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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Archon said:
But the Ghiscari wouldn't threaten Braavos in the imminent future. I can agree with this, if, the Ghiscari began making their way East on a conquest run starting at Qohor. But they won't, they'll stay in Slaver's bay, and maybe, maybe not, conquer Qarth.
Keep in mind Volantis is Braavos's top rival, and in this situation we're talking about them allying. The majority of the Free Cities outside of Volantis and Braavos likely wouldn't care about New Ghis, and as powerful as Volantis and Braavos are, they wouldn't stand a chance since the only war to happen, would be them going on the attack. New Ghis wouldn't stand a chance if it went on the attack, and for that reason they wouldn't.

A war between two of the most powerful slave nations is nothing but good for Braavos, it makes zero sense that they'd choose the side of their biggest rival in such an altercation.
You'd be damn well ready to face Braavos if they did begin conquering Free Cities, rivals or not. You face a city that makes its wealth off of slavery versus an Empire who famously spread the ideal of slavery to the Valyrians. In some ways, the Ghiscari are the root of Braavos' top concern. Seeing them come back, who certainly have more of an established industry off of it than Volantis, is a problem regardless of who they're attacking.

If anything, Braavos would use this and the new political power they'd wield in this coalition to try and ban slavery in other free cities.
Lancelot said:
I hope you realise I am agreeing with you...
Oh I know. ^^

I was just reinforcing why Braavos would not be interested in joining.

TheAncientCenturion said:
You'd be damn well ready to face Braavos if they did begin conquering Free Cities, rivals or not. You face a city that makes its wealth off of slavery versus an Empire who famously spread the ideal of slavery to the Valyrians. In some ways, the Ghiscari are the root of Braavos' top concern. Seeing them come back, who certainly have more of an established industry off of it than Volantis, is a problem regardless of who they're attacking.
If anything, Braavos would use this and the new political power they'd wield in this coalition to try and ban slavery in other free cities.
Which is exactly why New Ghis would stay far away from the East, if they began conquering the Free Cities they'd end up against more than just Braavos and Volantis. Of course, if the Ghiscari started a conquest into the Free Cities I imagine that is exactly what Braavos would do, try and ban slavery and create an Us vs Them mentality. Without a doubt, this would unite the majority of the Free Cities, and Braavos would be the forefront of that coaliton.

Without them, the Ghiscari would probably win. But... Yeah, New Ghis won't be looking to the Free Cities anytime soon.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh. I thought you said you'd attack Free Cities and the argument was Braavos wouldn't help. . Nevermind.
Kind of thought that too with that whole business with helping one of the 3 daughters in war
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh. I thought you said you'd attack Free Cities and the argument was Braavos wouldn't help. . Nevermind.

I'd rather take my chances fighting Yi Ti than the Uber-Free City coalition led by moneybags Braavos! The only thing more suicidal than that, would be attacking a united, prosperous, stable Westeros!

The basis was, after New Ghis takes Astapor and Yunkai, Meereen would attempt to form a coalition; which Norvos and Volantis may join. Volantis out of hate, and fear. Norvos due to the potential Ibben alliance. The last few pages were hypothetical "If Braavos joined the coalition".

Which realistically, they wouldn't.
Archon said:
I'd rather take my chances fighting Yi Ti than the Uber-Free City coalition led by moneybags Braavos! The only thing more suicidal than that, would be attacking a united, prosperous, stable Westeros!

The basis was, after New Ghis takes Astapor and Yunkai, Meereen would attempt to form a coalition; which Norvos and Volantis may join. Volantis out of hate, and fear. Norvos due to the potential Ibben alliance. The last few pages were hypothetical "If Braavos joined the coalition".

Which realistically, they wouldn't.
Lol, attacking Yi Ti. Next thing I know people will be invading Asshai and colonizing the shadow lands next xD
WanderingJester said:
Lol, attacking Yi Ti. Next thing I know people will be invading Asshai and colonizing the shadow lands next xD
Yi Ti is massive, im not even sure an united westeros would be able to cause them to feel seriously threatened if Yi Ti was united. Only the fact Yi Ti is basically split between 3 different rulers as well as thousands of warlords they would be the most powerful nation by far
Akio said:
Kind of thought that too with that whole business with helping one of the 3 daughters in war
No, that wasn't what I meant. Once Slaver's Bay is united, the number of soldiers New Ghis would have would be utterly massive. And at that point, they may start a sort of "National Mercenary" service thing.

