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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Fezzes said:
Quick question while I have internet. Where does Westeros get most of its metal from? I know the Lannisters have fucktons of gold, but where's the rest come from?
They're mines are not just gold, and they buy a lot of their stuff.

Leusis said:
You try and get as good as people in other regions at riding a horse when 90% of your region is mountainous. I mean shit, the Westerlands have less flatlands than the Vale from what I can see on maps.
This. Basically every region has a few things they can boast military wise better then anyone. Lannisters have really well equipped soldiers. Reach have the strongest chivalry in Westeros. The Vale have excellent defenders. Dorne have the best skirmishers. North has very Hardy soldiers in general, who can survive almlsy any environment. Iron Island have the best sailors. Riverlands soldiers may actually be the most average over all.
Nah, this is how it goes.

Westerlands has most well equipped and trained infantry. Riverlands is pretty average when it comes to all their units, only difference is their people are tough as shit because they deal with war all the time. Vale has the best defensive terrain and is pretty much untouchable, but as for their military they're pretty average other than the fact they seem to have a lot of knights. Crownlands is just all around shit because the army they have is basic as hell. Dorne has a very quick army and definitely the best by a ridiculously huge margin in a desert region, but the moment you take them out of their desert their light infantry and cavalry is pretty shit when facing the other regions. Stormlands likely has the best infantry/archers in Westeros even if they don't have the equipment and training of the Westerlands, sadly they're held back by the fact they don't have large numbers and two of their neighbors have been in a blood fued with them for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Reach has best heavy cavalry but pretty much lags behind a bit when it comes to infantry, though they're rich so their equipment is likely still good. Iron Islands has the best sailors and their fighters are really damn good, only problem is they don't fight like an actual army, its more of a mob composed of a bunch of warriors really. North are pretty average all around just like the Riverlands, except their men are tough as shit, except its not because of constant war, its just that they have to be to live in the north.
lol Skirmishers and guerilla tactics have been used to great affect for many years, just harder to use outside the desert. But anyone who fights with a dornish army on open ground without back up is retarded. With the right terrain they can be extremely effective.

You forget that guerilla tactics only work well when you know the terrain well, and lets be honest, the dornish never leave their deserts and have literally NEVER conquered anything outside of their current borders despite constantly fighting the Stormlands and Reach. This makes me fairly certain that dorne is complete shit the moment they leave their borders because its the same thing you'd expect in medieval times. If you had a middle eastern army march out of their deserts and try to fight medieval european armies of equal or greater size they'd be crushed like they were nothing because the equipment just doesn't match up. But put a medieval european army in the middle east and they're going to get screwed by the heat until they're exhuasted and then get charged by a bunch of middle eastern warriors who under normal circumstances would get rekt.
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Akio said:
lol Skirmishers and guerilla tactics have been used to great affect for many years, just harder to use outside the desert. But anyone who fights with a dornish army on open ground without back up is retarded. With the right terrain they can be extremely effective.
Also on open ground the Reach would kill 10 dornishman for every knight they lost on the charge, the dornish would be absolutely slaughtered in any pitched battle. Same goes for Stormlands except the difference is that the Stormlands has better archers than Dorne and would destroy them during skirmishing.
*shrugs* then that would be dependent on the commander and what maps they have of the area and if they can trick people to fighting there. On an even field unless there is a disparity of commander skill I'm willing to admit they would lose against anyone not in a desert. But anyone who fights on an even field as dornish should be shot for incompetence.

Leusis said:
Also on open ground the Reach would kill 10 dornishman for every knight they lost on the charge, the dornish would be absolutely slaughtered in any pitched battle. Same goes for Stormlands except the difference is that the Stormlands has better archers than Dorne and would destroy them during skirmishing.
Better arches then the Dornish how? Thought archery and fast infantry is all they had going for them lol
Good news everyone! I found a new high quality map!


