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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

New Ghis has such a large army because it has three years mandatory mlitary service don't they? They wouldn't have to rely on peasants signing up, plus they have slaves to plow their fields and do other vitals whilst they fight
Perhaps Ibben and New Ghis could work in tandem with some things. Namely the complete and utter genocide of the Dothraki. Bastards think they can rename old Ibbish. NOT ON MY WATCH!
Hypnos said:
New Ghis has such a large army because it has three years mandatory mlitary service don't they? They wouldn't have to rely on peasants signing up, plus they have slaves to plow their fields and do other vitals whilst they fight
I know the populace fights in three year terms, so whilst the training is good - reminiscent of the old Iron Legions, it leaves them low compare to the Unsullied. Still, I was unaware that it was mandatory. If so, it explains why they have such a large army. But to maintain 36,000 army would require a large income wouldn't it? Surely slaves alone can't do that, or am I underestimating New Ghis's slave-trade influence? I know Meereen and Yunkai pretty much take the cake in Slave-driven economy, and Astapor has it's Unsullied (also slaves).
Elendithas said:
Perhaps Ibben and New Ghis could work in tandem with some things. Namely the complete and utter genocide of the Dothraki. Bastards think they can rename old Ibbish. NOT ON MY WATCH!
The Ghiscari cities love the Dothraki. In one of the new GoT (exclusive, though semi-canon to me,) season 5 features they had Stannis narrate the Slaver Cities. In the short period after the Valyrians and before the Dothraki, the cities were not doing well. They needed a large force to conquer and take new slaves for them, and the Dothraki are the perfect people to do so. They don't typically settle lands in the sense of civilization, nor are they united. They basically feed the Ghiscari cities more slaves and allow them to make more money,.
Elendithas said:
Perhaps Ibben and New Ghis could work in tandem with some things. Namely the complete and utter genocide of the Dothraki. Bastards think they can rename old Ibbish. NOT ON MY WATCH!
Those horse-fuckers, I'd gladly genocide them.

Once I have the Old Borders restored. Roma Invictus!

...Which, might take a while...
Elendithas said:
Perhaps Ibben and New Ghis could work in tandem with some things. Namely the complete and utter genocide of the Dothraki. Bastards think they can rename old Ibbish. NOT ON MY WATCH!
There are millions of Dothraki, good luck to you sir. While many Kalasars were united under Drogo he did not rule all the dorthraki. One reason they overwhelmed so many kingdoms is their excellent horsemanship and archery but also thier great numbers. Many military commanders see it as near impossible or at least very hard to beat the dorthraki on open field with equal numbers
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TheAncientCenturion said:
The Ghiscari cities love the Dothraki. In one of the new GoT (exclusive, though semi-canon to me,) season 5 features they had Stannis narrate the Slaver Cities. In the short period after the Valyrians and before the Dothraki, the cities were not doing well. They needed a large force to conquer and take new slaves for them, and the Dothraki are the perfect people to do so. They don't typically settle lands in the sense of civilization, nor are they united. They basically feed the Ghiscari cities more slaves and allow them to make more money,.
Do the Ghiscari cities pay tribute to the Dothraki? I wouldn't imagine so, provided their strength.

Didn't Dany say even a weak Kalasar could conquer Astapor were it not for the Unsullied?

I also can't imagine New Ghis benefits from the Dothraki hordes, y'know, Island and all that. The Dothraki don't ride wooden horses. :(

The Ghiscari Empire could though!

Akio said:
There are millions of Dothraki, good luck to you sir. While many Kalasars were united under Drogo he did not rule all the dorthraki. One reason they overwhelmed so many kingdoms is their excellent horsemanship and archery but also thier great numbers. Many military commanders see it as near impossible or at least very hard to beat the dorthraki on open field with equal numbers
One word: Unsullied.

Just ask Khal Temmo, 50,000 Dothraki got defeated by 3,000 Unsullied.
TheAncientCenturion said:
The Ghiscari cities love the Dothraki. In one of the new GoT (exclusive, though semi-canon to me,) season 5 features they had Stannis narrate the Slaver Cities. In the short period after the Valyrians and before the Dothraki, the cities were not doing well. They needed a large force to conquer and take new slaves for them, and the Dothraki are the perfect people to do so. They don't typically settle lands in the sense of civilization, nor are they united. They basically feed the Ghiscari cities more slaves and allow them to make more money,.
Archon said:
Do the Ghiscari cities pay tribute to the Dothraki? I wouldn't imagine so, provided their strength.
Didn't Dany say even a weak Kalasar could conquer Astapor were it not for the Unsullied?