Nation at war? Gib many gold dragons to New Ghis. Have a legion in response.

WanderingJester said:
Lol, attacking Yi Ti. Next thing I know people will be invading Asshai and colonizing the shadow lands next xD
That's how suicidal a Free City invasion would be. Since Yi Ti are massive, powerful, Samurai-like dudes as it is.

Invading Asshai? Welp, welcome to hell people. The millions of Melisandre's will be tossing fireballs about like arrows.
Akio said:
Yi Ti is massive, im not even sure an united westeros would be able to cause them to feel seriously threatened if Yi Ti was united. Only the fact Yi Ti is basically split between 3 different rulers as well as thousands of warlords they would be the most powerful nation by far
Yi Ti is medieval China, Westeros is medieval Europe, I'm pretty sure a united Westeros vs a united Yi Ti would go in Westeros's favor due to superior equipment.

Of course, the attacker is probably going to lose.
Archon said:
No, that wasn't what I meant. Once Slaver's Bay is united, the number of soldiers New Ghis would have would be utterly massive. And at that point, they may start a sort of "National Mercenary" service thing.
Nation at war? Gib many gold dragons to New Ghis. Have a legion in response.

That's how suicidal a Free City invasion would be. Since Yi Ti are massive, powerful, Samurai-like dudes as it is.

Invading Asshai? Welp, welcome to hell people. The millions of Melisandre's will be tossing fireballs about like arrows.
I don't even want to know what would happen to an army trying to find the secret bone city even shadow binders fear, i rather go to Valayria.

Archon said:
Yi Ti is medieval China, Westeros is medieval Europe, I'm pretty sure a united Westeros vs a united Yi Ti would go in Westeros's favor due to superior equipment.
Of course, the attacker is probably going to lose.
Actually its not that simple, im not sure you understand the massive size of Yi Ti and the fact it has a lot closer connection to magic then Westeros. Its soldiers probably number over 1 million if everyone was united, only the fact that its basically every warlord for themselves would help causes
Akio said:
Yi Ti is massive, im not even sure an united westeros would be able to cause them to feel seriously threatened if Yi Ti was united. Only the fact Yi Ti is basically split between 3 different rulers as well as thousands of warlords they would be the most powerful nation by far
Archon said:
No, that wasn't what I meant. Once Slaver's Bay is united, the number of soldiers New Ghis would have would be utterly massive. And at that point, they may start a sort of "National Mercenary" service thing.
Nation at war? Gib many gold dragons to New Ghis. Have a legion in response.

That's how suicidal a Free City invasion would be. Since Yi Ti are massive, powerful, Samurai-like dudes as it is.

Invading Asshai? Welp, welcome to hell people. The millions of Melisandre's will be tossing fireballs about like arrows.
Yea, and Nagito can kill any of the warriors in Yi Ti one on one. Kind of makes you think, doesn't it?

Also, lol about the invasion thing. Aside from fireballs, there'll just be shadow babies murdering your men left and right and no one can do much about it (unless they had V-Steel or something, since if those things kill white walkers, they can kill a shadow baby in my book :P )
Wish I knew more on China post Han Dynasty era, because then I'd properly gauge Yi Ti's strength. It's not too far to say that, like China, it's probably technologically superior to the West at this point. If only minorly so.
Akio said:
I don't even want to know what would happen to an army trying to find the secret bone city even shadow binders fear, i rather go to Valayria.
Actually its not that simple, im not sure you understand the massive size of Yi Ti and the fact it has a lot closer connection to magic then Westeros. Its soldiers probably number over 1 million if everyone was united, only the fact that its basically every warlord for themselves would help causes
Consiering Yi Ti is at war 24/7 between several Warlords I doubt it's as populace as. By appearance, mass for mass, it isn't a great deal bigger than Westeros; and I'm sure it's lost a whole lot more people per day than the Western counterpart.

