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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
It'd be awful if someone kick started the Lion-Rose War early, wouldn't it? Maybe The Tarly forces are broken before the whole Reach can muster its strengths, Hightower mayhaps stays out of the conflict. . .? Deary me, The Tyrell's would be in a pickle then.
They are promising indeed.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I don't think he can!
Anything's possible with the magical powers of a GM! :D


Oh and btw, thought of this while I was in the showers earlier and forgot again. Is Vladan the vampiric ancestor of the current Boltons, or is he just the uncle or brother of the current Lord of Dreadfort?
Well I'm pretty sure highharden is slightly behind us and the joust in on the third day, he can get here
WanderingJester said:
Anything's possible with the magical powers of a GM! :D

Oh and btw, thought of this while I was in the showers earlier and forgot again. Is Vladan the vampiric ancestor of the current Boltons, or is he just the uncle or brother of the current Lord of Dreadfort?
When you say ancestor, my mind goes to BOLT-ON.

He'd be their Uncle or Great Uncle, methinks.
Not to mention you forget, there is a Hightowers at the wedding and he's got the idea to speak to a Lannister
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's like three hundred miles to Casterly Rock, anyways. . .
He's still slightly behind us time wise *I think* and Cayden made an even more intense ride, you saying the black dragon is inferior to a Dornishman?
Akio said:
He's still slightly behind us time wise *I think* and Cayden made an even more intense ride, you saying the black dragon is inferior to a Dornishman?
I'm saying his two horses just got done with going from one half of the Dornish Marches to the other, another intensive trip so soon would kill'em.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I'm saying his two horses just got done with going from one half of the Dornish Marches to the other, another intensive trip so soon would kill'em.
It's been multiple days since they stopped in highgarden. They are probably fairly rested
TheAncientCenturion said:
The body would be decayed by that point. . You want to do it within a week, usually the first 3 or so days.
True, did he get there at the start of prep or at the end, combined with war planning
TheFordee14 said:
Just did a mini-post for Eveleen that you can respond to whenever! Good luck in your exam, man. I finished mine a few days ago. Woah, they were tough.
Thank you! I've some English Cambridge exams today, 3 of them..
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Can someone explain me the ranks of the Houses? It looks like Tyrell is ruling over the Reach but what is the role/rank of the other houses in the Reach (Hightower and some others I guess?)
Savagai said:
Can someone explain me the ranks of the Houses? It looks like Tyrell is ruling over the Reach but what is the role/rank of the other houses in the Reach (Hightower and some others I guess?)

The Hightowers are equal in strength to Highgarden and control the largest port city (Oldtown). The Tarlys come shortly thereafter along with the Redwynes, the latter controlling one of the three largest fleets in Westeros.
Savagai said:
Can someone explain me the ranks of the Houses? It looks like Tyrell is ruling over the Reach but what is the role/rank of the other houses in the Reach (Hightower and some others I guess?)
In general, each great house rules over a kingdom of Westeros, hence 7 great houses for seven Kingdoms. Lannisters over Westerlands, Starks over the North, Tully over the Riverlands, Targaryen over the Crownlands, Baratheons over the Stormlands, Tyrells over the Reach and Martells over Dorne. Here's a reference fore them for more details.

Great houses

Now for Reach specifically, the head honchos are, as stated, the Tyrells (which you've observed). However there aren't much of a formal "rankings" in regards to who rules after them. Tracing back to the original rulers of the Reach, House Gardener, the most direct line and strongest blood would be House Florent. However possibly the richest of the Tyrell's bannermen includes House Hightower, who rules over Oldtown, the oldest town in existence in Westeros, as the name implies, the Tarlys, possibly the best Marcher Lords the Reach owns militarily speaking, and the Redwynes, who controls the largest fleet in existence on Westeroes. Not to be brushed off are the Rowans, which are similar to the Tarlys in that they have an impressive military force, but have more quantity to the Tarlys quality.

Also important to mention are the Houses of the Shield Islands, pretty much the only thing that's stopping viking/Ironborn raiders from pillaging along the entire Mander River (which spans most of middle and Northern Reach). At the moment in the RP, the de facto leader is Lord Grimm of House Grimm after the repelled assault by the Iron Fleet earlier IC.

Here's some book canon details if you want to read up a bit, though none of the recent events obviously relates to the RP's story.


Bonus: Here's a useful map I use for reference in regards to Planetos in general. If you're interested as well.

Interactive Game of Thrones Map with Spoilers Control
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