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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Hypnos said:
I think we're forgetting the Dothraki didn't lose at Qohor, they gave up out of respect for the skill of the Unsullied, yes they lost most of their men because Unsullied are extremely effective but most of the Unsullied died as well and if they'd continued the siege they would have taken the city after a time. Dotharki are a force to be reckoned with and I would put them ahead of fake Unsullied anyday, they pose a real threat to the slaver cities if the New Ghis Empire doesn't want to pay tribute to them.
The worst part is they'd be a menace to travelers, and each Khal would feel it a challenge to defeat them. It wouldn't end if you defeated a Drogo, more would rise wanting to claim the honor of besting you. They're honestly the type of opponents you cannot directly combat. You'd need to destroy their culture, which might include major technological leaps, or assistance from other powers (Free Cities, Ib) to wrangle them in.
Akio said:
Maybe if you had equal numbers sure, but New Gris doesnt have 300000 soldiers right now. Even small Kalasars are at least 10000 men
Hence, unleash a demon on them or make another Doom/natural disaster happen. I'll like to see the Kalasars shoot arrows at the ground as it rips open underneath them and swallow their band of horses whole, or at the flaming boulders as it crashes down and crushes their forces like sadistic child with a magnifying glass on an ant hill. :P
Archon said:
I would assume even Westeros would understand that the moment Astapor falls to New Ghis, the empire is very much on the way to being rebuilt; and if that isn't a terrifying prospect I don't know what is, New Ghis - whilst still young - would seek to preserve it's newborn empire by seeking powerful allies among the Free Cities, and Westeros. Since the moment Westeros becomes united again under a relatively stable King or Queen, it would be in that rulers interest to stomp out New Ghis before it grows to disproportionate power.
I don't plan on tying New Ghis in with Westeros militarily, but through trade and diplomacy - at least to start. Unlike Ibben, they have no ambition towards Westeros, but instead to restore the Imperial Borders, and then probably either expanding South into Qarth.

They wouldn't tangle with the monster that is, Yi Ti.

I'd be glad to here any suggestions you have though! Mine doesn't heavily tie into the main plot as you can see, but I imagine it wouldn't until the Empire becomes a thing.
On the contrary, New Ghis would be stability in the East and would allow for a more diverse trade system going through the lands. Without having to pay more taxes to different areas for the right to pass through, right to sell goods, and all that, New Ghis would encourage more trade. Westeros has little to fear from New Ghis unless it's closer towards Volantis or th Three Sisters (Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh,) and even then attacking Westeros would be a problem and a half for the New Ghis compared to heading anywhere else.

I'd just think if it ever comes down to it, having a powerful Ghiscari empire might be advantageous to certain usurpers. Someone may try to enlist a legion or two in their cause, promising greater support or gold in the long run. Something that did happen historically, people running off to neighboring powers for support.
WanderingJester said:
Hence, unleash a demon on them or make another Doom/natural disaster happen. I'll like to see the Kalasars shoot arrows at the ground as it rips open underneath them and swallow their band of horses whole, or at the flaming boulders as it crashes down and crushes their forces like sadistic child with a magnifying glass on an ant hill. :P
I don't think anyone can beat that xD

TheAncientCenturion said:
The worst part is they'd be a menace to travelers, and each Khal would feel it a challenge to defeat them. It wouldn't end if you defeated a Drogo, more would rise wanting to claim the honor of besting you. They're honestly the type of opponents you cannot directly combat. You'd need to destroy their culture, which might include major technological leaps, or assistance from other powers (Free Cities, Ib) to wrangle them in.
Only problem with that many of the free cities rely on the slaves their forces brings.
Hypnos said:
I think we're forgetting the Dothraki didn't lose at Qohor, they gave up out of respect for the skill of the Unsullied, yes they lost most of their men because Unsullied are extremely effective but most of the Unsullied died as well and if they'd continued the siege they would have taken the city after a time. Dotharki are a force to be reckoned with and I would put them ahead of fake Unsullied anyday, they pose a real threat to the slaver cities if the New Ghis Empire doesn't want to pay tribute to them.
Oh I don't argue this, like I said, I WOULD pay tribute to them. But I still believe New Ghis has the perfect anti-Dothraki army, but that doesn't mean every battle wouldn't be a total bloodbath. And it'd be a million times smarter to pay the damn mare-lovers rather than lose thousands fighting against raids.

Still, if 3,000 Unsullied can kill 12,000 Dothraki. What can 8,000 Unsullied do, with 200-300 war elephants, and 36,000 Sorta-Unsullied-But-Nowhere-Near-As-Good-Unsullied?