Not to mention I'm sure army for army, Westeros wins out. Hence, my comment on rather attacking Yi Ti over Unified Westeros/Unified Free Cities. Keep in mind, Yi Ti are probably better warriors, but worse soldiers, which is bad when it's army vs army; not to mention they have inferior equipment.

Even if an Empire invaded them, the chances of the whole of Yi Ti just unifying are non-existent. A great deal of warlords would try and carve more pieces out of the pie whilst the others try and deal with his foreign threat.

In Westeros, they ALL fight provided they're under a stable ruler.

WanderingJester said:
Yea, and Nagito can kill any of the warriors in Yi Ti one on one. Kind of makes you think, doesn't it?
Also, lol about the invasion thing. Aside from fireballs, there'll just be shadow babies murdering your men left and right and no one can do much about it (unless they had V-Steel or something, since if those things kill white walkers, they can kill a shadow baby in my book :P )
Nagito is easily the greatest fighter in the known world at the moment. How superior is he to legends like Daemon Blackfyre and Aemon the Dragonknight? (Both of which I'd put far above Arthur Dayne)

Strange, that such a great warrior is basically a beggar though. xD

Oh R'hllor deliver me, could you imagine the horror? Just a swarming mass of shadow babies stabbing everybody up whilst red witches rain fire and brimstone from above.

No wonder Yi Ti stays away from that shit, Asshai > Known World.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Wish I knew more on China post Han Dynasty era, because then I'd properly gauge Yi Ti's strength. It's not too far to say that, like China, it's probably technologically superior to the West at this point. If only minorly so.
Isn't ASOIAF more based in middle age medieval Europe? If so, I think they (Westeros) have an advantage over China (Yi Ti) in the arms and armor department. Even if China is taking the race scientifically, and with literature, art, entertainment, philosophy, etc...
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Archon said:
Consiering Yi Ti is at war 24/7 between several Warlords I doubt it's as populace as. By appearance, mass for mass, it isn't a great deal bigger than Westeros; and I'm sure it's lost a whole lot more people per day than the Western counterpart.
Not to mention I'm sure army for army, Westeros wins out. Hence, my comment on rather attacking Yi Ti over Unified Westeros/Unified Free Cities. Keep in mind, Yi Ti are probably better warriors, but worse soldiers, which is bad when it's army vs army; not to mention they have inferior equipment.

Even if an Empire invaded them, the chances of the whole of Yi Ti just unifying are non-existent. A great deal of warlords would try and carve more pieces out of the pie whilst the others try and deal with his foreign threat.

In Westeros, they ALL fight provided they're under a stable ruler.

Nagito is easily the greatest fighter in the known world at the moment. How superior is he to legends like Daemon Blackfyre and Aemon the Dragonknight? (Both of which I'd put far above Arthur Dayne)

Strange, that such a great warrior is basically a beggar though. xD

Oh R'hllor deliver me, could you imagine the horror? Just a swarming mass of shadow babies stabbing everybody up whilst red witches rain fire and brimstone from above.

No wonder Yi Ti stays away from that shit, Asshai > Known World.
I would say he's on his way if not already straddling the line into the legends level. Daemon and Aemon (even Arthur Dayne) might have an edge on him due to armor and also using V-Steel weapons (I think), but Nagito would kill the crap out of, say, Brynden Rivers though.

Well, he kind of has to no? I mean can you imagine sending your best men to strike hard against an enemy army and decapitate their general only to find out the general's the best warrior alive in the world today? That would be really OP in my books xD .

Also, yes. I think the only power that can successfully fight Asshai and colonize the Shadow lands is Valyaria with their dragons (dragonfire) and they're gone. So, I would recommend to everyone to just avoid the place as they're already doing xD .
@Archon Also, Aemon the Dragonknight is legendary with how fast he moves in a suit of armor and with his weapon, so that would be like probably the most insane fight of all times if he ever went up against Nagito. I would think if they were in a battle people would just stop to stare at the duel (even if Nagito isn't really built for battles), and like the whole battle would just stop xD
Archon said:
Isn't ASOIAF more based in middle age medieval Europe? If so, I think they (Westeros) have an advantage over China (Yi Ti) in the arms and armor department. Even if China is taking the race scientifically, and with literature, art, entertainment, philosophy, etc...
Westeros is made up of;

