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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
Maybe by his over confidence, I will say Loras was a cocky mother fucker and the Clegane's savagery would probably win them the day if he went in like that but even jaime remarked in the books he wasn't sure he could beat Loras in single combat and Cayden's not really a cocky fighter.
And khal Drogo?
I would say the same thing about Garlan, Loras' brother, who's also a 3 really. He's not cocky at all, but he'll get schooled by Sandor or ripped apart by Gregor. Perhaps with Jaime, though I don't quite remember exactly when he said that, just that Loras reminds him of himself when he was younger.

Centurion just answered the Drogo question.

Hypnos said:
I'd also put Cayden at a three, though I'd probably put Dayne in five with Ser Barry, but then I've never really seen the appeal of the Daynes.
Drogo would be three, four maybe.
Fair enough, I just thought the Sword of the Morning's renowned for a reason, and could probably hold his own against Aemon the Dragonknight, just my opinion though. I agree with the rest of the GMs in regards to Drogo. 4 if he's on a horse, 3 if he's not and fighting against an armored opponent.
I honestly don't understand why Cayden NEEDS to be such a great fighter. The guy obviously has more going for him than just fighting and command. Hes the heir to Dorne, he obviously knows poisons very well, he knows an absurdly large amount of information in regards to Essos, apparently hes really good at sailing too. And don't forget the dude also leads a mercenary company of 2,000 men

Roland is considered a Tier 4 here. He started out with nothing except for 900 knights and a squire for each one of them and has no skills other than fighting except his above average ability to command troops and even then hes only used to commanding less than a thousand men. These are the reasons Roland got to be a tier 4, because he had almost nothing going for him at the start.

And even now that Roland is a lord, hes still a lord of a place that just got raided by ironborn with about half of the nobles on Fair Isle disliking him because they don't believe he has the right to the lordship. If anything hes in an even worse and more stressful situation than he was before.
That was an entertaining debate. Gotta say I agree with the majority on most of it, but I also don't feel like contributing to either side... so...

Lancelot said:
Not all great fighters don't have anything else going for them that is just stupid.
No, but when two of the major houses have great fighters for heirs I'm not eager for a third.

But its a good way to balance.

But with your statement I guess its fine for Roland to be a great fighter, boost his command ability to world renowned levels, make him a skilled maester and have him by the heir to the Iron Throne. Because screw trying to be fair to your fellow RPers and give your character cons to balance their pros.
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Leusis said:
I honestly don't understand why Cayden NEEDS to be such a great fighter. The guy obviously has more going for him than just fighting and command. Hes the heir to Dorne, he obviously knows poisons very well, he knows an absurdly large amount of information in regards to Essos, apparently hes really good at sailing too. And don't forget the dude also leads a mercenary company of 2,000 men
Roland is considered a Tier 4 here. He started out with nothing except for 900 knights and a squire for each one of them and has no skills other than fighting except his above average ability to command troops and even then hes only used to commanding less than a thousand men. These are the reasons Roland got to be a tier 4, because he had almost nothing going for him at the start.

And even now that Roland is a lord, hes still a lord of a place that just got raided by ironborn with about half of the nobles on Fair Isle disliking him because they don't believe he has the right to the lordship. If anything hes in an even worse and more stressful situation than he was before.
Because sailing is defiantly going to be useful 99% of the time. And as i said i rather throw away being heir to dorne by making him a great bastards then lose his fighting ability. And anyone could learn that information about Essos by asking the merchants. Besides other then knowing Pentos lost a war to Bravos and cant have an army (common knowledge) and that the magistrates of pentos have no power considering they get excited as a sacrifice every time something goes wrong (also common knowledge) has he shown. His merry band of 1800 are mercenaries of widely varying skill and for some shifting loyalties considering he contructed it out of other bands he beat. Poisons ill give you. Also Jaime was one of the best fighters of his age and he had everything going for him. Im not asking for that, im asking for a lot less.
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Also the reason he knows about other places is he wants to travel the world and be like the next sea snake. He read about other lands in preparation to go even farther then he did
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Lancelot said:
Not all great fighters don't have anything else going for them that is just stupid.
Of course not, but just because they have something else going for them doesn't mean they're interested in pursuing other ventures. Martyn's technically the next in line to House Lannister (until Leanne gets pregnant with a son), but he'll probably just let someone else do the politic stuff since he's never really interested/good at doing so.

