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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Let it go. It's basically not even in the RP anymore.
Just stick the the melee. It'll end in less pain.
Wrong, the melee will be extremely painful because hes entering a clusterfuck with light armor.
Leusis said:
Wrong, the melee will be extremely painful because hes entering a clusterfuck with light armor.
It's either that or he rides atop a dying horse and gets a hard wooden shaft stuck down his throat. I'd rather take someone hitting me with blunted weapons over that.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Let it go. It's basically not even in the RP anymore.
Just stick the the melee. It'll end in less pain.
Naw if my horse dies one of you guys have to kill it so I know who i must reap vengeance on

Leusis said:
Wrong, the melee will be extremely painful because hes entering a clusterfuck with light armor.
He'll probably do well if he plays his card right but he'll walk away with some real bruises no doubt
Akio said:
Naw if my horse dies one of you guys have to kill it so I know who i must reap vengeance on
He'll probably do well if he plays his card right but he'll walk away with some real bruises no doubt
Literally thousands of people may be culprits. . .

I'd be entertained by that. For the rest of the RP, with the Wall coming down, wars being waged and King's Landing being razed, Cayden is off investigating who killed his horse. Like the Brienne chapters in AFFC, basically.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Literally thousands of people may be culprits. . .
I'd be entertained by that. For the rest of the RP, with the Wall coming down, wars being waged and King's Landing being razed, Cayden is off investigating who killed his horse. Like the Brienne chapters in AFFC, basically.
Except the constant revolving amount of stable boys might have seen someone and even the simplest deduction of when the horse is murdered shows who might have murdered his horse
Akio said:
Except the constant revolving amount of stable boys might have seen someone and even the simplest deduction of when the horse is murdered shows who might have murdered his horse
Yes. . .

We'll have to kill them too.
TheAncientCenturion said:
We don't care. Every guest is going to kill them, and we will feed Cayden his horse.
It is known.
Jokes on you, im the stallion that mounts the world and horse flesh makes me stronger
Archon said:
I'd love to continue the debate, but now you're just undermining who I've made Rory as a character. Which isn't debating. I mean, of course the Storm Lords don't know who the FIRST son of Osmund Baratheon is. It's not like it was big news when Rory was born or anything... Oh, wait. Besides, I said Rory has a reputation as a former mercenary, with great battle prowess who commands respect. But I guess that's also irrelevant. Because no matter what, the rightful heir of Storm's End is unknown by the Storm Lords.
Right. So Driftmark was wealthier than Casterly Rock; isn't anymore, and is wealthier than THE WHOLE REGION OF THE STORMLANDS COMBINED? Right, okay then...

Yeah actually I wanted Rory to carry the good qualities of Robert and some of Stannis because of the weak political position he starts in. But apparently he's not because you said so, so I guess he's not. I don't know my own character. Never said Braedon couldn't fight, apparently your saying Rory can't fight well. I also wasn't aware that every single Storm Lord was riding into battle with Braedon.

Rory has 4,500 men. Stannis's Dragonstone army was 4,500 men. If it's now 1,500, then Rory certainly deserves the good qualities of Stannis and Robert.

A bunch of sailors would up and desert for a few more coins? Do you understand the penalty for desertion in the Middle Ages and Westeros? Apparently these sailors have very little regard for their own life.

So basically: Braedon's bannermen are fearlessly loyal even to the death, sorry Stark's. Rory is totally unknown by all the Storm Lords, has no military might, and now you control the fleet too. And Tiber will never consider helping him, also a single city is wealthier than an entire region. Despite all this, Rory isn't allowed the good qualities of Robert and Stannis - because you know Rory better than I do.

Well, guess I better accept the horrendous apparent nerf to Rory, despite my bibliography, despite the canon parallel with Stannis, and Robert, and accept the fact that Braedon inspires more loyalty than the Stark's, and Rory is unheard of to the Storm Lords.

I may be receiving this all wrong, but the majority of that post seems unfairly biased. I do apologize if I'm missing something.
Dabate, disagreement. Call it what you will lets just try and be civil here. I'm not undermining Rory in the slightest, nor do I dislike the character, this is the same argument used to justify the existence of Corbis "If anyone wanted to support his claim they would have done it already' no one has. Osmund was a very respected man and if he tells you that someone is unfit to rule then you believe him, especially if that someone ran off when they were young to play at being a mercenary. I stand by that most of the Stormlords wouldn't know Rory, his birth was thirty yeas ago and since he was passed over in the line of succession it stands to reason that he is either incapable or he died at some point and no one heard about it. Mercenaries aren't well respected amongst the nobility, most look down on the profession and I doubt many Stormlords keep tabs on the current leaders of the free companies just in case one is their long lost Lord. If they all know and respect Rory as you've said, let me ask you why no one has acted prior to Tiber Lannister? No one cares about Rory and since he was disowned no one has to.

