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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

I don't think you understand the time it takes to organize an army to the point where it can even start moving. This process could take upwards of hours even in highly discplined forces like the roman legions. Getting thousands of men into formation and getting them to start marching gives your enemy plenty of time to charge you while you're trying to do this. Hell, just getting armies into battle lines back in the day could take a whole morning and armies would just be sitting there staring at each other from across a field while their commanders tried to get everybody in order.
I've spent upwards of a decade studying military history, I've read dozens of books written by dozens of generals, some of them being the greatest military minds this world has ever seen. Trust me, if there is anything I talk about that I know, its this stuff. Not saying I know everything because obviously I don't, and sometimes I forget things. But this is an extremely basic concept for armies from ancient times to medieval. That being that it takes a lot of time to organize an army to do anything.
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I'm we aware things take time, it takes a lot less time for the dornish because their used to moving with nearly nothing. Their army is small, mobile, and quick. Dornish raiders before Aegons invasion were fairly successful, at different point invading oldtown and even burning the legendary oaken seat of house Gardner (mention in a world of ice and fire) even after that the widowmaker, the Falcon King, and others were well known for attacks they did outside of Dorne so obviously they succeeded somehow, the way you make it sound a boyscout troup with water pistols could beat a dornish arny as long as they are not in Dorne
I'd intervene, but Leusis has this well in hand. I will say this, though.

Akio said:
the way you make it sound a boyscout troup with water pistols could beat a dornish arny as long as they are not in Dorne
That isn't at all what he's saying.

If that the impression I gave, thats not what was meant, Dorne isn't so weak as to be defeated by boyscouts. However they are one of the weakest forces in Westeros. And the reason the dornish were able to move so quickly in those raiding parties was because they were raiding parties. They likely only consisted of a few hundred men at the largest and thus didn't need to take the same amount of time to pack up and start moving. They were also likely carrying much less equipment and supplies than an army of thousands would, likely only taking what they could carry on their horses or backs.

The problem here is the fact you'd be dealing with thousands of men. You'd need an entire supply train to even feed this army, you also have camp followers. This isn't a small band of raiders, this is a force large enough to need a large towns worth of supplies to just feed them on a day to day basis. You aren't working with just soldiers on their horses carrying light loads of food and equipment. You're dealing with hundreds of wagons filled with supplies that need to be dragged along with your force. You're dealing with hundreds of camp followers that are absolutely necessary to your cause. You're dealing with organizing thousands of men, of which some may be injured to the point where they might need to be carried.

It doesn't matter how fast your soldiers are at what they do, your army needs its supplies and camp followers or its equipment will wither away and your soldiers will starve. It doesn't matter how well trained you are, trying to pick up from a defensive position and begin marching will take hours, this is just a fact of medieval warfare.
Leusis said:
If that the impression I gave, thats not what was meant, Dorne isn't so weak as to be defeated by boyscouts. However they are one of the weakest forces in Westeros. And the reason the dornish were able to move so quickly in those raiding parties was because they were raiding parties. They likely only consisted of a few hundred men at the largest and thus didn't need to take the same amount of time to pack up and start moving. They were also likely carrying much less equipment and supplies than an army of thousands would, likely only taking what they could carry on their horses or backs.

The problem here is the fact you'd be dealing with thousands of men. You'd need an entire supply train to even feed this army, you also have camp followers. This isn't a small band of raiders, this is a force large enough to need a large towns worth of supplies to just feed them on a day to day basis. You aren't working with just soldiers on their horses carrying light loads of food and equipment. You're dealing with hundreds of wagons filled with supplies that need to be dragged along with your force. You're dealing with hundreds of camp followers that are absolutely necessary to your cause. You're dealing with organizing thousands of men, of which some may be injured to the point where they might need to be carried.