I also can't imagine New Ghis benefits from the Dothraki hordes, y'know, Island and all that. The Dothraki don't ride wooden horses. :(

The Ghiscari Empire could though!

One word: Unsullied.

Just ask Khal Temmo, 50,000 Dothraki got defeated by 3,000 Unsullied.
Isn't... isn't New Ghis on an Island? O_o :|
Also one thing about unsullied and the legions of new gris is their soldiers, not warriors. They have great discipline and powerful and shattering formation tactics but break thier formations and they suffer greatly in a melee.

Archon said:
Do the Ghiscari cities pay tribute to the Dothraki? I wouldn't imagine so, provided their strength.
Didn't Dany say even a weak Kalasar could conquer Astapor were it not for the Unsullied?

I also can't imagine New Ghis benefits from the Dothraki hordes, y'know, Island and all that. The Dothraki don't ride wooden horses. :(

The Ghiscari Empire could though!

One word: Unsullied.

Just ask Khal Temmo, 50,000 Dothraki got defeated by 3,000 Unsullied.
Thats because the dude saw 3000 men facing down an entire Kalasar a joke and charged them directly instead of flanking around them or surrounding then and raining down arrows. They wont make the same mistake again
Akio said:
Also one thing about unsullied and the legions of new gris is their soldiers, not warriors. They have great discipline and powerful and shattering formation tactics but break thier formations and they suffer greatly in a melee.
Thats because the dude saw 3000 men facing down an entire Kalasar a joke and charged them directly instead of flanking around them or surrounding then and raining down arrows. They wont make the same mistake again
But that's just it. The Unsullied DON'T break, it's why they're so feared. New Ghis Legions won't be as invincible, but I'm sure they would be the ideal fighting force against a Cavalry only army. Not to mention they have War elephants, I think huge-ass War elephants trampling through horses would shake even the Dothraki.

It wouldn't have made a difference what Temmo did, if he surrounded them, the Unsullied would have simply formed a circular Spear Wall. The result would have been the same, because Temmo did rain arrows upon them, but not many found a mark due to the Unsullied shields. A smart Khal would sit back and fire hail after hail, but that Khal would likely be considered a weak Khal, and be deposed pretty quickly.

WanderingJester said:
So, I mean they wouldn't need to worry about hordes of horse riders bothering them/care about them, no?
Oh of course not, but I meant if I take control of New Ghis the goal will to be reform the Empire of Ghis, which means Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai. At that point, Dothraki become a potential problem. But also a potential ally, some Khalasars would slave-trade with New Ghis, some would try and raid the Slaver' Bay cities.
Archon said:
But that's just it. The Unsullied DON'T break, it's why they're so feared. New Ghis Legions won't be as invincible, but I'm sure they would be the ideal fighting force against a Cavalry only army. Not to mention they have War elephants, I think huge-ass War elephants trampling through horses would shake even the Dothraki.
It wouldn't have made a difference what Temmo did, if he surrounded them, the Unsullied would have simply formed a circular Spear Wall. The result would have been the same, because Temmo did rain arrows upon them, but not many found a mark due to the Unsullied shields. A smart Khal would sit back and fire hail after hail, but that Khal would likely be considered a weak Khal, and be deposed pretty quickly.

Oh of course not, but I meant if I take control of New Ghis the goal will to be reform the Empire of Ghis, which means Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai. At that point, Dothraki become a potential problem. But also a potential ally, some Khalasars would slave-trade with New Ghis, some would try and raid the Slaver' Bay cities.
Cool, one problem at a time I suppose. Who knows? Maybe some horse bore diseases wiped most of them out by then. If the Grey Plague could happen, this wouldn't be out of the imagination *Shrug*

... Or they woke up a demon in the plains and it just massacred them all :P
Alright, here's exactly what ASOIAF says on New Ghis;

