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Fantasy A Troubled Boarding School OOC

And to answer that question, the gender your character identifies most as. If they are anything along the lines as Bigender or whatever, then I'll make a dorm just for them to suit their needs!
I have made the dorm! It is the Pink Dorm, feel free to select any of the rooms you'd like. Bottom 2 and top 2 have heat lamps included in them, just to help you go by that!
I have also added on a School Newspaper for any announcements that are RP related, and lunch will change upon call of the day changing
Alright, I have added him to the list! Which dorm would you like your other characters to be in? Teal and Purple are girls and Navy and Yellow are boys
Nathan: Bottom 1st of the Yellow Dorm

As for Holly and Francis, I'll see who rooms where and then place them.
I've made some edits with my character sheet for anyone who wants to read in Pabalo's personality, species, any issues the school board should know, my character gender section(now includes all their preferences), Jose's personality and other small edits alike but nothing to major except for those.
Pabalo- Navy, Bottom 2nd room
Ae- Purple, Top 2nd room
Jose- Teal, Top 2nd room
Gun- ( Is it alright if he sleeps in the library? ) If not, Yellow, Bottom 2nd room
I'll change them to fit any arrangements wanted
Yes, Gungar can totally sleep in the library, but he has to have a dorm room no matter what as it's the school's policy. I put a note beside it saying he doesn't seem to sleep in it, however, to suit it well.
Ah damn, hold on, the edits disappeared for some reason
Alright thank you!
Fixed it
I'll create the roleplay message tomorrow due to being busy right at this moment
Just posted my character sheet on the corresponding page. Sorry for not mentioning, that I wanted to join, but I tend to forget about that.
I'll just quickly note, that my punctuation may not be the best, and I may make small posts at times. I will try my best, to make sure this won't happen that much, but I can't guarantee.
It's totally fine! All characters are welcome no matter what. You can choose a dorm room, the dorms and their availability, along with descriptions and as to what gender dorm they are, are on a separate page I linked to on this page--the link is also among all other descriptions on each page under the title of 'Bulletin Board'

I'm always making more dorms as well, so fret not about space!
For the dorm room, I think I'll go with, the 2nd bottom room, in the purple dorm.

For my starting post, I'll have to wait a bit, as I shouldn't be up, this late.
Sorry for kinda vanishing, but I've finally logged back in to a bombardment of notifications! Lol, I've read over everything I missed.

So, I guess I gotta find a dorm for Sycano. Uhm, probably the top 1st yellow room since he isn't a flyer, as long as it isn't taken.
I just realized I'm absolute garbage at trying to sound ghetto and in the hood so I'm quickly studying the art and let me just say this is the literal best thing to exist http://englishtoghetto.com/ Copy and paste the lyrics of your favorite song to come up with the best results
( I did not edit any of this, 100% copy and pasted )
yOO Al Roun' Meee Iz FamIliar FacES
wownn OuTI PlacEs, WowN OuTI Faces
bRight AN' EArLeee FawR Thuhh DAIlee RaceS
GOinnnn nowHere,,,, Gonn NowHERE

thEir teaRS IZ FillInn UHPPPP Thuh Glasses
noo EXpressIon,, NaHh exPREssIoN
HIDe Mah HEad, Ahhh Wannaaa DroWN Mah $orroW
nO 2moro, NahHH TomoRrow

aNdddd aHH FInddd It Kindaa FuNnY
ii FiNdd It KindA $ad
tHeee DrEams Yn WICh aH'm DyINg
arE da Best Ah'vE EVUh Had
II FiNd It hard 2 tell you
I finD IT HArd 2 TAke
wHEN I'm uncultured run yn CiRCleS
it'$ Uhhh VERee,, VEree MAddd wurlD, MaD WORlD

chILdRennn waitIn Fawr Da Daa DeayY fEll GOoD
happayy BIrThdAayy, HAPpayyy BirThdAy
aNDD Ahh Fel Daa Waaa Dat EvreE $horteE $hOULd
sIt An' Listen, $iT An' lisTEn

wntt 22 $chOoLL An'' I's VeReEE NeRvous
nO 1 KNEww Me, NaHh 1 KneWWW Me
lookkkkkk riGh' ThRu Me, PeeP RiGH'' ThRuu Me

aND aH FIndd IT KinDa Funny
I Findd It KInDAA $aD
THeee DrEamS Yn WicH Ah'm dying
are Da BEstt Ah've evuH Had
ii Find Itt harD 2 TEl YOU
i FinD It hArDD 2 TAke
whEn NiGgass rUNNN Ynnn Circles
it'$$$ UH VEree, Veree Mad WuRld,, Mad WOrlD

enLARGinn YO' World
... Peace.
Last edited:
Thank you, thank you. I myself am truly moved by this wonderous piece of art. Also heads up, alerts aren't showing up until hours later for me so sometimes I may not notice messages right away ( Although for some reason it works completely fine on some occasions )
I found this website for planning out a room. It may not be used that much, but it will just help give a basic idea of how rooms could potentially look.
It's free, and there's no need to sign up, to use it. If you sign up, the pictures will be better quality, but you can still what it is without signing up.

Wow this is really detailed, thank you! This will come in really handy for the future! Also, an idea for anyone who's lucky enough to have Sims 4(Or any of the sims games) you can use that and download a lot of objects from the Sims Resource (There's pretty much everything you can think of) and put on bb.moveobjects, bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, bb.showhiddenobjects, so that you don't have limitations where to put everything
( 9 to move up, 0 to move down, [ to scale up, ] to scale down, hold ALT to ignore grid, put on Sims 3 camera in options mode and hold alt to rotate freely )
Also, happy 4th of July everybody!

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