It doesn't matter how fast your soldiers are at what they do, your army needs its supplies and camp followers or its equipment will wither away and your soldiers will starve. It doesn't matter how well trained you are, trying to pick up from a defensive position and begin marching will take hours, this is just a fact of medieval warfare.
Mhmm I just got an idea how Cayden might use Dornish outside of Dorne if he ever gets the chance. Also if it takes hours to pack from a defensive position wouldn't having only half your force make ready the whole army even if takes longer while the other half watches for sudden charges be the solution? Or moving at night? Etheir way after some more research into logistics I now have a better idea how I might want to control a Dornish army outside Dorne
moving at night could work, so long as your enemy is stupid enough to not be keep a ridiculously close eye on everything you're doing. As for having half your force defend while half packs up, that could also work, but only if your enemy is dumb enough to let it work. For example your enemy could just spread his line out really wide, essentially forcing you to spread yours out just as wide, but since only half of your army is defending that'd mean your line would be really thin and he could break through easily. And the moment your defending half routes, even if your other half is rushing over to help, they're likely going to run too. And if you don't spread your own line, all you're doing is letting your enemy flank you. So either way you're kind of screwed if you tried to use that tactic unless you could organize the men who were packing up quick enough to make use of them, but that'd be unlikely considering just getting that other half into battle lines would take longer than it would take your enemy to route your defending half.

Military strategy is a real bitch when you start getting into the thousands of soldiers since in medieval times you're completely relying on your captains relaying your orders quickly and exactly as you gave them. Just gathering your other half to support your line would take probably somewhere around 10-20 minutes or so, and thats if you're men are discplined and you don't mind going in with a rather disorganized formation. I mean, unless you just want to yell "Charge!" and have your men move in like an angry mob trying to join a cluster fuck. But in all honesty, most medieval battles end up being cluster fucks.
Leusis said:
Nah, this is how it goes.
Westerlands has most well equipped and trained infantry. Riverlands is pretty average when it comes to all their units, only difference is their people are tough as shit because they deal with war all the time. Vale has the best defensive terrain and is pretty much untouchable, but as for their military they're pretty average other than the fact they seem to have a lot of knights. Crownlands is just all around shit because the army they have is basic as hell. Dorne has a very quick army and definitely the best by a ridiculously huge margin in a desert region, but the moment you take them out of their desert their light infantry and cavalry is pretty shit when facing the other regions. Stormlands likely has the best infantry/archers in Westeros even if they don't have the equipment and training of the Westerlands, sadly they're held back by the fact they don't have large numbers and two of their neighbors have been in a blood fued with them for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Reach has best heavy cavalry but pretty much lags behind a bit when it comes to infantry, though they're rich so their equipment is likely still good. Iron Islands has the best sailors and their fighters are really damn good, only problem is they don't fight like an actual army, its more of a mob composed of a bunch of warriors really. North are pretty average all around just like the Riverlands, except their men are tough as shit, except its not because of constant war, its just that they have to be to live in the north.
lolz, Crownlands being basic.


TheAncientCenturion said:
It's very big. Very. Big.
Heh, that's what she said :P

Savagai said:
@WanderingJester @Lancelot @Jabroni
Do we need to discuss our tactics Ooc?
Nah, I think IC would be fine. There's not much to discuss tbh and it's not like the other side won't know (cause, you know, I'm also the Lannisters xD ).

@Jabroni just a heads up, waiting on your answer to what you might want the Tarlys to say before I write up my post. :)

Also, yay, 52 notifications.
WanderingJester said:
lolz, Crownlands being basic.

Heh, that's what she said :P

Nah, I think IC would be fine. There's not much to discuss tbh and it's not like the other side won't know (cause, you know, I'm also the Lannisters xD ).

@Jabroni just a heads up, waiting on your answer to what you might want the Tarlys to say before I write up my post. :)

Also, yay, 52 notifications.
I just get 2 xD one for OOC and one for IC.

Alright, dicussion IC? Start!
Savagai said:
I just get 2 xD one for OOC and one for IC.
Alright, dicussion IC? Start!
Again, need to clarify about what Varn expects the Tarlys to actually say before I can post xD
Savagai said:
Guess a status update? Maybe about the Lannisters?
Nah, the melee over there just needs to finish itself off before we do anything else, so just waiting on the fighting to finish before Tiber... presents the prize to the winner, then things can get rolling once more.
WanderingJester said:
Again, need to clarify about what Varn expects the Tarlys to actually say before I can post xD
Have them say what you like, but I figured Helyon knows the most about what's going on in the Westerlands.
Akio said:
Once again pretty sure Cayden would go for suduction first.
Cayden would go for seduction first. First. I really don't want to find out what he'd go for second...