Hypnos said:
No, but when two of the major houses have great fighters for heirs I'm not eager for a third.
Leusis said:
But its a good way to balance.

But with your statement I guess its fine for Roland to be a great fighter, boost his command ability to world renowned levels, make him a skilled maester and have him by the heir to the Iron Throne. Because screw trying to be fair to your fellow RPers and give your character cons to balance their pros.
Yup, all about balancing characters.

Akio said:
Because sailing is defiantly going to be useful 99% of the time. And as i said i rather throw away being heir to dorne by making him a great bastards then lose his fighting ability. And anyone could learn that information about Essos by asking the merchants. Besides other then knowing Pentos lost a war to Bravos and cant have an army (common knowledge) and that the magistrates of pentos have no power considering they get excited as a sacrifice every time something goes wrong (also common knowledge) has he shown. His merry band of 1800 are mercenaries of widely varying skill and for some shifting loyalties considering he contructed it out of other bands he beat. Poisons ill give you. Also Jaime was one of the best fighters of his age and he had everything going for him. Im not asking for that, im asking for a lot less.
We've actually had this conversation before. As much as it pains me to admit as a Lannister RPer, Jaime and the Blackfish would probably kill each other if they ever went head to head. He was very very good in regards to fighting, but there's a class that he belongs to, and others that can take him. He's not the Selmy of his age.
Y'know, sailing WOULD be a fantastic skill that benefited the character most of the time had Cayden not decided he would abandon his mercs to follow Deanna around.

Roland would be more likely to fall off a ship and drown during a storm than help and he lives on a fucking island now. Trust me, sailing is a pretty important skill in certain situations, so theres an edge he has on Roland.

Doesn't matter if you'd make him a bastard or not, he was created as an heir and so he will remain, and to one of the great houses no less. Another edge on Roland.

Roland knows nothing of poisons, another edge on Roland.

Roland knows little if anything about Essos, another edge on Roland.

Cayden is a better commander than Roland, another edge on Roland.

But even with all of those advantages Cayden gets to be on par with Roland in the one skill that is meant to put him above other people due to all of Roland's short comings?

Please tell me you're starting to understand why your character sounds a bit ridiculous? Hes essentially Oberyn without his few weaknesses.
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Elendithas said:
Y'know, sailing WOULD be a fantastic skill that benefited the character most of the time had Cayden not decided he would abandon his mercs to follow Deanna around.
Except he wasn't expecting trouble and he didnt abandon them. He sent them drinking while he talked with an old friend. How was he supposed to know this mess would happen?
Why can't we have more slightly above avarage people, the Red Ronnet Conningtons of life, or the Apple-Eater Brunes, cool enough to get a nickname but not a contestant for greatest warrior ever, local heroes. That's what Ive done with any of my characters that even have the ability to fight (Poor Walder can barely stand and Lord Velaryon's pretty old for this era) I kind of feel like I'm gonna have to up the anti on my guys or they will get slaughtered if they even enter combat.
Hypnos said:
But Daenna is spoiled, she talks about her fighting ability and how much she loves sparring and fighting but she only learnt to fight because her father shelled out thousands of Dragons to teach her, she says shes learnt hundred of styles and that requires hundreds of teachers which requires tens of thousands of gold dragons' She has never lived without having anythings and has had everything paid for her whole life, even when she went to Essos people are giving her their support and offering her their services for free and she still has a servant (Who she isn't paying) cater to her every whim, Viserys Blackfyre was screwed out of everything yet ends out on top, thats a man I'd want to lead me.
Being a commander doesn't make you a good King but Viserys still rules over 10,000 men and they're doing very well and have money to spare, they're thriving and only one of them wants to murder him, he would make a better ruler, I can see that and I don't even support him.