My point stands though, fuck the Dothraki. I'm not tangling with those beasts.
Akio said:
I don't think anyone can beat that xD
Only problem with that many of the free cities rely on the slaves their forces brings.
It's true. The Free Cities need the Dothraki like the Ghiscari Cities do. But, if they were united in a strong force, finding slaves and conquering lands wouldn't be too hard for them.
Archon said:
Oh I don't argue this, like I said, I WOULD pay tribute to them. But I still believe New Ghis has the perfect anti-Dothraki army, but that doesn't mean every battle wouldn't be a total bloodbath. And it'd be a million times smarter to pay the damn mare-lovers rather than lose thousands fighting against raids.
Still, if 3,000 Unsullied can kill 12,000 Dothraki. What can 8,000 Unsullied do, with 200-300 war elephants, and 36,000 Sorta-Unsullied-But-Nowhere-Near-As-Good-Unsullied?

My point stands though, fuck the Dothraki. I'm not tangling with those beasts.
Only if they outright charge again will they lose that much in short amount of time but yeah don't fight the horse lords is my opinion.
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's true. The Free Cities need the Dothraki like the Ghiscari Cities do. But, if they were united in a strong force, finding slaves and conquering lands wouldn't be too hard for them.
The free cities will never unite, especially not the 3 daughters or if they did it wouldn't last long. Bravos itself would never unite with any city carrying slaves ethier.
Akio said:
I don't think anyone can beat that xD
Only problem with that many of the free cities rely on the slaves their forces brings.
And I wouldn't put that past happening. Whenever some faction's ultra strong in ASoIaF some crazy shit happens and they're shattered into the wind. Valyaria's kicking everyone's asses with their dragons, and boom, the Doom happens and every one of them ran as far from home as possible (those that aren't dead) and the region's forever cursed. It wouldn't be out of the question to have the Horselords be all menacing to every free city around and then boom, some magic a-hole finally has enough, curses them with some Black Goat magic voodoo crap and next thing you know every horse from the Arm to Slaver's Bay's dead because of wacked out disease sweeping across the Dothraki Sea xD
TheAncientCenturion said:
On the contrary, New Ghis would be stability in the East and would allow for a more diverse trade system going through the lands. Without having to pay more taxes to different areas for the right to pass through, right to sell goods, and all that, New Ghis would encourage more trade. Westeros has little to fear from New Ghis unless it's closer towards Volantis or th Three Sisters (Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh,) and even then attacking Westeros would be a problem and a half for the New Ghis compared to heading anywhere else.
I'd just think if it ever comes down to it, having a powerful Ghiscari empire might be advantageous to certain usurpers. Someone may try to enlist a legion or two in their cause, promising greater support or gold in the long run. Something that did happen historically, people running off to neighboring powers for support.
Yeah, I guess Westeros doesn't have a great deal to fear due to the massive distance between the two, and as you said; New Ghis is a very trade-heavy nation, it wouldn't want a war with Westeros, and would be quite happy to trade with the seven Kingdoms. And I doubt New Ghis would expand into the Free Cities any time soon, since a coalition would probably murder them. Hell, The Iron Bank would just hire a Faceless Man to off the Leader.

We can go with your idea of trade, but as New Ghis I'd still be seeking future allies in Westeros and Essos, more allies is already good - and like you said, a certain usurper Viserys may find himself in need of some extra Imperial aid.
Akio said:
Except the story spread all over Essos. Khal Teemo's Kalasar wasn't annihilated. After him and his sons were killed the new Khal had his men cut off their braids and throw them at the feet of the remaining unsullied. Everyone knows of the story of Khal Teemo's defeat.
Fair enough, I was under the impression that that battle was a recent occurrence in the books and show. Having looked it up in more detail, I know it was a while ago. That still doesn't mean they're smart. The Dothraki are for all intents and purposes stupid Mongolians. It wouldn't be difficult to outsmart them with your tactics since all they really do is either charge or do some variation on charging that involves arrows. Sure, outmaneuvering them would be difficult, but an armored warrior depending on the quality of said armor can pretty easily survive a volley of arrows, and an armored group of knights charging in from the flanks would likely tear the Dothraki's mounted units to shreds. Not saying Ibben would do well against the Dothraki, mind you, but New Ghis could do quite well in a war with them.

