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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Hypnos said:
He obviously wasn't looking very hard, they have a massive temple slap bang in the middle of the city. No, a Sellsword from the disputed lands would not need to know the political situation in Braavos, especially one as unknown as your one since they do not have the reasources to quickly change location and cities wont pay for their travel costs as they would larger and more prestigious companies like the Golden Company, they would stick to the disputed lands where there is plenty of war to work with and wouldn't need to seek out other contracts.
On a different note, what is up with the Red Spears? Did Cayden found them? How? (Just curious since it wasn't in your bio)
He went to Bravos first before becoming a sell sword captain. He wasn't even with a sell sword company for a year and a half. He met his sell sword company after completing his goal and spending some time with the faceless men though he never tried to become one. He met the company under a different name when they were much smaller. He joined up with them but their commander was kind of incompetent and not well like which is why they never rose to prominence. He obeyed for awhile while gaining prestige for his fighting ability and his name. He was risen to command by commander hoping to gain favor in Dorne and he even tried to bribe him but that didnt work well. Then one day while drunk he brought back a very young slave girl and started abusing her in the center of camp and when he became aware of it he walked up and without hesitation decapitated him. This ended up as a fight but more then a few people took his side because he was a good commander and treated the men well often out of his own pocket and the man was not well liked. He ended up becoming the leader of the survivors and spent the next 2 and 1/2 years building up them up, improving their reputation known for guerrilla tactics and crushing offense. He also offered rewards and prestige to skilled fighters he met to join up with him and even absorbed several smaller defeated sell swords groups kind of similar to Robert Baratheon making it who he was today
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Akio said:
I built this character around his love of exploring and combat ability. I rather turn gim into one of the great bastards of dorne and lose being the heir then give up one of his defining features
Well, at this point its really up to what comes out of the discussion for his combat ability. Again, the bar was already there when you made the character, and for some reason it slipped through the crack. If his stamina's crap due to his asthma then he wouldn't be as high as you think he is anyways. Combat abilities revolves around all spectrum of it, everything from awareness to reflexes, talent, skill, stamina, etc.
Akio said:
He went to Bravos first before becoming a sell sword captain. He wasn't even with a sell sword company for a year and a half. He met his sell sword company after completing his goal and spending some time with the faceless men though he never tried to become one. He met the company under a different name when they were much smaller. He joined up with them but their commander was kind of incompetent and not well like which is why they never rose to prominence. He obeyed for awhile while gaining prestige for his fighting ability and his name. He was risen to command by commander hoping to gain favor in Dorne and he even tried to bribe him but that didnt work well. Then one day while drunk he brought back a very young slave girl and started abusing her in the center of camp and when he became aware of it he walked up and without hesitation decapitated him. This ended up as a fight but more then a few people took his side because he was a good commander and treated the men well often out of his own pocket and the man was not well liked. He ended up becoming the leader of the survivors and spent the next 2 and 1/2 years building up them up, improving their reputation known for guerrilla tactics and crushing offense. He also offered rewards and prestige to skilled fighters he met to join up with him and even absorbed several smaller defeated sell swords groups kind of similar to Robert Baratheon making it who he was today
I thought Cayden had founded them since their name is the Red Spears but I suppose that could have just been a coincidence/rebranding.

How did he spend time with the Faceless Men yet not join them, they are a very secretive order and they're not going to let an outsider in to spill all of their secrets.
WanderingJester said:
Well, at this point its really up to what comes out of the discussion for his combat ability. Again, the bar was already there when you made the character, and for some reason it slipped through the crack. If his stamina's crap due to his asthma then he wouldn't be as high as you think he is anyways. Combat abilities revolves around all spectrum of it, everything from awareness to reflexes, talent, skill, stamina, etc.
His reflexes are top notch, hes a agility fighter and has honed his craft as one from with masters in Dorne to kingslanding to the water dancers in Bravos and only obtained more experience as a sell sword. He lacks Stamina but has learned ways to work around it and his natural talent was never bad. His years as a sell sword also kept him quite aware, especially since he took his group in an unoradox way and people have tried to assassinate him more then once. Other then his stamina hes not lacking in other catagorys

Hypnos said:
I thought Cayden had founded them since their name is the Red Spears but I suppose that could have just been a coincidence/rebranding.
How did he spend time with the Faceless Men yet not join them, they are a very secretive order and they're not going to let an outsider in to spill all of their secrets.
He renamed them in order to give them a new sort of status at least to the new soldiers, it was a way to throw away the old bad reputation and honor dorne at the same time.

