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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Daenna is true born, Kuvira and Aerea were rumored to be bastards. Viserys "started" the rumor due to their lackluster Valyrian features, and he wanted the throne. Deanna is a young girl, and she obviously has features to match Viserys. So that was a no go.

As of yet there's no solid evidence Kuvira is a bastard, but then again many people don't seem to require solid evidence.
Veyd Sahvoz]Yeah because Braedon Baratheon ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18514-justwhipit/ said:
@JustWhipIt[/URL]) sent a letter to Tadhg saying Kuvira is a bastard born so that means......


TheAncientCenturion said:
Daenna is true born, Kuvira and Aerea were rumored to be bastards. Viserys "started" the rumor due to their lackluster Valyrian features, and he wanted the throne. Deanna is a young girl, and she obviously has features to match Viserys. So that was a no go.
As of yet there's no solid evidence Kuvira is a bastard, but then again many people don't seem to require solid evidence.
*cough cough, ahem...*

[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]




" I'll let you take a guess"




Nicknames / Titles:

Queen Kuvira of the seven kingdom

dragon of the west

Marital Status:


"I'll possibly end up a virgin queen."




Kuvira is polite and well-spoken, but filled with quiet determination. She has extreme intelligence, grandiosity, incapacity for remorse, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. Born a princess and hailed as a prodigy, kuvira grew up to be narcissistic and confident. She relentlessly drilled herself toward perfection and settled for nothing less from herself or those who serve her. She believes that power and domination are what makes a person strong, and as such will only help others if she has some personal gain at stake. She had absolute confidence in her "divine right to rule" which she believed she was born with. She had neither pity nor mercy toward those she marked as treasonous or inferior. As one who wanted nothing less than absolute control, she likewise had remarkable control of herself,seemingly always able to react to any situation at a moment's notice, never losing her composure.


she's an excellent tactician, regularly displaying cunning, perception, and resourcefulness that allowed her to take advantage of almost any situation. But she does suffer from targaryen madness. Suffering from her inner pain, she at times appear to be an insane, sadistic and psychopathic individual. a sarcastic, cynical, albeit childish sense of humour but often spoke in a tone that would intimidate or annoy her opponents. She had an incredible capability for changing his tone of voice and behaviour several times in a single sentence for psychological warfare - ranging from serenity, humour, mockery, childish, laid-back, to violence. Because of this Kuvira is extremely difficult to read and anticipate.



She had a deadly accuracy with these weapons and used them to pin her opponents down, even if she or the target was moving, Her expert marksmanship gave her enough strength to defeat powerful benders and multiple opponents.


Hand to hand combat:

She is able to perform acorbatic movements like they were childs play. She knows how and where to hit her enemy, vicious attack patterns keep her opponent off balance and leave them little room to make any kind of error without being punished for it.

Toxins and poison

has an extensive knowledge of poison, and is a mistress of it.


Showing weakness

Losing power

Anyone finding out she's a bastard


Read the last thing on the last accordion tab 'Die'. Oh and there's totally is no evidence even though it's right there. Yup you're so right :) (You sense the sarcasm there cuz I meant it)
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Is everyone alright if I revamp Siegfried a bit?

It will be nothing drastic, it will mostly be line of succession and a few other things such as rewriting some things.

Just wanted to make sure everyone was ok with it and didn't have any problems.
Lancelot said:
Is everyone alright if I revamp Siegfried a bit?
It will be nothing drastic, it will mostly be line of succession and a few other things such as rewriting some things.

Just wanted to make sure everyone was ok with it and didn't have any problems.
Is he going back home to kill his father/older brother?
Lancelot said:
It was that easy to predict eh?
When people say they have to "take care of family business" it's either a) to kill enemies of the family or b) clean house. Seeing as your man's heading the opposite direction of Harlaw's enemies at the moment, I took an educated guess. *shrug*
Also on the subject of Harlaws, is it alright if I make some more.

Mainly Siegfrieds sister and the Lord Harlaw of Greygarden.
Lancelot said:
Also on the subject of Harlaws, is it alright if I make some more.
Mainly Siegfrieds sister and the Lord Harlaw of Greygarden.
I don't see a problem with that, go for it.
I sense the questioning of your queen! If you have something to say, say it to my face peasants!*takes out list of people to kill* I'm ready
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[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]I sense the questioning of your queen! If you have something to say, say it to my face peasants!*takes out list of people to kill* I'm ready

How do you feel about the Tyrells?

N-no reason I was just wondering

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