On the subject of Ibben helping to fight the Dothraki, that simply wouldn't happen at least for a long time. The whole Westeros situation has to end before they can commit anything to another cause, not to mention the time they would need to rebuild their forces from the inevitable losses. Really this is a very long term plan if it comes to fruition.
All you gotta do is get Norvos and Ib on your said. Norvos for their badass axes and then you give those axes to the Ibbense so they can become true dwarves!
TheAncientCenturion said:
Hahaha. Yeah. Mongols.
Just avoid them in open terrain and you'll be good. The Mongols were frighteningly capable of devastating "better equipped" armies in both Europe and the Islamic Middle East. I'd suggest anyone interested in the Mongols or if any of you just need background noise for a while to check out Hardcore History, I believe the Mongol podcasts are free still. There are five episodes in total and it's all very interesting.
I wasn't actually calling Mongols stupid. Probably should have stated that differently. I meant it more as the Dothraki are like a stupid version of the Mongols.
Elendithas said:
I wasn't actually calling Mongols stupid. Probably should have stated that differently. I meant it more as the Dothraki are like a stupid version of the Mongols.
Probably because they're not solely Mongol inspired. Other Steppe peoples, the Turks and Huns, along with plains peoples of the later American Indian societies, inspired them.

Elendithas said:
Fair enough, I was under the impression that that battle was a recent occurrence in the books and show. Having looked it up in more detail, I know it was a while ago. That still doesn't mean they're smart. The Dothraki are for all intents and purposes stupid Mongolians. It wouldn't be difficult to outsmart them with your tactics since all they really do is either charge or do some variation on charging that involves arrows. Sure, outmaneuvering them would be difficult, but an armored warrior depending on the quality of said armor can pretty easily survive a volley of arrows, and an armored group of knights charging in from the flanks would likely tear the Dothraki's mounted units to shreds. Not saying Ibben would do well against the Dothraki, mind you, but New Ghis could do quite well in a war with them.
On the subject of Ibben helping to fight the Dothraki, that simply wouldn't happen at least for a long time. The whole Westeros situation has to end before they can commit anything to another cause, not to mention the time they would need to rebuild their forces from the inevitable losses. Really this is a very long term plan if it comes to fruition.
Pretty much this, the Dothraki don't have in-depth military strategies, they are a culture that relies on brute strength, which means charge, and if that fails; charge again. Genghis Khan isn't at the forefront of the hordes to conquer everything, the closest we had to that may have been Drogo - who was still probably a strategic joke compared to Genghis.

I imagine if the Dothraki came to face with the Unsullied they would charge into the spears simply because they'd want to do what Khal Temmo could not, they'd want to be the best Khal ever by shattering an Unsullied line - all that'd happen is they'd die like Temmo. And this is all I said, New Ghis could do well in a war with the Dothraki, but it just wouldn't be worth it.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I'd also love to be backed by some Iron Legions. More than anything you know. We'll have to see how the war goes, though.
Why? You think the Iron Legions would be cool with just Pyke, or all of the Iron Islands?
Every player leader in Essos over here trying to get a slice of the pie with Viserys. Really though, if Ghis also joined in with him, it would be quite difficult to stop the steamroller that would flatten Westeros.
I pretty much feel Viserys needs some backing at this point, we have all the other pieces in place.

All we need now is the Lannisters to join the Loyalists, and Dorne and the Reach to declare for Viserys.

Then we have a total clusterfuck of awesomeness.

Probably not going to happen, but Viserys can have some Iron Legions the moment New Ghis obtains Astapor's superior Unsullied.
WanderingJester said:
Why? You think the Iron Legions would be cool with just Pyke, or all of the Iron Islands?
I hear that the leader of New GHis is the trueborn son of Tytos Lannister. Viserys would restore him to his rightful seat of power.

Totally Pyke.
Elendithas said:
Every player leader in Essos over here trying to get a slice of the pie with Viserys. Really though, if Ghis also joined in with him, it would be quite difficult to stop the steamroller that would flatten Westeros.
The Iron Bank would never allow that force to land in Westeros. They have way too much investments there to let it be jeopardized by such a large invasion force.

Archon said:
I pretty much feel Viserys needs some backing at this point, we have all the other pieces in place.
All we need now is the Lannisters to join the Loyalists, and Dorne and the Reach to declare for Viserys.

Then we have a total clusterfuck of awesomeness.

Probably not going to happen, but Viserys can have some Iron Legions the moment New Ghis obtains Astapor's superior Unsullied.
What makes you think the Lannisters will declare for Kuvira of all people? Especially after essentially placing Tiber under (her) house arrest for two extra weeks after the coronation? xD

TheAncientCenturion said:
I hear that the leader of New GHis is the trueborn son of Tytos Lannister. Viserys would restore him to his rightful seat of power.
Totally Pyke.
Yea, because people would totally clamor over each other to serve another Tytos Lannister, especially with his son so different and so much better than his father since he's taken the reins of the Westerland. Mhmm.

I knew it. :P

So we have Viserys, Daenna, Kuvira, and Braedon all trying to sit the iron throne.


Roland will win the kingsmoot and join the race for the iron throne.
What will probably happen is Kuvira and Braedon will fight first, weakening each other and making a window of opportunity for other players with less power to make claims.

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