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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

I wonder if the Lannister family will appreciate the fact Roland as a mystery knight is essentially using their sigil but with different colors?
Leusis said:
I wonder if the Lannister family will appreciate the fact Roland as a mystery knight is essentially using their sigil but with different colors?
Only a cat of a different cloak...
Leusis said:
I wonder if the Lannister family will appreciate the fact Roland as a mystery knight is essentially using their sigil but with different colors?
I think people might get nervous thinking it's some long lost Reynes due to the red and black lion...

Or a dragon knight masking as a lion *shrug*
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Hypnos said:
Renly inspired the love of the people and the nobility alike and Robert had a n uncanny ability to turn foe to friend, something I'm sure Braedon could do too as long as that foe isn't a long lost brother. As long as Braedon lives then he will have support, he may not be there at the exact moment but the Storm Lords aren't idiots, they're not going to lose sight of him and completely forget he exists, they will continue on to fight in his name. The Stormlords followed Stannis because they had no other choice, they were already risen in rebellion and couldn't turn to the crown and their chosen King was dead, since Braedon would still be alive just besieging King's Landing, where Rory should be as well they would remain loyal.
As for the fleet I was under the impression he would be doing this before he gets LP, though it would still be extremely hard even with the strength of the Stormlands, you mention them not caring for Baelor but they certainly would. I've mentioned it in my post before but Baelor pays the men of his fleet a lot more than they are worth and a lot more than many others can afford, he's had them build up a taste for the finer things in life and since Rory won't be able to match that price without bankrupting the Stormlands, I doubt the sailors will appreciate taking a massive pay cut from a man who just killed their friends and commanders.

Tibet already has a Baratheon he hardly needs another, Rory offers no more than Astris does and since Astris is within his own castle if he needs a new LP for the Stormlands she's the obvious pick.
He will have support is vastly different from Rory will have no support, I never said it'd be an effortless usurption. But the nobility respected, and followed Robert BECAUSE of his military dominance. Which Rory is in possession of, not Braedon. The Storm Lords may have bore love for Renly, but I highly doubt many were willing to die for him. If the Tyrell's backed Stannis, how many of the Storm Lords would remain loyal to Renly? A few, for sure. But probably not a whole lot. They also had plenty of choice. After Renly died, they could have simply refused to follow Stannis. Hell, they probably could have followed the Tyrells until stability was restored. They could easily have returned to the crown with Renly dead. But they went to Stannis, why? Becase he was the rightful heir.

It's very much asserted that it's the North who has fearlessly devoted bannermen. Not the Stormlands, Braedon's bannermen would split - I daresay the majority would choose the "live" option too. Fear factor of opposing someone with Stannis sense of justice would be some leverage. Also, my ASOIAF economic skills suck, but are you saying Driftmark is wealthier than the Stormlands? Rory wouldn't match the price regardless; he'd lower it, not substantially, but he'd lower it. COnsidering the Captains hand out the paychecks anyway, all the sailors could do is grumble when "New" captains come, with "New" paychecks. They'd have no power in this situaton but being discontent and unhappy for a time.

Oh right. Great plan, Tiber can use Astris. Of course! An untrained girl who A) The Storm Lords wouldn't follow B) Isn't even the rightful heir C) No ruling experience D) No combat experience E) Still young

That's like holding Arya Stark hostage, and thinking you can usurp the North through her. Then Robb Stark comes along and offers to help you in the future if you help him retake the North, but you say no because you have Arya.

