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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

If it wasent for the late muster I doubt this plan work work at all, but with the late muster and the Northern Reach being essentially empty at the end it has a chance

Lancelot said:
I am a fortune teller I will give this precognition 1 time for free.
Caydens getting lynched in the future
Hey this is game of thrones, got to take risks, after all wheres the fun is doing nothing :P
Akio said:
Don't worry, he's not gonna try to overthrow Elia, believe it or not that's not what he wants. He just wants to make war impossible to avoid.
Leave that to me lol, I have a plan that could only work in this time of war
So he wants to keep his family safe more than anything, but at the same time hes trying to force a war on them and all their people..... So Cayden is retarded, got it.
Akio said:
If it wasent for the late muster I doubt this plan work work at all, but with the late muster and the Northern Reach being essentially empty at the end it has a chance
Hey this is game of thrones, got to take risks, after all wheres the fun is doing nothing :P
godspeed sonic
Leusis said:
So he wants to keep his family safe more than anything, but at the same time hes trying to force a war on them and all their people..... So Cayden is retarded, got it.
Elia wants to create marriage alliances with basically everyone and try to avoid war entirely. But he's worried about them being used as hostages or even killed in order to punish Dorne or force then to war later on unfavorable terms. Basically he wants to prevent a book Elia Martell situation from happening while protecting Daenna. He has less problems with marrying the boys because their brides would go to the Dorne but he does not agree risking his sisters as possible hostages in the future while abandoning Daennas cause. This is probably the biggest divide between them right now. He's confident in Dornes ability to defend Dorne or preform in war woth the right commander but he will not risk his sister's lives for peace. Cayden actually dislikes war, but he's not willing to risk those he sees as family (Daenna, Elia, Ari, Liana) to prevent one.
Akio said:
Elia wants to create marriage alliances with basically everyone and try to avoid war entirely. But he's worried about them being used as hostages or even killed in order to punish Dorne or force then to war later on unfavorable terms. Basically he wants to prevent a book Elia Martell situation from happening while protecting Daenna. He has less problems with marrying the boys because their brides would go to the Dorne but he does not agree risking his sisters as possible hostages in the future while abandoning Daennas cause. This is probably the biggest divide between them right now. He's confident in Dornes ability to defend Dorne or preform in war woth the right commander but he will not risk his sister's lives for peace. Cayden actually dislikes war, but he's not willing to risk those he sees as family (Daenna, Elia, Ari, Liana) to prevent one.
Thats an odd peace you are imagining
Akio said:
Elia wants to create marriage alliances with basically everyone and try to avoid war entirely. But he's worried about them being used as hostages or even killed in order to punish Dorne or force then to war later on unfavorable terms. Basically he wants to prevent a book Elia Martell situation from happening while protecting Daenna. He has less problems with marrying the boys because their brides would go to the Dorne but he does not agree risking his sisters as possible hostages in the future while abandoning Daennas cause. This is probably the biggest divide between them right now. He's confident in Dornes ability to defend Dorne or preform in war woth the right commander but he will not risk his sister's lives for peace. Cayden actually dislikes war, but he's not willing to risk those he sees as family (Daenna, Elia, Ari, Liana) to prevent one.
Except every leader or govermental figure knows that war is easily the most dangerous time for them. Not only do you have tons of enemies that want to cut off the head of the snake and will use every chance they get to assassinate you. But also, no matter what you do there will always be a minority or majority of people within your own kingdom that won't want war, and some of those people would be willing to kill the person they hold responsible for war. Bringing Dorne into a war under any circumstance is far more dangerous than even the worst peace.
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Leusis said:
Except every leader or govermental figure knows that war is easily the most dangerous time for them. Not only do you have tons of enemies that want to cut off the head of the snake and will use every chance they get to assassinate you. But also, no matter what you do there will always be a minority or majority of people within your own kingdom that won't want war, and some of those people would be willing to kill the person they hold responsible for war. Bringing Dorne into a war under any circumstance is far more dangerous than even the worst peace.
*Shrugs* Of his direct family (which is essentially all he cares about) only Arianne and her twin other then him would ever see the battlefield most likely. Lancelot Martell character is more of an Artisan then a warrior. Liana is a very Varys type of character so would likely stay home and even help guard again assassins in her own special way with her own little birds by ferrating out their employers. Elia is Lord and no general even if she's pretty good politically most times so she would likely be staying behind as well. Arianne among then other then Cayden is the best soldier but since she fights mainly with knives she won't fit into a normal battle line (her twin is not a PC yet) he would probably if he had the chance put her under him along with his brother to keep an eye on her. As for him he cares little who comes after him. He knows the risks of war and probably would not be the first time someone tried to assassinate him. Never said his plan was perfect, he's a mercenary and had been away for 5 years so right now he's not completely aware of the political landscape of Dorne and for the most part thinks miltarily in his thoughts, he just sees this better then putting his sister's alone in a foreign land. Like I said he believes in Dornes own ability to protect itself and therefore protect his family as well. As for assassins and the like that's up to mostly Liana and Elia to defeat, Caydens is the spear of the sun, it only has so much usefulness in the dark when it's not defending his own life.
Cayden isn't perfect and netheir is his plan, he just doing what he sees the better of the options he's given. Perhaps he is a bit foolish and naive in some areas probably, but if I had a perfect character you guys would all be yelling at me anyway xD
Leusis said:
I'm just saying if Cayden knows it or not, he's putting his family in more danger this way.
That's possible and debatable. But with people like Viserys being the guy he is, and Kuriva being insabe, and Brandon randomly executing Kingsguard so eh
Akio said:
That's possible and debatable. But with people like Viserys being the guy he is, and Kuriva being insabe, and Brandon randomly executing Kingsguard so eh
This is really starting to trigger me DDD:.

I can sympathise about being bad with names but it gets worse every time.
Lancelot said:
This is really starting to trigger me DDD:.
I can sympathise about being bad with names but it gets worse every time.
I would help if people didn't have such hard to remember names for their characters.
I've rewritten several parts of this damn Aerea post as I feel like I am not getting it to be the way I want it to be. This is quite frustrating.
TheFordee14 said:
I've rewritten several parts of this damn Aerea post as I feel like I am not getting it to be the way I want it to be. This is quite frustrating.
Long solo posts can be annoying, like this damn battle post
Lancelot said:
I just wing solo posts and see how they turn out.
Problem with this post is we were both writing in first person in alternate synchs of the same situation and now I'm writing both sides suddenly
Akio said:
Problem with this post is we were both writing in first person in alternate synchs of the same situation and now I'm writing both sides suddenly
Why not just write from Caydens POV?
Lancelot said:
Why not just write from Caydens POV?
Because it throws off the entire flow of the text, it would suddenly go from alternate to one point of view with a third of the battle left
Akio said:
Because it throws off the entire flow of the text, it would suddenly go from alternate to one point of view with a third of the battle left
You could always redo it?

Not completely I mean but like re-write it with the original post in view and have it only from Caydens POV while just detailing the actions Trevir takes rather than switch to his POV.
Lancelot said:
You could always redo it?
Not completely I mean but like re-write it with the original post in view and have it only from Caydens POV while just detailing the actions Trevir takes rather than switch to his POV.
Its 4 and a half pages xD
@Archon I've finished a rough draft of the loyalty system if you want to look it over. I've also given Dragonstone two slots for ship building as a major port (Normal ports get one and cities four) so if you want to start ship building go ahead.

The Royal Fleet

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