet-like liquid venom at his retreating back. She launches herself down the stairs to tackle him. "You'd better start begging for forgiveness from your queen before I burn and gouge out your eyes you lecherous beast!"

Ovia hears Lorelai screaming in rage and tries to keep herself from laughing and tries to concentrate on what Dante is saying. She laughs at his joke and morbidly wonders what a skeleton looks like, dead bodies she's seen before but...

She shakes her head dismissing the thought. "It must have been hard," she clears her dry throat, "All by yourself I mean... Did you get lonely?" She asked genuinely worried.
Lorelai screamed and nearly glides down the stairs after Lux, spitting bullet-like liquid venom at his retreating back. She launches herself down the stairs to tackle him. "You'd better start begging for forgiveness from your queen before I burn and gouge out your eyes you lecherous beast!"

Ovia hears Lorelai screaming in rage and tries to keep herself from laughing and tries to concentrate on what Dante is saying. She laughs at his joke and morbidly wonders what a skeleton looks like, dead bodies she's seen before but...

She shakes her head dismissing the thought. "It must have been hard," she clears her dry throat, "All by yourself I mean... Did you get lonely?" She asked genuinely worried.
By now Dante was used to Lux causing issues, and barely even flinched when Lorelai screamed. At Ovia's question, a small, sad smile crept over his lips. "Every single day....." He admitted breaking his gaze from her once again. That was far and away the hardest part of his life, at least as far as he was concerned...

Lux just smirks up at her. "It seems her majesty has forgotten a few things..." Even with her full weight on him, he simply sits up as if her weight were that of a feather. "You see... I wasn't running... I just didn't want any interference..." His eyebrows quirk as a whip suddenly wraps around her form. "A lecherous beast... Isn't that being a bit harsh? After all... That is where I get all my power.." he flicks his wrist, the whip pulling her off and away from him. "I think it's time that a certain Queen learns how to kneel..." a cruel smirk spreads slowly over his lips as the whips start to slowly build up an electric charge that causes the skin to tingle....
By now Dante was used to Lux causing issues, and barely even flinched when Lorelai screamed. At Ovia's question, a small, sad smile crept over his lips. "Every single day....." He admitted breaking his gaze from her once again. That was far and away the hardest part of his life, at least as far as he was concerned...

Lux just smirks up at her. "It seems her majesty has forgotten a few things..." Even with her full weight on him, he simply sits up as if her weight were that of a feather. "You see... I wasn't running... I just didn't want any interference..." His eyebrows quirk as a whip suddenly wraps around her form. "A lecherous beast... Isn't that being a bit harsh? After all... That is where I get all my power.." he flicks his wrist, the whip pulling her off and away from him. "I think it's time that a certain Queen learns how to kneel..." a cruel smirk spreads slowly over his lips as the whips start to slowly build up an electric charge that causes the skin to tingle....
Ovia frowned and sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that." She'd been raised with family, lived with family, and hadn't been separated from them for any longer than a day. Living without them would be...hell...

She has no idea how to respond, nor what to feel. She wasn't one to pity. Pity was for things that couldn't help themselves, and that didn't sound like Dante. She was just, sorry that he was alone.


Lorelai shrieks in surprise at Lux's sudden attack, and gives a coy grin. "Well, it seems the beast has some tricks...", she comments lowly. She can feel the hum of electricity building in the whip around her and she hums in interest. Her eyes still glow red, but darker now as she leans towards Lux, nearly close enough to kiss him before stopping. Her eyes twinkle with the slightest hint of pink. "But you have much to learn," she giggles out as her hands seem to turn black as venom surrounds them and solidifies and she grips the whip, "A queen bows to no one, not even her king!"

She closes her mouth only to open it again seconds later as more than a few camel spiders emerge from whatever void she summons them from, spitting them onto Lux as her hands work to release her from his whip. She was not opposed to fighting dirty.
Ovia frowned and sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that." She'd been raised with family, lived with family, and hadn't been separated from them for any longer than a day. Living without them would be...hell...

