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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh go back to Dorne goat fucker! Viserys will have you thrown in a well!
Exactly, look at this violent cretin, see how he rages and roars pretending to be a dragon. How could this man be king xD
Akio said:
Aiden Starks speech actually gave me some chills for a second, but you gave me just what i need to use against Viserys when it comes to offers on the table, thank you
But will it work :P

Also you gonna keep talking with Viserys or visit Cayden and hear the counter offer
Perhaps, perhaps not.

I'm still reading, gimme a sec :P
How much you want to bet Brandeon refuses or just tells his archers to shoot him by the way?
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So, I notice this RP has been going on for at least more than one thread. I was wondering if it would be alright to join and add in a couple of new Characters. I can give references to other RPs in the ASOIAF universe that I have both been a part of and hosted.
Nuxipal said:
So, I notice this RP has been going on for at least more than one thread. I was wondering if it would be alright to join and add in a couple of new Characters. I can give references to other RPs in the ASOIAF universe that I have both been a part of and hosted.
We always are taking more people, who you looking to play? All lord paramounts are taken
Nuxipal said:
So, I notice this RP has been going on for at least more than one thread. I was wondering if it would be alright to join and add in a couple of new Characters. I can give references to other RPs in the ASOIAF universe that I have both been a part of and hosted.
We're always accepting new players to join us. I'd encourage you to read the Overview, maybe the character sheets, and ask any questions ya' got.

A fair warning, the Overview hasn't been updated in months. . So the player Houses may not be up to date. But the general plot should be the same as when we started.
WanderingJester said:
Heh, it seems Viserys has more in common with his "sister" than he'll like to admit.
Oooh, what would that beeee? I mean, I completely agree. I think all of the Targaryen's ultimately have been shaped in similar ways by their father.
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Akio said:
We always are taking more people, who you looking to play? All lord paramounts are taken
I have a few original Characters that I wanted to throw into the mix.

TheAncientCenturion said:
We're always accepting new players to join us. I'd encourage you to read the Overview, maybe the character sheets, and ask any questions ya' got.
A fair warning, the Overview hasn't been updated in months. . So the player Houses may not be up to date. But the general plot should be the same as when we started.
Wicked, I've been doing that. Ran across this site, and then this thread, a couple days ago while waiting for another RP to start. I'll hopefully have an application up in the Character Sign-up area sometime soon.
Nuxipal said:
I have a few original Characters that I wanted to throw into the mix.
Wicked, I've been doing that. Ran across this site, and then this thread, a couple days ago while waiting for another RP to start. I'll hopefully have an application up in the Character Sign-up area sometime soon.
Can you give details, so you dont post a character only to find out it wont work, this rp is very light on magic and certain houses are really developed in the family line so its hard to slide into them
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oooh, what would that beeee? I mean, I completely agree. I think all of the Targaryen's ultimately have been shaped in similar ways by their father.
Akio said:
That past the first gate they fail at negotiation?
Both of them overestimate their negotating position and how much House Lannister needs either House Targaryen or House Blackfyre, at least at the moment. Viserys is much more sober than Kuvira, but he still presumes much of Tiber, and much of that presumption false.
Akio said:
That past the first gate they fail at negotiation?
Viserys so far hasn't said anything too insulting and has sort of agreed, and offered Tiber other powers. If he takes offense to what Viserys is proposing, a more in depth discussion where everything is on the table, I'd say it's more of Tiber being stubborn. Viserys is willing to consider those options, but you never accept a deal at the beginning. You always hassle.