Again, the Stormlands is a relatively poor reason due to its focus on martial persuits whereas Driftmark has not only long been trading with the Free Cities but provides the Royal fleet, for which they'd be compensated a great deal and keeps up strong relations with other rich organisations. If you want to be pedantic about it, no, Driftmark is not as rich as every individual Stormlords putting their incomes together, but it is richer than any amount they would realistically provide for their liege to use, and its budget is higher.

I wasn't commenting on Rory as a character at all, I was pointing out your biased portrayal of him in your argument "Braedon is exactly Renly whereas Rory has Roberts strength and charisma and Stannis' sense of justice and command" this is certainly unfairly in favour of Rory whose positives you pointed out consitantly whereas Braedon is considered a weak man, they can both share traits. On a side note if you can get buff by being in a bad position then I'd like Walder to be the strongest man alive please. Not only do you not start in a bad position (A castle with a throng garrison, strong vassals, a strong navy, the seat of the heir apparent, a claim to the Stormlands etc) but I don't think that should be a way to justify selectively taking only the positives from characters whilst convenient ply forgetting their negatives. Stannis was compelling character not for his ability to lead but for his flaws and mistakes, the same could be said for Robert but if Rory is a god amongst men (which I'm not saying) that makes him a boring character: A commander, a warrior, a diplomat, they don't have to be mutually exclusive but one person can't be incredibly skilled at all of them without any drawbacks.

Dragonstone has 1,500 men that is can raise for war, if it raises its vassals it has more. Like @Leusis said 4,500 is far from Dragonstone's base number of troops and Stannis not only had mercenaries but also the men of other houses, there was never a point where Stannis was alone and without support from at least a few bannermen and that's how he got that number. A characters strength is not determined by how many men they have, otherwise the Crownlands would be littered with the greatest warriors in the realm and the west and reach would be filled with old men and young boys. Dragonstone has one of the hilst troop counts in the Crownlands, there is little to complain about.

But by joining Rory they are also deserting Baelor and the crown, they can either desert and get more money, or desert and get less money, that seems like an easy choice to me. Besides for Rory to enact any punishment he'd need to catch them and they just took his fleet, even the Lannister fleet can't live up to the Royal one.

I don't see why only one region can have loyal bannermen, it's not like if Braedon inspires loyalty the Stark's instantly don't, yes, I'd say the Storm Lords very loyal to Braedon, and whilst they might not be personally at King's Landing their armies would be which is the thing you wanted from them.

This isn't a nerf to Rory, you talk as if I've just ruined everything about your character yet all I said was that he has flaws, and isn't the perfect mix of only the good bits to characters, you state there's a canon parrallel well he's not either of those characters so it shouldn't apply, if everything mirrored canon we'd just be transcribing the books which would be boring, if anything you want to avoid canon parrallel sand make your character unique rather than a rehash of two other (Which again I'm not saying Rory is)

I'll take that biased comment with a grain of slant if you don't mind, considering that you are about as biased if not more so than I a,.
Everybody has shitty things about their characters.

Walder is a pretty smart man with a very large amount of power, but hes also old as shit, a cripple and hes his wifes bitch

Tiber is definitely very intelligent, rich, surrounded by competent men..... But he seems extremely cocky and is prone to making very violent and rash decisions. Such as planning to attack the much stronger Reach as well as slaughtering the Tarbecks and Reynes, something that could definitely come back to bite him if he doesn't play his cards right. Honestly all it would take is one house getting tired of Tiber's wannabe Tywin fear tactics starting a rebellion and drawing in a few more houses to their side and the Westerlands could fall apart.

Kuvira is kinda just crazy, but also surrounded by very intelligent men, though most of them would kill her if they got a good chance.

Braedon is loved by his lords and a man of the people, but hes not a proven warrior nor general and he seems to make very rash decisions.

