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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Ser Twenty of House Goodmen was apart of Roland's band of fighters.
Forget Dragons, I want Ser Twenty and House Goodmen at my side over any dragon! xD

@all the people getting animals of their banners: We have Aslan, Mufasa, Scar, and Simba. Get on my (Disney) level brah.

TheAncientCenturion said:
The North won't be a large factor in the war for a long time, just thanks to how wide spread they are. The Vale and the Riverlands might be able to cancel each other out, and that leaves the Baratheon cause versus the Crownlands. It depends on what tactics Braedon adopts, and Rory's willingness to put up with him.
House Lannister is very respectable...Please support me Tiber.
Leusis said:
These Lannisters aren't quite as dickish as the ones from the show.


... Yup, different (o'v'o)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Don't ever trust a Lannister fully.
Wise Words.

TheAncientCenturion said:
How does that excuse his true nature?! When Tiber tries to sit on the Iron Throne, and everyone is bloody and beaten, don't come crying to me!
We must unite against him and put Viserys on the throne. Tiber needs to see a strong person standing against him. Like Viserys.
Well, there goes Blackfyre's bid at the Lannister Wedding huh?

JustWhipIt said:
I dunno. I feel like I'd support Tiber if he was to make a claim to the throne. Dear god I'm being brainwashed aren't I.
Nah, not his style. Tiber thinks that the only thing sitting on the Iron Throne does is put a larger target on your back than everyone else's. He's more... subtle than taking the crown himself...

Though I mean it can go to a Lannister at the end of the day, just not him per say... (>>)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Phase 2 of the Dornish Solution will follow shortly after the wall. Don't worry.
  • Winterfell, cold as shit, with only hotsprings as something to make up for it.
  • The Eyrie, so cold you can't stay there in Winter. Sucks.
  • Riverrun. The Riverlands. Nuff said.
  • Pyke, the greatest fortress.
  • Casterly Rock, full of useless yellow minerals.
  • Storm's End, totally the second best fortress.
  • Highgarden, so gay.
  • Sunspear, a disgusting place filled with roaches. Will be destroyed soon.
  • The Red Keep. Nice-ish.
Those "useless minerals" are funding one of the most well equipped and well trained armies and navies in Westeros right now, so I'll be more than happy to take the lion's share of it from Westeros in general.

Well, that was a good laugh to go along with a read. I'll see you gents tomorrow when I wake up xD .
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Hypnos said:
@TheAncientCenturion Can I begin raising the Rivermen? I'm currently stuck waiting for @Archon and I don't want to be caught unprepared by a massive army of valemen, or westermen, or crownlanders, or reachmen... Gods I'm screwed
Yeah yeah, if word is sent back there's no reason not to. It won't do you much good. . But get a head start on it!
TheAncientCenturion said:
Yeah yeah, if word is sent back there's no reason not to. It won't do you much good. . But get a head start on it!
Yeah, I'm assuming the conversation with the Baratheons is time bubbled so the Tullys would have gotten a letter right after the Tarly wedding.

Oi, I reckon I could take the Vale.
Hypnos said:
Yeah, I'm assuming the conversation with the Baratheons is time bubbled so the Tullys would have gotten a letter right after the Tarly wedding.
Oi, I reckon I could take the Vale.
I dunno man, the knights of the Vale don't play. They deal with mountainous terrain and wildlings on a daily basis. .
Well according to your list of armies the Vale and Riverlands have equal strength. It just the fact the Vale have their mountains to run back to if you start to kick their ass.
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Leusis said:
Well according to your list of armies the Vale and Riverlands have equal strength. It just the fact the Vale have their mountains to run back to if you start kick their ass.
It's ok I'll securely change the sheet and nerd them whilst nobodies looking, then I can win.

Yeah, but we have Rivers so... That's Gotta count for something, plus the Vale is ruled by an old cripple, old cripples can't win wars.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I dunno man, the knights of the Vale don't play. They deal with mountainous terrain and wildlings on a daily basis. .
Are you comparing the men of the Riverlands to the mountain clans, I'm offended sir.
Leusis said:
But, wait......
I don't think Hypnos realizes his character is an old cripple.
Who are you calling old, Walder is sixty years young and in great shape, the cane just looks cool and stops him from falling over and dying.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh of course. The famous Riverlanders. . .
Only the Blackwoods are worth mentioning

First of all, fuck you, second you clearly haven't seen Bracken cavalry (They have a horse on their sigil I'd imagine they're pretty good) or Mallister defenders (They kill loads of Ironborn on a daily basis) or Pipers uh... Naked women (That's Gotta count for something)
Hypnos said:
Who are you calling old, Walder is sixty years young and in great shape, the cane just looks cool and stops him from falling over and dying.