Rory is a massively reliable target, because he has your ships, a decent sized army, a respectable reputation, the birthright, the ruling expertise, the combat experience, and to top it off he's a good commander. Who would you back to take the North, Arya or Robb?
WanderingJester said:
I do hope Trevir can make it. I enjoy his social awkwardness and inability to function around Celena quite a bit xD .
Yeah. Same. I've toned it down a little, so he won't out-and-out run from a crowd. But he's good fun.
Archon said:
He will have support is vastly different from Rory will have no support, I never said it'd be an effortless usurption. But the nobility respected, and followed Robert BECAUSE of his military dominance. Which Rory is in possession of, not Braedon. The Storm Lords may have bore love for Renly, but I highly doubt many were willing to die for him. If the Tyrell's backed Stannis, how many of the Storm Lords would remain loyal to Renly? A few, for sure. But probably not a whole lot. They also had plenty of choice. After Renly died, they could have simply refused to follow Stannis. Hell, they probably could have followed the Tyrells until stability was restored. They could easily have returned to the crown with Renly dead. But they went to Stannis, why? Becase he was the rightful heir.
It's very much asserted that it's the North who has fearlessly devoted bannermen. Not the Stormlands, Braedon's bannermen would split - I daresay the majority would choose the "live" option too. Fear factor of opposing someone with Stannis sense of justice would be some leverage. Also, my ASOIAF economic skills suck, but are you saying Driftmark is wealthier than the Stormlands? Rory wouldn't match the price regardless; he'd lower it, not substantially, but he'd lower it. COnsidering the Captains hand out the paychecks anyway, all the sailors could do is grumble when "New" captains come, with "New" paychecks. They'd have no power in this situaton but being discontent and unhappy for a time.

Oh right. Great plan, Tiber can use Astris. Of course! An untrained girl who A) The Storm Lords wouldn't follow B) Isn't even the rightful heir C) No ruling experience D) No combat experience E) Still young

That's like holding Arya Stark hostage, and thinking you can usurp the North through her. Then Robb Stark comes along and offers to help you in the future if you help him retake the North, but you say no because you have Arya.

Rory is a massively reliable target, because he has your ships, a decent sized army, a respectable reputation, the birthright, the ruling expertise, the combat experience, and to top it off he's a good commander. Who would you back to take the North, Arya or Robb?
I'll try and keep this short because I want to go to bed soon and I feel like we're taking up too much room in chat with this.

1, Rory has military skills too, just because Rory can fight doesn't mean Braedon instantly can't and he is respected amongst the nobility a lot more than Rory is, who many of them probably don't know exists. Braedon is not Renly, nor is Rory a combination of the best parts of Robert and Stannis as you seem to be implying and you forget that if Braedon is besieging King's Landing then so are the other Stormlords, he's not going to turn up alone, and they're not going to just turn on him because they heard his brother wants to be in charge and has the backing of another house.

2, I am saying Driftmark is wealthier than the Stormlands yes. The Stormlands are a militaristic people and the Stormlands is one of the poorest regions. Driftmark at one point was richer than Casterly Rock, they're nowhere near that now but they still have a great deal of money plus their ties with other rich organisations (Saan Pirate Family, Rogare Bank) and the embezzled funds from the crown. Men tend to like money a great deal and I'd be willing to bet that they'd just leave and go straight back to the guy paying them full price for their services.

3, so they'll instead follow a man disowned by his father, a Lord incredibly well liked amongst his people, who most of them don't know exists, and whose been living in Targaryen land under the Targaryens for years instead?

4, Or, since Braedon is still alive its more like holding Sansa hostage thinking you can rule the north through her, whilst fighting Robb and then Bran pops up and offers you his service in return for the you giving him the north. Since you're going to be killing the Stormlords either way you might as well have the one you can control taking the seat.

5, Rory has a small army of 1,500 men, at this point he doesn't have his fleet because he has yet to cloak and dagger them since as you said he couldn't do that without first taking the Stormlands and they left him for someone else. A reputation for being disowned by Osmund Baratheon, a well loved Lord whose death started a war and he has thus far displayed little commanding ability that anyone would know of. If Robb and Arya both had nothing to offer, I'd already have to kill the same amount of people and I already had Arya then I'd chose Arya yes.

Ok I'm going to bed now though, if you want to continue the discussion I'll do it in the morning :)
Hypnos said:
I'll try and keep this short because I want to go to bed soon and I feel like we're taking up too much room in chat with this.
1, Rory has military skills too, just because Rory can fight doesn't mean Braedon instantly can't and he is respected amongst the nobility a lot more than Rory is, who many of them probably don't know exists. Braedon is not Renly, nor is Rory a combination of the best parts of Robert and Stannis as you seem to be implying and you forget that if Braedon is besieging King's Landing then so are the other Stormlords, he's not going to turn up alone, and they're not going to just turn on him because they heard his brother wants to be in charge and has the backing of another house.