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Iceland/Scandinavia
  • Arguably France/Spain

Essos fills out a majority of mainland Europe;

  • The Free Cities are Italian Papal States
  • Valyrians Rome
  • Qarth Constantinople
  • Moscovy Russ Kiev
  • Ib could be Denmark/Iceland/Scandinavia as well

The Chinese had crossbows, repeating crossbows and pikes long before Europe. True, the rate of technological advancement slowed after the Crusades, but China's typically been a step or two above Western Civilizations in the past. Yi Ti is obviously hard to compare, straight up. It's smaller by a wide margin, and it seems more jungle-ish terrain. It's hard to tell how that might've changed the dynamics, but Yi Ti should still be a considerable power. It fights the Dothraki on the Bone Mountains and the Jogos Nhai, another steppe people.
WanderingJester said:
I would say he's on his way if not already straddling the line into the legends level. Daemon and Aemon (even Arthur Dayne) might have an edge on him due to armor and also using V-Steel weapons (I think), but Nagito would kill the crap out of, say, Brynden Rivers though.
Well, he kind of has to no? I mean can you imagine sending your best men to strike hard against an enemy army and decapitate their general only to find out the general's the best warrior alive in the world today? That would be really OP in my books xD .

Also, yes. I think the only power that can successfully fight Asshai and colonize the Shadow lands is Valyaria with their dragons (dragonfire) and they're gone. So, I would recommend to everyone to just avoid the place as they're already doing xD .
That's a fair leve, I'd say he could take Arthur Dayne - people seem to overestimate him slightly - the Greatest Knight ever doesn't equate to the most skilled ever, and the tales of Aemon and Daemon seem to paint those two as literal warriors of unparalleled ability. Him being on their level works for me, but losing out to inferior equipment.

Well, it is. But he could have been a mercenary, or... something? :P

Your last paragraph: Wiser words have never been spoken, I'd rather take my chances beyond the wall. More likely to survive the Wildlings, giants, cold, and White Walkers than those damn Ninja-Shadow Babies that can teleport, and the nigh omniscient red priestesses who see you in the flames.

Not to mention if they got a hold of you, you'd be burned at the stake.

WanderingJester said:
@Archon Also, Aemon the Dragonknight is legendary with how fast he moves in a suit of armor and with his weapon, so that would be like probably the most insane fight of all times if he ever went up against Nagito. I would think if they were in a battle people would just stop to stare at the duel (even if Nagito isn't really built for battles), and like the whole battle would just stop xD
I can imagine Roland and Martyn just staring at each other like "We freaking suck!" when they see those two performing inhuman lunges and strikes.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Westeros is made up of;
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Iceland/Scandinavia
  • Arguably France/Spain

Essos fills out a majority of mainland Europe;

  • The Free Cities are Italian Papal States
  • Valyrians Rome
  • Qarth Constantinople
  • Moscovy Russ Kiev
  • Ib could be Denmark/Iceland/Scandinavia as well

The Chinese had crossbows, repeating crossbows and pikes long before Europe. True, the rate of technological advancement slowed after the Crusades, but China's typically been a step or two above Western Civilizations in the past. Yi Ti is obviously hard to compare, straight up. It's smaller by a wide margin, and it seems more jungle-ish terrain. It's hard to tell how that might've changed the dynamics, but Yi Ti should still be a considerable power. It fights the Dothraki on the Bone Mountains and the Jogos Nhai, another steppe people.
I see some of the similarities on those comparisons, but not in others. Helpful list regardless! But I just can't imagine Yi Ti beating Westeros in a pitched war, per say. Because I get the vibe Yi Ti are less advanced than Middle Age China/Song, but Westeros is more advanced than Middle Aged Europe.