Cayden is Dornish

I know there are a lot more characters but these are just a few that come to mind right now to try and get the point across that Rory doesn't need to be an excellent fighter, general, diplomat and be the leader of a rather powerful area without having flaws as well.
Leusis said:
Everybody has shitty things about their characters.
Walder is a pretty smart man with a very large amount of power, but hes also old as shit, a cripple and hes his wifes bitch

Tiber is definitely very intelligent, rich, surrounded by competent men..... But he seems extremely cocky and is prone to making very violent and rash decisions. Such as planning to attack the much stronger Reach as well as slaughtering the Tarbecks and Reynes, something that could definitely come back to bite him if he doesn't play his cards right. Honestly all it would take is one house getting tired of Tiber's wannabe Tywin fear tactics starting a rebellion and drawing in a few more houses to their side and the Westerlands could fall apart.

Kuvira is kinda just crazy, but also surrounded by very intelligent men, though most of them would kill her if they got a good chance.

Braedon is loved by his lords and a man of the people, but hes not a proven warrior nor general and he seems to make very rash decisions.

Cayden is Dornish

I know there are a lot more characters but these are just a few that come to mind right now to try and get the point across that Rory doesn't need to be an excellent fighter, general, diplomat and be the leader of a rather powerful area without having flaws as well.
Siegfried is a good fighter and sailor.

However he is an idiot, he has little to no skill or tactical thought, he can barely read or write. He is a good Reaver and raider but commanding a land army would be a disaster.
Three twenty AM, and I cannot sleep. I think I'll chime in on an issue or two. . .

I don't think the Velaryon's are wealthier than House Baratheon. The Stormland, while lacking major cities are closer to neighboring cities, i.e. Tyrosh, Pentos, Myr, Lys. Places where valuables and foreign goods, beyond even Near Essos, can be found. It's an exotic and thriving community in that part of the Narrow Sea, and as the Lords of the region, taxes taken from sailors and traders will definitely be going into Baratheon coffers. Likewise the Cape Wraith is filled with wild forests. If the need arises/already existing businesses probably profit off of an abundance of lumber sold.

And then there's property worked, taxes from other lords, and gifts. It's not uncommon for a lower standing lord to present his master, so to speak, with a present of good faith. Unless Maeryn confiscated some gold, or Osmund was like Robert, I wouldn't say they're below Velaryon's in terms of wealth. Being that liquid assets and long term assets.

Rory is most definitely not forgotten, either. As the first born son of the lord, who wasn't likely disinherited for some time, he would of been the lordling to get to know. Like how A. Karstark (forget her name, she fled to the Wall in ADWD) tried to seduce Robb Stark at a young age. That would of been Rory's life for the first four years, before Braedon was born. And at least until Braedon came to a reasonable age (5-6, before it would of been safe to say he would survive till his twenties). Not only would he of been the center of attention, he basically is of equal standing (if not lower prestige) then Braedon. Dragonstone functions like a miniature great seat, in the fact that Houses do swear allegiance to them. Surely, even if the Stormlords were trying to suck up to Braedon, they wouldn't think Rory made out too badly.

Sure, Dragonstone isn't the best place. But he still has a supreme title and nobility with him. It's not like he suddenly abandoned everything to go fight across the world. I am skeptical that he would of been forgotten.

I should make it known that it's unlikely many Lords would support Rory, even if he is the older sibling who should of inherited the castle. They swore oaths to Braedon, Rory lords of a Targaryen fortress, they've known Braedon and he seems to have their loyalties and good favor as well. I'm not saying it's impossible for Rory to sway the Stormlords, but in a contest between the two they'll go with Braedon over Rory for the obvious reasons.
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Hypnos said:
Dabate, disagreement. Call it what you will lets just try and be civil here. I'm not undermining Rory in the slightest, nor do I dislike the character, this is the same argument used to justify the existence of Corbis "If anyone wanted to support his claim they would have done it already' no one has. Osmund was a very respected man and if he tells you that someone is unfit to rule then you believe him, especially if that someone ran off when they were young to play at being a mercenary. I stand by that most of the Stormlords wouldn't know Rory, his birth was thirty yeas ago and since he was passed over in the line of succession it stands to reason that he is either incapable or he died at some point and no one heard about it. Mercenaries aren't well respected amongst the nobility, most look down on the profession and I doubt many Stormlords keep tabs on the current leaders of the free companies just in case one is their long lost Lord. If they all know and respect Rory as you've said, let me ask you why no one has acted prior to Tiber Lannister? No one cares about Rory and since he was disowned no one has to.
Again, the Stormlands is a relatively poor reason due to its focus on martial persuits whereas Driftmark has not only long been trading with the Free Cities but provides the Royal fleet, for which they'd be compensated a great deal and keeps up strong relations with other rich organisations. If you want to be pedantic about it, no, Driftmark is not as rich as every individual Stormlords putting their incomes together, but it is richer than any amount they would realistically provide for their liege to use, and its budget is higher.