She has no idea how to respond, nor what to feel. She wasn't one to pity. Pity was for things that couldn't help themselves, and that didn't sound like Dante. She was just, sorry that he was alone.


Lorelai shrieks in surprise at Lux's sudden attack, and gives a coy grin. "Well, it seems the beast has some tricks...", she comments lowly. She can feel the hum of electricity building in the whip around her and she hums in interest. Her eyes still glow red, but darker now as she leans towards Lux, nearly close enough to kiss him before stopping. Her eyes twinkle with the slightest hint of pink. "But you have much to learn," she giggles out as her hands seem to turn black as venom surrounds them and solidifies and she grips the whip, "A queen bows to no one, not even her king!"

She closes her mouth only to open it again seconds later as more than a few camel spiders emerge from whatever void she summons them from, spitting them onto Lux as her hands work to release her from his whip. She was not opposed to fighting dirty.
Dante shook his head. "It's something you get used to after awhile. It's.... I'll admit, it's taking some adjustment having so many people around me for extended periods. But... It's nice, well, for the most part at least. I could do without Lux, but you, Lorelai and the others... well... most of them anyway.... Honestly... It's nice...." He smiles a little to himself as he leans back on the wall.

Lux casually swatted the flying spiders away with his free hand, that same smirk on his lips. "So... You already admit that I am your King...." He remarks, likely deliberately misinterpreting what she said. His smirk widens as, with no further warning, the electricity in the whip spikes, sending powerful and quite painful electricity coursing through her body with a force far stronger than any mere taser. Normally, no doubt, Lorelai would be able to handle Lux. However, she had already done much to fuel his lust-driven power, and he had been careful to save it up for an occasion like this... "I wonder... how long will it take to break the will of a Queen?...."

Dante seemed to freeze in place. "Oh this isn't good...."
Dante shook his head. "It's something you get used to after awhile. It's.... I'll admit, it's taking some adjustment having so many people around me for extended periods. But... It's nice, well, for the most part at least. I could do without Lux, but you, Lorelai and the others... well... most of them anyway.... Honestly... It's nice...." He smiles a little to himself as he leans back on the wall.

Lux casually swatted the flying spiders away with his free hand, that same smirk on his lips. "So... You already admit that I am your King...." He remarks, likely deliberately misinterpreting what she said. His smirk widens as, with no further warning, the electricity in the whip spikes, sending powerful and quite painful electricity coursing through her body with a force far stronger than any mere taser. Normally, no doubt, Lorelai would be able to handle Lux. However, she had already done much to fuel his lust-driven power, and he had been careful to save it up for an occasion like this... "I wonder... how long will it take to break the will of a Queen?...."

Dante seemed to freeze in place. "Oh this isn't good...."
Lorelai doesn't have the opportunity to reply as she screams out in pain, her eyes going completely blank as she is electrocuted. As the shock dies down her head slumps, though she stays standing. Her shuddering breath is audible as her head slowly turns upwards to stare at Lux, her pupils are completely gone, just like all form of reason.

Ovia hears the scream this time and frowns, that didn't sound like anger. Ovia gives Dante a worried look and grabs her rifle as she hurries towards the stairs. Yes she had been talking to Dante, yes she wasn't exactly friends with Lorelai, but...

She just needed to make sure she was okay.

And hurt Lux if she wasn't...

Lorelai growls as she writhes in the whip, the venom around her hands has mostly fallen away from Lux's previous attack, but she doesn't care anymore. Roaring she pushes at the whip, venom leaking out of her mouth to solidify and act as a wedge around her, giving her more wiggle room. As soon as she is able to, she slips from the grasp of the whip and back flips to the wall and crouches there. Her teeth are bared in hostility, and she manages to yell one thing before shooting a barrage of poison arrows at Lux from her mouth and hands. "Fuck. You!"

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