I always assumed Essos was based off the East, for obvious reasons. It'sin the East, desert terrain prominent. Similar cultures, similar armor/weaponry types. Also, wouldn't Qarth be Baghdad, and Braavos Contantinople?
Archon said:
That's a fair leve, I'd say he could take Arthur Dayne - people seem to overestimate him slightly - the Greatest Knight ever doesn't equate to the most skilled ever, and the tales of Aemon and Daemon seem to paint those two as literal warriors of unparalleled ability. Him being on their level works for me, but losing out to inferior equipment.
Well, it is. But he could have been a mercenary, or... something? :P

Your last paragraph: Wiser words have never been spoken, I'd rather take my chances beyond the wall. More likely to survive the Wildlings, giants, cold, and White Walkers than those damn Ninja-Shadow Babies that can teleport, and the nigh omniscient red priestesses who see you in the flames.

Not to mention if they got a hold of you, you'd be burned at the stake.

I can imagine Roland and Martyn just staring at each other like "We freaking suck!" when they see those two performing inhuman lunges and strikes.

I see some of the similarities on those comparisons, but not in others. Helpful list regardless! But I just can't imagine Yi Ti beating Westeros in a pitched war, per say. Because I get the vibe Yi Ti are less advanced than Middle Age China/Song, but Westeros is more advanced than Middle Aged Europe.

I always assumed Essos was based off the East, for obvious reasons. It'sin the East, desert terrain prominent. Similar cultures, similar armor/weaponry types. Also, wouldn't Qarth be Baghdad, and Braavos Contantinople?
Venice and Braavos are almost the same entity, famous for banking, fencing/sword fights, a canal city and greatest city in a post-imperial setting (Valyrians/Romans). Constantinople was famous for its walls and being the bridge between the east and west, as is Qarth who has these large imposing walls, surrounded by this once prosperous land that's now razed and lost to them. A lot like 14th century Constantinople.

Westeros is certainly more advanced in some ways. Dyes alone shows their progression, but the fact of the matter is we haven't seen much of Yi Ti to make a verdict on them, but we have small pieces. Apparently there are more cities in Yi Ti than in Westeros, with a massive population and "ruins that put shame to ours," this includes Harrenhal. The Five Forts alone can hold ten thousand men, with walls three hundred feet higher than The Wall. It's said that their scholars guard their ancient texts and secrets, as well. Secrecy makes it hard for Westerosi, and us, to gauge them. But I would not put them behind Westeros in any affair, maybe lesser in population as civil war is brooding. But not significantly.

Portions of Essos are based off of the East, such as the Steppes in Essos Minor and the Further Essosi steps above Yi Ti, and a desert not unlike the Gobi. It's a mixed bag, but there's more European/Asia Minor influence (Something I consider not too unlike each other, especially discussing Mediterranean cultures)on the Western side of the Bone Mountains.
Archon said:
That's a fair leve, I'd say he could take Arthur Dayne - people seem to overestimate him slightly - the Greatest Knight ever doesn't equate to the most skilled ever, and the tales of Aemon and Daemon seem to paint those two as literal warriors of unparalleled ability. Him being on their level works for me, but losing out to inferior equipment.
Well, it is. But he could have been a mercenary, or... something? :P

Your last paragraph: Wiser words have never been spoken, I'd rather take my chances beyond the wall. More likely to survive the Wildlings, giants, cold, and White Walkers than those damn Ninja-Shadow Babies that can teleport, and the nigh omniscient red priestesses who see you in the flames.

Not to mention if they got a hold of you, you'd be burned at the stake.

I can imagine Roland and Martyn just staring at each other like "We freaking suck!" when they see those two performing inhuman lunges and strikes.

I see some of the similarities on those comparisons, but not in others. Helpful list regardless! But I just can't imagine Yi Ti beating Westeros in a pitched war, per say. Because I get the vibe Yi Ti are less advanced than Middle Age China/Song, but Westeros is more advanced than Middle Aged Europe.

I always assumed Essos was based off the East, for obvious reasons. It'sin the East, desert terrain prominent. Similar cultures, similar armor/weaponry types. Also, wouldn't Qarth be Baghdad, and Braavos Contantinople?
I agree, but I mean even the slightest variable could swing the fight either way if Aemon or Daemon take on Nagito one on one really. I'm just basing it off of them fighting almost in a vacuum, with all things being equal, the edge would go to the Westerosi Knights for armour and equipment. However, if you give Nagito a fine set of Yi Tish samurai armor (something he's used before, just doesn't have now)...

