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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)


Be honest with yourself, if all of your characters skills could be matched by reading for a couple hours why would you put any emphasis on them at all? Your characters skills came from years of traveling and experiencing the world. And it would take Roland years of reading or traveling to match those skills. Your character has more going for him than combat and command dude.
It was more along the lines of. "Holy shit, a hundred fucking people just walked into my inn demanding alcohol. Serving times are going to take long af and a hundred drunken mercenaries in one place is NEVER a good thing."

You seem to be trying to push this whole thing on, I told you my bad if thats how you took my statement and you just keep trying to get things heated between us.
Personally I think all of these characters are way too young to be greatest fighters in the Realm but there we are...
Leusis said:
You seem to be trying to push this whole thing on, I told you my bad if thats how you took my statement and you just keep trying to get things heated between us.
Blaming it on me doesn't do anything to help either.
Elendithas said:
It was more along the lines of. "Holy shit, a hundred fucking people just walked into my inn demanding alcohol. Serving times are going to take long af and a hundred drunken mercenaries in one place is NEVER a good thing."
Hmm... when was the last time a bunch of armed men in a host got drunk and merry again? Was it for a victory? No, no, that wasn't it...

A wedding perhaps?

Meh, Robert was around his early twenties when his rebellion started I believe. And he was considered to be a terror on the battlefield.


You're still throwing passive agressive stuff my way, how is this my fault?
Leusis said:
Be honest with yourself, if all of your characters skills could be matched by reading for a couple hours why would you put any emphasis on them at all? Your characters skills came from years of traveling and experiencing the world. And it would take Roland years of reading or traveling to match those skills. Your character has more going for him than combat and command dude.
I never put knowledge of Essos on my character sheet, i put down poison because i though it would be fair of me to mention i use poison in battle before stabbing someone

Sailing is the one other trait id say it would be hard to match him in outside of combat. His sailing is learned from a great amount of time including running away from dorne to serve on a sailing ship and showing up at kingslanding 6 months later. The rest can be learned easier then you think. Any maester could match his knowledge easily and pass it on just as easily
Hypnos said:
Whoa there guys, calm down there, as Co-GM I have the power to give you half a telling off and I warn you I will do it.
Well actually he can also call a meeting of the GMs together to see if we need to formally address players that may or may not lead to us getting out the ban hammer, so... half a telling off is just the start. Fair warning.

as can I.
WanderingJester said:
Hmm... when was the last time a bunch of armed men in a host got drunk and merry again? Was it for a victory? No, no, that wasn't it...
A wedding perhaps?
I hope not, i probably need my men
Leusis said:
Meh, Robert was around his early twenties when his rebellion started I believe. And he was considered to be a terror on the battlefield.


You're still throwing passive agressive stuff my way, how is this my fault?
Any statement either of us make in the current situation could be seen as passive aggressive or insulting so why don't we just drop it and move on then?
Honestly no one other then me should be annoyed which way my character goes after the gm decision is made so arguing about it right now at least with people who probably have no say in what happens to it is stupid
Leusis said:
Meh, Robert was around his early twenties when his rebellion started I believe. And he was considered to be a terror on the battlefield.


You're still throwing passive agressive stuff my way, how is this my fault?
There is an exception to every rule, fighting was all that Robert did, he fought all day and he fucked all night, he didn't spend time doing literally anything else, even as an old fat man he still talks almost exclusively about fighting, I'll assume these other characters do slightly more than that and focus on other things.

I'm just saying, from what I've seen in OOC it seems its been stated that his knowledge on other subjects is rather extensive. But hey, if you're saying thats completely untrue then thats fine by me. The majority of what I have a problem with as I think you'd understand because you seem reasonable enough is this. I made my character when "great fighters" weren't the norm and even asked on OOC if EVERYBODY was okay if I made a fighter of such a level. And now, even though I went through that it seems like "great fighters" are just being thrown onto the pile and making my characters single high level skill looks pointless and over used.
Akio said:
Honestly no one other then me should be annoyed which way my character goes after the gm decision is made so arguing about it right now at least with people who probably have no say in what happens to it is stupid
I would disagree. People speaking their minds about how they feel on the subject can have a huge effect on the decision.
Akio said:
Honestly no one other then me should be annoyed which way my character goes after the gm decision is made so arguing about it right now at least with people who probably have no say in what happens to it is stupid
Hey, I have a slight say in things, like at least a quarter of a say. This is just friendly debate here and discussion about your character if you want to ask similar things, or address issues with my own characters if be more than happy to discuss them with you.

I've been trying to drop it but alright *loosens grip and lets the subject sink into the atlantic as violins play in the background* I'll miss you John.

Titanic? no? okay.
Leusis said:
I'm just saying, from what I've seen in OOC it seems its been stated that his knowledge on other subjects is rather extensive. But hey, if you're saying thats completely untrue then thats fine by me. The majority of what I have a problem with as I think you'd understand because you seem reasonable enough is this. I made my character when "great fighters" weren't the norm and even asked on OOC if EVERYBODY was okay if I made a fighter of such a level. And now, even though I went through that it seems like "great fighters" are just being thrown onto the pile and making my characters single high level skill looks pointless and over used.
I understand what your saying but i will have only one character. With the rod im in i dont have time for more so while i might understand if he wasn't allowed how he is it would ruin my original mental concept of his character and upset me
Leusis said:
Honestly never watched Titanic sooooooooooooooo
Hold on a second, how can you have never seen Titanic, it's like the most famous film ever, I'm not even that big a fan of films and I haven't seen some pretty big thing but I've still seen Titanic. I assumed everyone had seen it.

I can understand that, but Ive also had to change character concepts tons of times so that the character would better fit in with whats going on, even when I REALLY wanted to make a certain type of character. And trust me, we've already dsicussed that how under the right circumstances a tier 3 could destroy a tier 4 in a fight. So its not like even if you do get nudged down a bit you'll just lose all validity as a combat character.
Hypnos said:
Hold on a second, how can you have never seen Titanic, it's like the most famous film ever, I'm not even that big a fan of films and I haven't seen some pretty big thing but I've still seen Titanic. I assumed everyone had seen it.
Some people haven't watched it *shrug* just like there are those who haven't watched the Last Crusade, or the Godfather, or other classics that so many people have seen. It's not a big deal. I've never actually seen the Titanic from start to finish either. Granted I've seen all of it at one point or another, just never really in order.

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