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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Oooh, you meant that. . You could, I suppose it depends entirely on the Wildlings. But my initial plan was for the mentioned forts to get attention first. But I am verrry flexible.
Morbuskid said:
Are we allowed our own houses or no?
What do you mean by 'our own houses'? Do you mean to create an entirely noncanon custom house, or to take the head of a canon one, I'm slightly confused.
Hypnos said:
What do you mean by 'our own houses'? Do you mean to create an entirely noncanon custom house, or to take the head of a canon one, I'm slightly confused.
Well i am tired too but not as a Non-cannon but more so as when you are head of a house could you make a few changes to it?
Morbuskid said:
Well i am tired too but not as a Non-cannon but more so as when you are head of a house could you make a few changes to it?
What kind of changes? Most houses are completely unestablished so you're free to do whatever you like in terms of family and relations.
WanderingJester said:

Name: Randy Martell

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Nicknames / Titles: The Viper. That Dornish Son of a Bitch.

Marital Status: Single (sort of)


A general asshole all around. Randy's main hobby generally involves whoring, drinking, going around beating up random people with his gang, the Birthrights. Randy has a type of low cunning that allows him to get out of troubling situations fairly quickly and unscathed, as well as give him a sort of edge in fights (mostly because he blindsides a lot of his opponents from behind and they're usually not professionally trained knights). Willing to go at any length to "win" against his "opponent", combined with the knowledge of poison inherent in all Martells, it's actually a wonder he hasn't killed anyone in his life thus far, only badly beaten countless people. On the other hand, if pressed into war he moves with the light infantry, and would quickly die if placed face to face with a fully alert experienced knight in front of him. Randy also doesn't hesitate to satisfy his "needs," resulting in several bastards born of women that hate him throughout Dorne.


Randy Martell resulted from a combination of innate assholery and his father spoiling him from a young age. The son of the third born son of House Martell, the younger brother to the father of the current lady of the house, Ella Martell, Randy grew up in a lap of luxury in the Sunship. From the first day he could through a bowl of water to the ground in front of thirsting beggars, Randy's been making trouble. As a teenager his father would either find him adjusting his clothes after another bout with some female servants, beating up those smaller than him and/or breaking things around the keep. He showed little interest in politics and really anything else other than satisfying his baser needs and "having fun."

As he grew older, Randy's father tried to get him to travel a bit, perhaps going off to the Free Cities to fight with some sellsword company. Randy promptly blew him off and went to the nearest tavern where he drank every person within 5 feet of him under the table, and put the rest under there as well by using his fist and whatever he got his hands on. Over the years, his drunken exploits have led to several women attesting that they're his lawful wives, saying that they had married in his intoxicated state. The truth of the matter is foggy, as the septon/priest/priestess involved were usually intimated enough by Randy or his followers, the Birthrights, into saying whatever the Viper wanted. What's resulted are a bunch of "wives" that Randy calls on occasionally, and unlike those that only satisfied his "needs" when convenient, have a wide array of feelings for the man.

Now a days Randy just rides around Dorne with his gang, taking liberties at swinging their fists and sending out kicks as well as generally everything that's around. Many have tried to rid them via both nonlethal and lethal means, but to no avail. It seemed that despite all attempts to rid Westeros of the Viper and the Birthright, the Seven still have plans for the man yet, or he's just incredibly lucky and the worst people in the world just can't be gotten rid of that easily. Of that, no one can answer which is more true.

Standing at 6'5" and weighing at 250 lbs, Randy's a good size compared to the next man.
Please tell me this is a joke
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Please tell me this is a joke
Idk, perhaps you would like to ask a certain son of House Manwoody, who just got RKO'd?

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Rhosvyn said:
What is the Kingsgaurd like in this RP?
Kurivas Kingsguard is a lot like the Mad Kings, a very impressive group serving a mad man. Daenna is also forming her own kingsguard which will have 4 members and is already pretty damn impressive to
The Queensguard as dictated by the late Fordee:

I think I might expand on The Queensguard a lil' bit, just to give you guys a bit of a feel of them all as some of them have only been mentioned once or twice.
  • Ser Gale Corbray: A middle-aged man. He has served in The Kingsguard/Queensguard for half his life. One of the most renown warriors in all of Westeros, and even though he is no longer in his prime- he still kicks ass. Severely loyal to House Targaryen. Currently commanding The Queensguard as he is the eldest and most experienced member. Has fought in previous Greyjoy and Blackfyre rebellions.

  • Ser Warren Whent: As Aerea described, he is a frail and frightening man. He is, mayhaps, a little older than Ser Gale- but Ser Gale has been a Kingsguard/Queensguard much longer than Ser Warren. He is skinny and bony. He is very pale and he sort of resembles a corpse. There is a lot of rumors about him around Westeros. Some people even threaten their children into being good, or else Ser Whent will come and take them away.

  • Ser James Thorne: The youngest member of The Kingsguard/Queensguard. He is also the newest member. He is currently in his prime and has won many a tourney. He is described as a 'bachelor' and is known to frequently break his vow of celibacy. I doubt he is a member any more though, but, that all depends on @Robyn Banks .

  • Ser Kristoph Upcliff: A thirty-something year old who is probably the worst knight of all of them. He has a terrible reputation. He is known for drinking till he blacks out, and, tormenting the commonfolk of King's Landing. Many say that he practices in witchcraft due to the legends about his house and how his ancestors were sorcerers. Although this information is false. As far as we know.