They didn't really take him in and teach him anything. But he ended up staying in the house of night for the better part of a year, just watching how they walked and moved. He was to attached to the world to fulfill their need to have him throw away what he was so he just spent time around them, talking to them, learning their philosophy. He just observed them and while he never learned how they changed faces he learned a lot from them just from observation and gained a lot of respect for that order
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Robyn Banks]So wait is she part of the flight squadron or is she an actual lady in waiting? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28273-hypnos/ said:
Probably part of the flight squadron because Baelor Velaryon is totally cool with whoring out his children from political gain and would want her as close to the Queen as possible.

Akio said:
His reflexes are top notch, hes a agility fighter and has honed his craft as one from with masters in Dorne to kingslanding to the water dancers in Bravos and only obtained more experience as a sell sword. He lacks Stamina but has learned ways to work around it and his natural talent was never bad. His years as a sell sword also kept him quite aware, especially since he took his group in an unoradox way and people have tried to assassinate him more then once. Other then his stamina hes not lacking in other catagorys
He renamed them in order to give them a new sort of status at least to the new soldiers, it was a way to throw away the old bad reputation and honor dorne at the same time.

They didn't really take him in and teach him anything. But he ended up staying in the house of night for the better part of a year, just watching how they walked and moved. He was to attached to the world to fulfill their need to have him throw away what he was so he just spent time around them, talking to them, learning their philosophy. He just observed them and while he never learned how they changed faces he learned a lot from them just from observation and gained a lot of respect for that order
So he was just kind of sitting there watching them? I don't know about you but if I were a faceless man that would really put me off.
Hypnos said:
Probably part of the flight squadron because Baelor Velaryon is totally cool with whoring out his children from political gain and would want her as close to the Queen as possible.
Alright proceed.
Hypnos said:
Probably part of the flight squadron because Baelor Velaryon is totally cool with whoring out his children from political gain and would want her as close to the Queen as possible.
So he was just kind of sitting there watching them? I don't know about you but if I were a faceless man that would really put me off.
I honestly want to see Cayden go back to Westeros and be targeted by the Flight squad just to see how he would react to it being a playboy

Doubt it would bother them at all, any time the faceless men were ever mentioned they showed complete and utter calm and rarely though as themselves as a single person. They also always showed interest in any questions about their god so im not sure they would have minded him for the most part.
Not to mention he did try to learn from them for a time before deciding he wouldn't be able to do what they asked so he helped them with the bodies of the dead and did what they allowed him to help with. Cayden is usually pretty humble if he respects someone or he considers them one of his masters in a sort of way. he would have given no thought to pride even if what he was helping them with was far below his station
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Akio said:
His reflexes are top notch, hes a agility fighter and has honed his craft as one from with masters in Dorne to kingslanding to the water dancers in Bravos and only obtained more experience as a sell sword. He lacks Stamina but has learned ways to work around it and his natural talent was never bad. His years as a sell sword also kept him quite aware, especially since he took his group in an unoradox way and people have tried to assassinate him more then once. Other then his stamina hes not lacking in other catagorys
He renamed them in order to give them a new sort of status at least to the new soldiers, it was a way to throw away the old bad reputation and honor dorne at the same time.

