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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
That surprises me, just because it'd probably be physically easier for him, and he has skills with digging long shafts into other men already.
Damn! I can't wait for that fight.
You don't joust much in essos and he was just 17 when he left, he'd be unused to it even if he had been a master jouster. Though he has real superior horsemen ship compared to many so technically he might still do fairly well.

It would be very difficult for Cayden to beat Roland in single combat with no other factors involved, without poison, his best chance might be in the group melee where he can use parts of the environment to his advantage.
Leusis said:
My assessment of what Cayden will accomplish in the two melees
In the cluster fuck melee he's probably gonna get his ass kicked because its gonna be a huge free-for-all and he doesn't wear platemail and uses a spear. Thus when he gets hit by somebodies blunt longsword during the ensuing frenzied mosh pit that we call a melee he's gonna drop like a sack of potatoes.

In the 1v1 melee he'll likely fair a lot better but still struggle with the fact he's fighting men in platemail, though, so long as no fighter near Roland's skill or on par with him comes along he'll likely make it to the last match where he'll most likely face Roland. From there Roland will hold ever advantage as Cayden doesn't even have his advantage of poison and will more than likely lose (could win, but it would be an uphill fight)
Doubt he'll enter the most chaotic melee part right away, has to think about his stamina, he may just watched the first part and use his speed to keep from being caught up in the middle depending on how big the areana is
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Leusis said:
I need to decide if Roland is going to partake in one, two, or all three of the tournaments..... Don't need Roland straining his arm kicking Cayden's ass too many times after all.
Oh, also, those aren't the only events in the festivities. There are others, like the ever entertaining squire fights! Where we get to watch what is no doubt a bunch of young (facial) hairless boys beat the crap out of each other for our entertainment! Other events as such that PCs are probably not that interested in would be available, like archery and stuffy stuff.
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WanderingJester said:
Oh, also, those aren't the only events in the festivities. There are others, like the ever entertaining squire fights! Where we get to watch what is no doubt a bunch of young (facial) hairless boys beat the crap out of each other for our entertainment! Other events as such that PCs are probably not that interested in would be available, like archery and stuffy stuff.
Caydens a pretty good archer, though hes not a master. Thats Dallen whos the mater archer for the most part
Akio said:
You don't joust much in essos and he was just 17 when he left, he'd be unused to it even if he had been a master jouster. Though he has real superior horsemen ship compared to many so technically he might still do fairly well.
It would be very difficult for Cayden to beat Roland in single combat with no other factors involved, without poison, his best chance might be in the group melee where he can use parts of the environment to his advantage.
It's fine, but you do get arguably more experience on horse back in the Disputed Lands. You might be able to get quality horses that won't flinch at long shafts coming at their faces, something that's hard to really train a horse to do.

And maybe. Anything can happen. Cayden could throw sand in his eyes, and be a dick. It's a fight, no one can predict the outcome.

WanderingJester said:
Do the right thing: Crown Kuvira and start the Kuvira/Braedon/Viserys love triangle Ravenna :P

May 30th. I bought the core game with the season's pass included for 60, so I've just been waiting eagerly for it xD . I'll be doing my first new game+ run with it as well. :)

You bastard. I didn't buy it for a few months, but I wish I had. It's amazing. Amazing. AMAZING. And same, with the new game plus. I played first on normal, so this'll be hard. I like the fact that last game I made it without making any swallow or any potions (aside from when the quest forced me to). So I'll try to keep that record for this new playthrough.

And ahhh, I see you're trying to start the incest diaries. I don't think that'll happen.
Leusis said:
So he's gonna camp on the outskirts of the melee like a coward?
What should I have expected from a dornishman.
Yup, get a good look at whos the best fighter while saving his stamina. He would have little doubt as Roland distinguishes himself in the melee he'll draw attention and be worn down by the time it comes to him, can't so he won't attack someones back ethier if it looks to easy though it may not be Roland

TheAncientCenturion said:
It's fine, but you do get arguably more experience on horse back in the Disputed Lands. You might be able to get quality horses that won't flinch at long shafts coming at their faces, something that's hard to really train a horse to do.
And maybe. Anything can happen. Cayden could throw sand in his eyes, and be a dick. It's a fight, no one can predict the outcome.
He fought on horse for a large part of his time there, hes raced Dorthraki to and while his horse has massive stamina hes won against some of the best of a Khals herd, so hes a damn good rider. Only problem is he only brought his sand steed since he raced off along and I have no idea if one should ride a sand steed in a joust. If he could he'd have the perfect horse, considering that horse has gone through several years of warfare and likely wont flinch.

Can't say throwing sand in his eyes is not something Cayden would do
Akio said:
Caydens a pretty good archer, though hes not a master. Thats Dallen whos the mater archer for the most part
Eh, I'll probably just gloss over that stuff. Not as entertaining as squires beating each other up.

TheAncientCenturion said:
It's fine, but you do get arguably more experience on horse back in the Disputed Lands. You might be able to get quality horses that won't flinch at long shafts coming at their faces, something that's hard to really train a horse to do.
And maybe. Anything can happen. Cayden could throw sand in his eyes, and be a dick. It's a fight, no one can predict the outcome.