  • Ser Varic Celtigar: A young and ambitious man. He is a pretty good knight, probably equal to the likes of a young Eddard Stark or Beric Dondarrion. He is still young though, and has much to learn. He looks up to Ser Gale immensely and thinks of him as a second father. As @TheAncientCenturion said, he is somehow related to Ceathann. ( Possibly a younger brother? )

  • Ser Rodrik Myatt: A gallant and charming man from The Westerlands. I see him as a Loras Tyrell-like figure. He is an amazing fighter and he is the man every maiden in The Seven Kingdoms thinks about before they go to sleep. He is handsome- which has given him somewhat of an ego. But besides that, he is a kind and caring man.

  • Ser Aidan Stark: Ravenna's older brother who was originally heir to Winterfell. He is big and brute-ish. He is a very capable fighter and he oft hunted with King Maeryn. Although he is great with a two-handed sword, or an battleaxe- his real talent is in archery. He has won multiple archer competitions in various tourneys. He despises The North and House Stark due to a falling out he had with his father, this is why he didn't approach Ravenna and co. whilst they were in King's Landing.
Akio said:
Well I just caught up on IC and I have to say its a good thing Cayden hasn't been to sunspear in four years or he may have killed his half brother already @WanderingJester
Well, he probably won't be able to, and would result in some poor NPC following Cayden getting RKO'd. Since Randy Martell's more of a joke than anything and can't actually influence the RP in any direct way outside of non-fatal beat downs, he has plot armor.
WanderingJester said:
Well, he probably won't be able to, and would result in some poor NPC following Cayden getting RKO'd. Since Randy Martell's more of a joke than anything and can't actually influence the RP in any direct way outside of non-fatal beat downs, he has plot armor.
So he's another Corbis what your telling me? At the very least he would have sorted out him and his friends with a group of guardsmen with blunted weapons. To Cayden he would be dishonoring the family name, hurting their relationship with their fellow houses who they should treat with respect, and for grabbing random dornish woman to rape which is not their way.
Akio said:
So he's another Corbis what your telling me? At the very least he would have sorted out him and his friends with a group of guardsmen with blunted weapons. To Cayden he would be dishonoring the family name, hurting their relationship with their fellow houses who they should treat with respect, and for grabbing random dornish woman to rape which is not their way.
Not actually sure how much plot armor Corbis have. If by sorted out you mean buy Randy and his friends a round of drinks at a tavern, then yes, it would result in great times to be had for all. If not, most (if not all) the guards would've gotten beaten down and while Cayden might be able to take out a few of the Birthrights, he wouldn't actually be able to touch Randy, who would probably RKO another of Cayden's NPCs and gotten the hell out of dodge and disappeared.

Also, yup. That's Randy Martell for ya :P
WanderingJester said:
Not actually sure how much plot armor Corbis have. If by sorted out you mean buy Randy and his friends a round of drinks at a tavern, then yes, it would result in great times to be had for all. If not, most (if not all) the guards would've gotten beaten down and while Cayden might be able to take out a few of the Birthrights, he wouldn't actually be able to touch Randy, who would probably RKO another of Cayden's NPCs and gotten the hell out of dodge and disappeared.
Also, yup. That's Randy Martell for ya :P
That's a little to much plot armor lol, considering he is causing interhouse relation problems and corbis is just sitting in the dragon pit xD
Akio said:
That's a little to much plot armor lol, considering he is causing interhouse relation problems and corbis is just sitting in the dragon pit xD
Corbis isn't actually hurting the politics of Westeros. He is just murdering a bunch of nobodies in Flee Bottom.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Corbis isn't actually hurting the politics of Westeros. He is just murdering a bunch of nobodies in Flee Bottom.
Mr. RKO over here beat up the son of a noble house and his guard as he came to reaffirm loyalty and pulled a girl off the crowded street to rape her. I can't think of a better way to ruin Martell good name.
Akio said:
Mr. RKO over here beat up the son of a noble house and his guard as he came to reaffirm loyalty and pulled a girl off the crowded street to rape her. I can't think of a better way to ruin Martell good name.
Neither can I.
Akio said:
That's a little to much plot armor lol, considering he is causing interhouse relation problems and corbis is just sitting in the dragon pit xD
Akio said:
Mr. RKO over here beat up the son of a noble house and his guard as he came to reaffirm loyalty and pulled a girl off the crowded street to rape her. I can't think of a better way to ruin Martell good name.
Actually whether he actually affects inter-house politics is completely up to whoever wants to acknowledges it. For all I know all the beaten people can wake up with short term memory loss and not remember what happened, or just the event goes unacknowledged and pretty much just ignored by RPers here and there. Also, Randy's been doing this for a while now, so I mean if it hasn't really had that much of an impact then, it probably won't be much different now. He's like a live troll I use to entertain myself with.

Yeah, he's definitely up there with Ramsay Snow plot armor, if not above that. and lol @ "Martell good name" xD
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Neither can I.

WanderingJester said:
Actually whether he actually affects inter-house politics is completely up to whoever wants to acknowledges it. For all I know all the beaten people can wake up with short term memory loss and not remember what happened, or just the event goes unacknowledged and pretty much just ignored by RPers here and there. Also, Randy's been doing this for a while now, so I mean if it hasn't really had that much of an impact then, it probably won't be much different now. He's like a live troll I use to entertain myself with.
Yeah, he's definitely up there with Ramsay Snow plot armor, if not above that. and lol @ "Martell good name" xD
We are a great house for a reason, some may see us as dishonorable snakes but we have a reputable name that is worth a lot. Rayden ruins our name xD just expect to get confronted by Cayden if he's ever in sunspear long enough to hear about it. (Admitibly that's very unlikely
Akio said:
Kurivas Kingsguard is a lot like the Mad Kings, a very impressive group serving a mad man. Daenna is also forming her own kingsguard which will have 4 members and is already pretty damn impressive to
*coughs* Bias opinion *coughs* wow I think I'm getting sick

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