I mean, Nagito was technically a sellsword, just more of a bodyguard now and beggar always. He's just very disinterested in regards to wealth, prestige or really anything that doesn't have to do with his prophecy (which is why he's following Daenna at the moment) and fighting. He's technically a mercenary still, just a very poor and dirty one, since he doesn't really just take jobs and most people overlook him as just another broke beggar with two (exterior) crappy looking swords.

Yeah, I'll probably just prefer drinking shades of the evening the rest of my life and have the crappy blue lips than have to go/invade Asshai. Crazy fire mofos. They'll probably be the ones to wipe out the Dothraki with their fire and shadow magic babies crap honestly. Also, I can certainly say that Martyn would be all like "what the fuck" if he saw that fight, similar to how peasants see two really skilled knights fighting in front of them, and to actual peasants around, the two would practically be deities of combat in the flesh. Plenty of soiled drawers on that battlefield I'll assure you. lol
WanderingJester said:
I agree, but I mean even the slightest variable could swing the fight either way if Aemon or Daemon take on Nagito one on one really. I'm just basing it off of them fighting almost in a vacuum, with all things being equal, the edge would go to the Westerosi Knights for armour and equipment. However, if you give Nagito a fine set of Yi Tish samurai armor (something he's used before, just doesn't have now)...
I mean, Nagito was technically a sellsword, just more of a bodyguard now and beggar always. He's just very disinterested in regards to wealth, prestige or really anything that doesn't have to do with his prophecy (which is why he's following Daenna at the moment) and fighting. He's technically a mercenary still, just a very poor and dirty one, since he doesn't really just take jobs and most people overlook him as just another broke beggar with two (exterior) crappy looking swords.

Yeah, I'll probably just prefer drinking shades of the evening the rest of my life and have the crappy blue lips than have to go/invade Asshai. Crazy fire mofos. They'll probably be the ones to wipe out the Dothraki with their fire and shadow magic babies crap honestly. Also, I can certainly say that Martyn would be all like "what the fuck" if he saw that fight, similar to how peasants see two really skilled knights fighting in front of them, and to actual peasants around, the two would practically be deities of combat in the flesh. Plenty of soiled drawers on that battlefield I'll assure you. lol
What is the prophecy that hes following?
Akio said:
What is the prophecy that hes following?
It's really vague, like all prophecy, but it's pretty much one time when he ran into a seer or something (haven't thought about the exact details but it could be a warlock from Qarth) and it got told to him. It said that if he follows the dragon's daughter, he'll find what he's looking for all this time. Nagito himself have no idea what he's looking for (he didn't even know he was looking for anything at all) but decides that perhaps there's some valid point that he might be looking for something after his exile from Yi Ti, and thus searched for the "dragon's daughter" and finally found Daenna after a while.
I had a good face claim for an Essos-like character. But the Ghiscari are dark amber skinned, and I can't think of any actors - equipped in suitable armor - who fit the role.

I can't have a face claim without appropriate medieval clothing.
WanderingJester said:
It's really vague, like all prophecy, but it's pretty much one time when he ran into a seer or something (haven't thought about the exact details but it could be a warlock from Qarth) and it got told to him. It said that if he follows the dragon's daughter, he'll find what he's looking for all this time. Nagito himself have no idea what he's looking for (he didn't even know he was looking for anything at all) but decides that perhaps there's some valid point that he might be looking for something after his exile from Yi Ti, and thus searched for the "dragon's daughter" and finally found Daenna after a while.
Well Daenna is the only real dragons daughter. The rest are bastards so.
Archon said:
I had a good face claim for an Essos-like character. But the Ghiscari are dark amber skinned, and I can't think of any actors - equipped in suitable armor - who fit the role.
I can't have a face claim without appropriate medieval clothing.
How about Idris Elba? Here he is in Thor


And I mean not quite medieval armor, but still pretty cool armor in Pacific Rim.


Akio said:
Well Daenna is the only real dragons daughter. The rest are bastards so.
It's really vague, so honestly a really sly guy like Lord Frey or Tiber (hell even Gelgin) might be able convince him it has nothing to do with Daenna. Too bad none of them speak Yi Tish *shrug*
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