I wasn't commenting on Rory as a character at all, I was pointing out your biased portrayal of him in your argument "Braedon is exactly Renly whereas Rory has Roberts strength and charisma and Stannis' sense of justice and command" this is certainly unfairly in favour of Rory whose positives you pointed out consitantly whereas Braedon is considered a weak man, they can both share traits. On a side note if you can get buff by being in a bad position then I'd like Walder to be the strongest man alive please. Not only do you not start in a bad position (A castle with a throng garrison, strong vassals, a strong navy, the seat of the heir apparent, a claim to the Stormlands etc) but I don't think that should be a way to justify selectively taking only the positives from characters whilst convenient ply forgetting their negatives. Stannis was compelling character not for his ability to lead but for his flaws and mistakes, the same could be said for Robert but if Rory is a god amongst men (which I'm not saying) that makes him a boring character: A commander, a warrior, a diplomat, they don't have to be mutually exclusive but one person can't be incredibly skilled at all of them without any drawbacks.

Dragonstone has 1,500 men that is can raise for war, if it raises its vassals it has more. Like @Leusis said 4,500 is far from Dragonstone's base number of troops and Stannis not only had mercenaries but also the men of other houses, there was never a point where Stannis was alone and without support from at least a few bannermen and that's how he got that number. A characters strength is not determined by how many men they have, otherwise the Crownlands would be littered with the greatest warriors in the realm and the west and reach would be filled with old men and young boys. Dragonstone has one of the hilst troop counts in the Crownlands, there is little to complain about.

But by joining Rory they are also deserting Baelor and the crown, they can either desert and get more money, or desert and get less money, that seems like an easy choice to me. Besides for Rory to enact any punishment he'd need to catch them and they just took his fleet, even the Lannister fleet can't live up to the Royal one.

I don't see why only one region can have loyal bannermen, it's not like if Braedon inspires loyalty the Stark's instantly don't, yes, I'd say the Storm Lords very loyal to Braedon, and whilst they might not be personally at King's Landing their armies would be which is the thing you wanted from them.

This isn't a nerf to Rory, you talk as if I've just ruined everything about your character yet all I said was that he has flaws, and isn't the perfect mix of only the good bits to characters, you state there's a canon parrallel well he's not either of those characters so it shouldn't apply, if everything mirrored canon we'd just be transcribing the books which would be boring, if anything you want to avoid canon parrallel sand make your character unique rather than a rehash of two other (Which again I'm not saying Rory is)

I'll take that biased comment with a grain of slant if you don't mind, considering that you are about as biased if not more so than I a,.
Leusis said:
Everybody has shitty things about their characters.
Walder is a pretty smart man with a very large amount of power, but hes also old as shit, a cripple and hes his wifes bitch

Tiber is definitely very intelligent, rich, surrounded by competent men..... But he seems extremely cocky and is prone to making very violent and rash decisions. Such as planning to attack the much stronger Reach as well as slaughtering the Tarbecks and Reynes, something that could definitely come back to bite him if he doesn't play his cards right. Honestly all it would take is one house getting tired of Tiber's wannabe Tywin fear tactics starting a rebellion and drawing in a few more houses to their side and the Westerlands could fall apart.

Kuvira is kinda just crazy, but also surrounded by very intelligent men, though most of them would kill her if they got a good chance.

Braedon is loved by his lords and a man of the people, but hes not a proven warrior nor general and he seems to make very rash decisions.

Cayden is Dornish

I know there are a lot more characters but these are just a few that come to mind right now to try and get the point across that Rory doesn't need to be an excellent fighter, general, diplomat and be the leader of a rather powerful area without having flaws as well.
Since when was Rory perfect, and without flaws?! This is just putting words in my mouth; The bibliography even has his flaws there! I never make perfect characters, but whatever. It started off as a hypothetical situation of "Could Rory take the Stormlands if backed by Tiber?" My conclusion was yes.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that I was using that Lannister army as a complete crutch for the whole situation since Rory would be hopeless alone.

Also, yes Hypnos. I called you biased. I still think you're being far more biased than me based on the fact that you believe Rory would be completely unknown to the Storm Lords, and that DRIFTMARK, is wealthier than the Stormlands. That's it. Why do you think I'm being biased? I gave my points and opinions on why Rory could hold Baelor's fleet, and points on how he could potentially take the Stormlands IF backed by Tiber. And I said neither of these s fact, hell, best case scenario for Rory would likely be the Stormlands splintering in support if Braedon does command so much loyalty - far more than Renly, might I add.