You bastard. I didn't buy it for a few months, but I wish I had. It's amazing. Amazing. AMAZING. And same, with the new game plus. I played first on normal, so this'll be hard. I like the fact that last game I made it without making any swallow or any potions (aside from when the quest forced me to). So I'll try to keep that record for this new playthrough.

And ahhh, I see you're trying to start the incest diaries. I don't think that'll happen.
Yup, yup. Play all expansions on day 1 ^_^ . Great game, great developers, great publishing company. CDPR is legit to the core. I'll be doing the harder difficulties as well, though I won't handicap myself. There's a bastard of a griffin that's tough enough to kill even with potions on skellige.

Well, I mean they are dragons, so it's not exactly out of the norm. Who knows? Kuvira's crazy enough and I haven't seen what drunk Viserys looks like. Maybe it'll go down xD
Who said Roland is just going to charge right into the middle of the whole melee and tire himself out? His ability to kill is entirely based on skill, he can't just mow down multiple knights with every swing of his sword and fight endlessly. And this definitely won't be his first battle or melee so he'll likely stay busy picking of the stragglers on the outskirts one by one instead of risking getting clobbered by a dozen knights at the same time.
Leusis said:
Who said Roland is just going to charge right into the middle of the whole melee and tire himself out? His ability to kill is entirely based on skill, he can't just mow down multiple knights with every swing of his sword and fight endlessly. And this definitely won't be his first battle or melee so he'll likely stay busy picking of the stragglers on the outskirts one by one instead of risking getting clobbered by a dozen knights at the same time.
Then they might exchange a few rounds earlier in the melee then they thought though they likely wont fight unmolested very long, maybe enough for an exchange or two
Don't forget the surprise appearance by Desgran, who will tank every single blow from those little babbies since they have to use blunted weapons.
Cayden and Roland exchange blows a few times, get busy wrecking fodder, come back to exchanging blows, start wrecking fodder again.

Sound about right?
Leusis said:
Cayden and Roland exchange blows a few times, get busy wrecking fodder, come back to exchanging blows, start wrecking fodder again.
Sound about right?
Probably, Cayden would be quite impressed by Rolands skill, he fights in his own fashion but he is still a warrior who tends to enjoy battle with a good opponent. He wouldn't fight fairly if it came down to single combat but he would respect him and probably mention it.
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Leusis said:
I want Kevan to come at Roland with everything hes got in the melee so I can crush his fathers hopes and dreams of his son showcasing how great he is at fighting.
Cayden would just watch with amusement, say Kevan and Roland met it the group melee and then he met Cayden in the single combat one early on or visa versa xD
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Leusis said:
I want Kevan to come at Roland with everything hes got in the melee so I can crush his fathers hopes and dreams of his son showcasing how great he is at fighting.
He's an NPC, feel free to narrate that if you want. Just do me a favor and don't cripple/kill the kid. Tiber doesn't need that kind of bad blood with House Brax and whatnot on his wedding day (not to mention the resulting high displeasure with Roland afterwards).
Roland's not going to cripple/kill anybody in a melee, at least not on purpose. However, he will gladly embarrass Lord Brax prized son and heir in front of all the lord of the Westerlands and many lords from all around Westeros..... Because why not?
Leusis said:
Roland's not going to cripple/kill anybody in a melee, at least not on purpose. However, he will gladly embarrass Lord Brax prized son and heir in front of all the lord of the Westerlands and many lords from all around Westeros..... Because why not?
Cayden would do it just to embarrass Lord Brax for trying to show off anyway, he wouldn't kill Kevan but he would probably dispatch him in a very interesting way, mercenary style.
Leusis said:
Roland's not going to cripple/kill anybody in a melee, at least not on purpose. However, he will gladly embarrass Lord Brax prized son and heir in front of all the lord of the Westerlands and many lords from all around Westeros..... Because why not?
Fair enough. The poor kid would probably yield as soon as you disarm him anyways. Boy's green when it comes to real "killing" combat and thinks more of himself than he is when it comes to tourneys. He won't keep coming at you like a certain exiled Clegane...
WanderingJester said:
Fair enough. The poor kid would probably yield as soon as you disarm him anyways. Boy's green when it comes to real "killing" combat and thinks more of himself than he is when it comes to tourneys. He won't keep coming at you like a certain exiled Clegane...
Im not even sure Cayden would both disarming him, considering on top of his training in dorne he went and got 5 years of practical training in Essos. Oh god do we have another top fighter coming into these melees?
Leusis said:
Top fighter? Nah hes just big as shit, drunk as shit, and angry as shit...... So like tier 8.
lol Cayden will likely compare him to his own mountain Gerarrd, would be fun
Does anyone want to take up a character from either House Blackwood or Bracken? If not I want to use this tourney to set up some future events which may involve taking up a character from each House and establishing their families.

One a side note my goal in the tourney is to murder Cayden's horse, even if he's not riding it at the time, I feel with all that talk of animal cruelty regarding the unicorn that will sufficiently piss him off enough to do something stupid (not that he needs an excuse)

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