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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

You'll have to wait until after the wedding.

Weddings are important you know!?

Deathly important.
It doesn't have to be red.

Seriously tho, Egyll is a smart cookie. He isn't siding with anyone unless the risk factor is 0.

A RW is like, almost certified death risk.
Akio said:
Do we really need another red wedding xD
Another? Wait a minute...

... OH YES! WE TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT BRAEDON AND KUVIRA'S WEDDING! Everyone hurry and celebrate! The Targs and Stags are getting married at King's Landing!

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]We don't need it but apparently it's going to happen.

Well, the necessity of this particular wedding will depend on your Stark's need to mess with the Westerland's lions... ( :P )
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WanderingJester said:
Another? Wait a minute...
... OH YES! WE TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT BRAEDON AND KUVIRA'S WEDDING! Everyone hurry and celebrate! The Targs and Stags are getting married at King's Landing!

Well, the necessity of this particular wedding will depend on your Stark's need to mess with the Westerland's lions... ( :P )
Wait what? xD
Hah, cute.

Jester thinks he has the power here.

I'm the wedding organizer, and this isn't Walder and Robb. :)

Hehe, The Crossing is like, the most strategically awesome place in Westeros.
Archon said:
Hah, cute.
Jester thinks he has the power here.

I'm the wedding organizer, and this isn't Walder and Robb. :)

Hehe, The Crossing is like, the most strategically awesome place in Westeros.
Really? Which one of us is a GM? ( ;) )


Lancelot said:
Does the Redwynes not like the High towers?
Not their biggest fan, no.
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Archon said:
Hah, cute.
Jester thinks he has the power here.

I'm the wedding organizer, and this isn't Walder and Robb. :)

Hehe, The Crossing is like, the most strategically awesome place in Westeros.
Its pretty dope but only good if the walders are prepared for invasion and their enemy is north of the neck.
WanderingJester said:
Another? Wait a minute...
... OH YES! WE TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT BRAEDON AND KUVIRA'S WEDDING! Everyone hurry and celebrate! The Targs and Stags are getting married at King's Landing!

Well, the necessity of this particular wedding will depend on your Stark's need to mess with the Westerland's lions... ( :P )
Lancelot said:
Any reason why they don't like them?
The Arbor feels as though Hightower's stepping on their toes by building up their navy. Luthor Redwyne's pride will only allow one naval power in the Redwyne Straits, Whispering Sound and off the Coasts of Reach: the Redwyne Fleet.

JustWhipIt said:
Oh, it was silly, but I forgive you doe. ( :P )
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One glance was sufficient to tell Catelyn that the castle would not be taken by storm. The battlements bristled with spears and swords and scorpions, there was an archer at every crenel and arrow slit, the drawbridge was up, the portcullis down, the gates closed and barred.

The Greatjon began to curse and swear as soon as he saw what awaited them. Lord Rickard Karstark glowered in silence. “That cannot be assaulted, my lords,” Roose Bolton announced.

“Nor can we take it by siege, without an army on the far bank to invest the other castle,” Helman Tallhart said gloomily. Across the deep-running green waters, the western twin stood like a reflection of its eastern brother. “Even if we had the time. Which, to be sure, we do not.”

The Twins can only be taken with an army on both sides, North and South. Of course, if someone had an army on both sides they wouldn't need to assault The Twins. I don't know why exactly, but that description seems overlooked - I'd rank the Twins as one of the strongest castles in Westeros, not from towering walls are massive reserves of soldiers - it's placed in such a strategically masterful spot. As long as my Frey is friendly with The North, or the Lannisters should they take the Riverlands - he's set.

Truth be told, as the North and Riverlands are allied, and he is a vassal of Walder, sding with Tiber looks to be suicide unless something changes quickly.
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Archon said:
One glance was sufficient to tell Catelyn that the castle would not be taken by storm. The battlements bristled with spears and swords and scorpions, there was an archer at every crenel and arrow slit, the drawbridge was up, the portcullis down, the gates closed and barred.
The Greatjon began to curse and swear as soon as he saw what awaited them. Lord Rickard Karstark glowered in silence. “That cannot be assaulted, my lords,” Roose Bolton announced.

“Nor can we take it by siege, without an army on the far bank to invest the other castle,” Helman Tallhart said gloomily. Across the deep-running green waters, the western twin stood like a reflection of its eastern brother. “Even if we had the time. Which, to be sure, we do not.”