First of all, fuck you, second you clearly haven't seen Bracken cavalry (They have a horse on their sigil I'd imagine they're pretty good) or Mallister defenders (They kill loads of Ironborn on a daily basis) or Pipers uh... Naked women (That's Gotta count for something)
I feel bad fighting Pipers, it's not proper to hit a woman. Specially a naked one.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I feel bad fighting Pipers, it's not proper to hit a woman. Specially a naked one.
That's how we'll win, people will be so distracted by the naked woman they won't fight.
Sadly I have to agree with TAC, it seems like the only highly skilled force in the Riverlands are the Tully and Blackwood.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Shame. Shame on the House of Piper.
But seriously, support a real king. Like Viserys.
I was going to offer my support until you insulted my region, you know what? You can keep Pyke.

Leusis said:
Sadly I have to agree with TAC, it seems like the only highly skilled force in the Riverlands are the Tully and Blackwood.
And who can you name that have exceptional skill in the Vale, the Vales advantage is their mountains and they'd be stupid to give that up, the Vale rely on defensive strategies whereas the Riverlands are skilled in guerrilla warfare (The lads in the Dance) and I wouldn't say Blackwood are the only skilled fighters, Bracken can go toe to toe with the so they're at least equal in strength and many houses also have good fighters (Mallister, Whent, Frey)
Hypnos said:
I was going to offer my support until you insulted my region, you know what? You can keep Pyke.
And who can you name that have exceptional skill in the Vale, the Vales advantage is their mountains and they'd be stupid to give that up, the Vale rely on defensive strategies whereas the Riverlands are skilled in guerrilla warfare (The lads in the Dance) and I wouldn't say Blackwood are the only skilled fighters, Bracken can go toe to toe with the so they're at least equal in strength and many houses also have good fighters (Mallister, Whent, Frey)
Please! Pyke is an improvement!
But then the Reach has the Hightowers, Tarly, shield island houses, the Tyrell themselves, Ashford, Fossoway.

Stromlands have Baratheons, Caron, Dondarrion, Tudbury, Selmy. Honestly I'd consider the majority of Stormland houses to have pretty skilled warriors as they have a history of being attacked by everybody.

Crownlands have, somebody somehwere I guess?

Westerlands have Lannisters, Payne, Clegane, Brax, Lyyden, and now Roland's knights and soon to be highly skilled men-at-arms here in the next couple of years so long as everybody doesn't get slaughtered on Fair Isle.

Vale has Arryn, Grafton, Royce, Belmore, Corbray.

North has Starks, Umber, Boltons, Karstarks, Reed, Mormont.

Yeah it kinda just seems like the Riverlands aren't too great. I mean you know what they say, when Westeros takes a piss, the riverlands changes clothes.
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Leusis said:
But then the Reach has the Hightowers, Tarly, shield island houses, the Tyrell themselves, Ashford, Fossoway.
Stromlands have Baratheons, Caron, Dondarrion, Tudbury, Selmy. Honestly I'd consider the majority of Stormland houses to have pretty skilled warriors as they have a history of being attacked by everybody.

Crownlands have, somebody somehwere I guess?

Westerlands have Lannisters, Payne, Clegane, Brax, Lyyden, and now Roland's knights and soon to be highly skilled men-at-arms here in the next couple of years so long as everybody doesn't get slaughtered on Fair Isle.

Vale has Arryn, Grafton, Royce, Belmore, Corbray.

North has Starks, Umber Boltons, Karstarks, Reed, Mormont.