2, I am saying Driftmark is wealthier than the Stormlands yes. The Stormlands are a militaristic people and the Stormlands is one of the poorest regions. Driftmark at one point was richer than Casterly Rock, they're nowhere near that now but they still have a great deal of money plus their ties with other rich organisations (Saan Pirate Family, Rogare Bank) and the embezzled funds from the crown. Men tend to like money a great deal and I'd be willing to bet that they'd just leave and go straight back to the guy paying them full price for their services.

3, so they'll instead follow a man disowned by his father, a Lord incredibly well liked amongst his people, who most of them don't know exists, and whose been living in Targaryen land under the Targaryens for years instead?

4, Or, since Braedon is still alive its more like holding Sansa hostage thinking you can rule the north through her, whilst fighting Robb and then Bran pops up and offers you his service in return for the you giving him the north. Since you're going to be killing the Stormlords either way you might as well have the one you can control taking the seat.

5, Rory has a small army of 1,500 men, at this point he doesn't have his fleet because he has yet to cloak and dagger them since as you said he couldn't do that without first taking the Stormlands and they left him for someone else. A reputation for being disowned by Osmund Baratheon, a well loved Lord whose death started a war and he has thus far displayed little commanding ability that anyone would know of. If Robb and Arya both had nothing to offer, I'd already have to kill the same amount of people and I already had Arya then I'd chose Arya yes.

Ok I'm going to bed now though, if you want to continue the discussion I'll do it in the morning :)
I'd love to continue the debate, but now you're just undermining who I've made Rory as a character. Which isn't debating. I mean, of course the Storm Lords don't know who the FIRST son of Osmund Baratheon is. It's not like it was big news when Rory was born or anything... Oh, wait. Besides, I said Rory has a reputation as a former mercenary, with great battle prowess who commands respect. But I guess that's also irrelevant. Because no matter what, the rightful heir of Storm's End is unknown by the Storm Lords.

Right. So Driftmark was wealthier than Casterly Rock; isn't anymore, and is wealthier than THE WHOLE REGION OF THE STORMLANDS COMBINED? Right, okay then...

Yeah actually I wanted Rory to carry the good qualities of Robert and some of Stannis because of the weak political position he starts in. But apparently he's not because you said so, so I guess he's not. I don't know my own character. Never said Braedon couldn't fight, apparently your saying Rory can't fight well. I also wasn't aware that every single Storm Lord was riding into battle with Braedon.

Rory has 4,500 men. Stannis's Dragonstone army was 4,500 men. If it's now 1,500, then Rory certainly deserves the good qualities of Stannis and Robert.

A bunch of sailors would up and desert for a few more coins? Do you understand the penalty for desertion in the Middle Ages and Westeros? Apparently these sailors have very little regard for their own life.

So basically: Braedon's bannermen are fearlessly loyal even to the death, sorry Stark's. Rory is totally unknown by all the Storm Lords, has no military might, and now you control the fleet too. And Tiber will never consider helping him, also a single city is wealthier than an entire region. Despite all this, Rory isn't allowed the good qualities of Robert and Stannis - because you know Rory better than I do.

Well, guess I better accept the horrendous apparent nerf to Rory, despite my bibliography, despite the canon parallel with Stannis, and Robert, and accept the fact that Braedon inspires more loyalty than the Stark's, and Rory is unheard of to the Storm Lords.