They didn't really take him in and teach him anything. But he ended up staying in the house of night for the better part of a year, just watching how they walked and moved. He was to attached to the world to fulfill their need to have him throw away what he was so he just spent time around them, talking to them, learning their philosophy. He just observed them and while he never learned how they changed faces he learned a lot from them just from observation and gained a lot of respect for that order
I understand that, but there are men who can fight just as well as Cayden but can outlast him in single combat. Either of the Arryn brothers can probably just fight toe to toe with the Martell and wait until he's out of breath, then stick their sword/axe into him. That's not mentioning Roland or Martyn from the West. Yes I understand he's learned from some of the best around from his traveling but so have all the other high level guys from hired tutors and sellswords as well as hedge knights and such. Only difference is they're not lacking in any of the categories in terms of combat really. They might specialize more in one style, such as the young Arryn preferring lance charges than anything else, but in regards to precision, stamina, etc. they're all very well rounded.
WanderingJester said:
I understand that, but there are men who can fight just as well as Cayden but can outlast him in single combat. Either of the Arryn brothers can probably just fight toe to toe with the Martell and wait until he's out of breath, then stick their sword/axe into him. That's not mentioning Roland or Martyn from the West. Yes I understand he's learned from some of the best around from his traveling but so have all the other high level guys from hired tutors and sellswords as well as hedge knights and such. Only difference is they're not lacking in any of the categories in terms of combat really. They might specialize more in one style, such as the young Arryn preferring lance charges than anything else, but in regards to precision, stamina, etc. they're all very well rounded.
He does have certain tricks such as poisoning his weapons and his throwing daggers to make up for some of his lack of stamina, though your right in an Arena type setting he would have a harder time if the person he was fighting was fast enough not to take any wounds since he doesn't wear much armor ethier though it might be hard because while he lacks stamina hes incredibly quick. He has asthama so he tires but its mild so he tires not so quickly he can't go for more then a few exchanges. Hes incredibly acrobatic as well. His best place to fight is probably in an arena like bromm fought for tyrions freedom in the way they fought all over the throne room or on an actual battle field where there are other things he could do to even the odds against another master class. Though your right he would probably be no better then tier four
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Akio said:
He does have certain tricks such as poisoning his weapons and his throwing daggers to make up for some of his lack of stamina, though your right in an Arena type setting he would have a harder time if the person he was fighting was fast enough not to take any wounds since he doesn't wear much armor ethier though it might be hard because while he lacks stamina hes incredibly quick. He has asthama so he tires but its mild so he tires not so quickly he can't go for more then a few exchanges. Hes incredibly acrobatic as well. His best place to fight is probably in an arena like bromm fought for tyrions freedom in the way they fought all over the throne room or on an actual battle field where there are other things he could do to even the odds against another master class. Though your right he would probably be no better then tier four
Nah, in the system, I'm saying Cayden's not going to pass upper Tier 3 honestly, but that's subjective and not conclusive of what we're going to decide on. Even with the throwing weapons that are poisoned, they won't do anything if they just bounce off of plate mail or something and not break skin. Again, just having something debilitating like bad stamina is enough to bar him from guys who don't have to work in order to make up that gap, and take the time to improve on other skills in combat. Acrobatics is nice, but then that really limits depending on how quickly he loses breath. There aren't anyone really on the "master class" as you put it outside of one or maybe two actual characters in the RP, most "great warriors" end up somewhere in Tier 4.

Again, the GMs will hopefully come to a consensus on just where Cayden's combat ability falls under and that's how strong in a fight he will be, though personally I see him at around Loras Tyrell area.
WanderingJester said:
Nah, in the system, I'm saying Cayden's not going to pass upper Tier 3 honestly, but that's subjective and not conclusive of what we're going to decide on. Even with the throwing weapons that are poisoned, they won't do anything if they just bounce off of plate mail or something and not break skin. Again, just having something debilitating like bad stamina is enough to bar him from guys who don't have to work in order to make up that gap, and take the time to improve on other skills in combat. Acrobatics is nice, but then that really limits depending on how quickly he loses breath. There aren't anyone really on the "master class" as you put it outside of one or maybe two actual characters in the RP, most "great warriors" end up somewhere in Tier 4.
Again, the GMs will hopefully come to a consensus on just where Cayden's combat ability falls under and that's how strong in a fight he will be, though personally I see him at around Loras Tyrell area.
Loras was good enough that Jaime admitted he was was just about as good as him. And while jaime was no ser auther dane who is probably the one teir 5 i could think off other then young robert bartheon he was a reknowned knight for being a kingslayer but also his skill. Even those who didn't like him admitted that he was a great fighter. Also most one on one combat doesent go for longer then 5 minutes. His stamina can last longer then 5 minutes even against someone of equal skill. Also don't devalue the way ones might use a spear and throwing knives. Running around in full plate is exhausting too.
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Akio said:
Loras was good enough that Jaime admitted he was was just about as good as him. And while jaime was no ser auther dane who is probably the one teir 5 i could think off other then young robert bartheon he was a reknowned knight for being a kingslayer but also his skill. Even those who didn't like him admitted that he was a great fighter. Also most one on one combat doesent go for longer then 5 minutes. His stamina can last longer then 5 minutes even against someone of equal skill. Also don't devalue the way ones might use a spear and throwing knives. Running around in full plate is exhausting too.
By the way, there is a tier six but you don't get up their unless you're Aemon the Dragonknight, How I've writen the tier system is, five is your Barristan the Bolds, four would be Sandor Clegane, three Ned Stark, two Rodrik Cassel, one Vardis Egen and zero Bran Stark.
Hypnos said:
By the way, there is a tier six but you don't get up their unless you're Aemon the Dragonknight, How I've writen the tier system is, five is your Barristan the Bolds, four would be Sandor Clegane, three Ned Stark, two Rodrik Cassel, one Vardis Egen and zero Bran Stark.
I don't think there is a their 6 in this rp right now but if there was one it would be the swordsmen who follows Deanna right now. He lives for nothing but fighting.
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Akio said:
I don't think there is a their 6 in this rp right now but if there was one it would be the swordsmen who follows Deanna right now. He lives for nothing but fighting.
Nope, he's tier 5.
WanderingJester said:
Nope, he's tier 5.
I know, even then what king of monster is tier 6, Aegon Targaryan was maybe tier 6 with Blackfyre, wonder how Ser Auther Dane ranks