Nuxipal said:
I have a few original Characters that I wanted to throw into the mix.
Wicked, I've been doing that. Ran across this site, and then this thread, a couple days ago while waiting for another RP to start. I'll hopefully have an application up in the Character Sign-up area sometime soon.
Cool cool! @TheFordee14's the resident Gm, he'll maybe look it over when it's done. But yeah, we're all around if you run into a wall when making your character.
WanderingJester said:
Both of them overestimate their negotating position and how much House Lannister needs either House Targaryen or House Blackfyre, at least at the moment. Viserys is much more sober than Kuvira, but he still presumes much of Tiber, and much of that presumption false.
WanderingJester said:
Both of them overestimate their negotating position and how much House Lannister needs either House Targaryen or House Blackfyre, at least at the moment. Viserys is much more sober than Kuvira, but he still presumes much of Tiber, and much of that presumption false.
I mean, they are negotiating. You tend to do that, you go high and then meet in the middle. It'd be weak of either to instantly accept. That and Viserys is willing to give Tiber some of what he asked for, like I said, I don't think Viserys over stepped his boundaries that much.
Akio said:
Can you give details, so you dont post a character only to find out it wont work, this rp is very light on magic and certain houses are really developed in the family line so its hard to slide into them
Perfectly fine. I'm assuming Dragon Dreams are a still a thing for characters of Valyrian Blood, if not. That's ok, it's just a minor detail anyway. As for the developed houses, no big issue there either. Unless someone has wiped Elyria off the map, I won't have to change his country of origin. The big issue for me will be how much leeway will I get when working with family lineage, I'd prefer that my characters have some relation(extremely distant if possible) relation to House Targaryen.
Nuxipal said:
Perfectly fine. I'm assuming Dragon Dreams are a still a thing for characters of Valyrian Blood, if not. That's ok, it's just a minor detail anyway. As for the developed houses, no big issue there either. Unless someone has wiped Elyria off the map, I won't have to change his country of origin. The big issue for me will be how much leeway will I get when working with family lineage, I'd prefer that my characters have some relation(extremely distant if possible) relation to House Targaryen.
House Targaryen currently has 4 sons and daughters, 3 of them fighting for the throne. However only one of them are true born, the rest are bastards (especially viserys)
TheAncientCenturion said:
I mean, they are negotiating. You tend to do that, you go high and then meet in the middle. It'd be weak of either to instantly accept. That and Viserys is willing to give Tiber some of what he asked for, like I said, I don't think Viserys over stepped his boundaries that much.
No, he didn't. In fact compared to Kuvira he's been most polite and reasonable. However, there is no shame in admitting to one's weak position (and I'm just using your words from when you first offered Blackfyre IC during the OOC chat, plus Viserys' thoughts) especially when the other party is somewhat accurately estimating the same thing. I never said Viserys had to instantly accept, hence why Tiber just let him know about the terms and maybe think things over. I'm not saying Viserys over stepped his boundaries, because to me he hasn't. He just perhaps underestimated the ratio between the need House Blackfyre has for House Lannister versus the reverse is all, which is what I'm suggesting.

Nuxipal said:
Perfectly fine. I'm assuming Dragon Dreams are a still a thing for characters of Valyrian Blood, if not. That's ok, it's just a minor detail anyway. As for the developed houses, no big issue there either. Unless someone has wiped Elyria off the map, I won't have to change his country of origin. The big issue for me will be how much leeway will I get when working with family lineage, I'd prefer that my characters have some relation(extremely distant if possible) relation to House Targaryen.
Well, not at the moment no, but with the rise of New Ghis, that might change in the future lol xD .
WanderingJester said:
No, he didn't. In fact compared to Kuvira he's been most polite and reasonable. However, there is no shame in admitting to one's weak position (and I'm just using your words from when you first offered Blackfyre IC during the OOC chat, plus Viserys' thoughts) especially when the other party is somewhat accurately estimating the same thing. I never said Viserys had to instantly accept, hence why Tiber just let him know about the terms and maybe think things over. I'm not saying Viserys over stepped his boundaries, because to me he hasn't. He just perhaps underestimated the ratio between the need House Blackfyre has for House Lannister versus the reverse is all, which is what I'm suggesting.
Well, not at the moment no, but with the rise of New Ghis, that might change in the future lol xD .
Basically to summerize, Viserys could be slight more humble about his weak position

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