The most vital of the Ghiscari cities is also the smallest and newest' date=' and no less pretender to the greatness; New Ghis, left to its own devices on its isles. There, its masters have formed iron legions in mimicry of the legions of the Old Empire, but unlike the unsullied, these are free men, as the Old Empire were.[/quote']
Interesting, add this as well;

"Bricks and blood built Astapor, and bricks and blood of her people," an old rhyme says, referring to the red-bricked walls of the city and of the blood shed by thousands of slaves who would live, labor, and die constructing them,. Ruled by men who name themselves the Good Masters, Astapor is best known for the creation of the eunuch slave-soldiers called the Unsullied - men raised from boyhood to be fearless warriors who feel no pain. The Astapori pretend that they are the lockstep legions of the Old Empire come again, but those were free men, and the Unsullied are not.
Among the Ghiscari cities, there's obviously this fierce patriotism to be the Old Empire, with Astapor trying to forge the old legions, Meereen being the greatest of the old cities, and Yunkai, well, it's Yunkai. But New Ghis is on the right path to succeeding Old Ghis, with lockstep legions of freed men. A point stressed by the book, another point of pride it would seem.

AWOIAF puts an focus on the importance of New Ghis, and the geographical location does make sense.


It's in the center of the Summer Sea, the greatest sea for trade. The closest city is Port Yhos, far to the East. Astapor is well in Slaver's Bay, and the Doom to the West makes stopping at New Ghis a must. Sothoroyos below it is well known for scum and piracy, who eventually need to come towards Slavers Bay for much needed resources. Again, this makes New Ghis a trading hub. No matter where you're going, Pentos or Yin, New Ghis is a destination on your journey. For both trade and supplies.

So it has mandatory service for three years, where they become professional soldiers. Not knights, not levies, soldiers. And after that they return to whatever profession they were aimed at earlier. They normally have a few legions, so three or four, active, but thanks to a large population of trained civilians, they can raise a formidable army at will.

They may not be the Unsullied, but they are also trained in the same pseudo-phalanx/maniple's that makes the Unsullied renowned for their power on the battle field (Tyrion does remark it's only together, in a formation that the Unsullied are any better than other spearmen, so that's a point to keep in mind). They're well trained with spears and short swords, so they're diverse. For the region they're in, their military is probably top notch.

It would honestly not do the greatest against a seasoned Westerosi army, for a number of reasons. But compared to just calling bannermen, I'd put my money on the Iron Legions.

Hope this helped.
The Ghiscari cities have been known to pay tribute to Khalasars rather than fight them, as they are the largest single source of new slaves. So says the World Book.
Archon said:
But that's just it. The Unsullied DON'T break, it's why they're so feared. New Ghis Legions won't be as invincible, but I'm sure they would be the ideal fighting force against a Cavalry only army. Not to mention they have War elephants, I think huge-ass War elephants trampling through horses would shake even the Dothraki.
It wouldn't have made a difference what Temmo did, if he surrounded them, the Unsullied would have simply formed a circular Spear Wall. The result would have been the same, because Temmo did rain arrows upon them, but not many found a mark due to the Unsullied shields. A smart Khal would sit back and fire hail after hail, but that Khal would likely be considered a weak Khal, and be deposed pretty quickly.

Oh of course not, but I meant if I take control of New Ghis the goal will to be reform the Empire of Ghis, which means Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai. At that point, Dothraki become a potential problem. But also a potential ally, some Khalasars would slave-trade with New Ghis, some would try and raid the Slaver' Bay cities.
Doesn't change the facts Khals have been known to ally when threatened by an outside force such as the tall men in the past. And when they raid they often try to out do each other in conquest so he may be facing a couple hundred thousand horse lords.
WanderingJester said:
Cool, one problem at a time I suppose. Who knows? Maybe some horse bore diseases wiped most of them out by then. If the Grey Plague could happen, this wouldn't be out of the imagination *Shrug*
... Or they woke up a demon in the plains and it just massacred them all :P
Yeah one problem at a time, starting with Astapor... A pretty fucking scary problem, but I need dem Unsullied!