The Twins can only be taken with an army on both sides, North and South. Of course, if someone had an army on both sides they wouldn't need to assault The Twins. I don't know why exactly, but that description seems overlooked - I'd rank the Twins as one of the strongest castles in Westeros, not from towering walls are massive reserves of soldiers - it's placed in such a strategically masterful spot. As long as my Frey is friendly with The North, or the Lannisters should they take the Riverlands - he's set.

Truth be told, as the North and Riverlands are allied, and he is a vassal of Walder, sding with Tiber looks to be suicide unless something changes quickly.
Meh, or they can always trojan horse the castle like the Golden Company did with Storm's End, but I mean it's really hypothetical at this moment. I do think even with just one side the Golden Company at full strength would be able to give the Freys a run for their money.
WanderingJester said:
The Arbor feels as though Hightower's stepping on their toes by building up their navy. Luthor Redwyne's pride will only allow one naval power in the Redwyne Straits, Whispering Sound and off the Coasts of Reach: the Redwyne Fleet.
Oh, it was silly, but I forgive you doe. ( :P )
I'm so proud.
They wouldn't.

At all.

An assault or a siege on one side of the Twins is complete suicide for an attacking army, the Golden Company aren't super soldiers. They are veterans of battle, and could likely win out against a significantly larger force in a pitched battle.

In an assault here however, they'd lose all their men before breaching The Twins. Keep in mind, Robb couldn't assault the Twins - and he had a great many more men than the GC.

The Golden Company are great soldiers in battle, but they're just men - like the Unsullied - they'd be torn up as meatshields in a siege.

Trojan Horse tactics are overused hypothetically in my opinion, it's a ridiculous move that would never work provided the defending lord had a single brain cell. Storm's End is an exception due to the circumstances of Aegon's arrival in disguise. Something like that currently wouldn't work since Egyll is smart, and there aren't any situations in which it could be successfully pulled off.

But I don't now why we're having conversation! Do you plan to invade The Crossing? I've already stated that should The Riverlands get ganked Egyll won't be getting none of that; he'll lock down the Crossing and let events unfold. Even if it earns minus points with the North and Riverlands.
JustWhipIt said:
I'm so proud.

Archon said:
They wouldn't.
At all.

An assault or a siege on one side of the Twins is complete suicide for an attacking army, the Golden Company aren't super soldiers. They are veterans of battle, and could likely win out against a significantly larger force in a pitched battle.

In an assault here however, they'd lose all their men before breaching The Twins. Keep in mind, Robb couldn't assault the Twins - and he had a great many more men than the GC.

The Golden Company are great soldiers in battle, but they're just men - like the Unsullied - they'd be torn up as meatshields in a siege.

Trojan Horse tactics are overused hypothetically in my opinion, it's a ridiculous move that would never work provided the defending lord had a single brain cell. Storm's End is an exception due to the circumstances of Aegon's arrival in disguise. Something like that currently wouldn't work since Egyll is smart, and there aren't any situations in which it could be successfully pulled off.

But I don't now why we're having conversation! Do you plan to invade The Crossing? I've already stated that should The Riverlands get ganked Egyll won't be getting none of that; he'll lock down the Crossing and let events unfold. Even if it earns minus points with the North and Riverlands.
No, I'm thinking of something unorthodox when it comes to the GC. Never underestimate the power of human imagination/ability to overlook something/how something that's kind of stupid working. I used the trojan horse as a tactic aside from straight assault on the Twins, but there are many others I'm sure.

Also, nah, I just like to think about how I would breach defensive structures, especially very difficult to breach ones. No defense is perfect and everything can crack, just need the patience and intelligence to overcome them (including the defenders of course). Let's face it though, if I really (and I mean unreasonably amount of really) wanted to destroy the Twins, wouldn't I just use my magical GM powers to unleash a (ice) dragon on it, prompting ruining of RP and people quickly running and yelling at TAC (CAT) for abuse of power and retcon and such xD . Honestly though, I just didn't like canon Freys for Lord Frey being a whiny old geezer (even if he is justify in being a whiny old geezer, which we discussed and I agreed) and the RP Freys haven't done anything to really piss me off, so I'm more or less meh about them honestly lol.