Also wonder where Khal Drago is on that list because while my characters fighting style mimics oberyn he focuses far more on his speed and quick kills so he would try to train his speed to similar to that of the khal and he wears only slightly more armor. Mance Rynder is also supposedly an impressive fighter
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Akio said:
Loras was good enough that Jaime admitted he was was just about as good as him. And while jaime was no ser auther dane who is probably the one teir 5 i could think off other then young robert bartheon he was a reknowned knight for being a kingslayer but also his skill. Even those who didn't like him admitted that he was a great fighter. Also most one on one combat doesent go for longer then 5 minutes. His stamina can last longer then 5 minutes even against someone of equal skill. Also don't devalue the way ones might use a spear and throwing knives. Running around in full plate is exhausting too.
Loras would be tier 3 since he's more of a younger, inexperienced Jaime Lannister. If he went head to head against either of the Clegane brother he would get kill. I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but this is really up to the consensus of the GMs now how good of a fighter Cayden is.

Akio said:
I know, even then what king of monster is tier 6, Aegon Targaryan was maybe tier 6 with Blackfyre, wonder how Ser Auther Dane ranks
Also wonder where Khal Drago is on that list because while my characters fighting style mimics oberyn he focuses far more on his speed and quick kills so he would try to train his speed to similar to that of the khal and he wears only slightly more armor. Mance Rynder is also supposedly an impressive fighter
Arthur Dane would be in Tier 6 with the legends in the back. Mance would be around Tier 3 maybe high 3 and low 4 as well.
WanderingJester said:
Loras would be tier 3 since he's more of a younger, inexperienced Jaime Lannister. If he went head to head against either of the Clegane brother he would get kill. I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but this is really up to the consensus of the GMs now how good of a fighter Cayden is.
Arthur Dane would be in Tier 6 with the legends in the back. Mance would be around Tier 3 maybe high 3 and low 4 as well.
Maybe by his over confidence, I will say Loras was a cocky mother fucker and the Clegane's savagery would probably win them the day if he went in like that but even jaime remarked in the books he wasn't sure he could beat Loras in single combat and Cayden's not really a cocky fighter.

And khal Drogo?
WanderingJester said:
Loras would be tier 3 since he's more of a younger, inexperienced Jaime Lannister. If he went head to head against either of the Clegane brother he would get kill. I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but this is really up to the consensus of the GMs now how good of a fighter Cayden is.
Arthur Dane would be in Tier 6 with the legends in the back. Mance would be around Tier 3 maybe high 3 and low 4 as well.
I'd also put Cayden at a three, though I'd probably put Dayne in five with Ser Barry, but then I've never really seen the appeal of the Daynes.

Drogo would be three, four maybe.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Drogo would be four off of skill but would lose to any high three when it doesn't involve horses.
He isn't designed to fight armored opponents.

Kind of want to due an out of rp fight with Cayden against another high level to see how he would match up

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