The Reach aren't idiots, if the Dornish want to poison their wells then they sacrifice a lot of Dorne for themselves and have just screwed themselves in the future, the Reach men are rich and have a lot of food and water, I'd wager they'd survive a long time in the Dornish dessert. I've never got the invasions of Dorne as described if I were invading Dorne I'd just raize all of the towns, villages, castles and wells and then leave, what are the Dornish going to do now? They've lost all their food, water and supplies, they don't have any castles and their smallfolk will desert when they're villages burn, let us just hope I never invade Dorne.
I kind of really want to see the Riverlords invade Dorne now, just because no one will ever see that coming. xD

Lancelot said:
Or you could be reasonable and not throw a bitchfit
He's not throwing a bitchfit. @Leusis is just continuing the discussion about top fighters, which we're already having. No one's being unreasonable here. Chill out.

Hypnos said:
Why can't we have more slightly above avarage people, the Red Ronnet Conningtons of life, or the Apple-Eater Brunes, cool enough to get a nickname but not a contestant for greatest warrior ever, local heroes. That's what Ive done with any of my characters that even have the ability to fight (Poor Walder can barely stand and Lord Velaryon's pretty old for this era) I kind of feel like I'm gonna have to up the anti on my guys or they will get slaughtered if they even enter combat.
Yup, we need more local heroes.

Elendithas said:
He sent 2,000 men to go drinking? Holy hell the local inns must hate you.
Or love. That's a lot of business if even 70% of them pay their tabs.

Wasn't really a bitchfit. More trying to get it through how misinformed your statement was. If I came of as a raging 12 year old my bad, its just I just went through like 12 pages of OOC to catch up and there were a lot of things I didn't get to comment on so I'm doing it all in one go.
Leusis said:
Wasn't really a bitchfit. More trying to get it through how misinformed your statement was. If I came of as a raging 12 year old my bad, its just I just went through like 12 pages of OOC to catch up and there were a lot of things I didn't get to comment on so I'm doing it all in one go.
Well it didn't rally show how "misinformed" I was... Just kind of sounded like you were being a condescending asshole.
Technically if we were all avarage we'd be in the same situation if we were all great fighters, save we'd save a lot of time from arguing about it.
Leusis said:
Roland would be more likely to fall off a ship and drown during a strom than help and he lives on a fucking island now. Trust me, sailing is a pretty important skill in certain situations, so theres an edge he has on Roland.

Doesn't matter if you'd make him a bastard or not, he was created as an heir and so he will remain, and to one of the great houses no less. Another edge on Roland.

Roland knows nothing of poisons, another edge on Roland.

Roland knows little if anything about Essos, another edge on Roland.

Cayden is a better commander than Roland, another edge on Roland.

But even with all of those advantages Cayden gets to be on par with Roland in the one skill that is meant to put him above other people due to all of Roland's short comings?

Please tell me you're starting to understand why your character sounds a bit ridiculous? Hes essentially Oberyn without his few weaknesses.
Having no sailing ability while living on an island is stupidly. He could learn by spending a couple days with sailors on the docks the basics

Fair enough on the heir thing

Well to learn about poisons you open a good or speak to a maester for about a couple hours and you know enough to poison a man

To learn about essos ask a maester who study all those things or read a book

Better commander is debatable. You cpuld hand an idiot 10000 men, just a matter if he can use them or not

A lot of his advantages could be matched by reading
WanderingJester said:
I kind of really want to see the Riverlords invade Dorne now, just because no one will ever see that coming. xD
He's not throwing a bitchfit. @Leusis is just continuing the discussion about top fighters, which we're already having. No one's being unreasonable here. Chill out.

Or love. That's a lot of business if even 70% of them pay their tabs.
probably love. Their successful enough to pay their tabs

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