But the Dothraki are pretty freaking terrifying, they're basically Mongol Hordes, and we saw what they could do. It'd be pretty sweet if I could just ally the biggest Khalasar so the rest don't try and rape my Empire building campaign... Hell, I think I'd rather pay them off than deal with their horse archer bullshit.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Alright, here's exactly what ASOIAF says on New Ghis;
Interesting, add this as well;

Among the Ghiscari cities, there's obviously this fierce patriotism to be the Old Empire, with Astapor trying to forge the old legions, Meereen being the greatest of the old cities, and Yunkai, well, it's Yunkai. But New Ghis is on the right path to succeeding Old Ghis, with lockstep legions of freed men. A point stressed by the book, another point of pride it would seem.

AWOIAF puts an focus on the importance of New Ghis, and the geographical location does make sense.


It's in the center of the Summer Sea, the greatest sea for trade. The closest city is Port Yhos, far to the East. Astapor is well in Slaver's Bay, and the Doom to the West makes stopping at New Ghis a must. Sothoroyos below it is well known for scum and piracy, who eventually need to come towards Slavers Bay for much needed resources. Again, this makes New Ghis a trading hub. No matter where you're going, Pentos or Yin, New Ghis is a destination on your journey. For both trade and supplies.

So it has mandatory service for three years, where they become professional soldiers. Not knights, not levies, soldiers. And after that they return to whatever profession they were aimed at earlier. They normally have a few legions, so three or four, active, but thanks to a large population of trained civilians, they can raise a formidable army at will.

They may not be the Unsullied, but they are also trained in the same pseudo-phalanx/maniple's that makes the Unsullied renowned for their power on the battle field (Tyrion does remark it's only together, in a formation that the Unsullied are any better than other spearmen, so that's a point to keep in mind). They're well trained with spears and short swords, so they're diverse. For the region they're in, their military is probably top notch.

It would honestly not do the greatest against a seasoned Westerosi army, for a number of reasons. But compared to just calling bannermen, I'd put my money on the Iron Legions.

Hope this helped.
Thanks! That helped a lot, I had no idea of how important New Ghis was as a trading hub. And I agree that the Iron Legions wouldn't fair greatly against the Westerosi armies. But for an Essos only military campaign, I think I have my next character, I'm also happy to see that my goal of restoring the Empire is actually the nation's supposed goal as a whole. It'd make raising an army much easier, as the people would be fighting for their previous greatness.

Akio said:
Doesn't change the facts Khals have been known to ally when threatened by an outside force such as the tall men in the past. And when they raid they often try to out do each other in conquest so he may be facing a couple hundred thousand horse lords.
But this is in defense, the Dothraki wouldn't ally when they're the ones attacking. Hell, if they were attacking the Unsullied (again) I'd imagine they'd see allying to win as a weak move by the Khal (again).

Keep in mind, Khal Drogo commanded 100,000, a couple hundred thousand raiding in one area would't work, they'd end up killing each other which is great for me.

I'd say any Khal would be foolish to raid the one nation in Essos which has the exact counter to cavalry. I.E Iron Legions, Unsullied, War Elephants. (After I have Astapor, of course.)
I just have one question; How do you plan on tying this in with the main plot of the RP? I like it, I really do. As a big fan of antiquity, most central Essos-themes go back to the classical age. But I feel like it still should tie in with things. . I can think of a way or two, myself. But I want to hear what you got first.
I don't see why they would pay tribute since Dothraki simply don't cross large bodies of water. Maybe just as a thank you of some kind for initial slave trades, but that wouldn't really be a lot since they wouldn't get anything out of it.

Also, the Dothraki have not made that mistake in this RP @Akio. They would have no idea it would happen, not to mention they don't have a hive-mind, and every other Khal would have to figure out the hard way; DO NOT CHARGE A WALL OF UNSULLIED WITH HORSES!
Archon said:
Yeah one problem at a time, starting with Astapor... A pretty fucking scary problem, but I need dem Unsullied!
But the Dothraki are pretty freaking terrifying, they're basically Mongol Hordes, and we saw what they could do. It'd be pretty sweet if I could just ally the biggest Khalasar so the rest don't try and rape my Empire building campaign... Hell, I think I'd rather pay them off than deal with their horse archer bullshit.

Thanks! That helped a lot, I had no idea of how important New Ghis was as a trading hub. And I agree that the Iron Legions wouldn't fair greatly against the Westerosi armies. But for an Essos only military campaign, I think I have my next character, I'm also happy to see that my goal of restoring the Empire is actually the nation's supposed goal as a whole. It'd make raising an army much easier, as the people would be fighting for their previous greatness.