I may be receiving this all wrong, but the majority of that post seems unfairly biased. I do apologize if I'm missing something.
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Archon said:
Rory has 4,500 men. Stannis's Dragonstone army was 4,500 men. If it's now 1,500, then Rory certainly deserves the good qualities of Stannis and Robert.
Stannis had 4,500 because of mercenaries, other houses still supporting him, and East Watch rangers also joined him when attacking the wildlings beyond the wall. Dragonstone by itself is not extremely powerful in terms of military size. I mean Roland owns Fair Isle, one of the most fertile places in the Westerlands and it can only produce 2,000 and its 3 times bigger than Dragonstone. Your island produces no food and is tiny, having 1,500 soldiers coming from that island is only possible because almost all the people living there are part of the leavy/garrison. Its basically just an island fort.
Leusis said:
Stannis had 4,500 because of mercenaries, other houses still supporting him, and East Watch rangers also joined him when attacking the wildlings beyond the wall. Dragonstone by itself is not extremely powerful in terms of military size. I mean Roland owns Fair Isle, one of the most fertile places in the Westerlands and it can only produce 2,000 and its 3 times bigger than Dragonstone. Your island produces no food and is tiny, having 1,500 soldiers coming from that island is only possible because almost all the people living there are part of the leavy/garrison. Its basically just an island fort.
He had 4,500 at Blackwater Bay, no rangers there.

True enough, he had mercenaries... Is my former renowned noble mercenary leader disallowed from having mercenaries? To be honest, I was always under the impression that the standing army of Dragonstone was a result of the "formal" Lord Paramount title.
Funny thing is Caydens entering as a mystery Knight to and because no one has seen him in 5 years his combat techniques will not be easily recognized
It was only stated that he had 4,500 after the battle of Blackwater, and that was what he had remaining from the massive force he had during the battle that still follow him, as well as his mercenaries.

Also you can have mercenaries, but you also haven't bought any and also don't have the money to considering you produce nothing on the island. Being the lord of Dragonstone by itself isn't a great thing, its the vassals you receive from owning it and the massive navy you get from Driftmark. Regardless of how much you want to complain about how small your army is you must remember that not a single fleet on the east coast could touch you so long as you keep Driftmark loyal. And since you're an island it wouldn't matter if the Stormlands had a million soldiers because they don't have the boats to land them. You're essentially untouchable by anybody except for the Iron fleet and Redwyne fleet who are on the other side of the continent. Hell, you could even steal about half of the Crownlands vassals out from under Kuvira so long as you made sure they were loyal to you since a lot of Crownlands houses are technically your vassals as well.

You definitely aren't in as weak as a position as you think because with Dragonstone and your vassals you likely have somewhere around 10,000 soldiers and likely somewhere around 200 ships.
Akio said:
Funny thing is Caydens entering as a mystery Knight to and because no one has seen him in 5 years his combat techniques will not be easily recognized
You're a mystery warrior, not a knight, Dorne doesn't have knights and you'll be wearing light armor and be using a spear. Trust me, anybody who's ever fought a dornishman will know exactly what you're all about once they see you dancing around like a little girl.
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Desgran too will be entering as a mystery knight. He will wear the Sigil of house Casterly and take back what he is pretending is his ancestral home!
Leusis said:
You're a mystery warrior, not a knight, Dorne doesn't have knights and you'll be wearing light armor and be using a spear. Trust me, anybody who's ever fought a dornishmen will no exactly what you're all about once they see you dancing around like a little girl.
True, I'll probably be recognized as dornish now that I think about it but they'll have no idea who I am though. And Caydens got a flare for showing off a bit for a crowd
He better watch out if he gets too in to showing off with his tricks because hes likely to get bonked on the head from behind while hes spinning his toothpick around.
Leusis said:
He better watch out if he gets too in to showing off with his tricks because hes likely to get bonked on the head from behind while hes spinning his toothpick around.
He has experience on the battlefield, he knows to be watchful in a field full of men who want to kill or hit him
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Leusis said:
He better watch out if he gets too in to showing off with his tricks because hes likely to get bonked on the head from behind while hes spinning his toothpick around.
If he can work up the nerve, Trevir will probably start verbally barbing people.
Fezzes said:
Why was Martyn sitting out of this?
His Garlan Tyrell attitude in regards to glory and stuff as well as wanting to be 100% for the coming war. Don't want to risk something stupid like a pulled tendon or something before a prolonged campaign afar. Also to help with security around the festivities and stuff.
WanderingJester said:
His Garlan Tyrell attitude in regards to glory and stuff as well as wanting to be 100% for the coming war. Don't want to risk something stupid like a pulled tendon or something before a prolonged campaign afar. Also to help with security around the festivities and stuff.
Lol good point, though Cayden doesn't know if he's going to war exactly yet were ok

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