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Marcher Lords kind of produce whats considered to be pretty much the best archers in Westeros... How do you think they've been kicking the dornish around in the marches for centuries without some kind of big advantage? I mean the marcher lords were pretty much constantly left alone to fight the bulk of dornish armies that tried to invade, and the marcher lords only account for around 8,000 soldiers (at least in this rp they do, probably more in lore, though we'll likely never know for sure)
Leusis said:
Marcher Lords kind of produce whats considered to be pretty much the best archers in Westeros... How do you think they've been kicking the dornish around in the marches for centuries without some kind of big advantage? I mean the marcher lords were pretty much constantly left alone to fight the bulk of dornish armies that tried to invade, and the marcher lords only account for around 8,000 soldiers (at least in this rp they do, probably more in lore, though we'll likely never know for sure)
Dorne has litterly never, not once, ever tried to invade and conquer another territory as a nation. Their raiders leave all the time, some of them with backing of house Martell way back when but they have never tried to March out and conquer another land ethier because they don't want to or know it won't work under ordinary circumstances
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Akio said:
*shrugs* then that would be dependent on the commander and what maps they have of the area and if they can trick people to fighting there. On an even field unless there is a disparity of commander skill I'm willing to admit they would lose against anyone not in a desert. But anyone who fights on an even field as dornish should be shot for incompetence.
Better arches then the Dornish how? Thought archery and fast infantry is all they had going for them lol
Gaining a terrain advantage is completely dependent on if they enemy commander is incompetent enough to allow you to gain that advantage. If any army that wasn't dornish had a leader who was even slightly competent there would be no way that the dornish could use any kind of terrain advantage. And when it comes down to terrain advantages, if you have enough of a terrain advantage a group of children with rocks could beat armed soldiers if you put them up on a cliff. What I'm trying to say is, if you NEED a terrain advantage to win, you're the inferior force.
Akio said:
Dorne has litterly never, not once, ever tried to invade and conquer another territory as a nation. Their raiders leave all the time, some of them with backing of house Martell way back when but they have never tried to March out and conquer another land ethier because they don't want to or know it won't work under ordinary circumstances
What are you talking about? the marcher lords and dornish struggled over the marches for hundreds of years, a lot of the time the marcher lords or dornish would gain a small piece of land only to lose it very quickly.
Leusis said:
Gaining a terrain advantage is completely dependent on if they enemy commander is incompetent enough to allow you to gain that advantage. If any army that wasn't dornish had a leader who was even slightly competent there would be no way that the dornish could use any kind of terrain advantage. And when it comes down to terrain advantages, if you have enough of a terrain advantage a group of children with rocks could beat armed soldiers if you put them up on a cliff. What I'm trying to say is, if you NEED a terrain advantage to win, you're the inferior force.
When did I ever say they weren't? Dorne is a defensive army, or uses their speed to run circles around the larger ones. A good dornish commander if he did want to take war outside would use his armys superior speed to chose a location for battle, then go about the actual battle.
Leusis said:
What are you talking about? the marcher lords and dornish struggled over the marches for hundreds of years, a lot of the time the marcher lords or dornish would gain a small piece of land only to lose it very quickly.
The stone dornish do, they live up there and raid across the border plenty. House Martell itself just doesn't make anyone help and kind of watch and shelter them or help out if they actually lose something important.
Except a good general never accepts an enemies terms of battle and instead waits for a time to bring the battle in his favor. Just getting a terrain advantage doesn't mean dorne wins, because if the enemy doesn't let the dornish use it.... Its useless.
Leusis said:
Except a good general never accepts an enemies terms of battle and instead waits for a time to bring the battle in his favor. Just getting a terrain advantage doesn't mean dorne wins, because if the enemy doesn't let the dornish use it.... Its useless.
Then they stare at each other lol, or the dornish go on to next point using an army that's much much faster. Wasn't the Lannisters planning to use a river to offset superior Calvary at one point? Only so long you can actually let them sit there, a hostile army that is
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I really don't think you understand how a war works. The moment you try to pick up and move to a different location, the moment the enemy charges you while you don't have your battle lines ready and slaughters your incoherent army. If you sit in one place long enough, you either give your army enough time to find a weak spot or give them enough time to make one. Trying to camp a terrain advantage is foolish because war is always won through offense, not defense. Of course I'm only basing this opinion on what the author of The Art of War and one of the greatest military minds in history Sun Tzu said. But you know, what does that guy really know, its not like strategists still study his book thousands of years later to try and create new strategies from what he wrote.
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Fezzes said:
Cavalry. I swear to Gaben, I will end you if you say that once more.
Lol it's my phones autocorrect

Leusis said:
I really don't think you understand how a war works. The moment you try to pick up and move to a different location, the moment the enemy charges you while you don't have your battle lines ready and slaughters your incoherent army. If you sit in one place long enough, you either give your army enough time to find a weak spot or give them enough time to make one. Trying to camp a terrain advantage is foolish because war is always won through offense, not defense. Of course I'm only basing this opinion on what the author of The Art of War and one of the greatest military minds in history Sun Tzu said. But you know, what does that guy really know, its not like strategists still study his book thousands of years later to try and create new strategies from what he wrote.
Except you won't catch a dornish army, and you try chasing them they will only lead you into a different trap and terrain advantage (anything not a flat field). Or they don't fight you in the first place and just walk around you and sack the castles behind you.

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