Yeah it kinda just seems like the Riverlands aren't too great. I mean you know what they say, when Westeros takes a piss, the riverlands changes clothes.
You're just listing Houses from each region, these some of these houses (Tudbury) I don't even know, let alone know if they have good fighters, and most of the others are just normal houses of which the Riverlands has many. What special skill does Brax offer that the Riverlanders don't? Lyyden? Payne? Belmore? Ashford? Fossoway? The north houses are a tad unfair because they're the ones we know most about but even then except Umber the houses you named aren't known for their great troops (Reed is only useful in the Crannogs and whilst Mormont is known for the warrior woman that was only the current generation) The Vale Houses you listed aren't renowned either, Grafton may have money but its troops would be avarage, Corbray is known for one good fighter (Because he has a VS sword) and Royce for their rune armour.

The Riverlands are far from the weakest region (The II and Dorne are so irrelevant you forgot to mention them) and though we didn't see it in the books (The RL was ravished by war when we saw it and honestly Robb kind of screwed them in favour of the north) they have done amazing things in the past and are incredibly strong. Jason Mallister took down the Ironborn and slew Rodrik Greyjoy in the battle of Seagard. The Brackens raised Aegor Rivers who would go on to found the Golden Company. Oswell Whent was considered one of the greatest Kingsguard of all time. Blackwood and Bracken teamed up once in their lives and founded House Justman who carved out a massive Kingdom. Etc.

(The crownlands have Velaryon, their navy is the only thing giving it strength)
Well a lot of the houses I was naming were due to their locations. Such as Tadbury being a marcher house in the Stormlands. Or House Ashford being the house closest to the Dornish Marches within the reach as that specific area is very well known for producing amazing warriors. I'm also not saying the Riverlands are the worst out of all the regions, I'm just saying they are far from the best (that would have to go to the Stormlands in my opinion). And when I say they are far from the best I mean they're probably on the bottom half as I think the Stormlands, Vale, North, Iron Islands and Westerlands all produce better warriors than they do. I mean the Riverlands have been conquered at one point or another by the Stormlands and Iron Islands and I'm sure that region has traded hands more than twice in the history of Westeros. I mean people wouldn't have so many sayings about how the Riverlands gets rekt every time a war happens if they were one of the better military regions.

However I'll definitely give the Riverlands this. They are nowhere near as bad as Dorne or the Crownlands.
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Leusis said:
Well a lot of the houses I was naming were due to their locations. Such as Tadbury being a marcher house in the Stormlands. Or House Ashford being the house closest to the Dornish Marches within the reach as that specific area is very well known for producing amazing warriors. I'm also not saying the Riverlands are the worst out of all the regions, I'm just saying they are far from the best (that would have to go to the Stormlands in my opinion). And when I say they are far from the best I mean they're probably on the bottom half as I think the Stormlands, Vale, North, Iron Islands and Westerlands all produce better warriors than they do. I mean the Riverlands have been conquered at one point or another by the Stormlands and Iron Islands and I'm sure that region has traded hands more than twice in the history of Westeros. I mean people wouldn't have so many sayings about how the Riverlands getting rekt every time a war happens if they were one of the better military regions.
However I'll definitely give the Riverlands this. They are nowhere near as bad as Dorne or the Crownlands.
Those sayings have naught to do with military strength but rather the Riverlands position in the centre of Westeros making it almost impossible to not be included in war when it happen which is a factor in why they got conquered. The main reason why they got conquered so many times however is actually due to infighting because the Riverlords were never united, the Stormlands got in because Blackwood invited them to deal with Bracken (They were going to give the RL to Blackwood at one point by Lord Blackwood died) and the Iron Islanders got in because Bracken invited them to deal with Blackwood (Lord Bracken tried to turn against them but by then it was too late)

Ashford is mentioned in Dunk and Egg as a small castle, Tudbury is a house we know nothing about (and I had too look that up) Each region has their own thing, the men of the Vale are trained in defence and are not the best in offensive situations, the Reach relies heavily upon numbers to win battles and are primarily tourney Knights, the North are fairly avarage as far as we've seen and the Westerlands rely on expensive equipment and training (The Iron islands have been useless since the conquest and their only function is raiding enemies, they rebel every other week and they lose every time, their fighting style is too rash and gets them killed) I'm not saying the Riverlands are the best I'm just arguing that they have merit and are a pretty strong region militarily, maybe not as good as the Stormlands but on par with the north (Robbs didn't use them properly and chastised Edmure for trying to protect his own land) and the vale (Who are considered strong in the series because their army is the only one not used at all and on full strength.

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