But this is in defense, the Dothraki wouldn't ally when they're the ones attacking. Hell, if they were attacking the Unsullied (again) I'd imagine they'd see allying to win as a weak move by the Khal (again).

Keep in mind, Khal Drogo commanded 100,000, a couple hundred thousand raiding in one area would't work, they'd end up killing each other which is great for me.

I'd say any Khal would be foolish to raid the one nation in Essos which has the exact counter to cavalry. I.E Iron Legions, Unsullied, War Elephants. (After I have Astapor, of course.)
Yea, I've always thought of them as such. Though I think mounted archers can be defeated with proper formation of shields/spears/archers of non mounted infantry, but you know. *shrug* Natural disaster seemed easier to just wipe the Mongols off the map. The Doom of Dothraki Sea anyone? xD

Astapor will be a big problem, but that one I can't just plague off or drop a demon on, you're on your own for that lol.
Elendithas said:
I don't see why they would pay tribute since Dothraki simply don't cross large bodies of water. Maybe just as a thank you of some kind for initial slave trades, but that wouldn't really be a lot since they wouldn't get anything out of it.
Also, the Dothraki have not made that mistake in this RP @Akio. They would have no idea it would happen, not to mention they don't have a hive-mind, and every other Khal would have to figure out the hard way; DO NOT CHARGE A WALL OF UNSULLIED WITH HORSES!
Except the story spread all over Essos. Khal Teemo's Kalasar wasn't annihilated. After him and his sons were killed the new Khal had his men cut off their braids and throw them at the feet of the remaining unsullied. Everyone knows of the story of Khal Teemo's defeat.
I think we're forgetting the Dothraki didn't lose at Qohor, they gave up out of respect for the skill of the Unsullied, yes they lost most of their men because Unsullied are extremely effective but most of the Unsullied died as well and if they'd continued the siege they would have taken the city after a time. Dotharki are a force to be reckoned with and I would put them ahead of fake Unsullied anyday, they pose a real threat to the slaver cities if the New Ghis Empire doesn't want to pay tribute to them.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I just have one question; How do you plan on tying this in with the main plot of the RP? I like it, I really do. As a big fan of antiquity, most central Essos-themes go back to the classical age. But I feel like it still should tie in with things. . I can think of a way or two, myself. But I want to hear what you got first.
I would assume even Westeros would understand that the moment Astapor falls to New Ghis, the empire is very much on the way to being rebuilt; and if that isn't a terrifying prospect I don't know what is, New Ghis - whilst still young - would seek to preserve it's newborn empire by seeking powerful allies among the Free Cities, and Westeros. Since the moment Westeros becomes united again under a relatively stable King or Queen, it would be in that rulers interest to stomp out New Ghis before it grows to disproportionate power.

I don't plan on tying New Ghis in with Westeros militarily, but through trade and diplomacy - at least to start. Unlike Ibben, they have no ambition towards Westeros, but instead to restore the Imperial Borders, and then probably either expanding South into Qarth.

They wouldn't tangle with the monster that is, Yi Ti.

I'd be glad to here any suggestions you have though! Mine doesn't heavily tie into the main plot as you can see, but I imagine it wouldn't until the Empire becomes a thing.
Hahaha. Yeah. Mongols.

Just avoid them in open terrain and you'll be good. The Mongols were frighteningly capable of devastating "better equipped" armies in both Europe and the Islamic Middle East. I'd suggest anyone interested in the Mongols or if any of you just need background noise for a while to check out Hardcore History, I believe the Mongol podcasts are free still. There are five episodes in total and it's all very interesting.
WanderingJester said:
Yea, I've always thought of them as such. Though I think mounted archers can be defeated with proper formation of shields/spears/archers of non mounted infantry, but you know. *shrug* Natural disaster seemed easier to just wipe the Mongols off the map. The Doom of Dothraki Sea anyone? xD
Astapor will be a big problem, but that one I can't just plague off or drop a demon on, you're on your own for that lol.
Maybe if you had equal numbers sure, but New Gris doesnt have 300000 soldiers right now. Even small Kalasars are at least 10000 men

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