Oh, right. Everyone, (but especially @Hypnos ) If your character's written to Tiber Lannister and he hasn't gotten around to reply to it, please post a link or the letter itself in OOC or PM or get it to me somehow. I vividly remember Lady Tully sent something to Tiber but I can't find the letter right now. So if you'll be so kind Hypnos, may I get it again?
Weird how they think they can get proof of an invasion when the only thing they could actually get proof of was the leader of Ibben offering a marriage to Deanna. I suppose it makes sense for a fifteen year old girl to blindly listen to an old friend though.
Elendithas said:
Weird how they think they can get proof of an invasion when the only thing they could actually get proof of was the leader of Ibben offering a marriage to Deanna. I suppose it makes sense for a fifteen year old girl to blindly listen to an old friend though.
Apparently they have the original letter Kuriva sent since the servant saved it of her own accord though, and hes hoping to get the scroll of the scribe which directly states an offer of 40000 warriors to the iron throne. And many would draw their own thoughts off that first letter, especially if both the prince of dorne and a princess's word behind it when neither of them are really known as deceitful. And its probably something Kuriva might do to as many would probably notice. Not to mention there are many ways to skin a cat.
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The thing is - as you said - no defense is perfect, and in the case of the Twins, the imperfection comes from not having great towering walls (Harrenhal/Storm's End) and not having a veteran army of defenders.

But the position makes them completely immune to a siege unless the attacking army is on both sides of the Twins, and an assault is... Well, an assault.

the Golden Company charge at the walls of the Southern Twin, perhaps with ladders, and bettering rams, maybe they have catapults and trebuchets too. But GC men will be dropping to swarms of arrows like flies, whilst the Frey army takes menial losses, maybe one frey soldier for every 10 GC soldiers. The worst part is since the fort can't be surrounded all the arrows would be focused on a more compressed army.

By no means are the Twins impenetrable, but an assault needs numbers - much more than the GC has.

On another note, this is just me saying Egyll is safe no matter what. If we were to war for some reason, you could ruin me by just burning and raiding the Crossing whilst avoiding the Twins.

Your GM powers wouldn't work either, since Centurion has the real power. You're like Tommen!

Also, on an unrelated note, I want Seagard. I want to add it to my Frey dominion. just throwing that out there...

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Archon said:
The thing is - as you said - no defense is perfect, and in the case of the Twins, the imperfection comes from not having great towering walls (Harrenhal/Storm's End) and not having a veteran army of defenders.
But the position makes them completely immune to a siege unless the attacking army is on both sides of the Twins, and an assault is... Well, an assault.

the Golden Company charge at the walls of the Southern Twin, perhaps with ladders, and bettering rams, maybe they have catapults and trebuchets too. But GC men will be dropping to swarms of arrows like flies, whilst the Frey army takes menial losses, maybe one frey soldier for every 10 GC soldiers. The worst part is since the fort can't be surrounded all the arrows would be focused on a more compressed army.

By no means are the Twins impenetrable, but an assault needs numbers - much more than the GC has.

On another note, this is just me saying Egyll is safe no matter what. If we were to war for some reason, you could ruin me by just burning and raiding the Crossing whilst avoiding the Twins.

Your GM powers wouldn't work either, since Centurion has the real power. You're like Tommen!

Also, on an unrelated note, I want Seagard. I want to add it to my Frey dominion. just throwing that out there...

Lol, sure. If you want to think I'm Tommen, feel free xD . (Don't blame me when an ice dragon shows up *shrug*)

Also, you discounted something just straight up bat shit crazy being done by the GC. I'm not sure what it might be, but it's entirely possible for it to work against the Freys, even without overwhelming force. Again, it's a hypothetical and if something really happens like that IC I know people will be whining about it left and right and require overrule by the GMs, but you know, such is life and RP. Again, bat shit crazy.

As for Egyll, I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have nothing against the man. He's not even old and whiny, so he's cool/meh with me. However, playing a Frey, you should know better than anyone no one is truly safe no matter what ( ;) ) This is ASoIaF after all.

As for Seagard, work that out with the Tullys. That's Riverland business no? ( :P )
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I never said you had anything against him. :P

I'm just saying he isn't Walder, and he's very, very, smart. So deception wouldn't work in taking the Twins.

And I mean no offense when I say this, but I think you're making the GC something they're really not. xD Any army, ever, would be devoured in a frontal fort assault. No matter how skilled, the whole basis of an assault is attacking a castle with overwhelming numbers. The attacking force will always take thrice as many casualties.

It's like the Soviet Union vs Germany, the Soviet's took millions more losses, but won on the Eastern front anyway because they had the manpower. The Golden Company don't have a manpower advantage.

And... Why am I still talking? This isn't even a debate. xD I'm very aware Tiber could squash the Twins, I guess I just have no amount of faith that the GC could get anywhere near doing it single-handedly. At the end f the day, they're just good soldiers. Great in a pitched battle, but not great at not running at walls and getting shot with arrows in an assault.

Meh, I guess we see how it goes. Perhaps I can take Seagard by force of arms if things go well.

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