But I haven't made Rory anywhere near perfect, he's far from a prime Robert Baratheon, and isn't even in possession of the thing that made Stannis so great. I said Braedon was like Renly, because based on WhipIt's character sheet he's based ON Renly. Same as I based Rory off both older brothers.

The speaking like you ruined my character thing, was more being defensive over the fact that you were speaking as if you knew Rory more than me. Rory isn't a Mary Sue or a "God among men", he is not a Top Tier fighter. He's a bloody awful diplomat, a terrible social figure, he has no allies and no friends. All I wanted for him is SOME of the good qualities of Stannis, and Robert. Along with some of the BAD qualities of both too. But you were talking as if I'd literally made Rory a Dragonriding Immortal God who can win the world with a whisper.
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To be honest, I'm so tired of finding myself in these "discussions." It's too easy for people to play passive aggressive towards each other, and that leads to further agitation which just results in a flame war. We both did it. And it happened with me and Jester/Leusis a while back too. It's pointless, clearly we're all going to be biased in favor of our own characters no matter how much we claim not to be. So read my last post, or just ignore it and accept we're both bias and probably wrong on most points.

And then, we can go back to discussing the things that matter like...

-The bedding ceremony of Kuvira and Braedon!

-Cayden and his horse!

-How the Dornish are vermin!

-How Corbis will take the Iron Throne!

-How Siegfried will sack Qarth!
Why are two topics about Dornish, you guys do know LittleWolfe is bringing most of house Martell to say hello at the wedding right, I'm not the representative of all Dornish xD

I will say this though as my only comment about this, I think you are far underestimating how hard it would be to cloak and dagger and dagger an entire fleet. A commander of any kind forms a bond with their men. Some good, some average, some are bad. Now Baelor has put a lot of money into that fleet and it's commanders si there are probably more good and at average with a few bad ones slipping through the cracks. A man forms a strong bond with their commander ship to ship and most of those positive relationships where they were treated fairly. Now how do you think they'd feel if their commanders and in some cases friends and people they respected replaced with a brace of strangers who not only are strangers to them but are giving them less pay and possibly telling them to sail against other stormlanders. Your not looking at discontent, you could easily have a full rebellion on your hands even if you do cloak and dagger the fleet.
Archon said:
To be honest, I'm so tired of finding myself in these "discussions." It's too easy for people to play passive aggressive towards each other, and that leads to further agitation which just results in a flame war. We both did it. And it happened with me and Jester/Leusis a while back too. It's pointless, clearly we're all going to be biased in favor of our own characters no matter how much we claim not to be. So read my last post, or just ignore it and accept we're both bias and probably wrong on most points.
And then, we can go back to discussing the things that matter like...

-The bedding ceremony of Kuvira and Braedon!

-Cayden and his horse!

-How the Dornish are vermin!

-How Corbis will take the Iron Throne!

-How Siegfried will sack Qarth!
All this talk of wealth will be redundant when Siegfried sacks the world.
@Archon sorry if I was a bit (a lot of an) asshole, I didn't mean for this argument to get out of hand as it did and reading it back I can see why you though I was attacking Rory even if that wasn't my intention. I still don't entirely agree with you on everything but I'll put it to rest. After all none of this will be needed unless certain specific events happen and if they do then we can talk about it then, hopefully in a more civil manner.
Not that anyone cares, but in the discussion that just ended about Rory vs Braedon supporters, I lean slightly in favor for Rory due to obvious bias, though I agree mostly with what Centurion wrote about it.

Also I agree with what Leusis said as well, since there were a lot of friends of Tarbeck and Reynes that more or less had to bow after the War of the Lions (I wanted to use the word subjugate but I think passively coerced would be better). All it would take would be one decisive loss to reduce House Lannister's men dramatically and they'll found more than a few knives at their throats courtesy of Tiber's decision back in the day to take out the main competition in the Westerlands. Then again though, the same could be said for nearly every region's lords with the possible exception of the North and the Stormlands.
House Yornwood for dorne, Fey for Tully, Bronzegate for the Vale or maybe Cornbury, All friends of the Tarbecks or Raynes of the West, and even the Bolton's of the north, not even gonna mention the iron islands. Don't really know enough about the stormlands
Akio said:
House Yornwood for dorne, Fey for Tully, Bronzegate for the Vale or maybe Cornbury, All friends of the Tarbecks or Raynes of the West, and even the Bolton's of the north, not even gonna mention the iron islands. Don't really know enough about the stormlands
>The Iron Islands

Everyone at the moment lmao

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