Fezzes said:
Quick question while I have internet. Where does Westeros get most of its metal from? I know the Lannisters have fucktons of gold, but where's the rest come from?
Suprisingly enough the Iron Islands. They have large abundance of Iron that is mined by thralls and they also have a good amount of other metals such as tin and lead. The more precious metal though such as silver and gold come from the westerlands, and I'm pretty sure both the north and the vale have copper, though I may just be basing that on the use of bronze by both house Royce and the Thenns beyond the wall.

Leusis said:
Nah, this is how it goes.
Westerlands has most well equipped and trained infantry. Riverlands is pretty average when it comes to all their units, only difference is their people are tough as shit because they deal with war all the time. Vale has the best defensive terrain and is pretty much untouchable, but as for their military they're pretty average other than the fact they seem to have a lot of knights. Crownlands is just all around shit because the army they have is basic as hell. Dorne has a very quick army and definitely the best by a ridiculously huge margin in a desert region, but the moment you take them out of their desert their light infantry and cavalry is pretty shit when facing the other regions. Stormlands likely has the best infantry/archers in Westeros even if they don't have the equipment and training of the Westerlands, sadly they're held back by the fact they don't have large numbers and two of their neighbors have been in a blood fued with them for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Reach has best heavy cavalry but pretty much lags behind a bit when it comes to infantry, though they're rich so their equipment is likely still good. Iron Islands has the best sailors and their fighters are really damn good, only problem is they don't fight like an actual army, its more of a mob composed of a bunch of warriors really. North are pretty average all around just like the Riverlands, except their men are tough as shit, except its not because of constant war, its just that they have to be to live in the north.
I'd also like to mention that the Riverlords are also known to use guerrilla warfare as evidenced by the lads in the dance of Dragons, they tend to take full advantage of the Rivers that flow through their lands too, though I suppose that only really applies to fighting inside the Riverlands. Riverman are also, as you've mentioned more used to war than most so their levies while not the best equipped would have a certain amount of experience and comradery that those from other regions might lack. As for the crownlands its men tend to be quick to muster, so they can be used sooner and their position around the capital means they have access to greater commanders and generals. The Stormlands also produces probably the strongest troop and they are a largely martial people, especially the marchers, and they'd probably up there with westermen in terms of strength, though there are fewer of them and they are less well equipped

Leusis said:
Also on open ground the Reach would kill 10 dornishman for every knight they lost on the charge, the dornish would be absolutely slaughtered in any pitched battle. Same goes for Stormlands except the difference is that the Stormlands has better archers than Dorne and would destroy them during skirmishing.
This is the best quote I can find right now about the Stormlands being very warlike but if I can find my AWoIaF I'll look for something else as well:

There are no cities in the stormlands due to the strong martial culture of the storm lords.
Akio said:
*shrugs* then that would be dependent on the commander and what maps they have of the area and if they can trick people to fighting there. On an even field unless there is a disparity of commander skill I'm willing to admit they would lose against anyone not in a desert. But anyone who fights on an even field as dornish should be shot for incompetence.
Better arches then the Dornish how? Thought archery and fast infantry is all they had going for them lol
Dorne specializes in light infantry and light cavalry (sand steeds) as far as I know, they aren't known at all for their archers.

Also just so everyone is aware the Royal Navy is currently looking for loyal sailors to help captain one of the many ships that it commands (We have 180 vacancies) if anyone has a son, uncle, brother, cousin of nephew (But not sister because we're not the fucking Dornish) that wants to earn their sealegs then sign up now with Lord Baelor Velaryon to protect the coasts!

Message paid for and sponsored by Baelor of Driftmark.


Everything sounds so wise <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt=" xD " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>


I don't know how to react to a lord who thinks i'm green (<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=" :( " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Savagai" data-cite="Savagai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="196356" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>@WanderingJaster<p>

Everything sounds so wise <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt=" xD " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>


I don't know how to react to a lord who thinks i'm green (<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=" :( " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>



Start belittling him <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>
Akio said:
Since I'll be writing the battle alone I should be able to finish today
I haven't started Lyonels post yet :)

I have a list I am going to work on and I will put him at the bottom just for you :)

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