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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheFordee14 said:

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First things first, I apologize for using you as the butt of some of my jokes now that you have returned
So how are we supposed to handle Fordee coming back when we pretty much had to dispose of his characters?
Ask him, though i thought the recently captured Red headed targaryens sister was his though i only heard it once so could be wrong
Well, I didn't expect this to still be up and running. Wow. You guys have done a good job keepin' it alive without me.

Firstly, I would like to apologize to you guys for going AWOL on you all. I don't mean to make excuses, but I've been going through a very stressful time in my life. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer shortly after my last post.

I've been so busy being by his side that RP Nation completely faded from my mind. That, plus a few changes in my home life and major exams, made me forget about this site and you guys completely. I just want to put it out there that I had no intention of leaving you guys and this role play. And I regret not keeping in-touch because it seems like I have missed quite a bit.

I logged in a while back to see if you guys were still active, and I saw a post from
@TheAncientCenturion about "Winds" being released on June 12th or something. So I thought to myself that I might as well re-introduce myself to you guys on that date so it'd be extra weird, but... nah.

I logged on again and read a few posts and I was just itching to get back in the game. Especially with three whole months of nothingness in-front of me. I realized I could not wait until June 12th. I wanted to drop by and update you guys pronto.

So, yeah. Here I am.


Thank you. I am glad to be back!


As far as I know, yes. And don't worry about it. I haven't seen most of these jokes so you're off the hook, buddy.


Great question. However, I won't be answering that until the seventh and final book. Sorry man. Also, my characters ... ?

I know that Aerea is dead (?) due to a post I read. Just wondering what you guys did with the rest of 'em. I honestly don't mind since I basically left you guys with four characters, two in which played major roles.
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Aerea is alive, Ancient trolled us with basically writing the post you say then revealing they didn't cut her head off. She's currently in the captivity of a crippled Thorne, and might run across my character in the future actually depending
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Well, your targ is currently just a captive held by traitor queensguard members and some bandits.

Conn is not confirmed to be dead, he was just lost during the battle on the shield isles.

As for you leaving and not saying anything, you had an abundance of reasons to not have to explain anything to us.
But no seriously, it's sooo good to see you again @TheFordee14! I knew tagging you every now and again would work! God, we thought Akio killed you!

Or that Whipit was secretly you. . .

And other nonsense!
TheAncientCenturion said:
But no seriously, it's sooo good to see you again @TheFordee14! I knew tagging you every now and again would work! God, we thought Akio killed you!
Or that Whipit was secretly you. . .

And other nonsense!
They have been blaming me for basically everything since I made my character because I'm Dornish, including your murder @TheFordee14
TheFordee14 said:
Well, I didn't expect this to still be up and running. Wow. You guys have done a good job keepin' it alive without me.
Firstly, I would like to apologize to you guys for going AWOL on you all. I don't mean to make excuses, but I've been going through a very stressful time in my life. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer shortly after my last post.

I've been so busy being by his side that RP Nation completely faded from my mind. That, plus a few changes in my home life and major exams, made me forget about this site and you guys completely. I just want to put it out there that I had no intention of leaving you guys and this role play. And I regret not keeping in-touch because it seems like I have missed quite a bit.

I logged in a while back to see if you guys were still active, and I saw a post from
@TheAncientCenturion about "Winds" being released on June 12th or something. So I thought to myself that I might as well re-introduce myself to you guys on that date so it'd be extra weird, but... nah.

I logged on again and read a few posts and I was just itching to get back in the game. Especially with three whole months of nothingness in-front of me. I realized I could not wait until June 12th. I wanted to drop by and update you guys pronto.

So, yeah. Here I am.


Thank you. I am glad to be back!


As far as I know, yes. And don't worry about it. I haven't seen most of these jokes so you're off the hook, buddy.


Great question. However, I won't be answering that until the seventh and final book. Sorry man. Also, my characters ... ?

I know that Aerea is dead (?) due to a post I read. Just wondering what you guys did with the rest of 'em. I honestly don't mind since I basically left you guys with four characters, two in which played major roles.
First of all, I hope your friend's kicking cancer's ass harder than Doom Guy did to Hell's.

Good to have you back (sort of at the moment). We had to go through some rough waters, but yeah, here we are. I understand with everything you went through why you left. It's good to see you're okay. We thought something might have happened to you.

We can certainly catch you up on things, but I imagined you might or might not want to read about things yourself IC. Here's some important OOC stuff that I can think of:

- @Hypnos have been doing a great job doing stats stuff, with the army numbers for each realm as well as this kickass family tree he did for the Tullys, the Brackens, the Lannisters, the Manderlys and the Boltons.

- @JustWhipIt is up to something with designing kickass bbcode stuff for the houses, though they're slow going.

- Conn's missing, though unconfirmed "death" and the Iron Fleet's sailing back to the Iron Islands for a Kingsmoot (with the dragon egg).

- Aerea's alive, but the sparrows have her.

- @Akio 's character, Cayden, have a thing for underage girls and his horse. His ongoing sexual relations with his steed is mutual.

- The Black Goat will eventually come and lay claim to all of our souls.

P.S. Oh yea, at one point we all went crazy and thought that @Akio was you in disguise, or @JustWhipIt has you trapped in his basement well (if you still are, pm me and we'll get you out) with nothing but a bottle of lotion. Good to have you back :D
Another thing I will say, my character does not have sex with his horse and this underage girl thing is because my character has a massive crush on childhood friend Daenna Targaryen who has made her own currently secret claim to the throne and is currently in Essos @TheFordee14
We used the word rape so much a mod came in and asked us to stop using it. All of it was directed at Akio and his character Cayden. It was lolzy.
JustWhipIt said:
Y'know, it's surprising how little actually happened in three months i wonder why
It's funny to think that even though Fordee's been gone three months Walder, Rory and Braedon are still in the exact same spot as before he left.
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Well, at least my characters seem to be in interesting positions. I need to think for a little bit on how I am going to proceed with Aerea, Conn, Eveleen, and Filicty.


Thanks for the welcome back man. And thank you so much for making the new thread and keeping this
thing afloat. I owe you big time.


Dornish scum. Underage girls
and horses, really!?

But, seriously. I am sorry you were accused of my murder man.


Thank you for the kind words, my man. He is. He's getting better and better with each passing day! I will definitely read IC-ly when I get the chance, but, I appreciate the quick summary. I gotta mull all of this over and then write up some posts.

But knowing me that'll will take another three months.

Ayy, it was a team effort. Everyone voted for a new GM, and @Hypnos and @WanderingJester pulled most of the work keeping it alive as well. I tried to not kill off any of your characters, in the off chance you came back, and because they can still be used. .

Have you read the new Aeron chapter GRRM read about a week ago? It featured a lot of Euron stuff, I thought it might be useful for Conn.

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