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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
She's getting Dallen and Cayden to help her with politics and war, she may very well hatch a dragon thanks to the goat, and she has the allegiance of 40000 Ibbens, most likely Dorne, and possibly the rock if things go well
Another reminder that the Ibbenese have sworn themselves to literally everyone and that Daenna might not actually have their allegiance.
Leusis said:
Being married off is expected of her as a woman from a feudal society, so no complaint should be there. Her house being destroyed shouldn't bother her considering she WANTED to leave Westeros. Also she doesn't need to become queen she WANTS to, she could easily just slip away into obscurity and live a life away from Westeros and all of its politics and wars. She has CHOSEN to fight to be queen, and when I see somebody complaining or crying that what they decided to do is hard it makes me think that the person is whiny because it was her choice from the beginning.
Being expected doesn't mean shit, still half forced on her when she didn't want to get married at all, especially to a man she never even heard of much less met now. And she's fighting for Westeros for her house, she could run away and leave Westeros to its fate but she decided not to, that shows strength

Hypnos said:
Another reminder that the Ibbenese have sworn themselves to literally everyone and that Daenna might not actually have their allegiance.
Fair enough, though she's not even gonna ask them to fight for their alliance so she's not asking a lot for their alligence.
Akio said:
She's getting Dallen and Cayden to help her with politics and war, she may very well hatch a dragon thanks to the goat, and she has the allegiance of 40000 Ibbens, most likely Dorne, and possibly the rock if things go well
Bro, you're forgetting

1. She doesn't know a goat priest might be bringing her an egg, thus nobody in Westeros does either.

2. Cayden is an idiot when it comes to politics, just look at the shit he pulled in Pentos, Hodor would have done a better job gaining political influence there. As for Dallen I give 0 shits about him cause he doesn't seem important to anything.

3. Neither Dorne or the Westerlands haven't even made her an offer yet and might never do it.

4. Daenna doesn't even plan to use those 40,000 Ibbenese.

So tell me again why anybody would want to support her in the slightest? With the power she currently has Roland could roll over her like a steamroller over a particularly strong rat. And Roland isn't even from one of the Great Houses, hes only the second strongest house in ONE of the regions of Westeros.
She's also just 15 but now has the burden of a dynasty that last 300 years on her shoulders since Kuriva makes enimes easier then she makes friends. Thing are hard and will be hard for her, even if she gets to a place where she has a chance a lot will have been sacrificed
Leusis said:
Bro, you're forgetting
1. She doesn't know a goat priest might be bringing her an egg, thus nobody in Westeros does either.

2. Cayden is an idiot when it comes to politics, just look at the shit he pulled in Pentos, Hodor would have done a better job gaining political influence there. As for Dallen I give 0 shits about him cause he doesn't seem important to anything.

3. Neither Dorne or the Westerlands haven't even made her an offer yet and might never do it.

4. Daenna doesn't even plan to use those 40,000 Ibbenese.

So tell me again why anybody would want to support her in the slightest? With the power she currently has Roland could roll over her like a steamroller over a particularly strong rat. And Roland isn't even from one of the Great Houses, hes only the second strongest house in ONE of the regions of Westeros.
Not sure if he's the second strongest house in the Westerlands, but he's definitely up there with the top nobility in the region. (only because to me there's a lot of strong, politically, militarily, economically, etc. houses in the regions :) )
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Even if Daenna gets a hold on a dragon she'll still be fighting an uphill battle to get support from the other lords. Because that dragon won't even be large enough to ride for a couple years and dragons that were decades old have been defeated by mere men before in an open battle.
WanderingJester said:
Not sure if he's the second strongest house in the Westerlands, but he's definitely up there with the top nobility in the region. (only because to me there's a lot of strong, politically, militarily, economically, etc. houses in the regions :) )
I was going by pure number of soldiers he could bring to a battle.
Leusis said:
Bro, you're forgetting
1. She doesn't know a goat priest might be bringing her an egg, thus nobody in Westeros does either.

2. Cayden is an idiot when it comes to politics, just look at the shit he pulled in Pentos, Hodor would have done a better job gaining political influence there. As for Dallen I give 0 shits about him cause he doesn't seem important to anything.

3. Neither Dorne or the Westerlands haven't even made her an offer yet and might never do it.

4. Daenna doesn't even plan to use those 40,000 Ibbenese.

So tell me again why anybody would want to support her in the slightest? With the power she currently has Roland could roll over her like a steamroller over a particularly strong rat. And Roland isn't even from one of the Great Houses, hes only the second strongest house in ONE of the regions of Westeros.
She doesn't know the egg is coming, she's fighting anyway and it will come so that's mute

Cayden didn't like the prince so he did as he pleased, he's nots gonna act the same in Westeros with Daennas fate on things he might say and Dallen is pretty important because after Cayden leaves for Westeros he will be my main character in Essos and a possible member of the Queensguard

There is a very good chance for Dorne to help her because they hate the Stormlands and Kuriva has proven insane. As for the Lannisters that's all up to politics, we'll see how that goes

The money is nice from the Ibbens though and she may not use their entire army but their money and influence as well as small break grades of troops can help.

She can have a chance, it will be a long journey though
Leusis said:
Even if Daenna gets a hold on a dragon she'll still be fighting an uphill battle to get support from the other lords. Because that dragon won't even be large enough to ride for a couple years and dragons that were decades old have been defeated by mere men before in an open battle.
The dragon still represents pristiege and power. Many will be wary of a woman with a dragon, even if it is years till its ready for war
I'm just saying that Daenna is little in the grand scheme of this civil war right now and might not be anything to it until she gets a fully grown dragon (which she might never get). If you think lords will go from following a crazy woman who's an adult to following a teenage girl easily or at all you're insane. Westeros is extremely sexist other than parts of Dorne and having a queen rule over them is not something any of them would like.
Leusis said:
I'm just saying that Daenna is little in the grand scheme of this civil war right now and might not be anything to it until she gets a fully grown dragon (which she might never get). If you think lords will go from following a crazy woman who's an adult to following a teenage girl easily or at all you're insane. Westeros is extremely sexist other than parts of Dorne and having a queen rule over them is not something any of them would like.
Dorne doesn't give a shit, were following a girl now both for house and queen. And I think Tiber doesn't give a flying fuck who sits on the Iron Throne as long as it benefits him @WanderingJester
Akio said:
Dorne doesn't give a shit, were following a girl now both for house and queen. And I think Tiber doesn't give a flying fuck who sits on the Iron Throne as long as it benefits him @WanderingJester
Correction: Tiber cares about who sits on the Iron Throne, in a sense that whoever that might be would be assured to secure House Lannister and the Westerland's future. Kuvira can give a much higher offer for Tiber's support than other claimants for example, but he would be unlikely to support her due to her unpredictability. Daenna should also not assume that the Rock would support her, as again, the price for the Westerlands is much higher than she might be willing/able to pay.
WanderingJester said:
Correction: Tiber cares about who sits on the Iron Throne, in a sense that whoever that might be would be assured to secure House Lannister and the Westerland's future. Kuvira can give a much higher offer for Tiber's support than other claimants for example, but he would be unlikely to support her due to her unpredictability. Daenna should also not assume that the Rock would support her, as again, the price for the Westerlands is much higher than she might be willing/able to pay.
I'm not assuming, I'm saying its a possiblity. Though if the Lannisters support the Stag the war is over and we might as well wrap up the rp
Uh, the entirety of Dorne is not like the Martell's, you know that right? The stony dornish for the most part follow Andals laws instead of Rhoynar like the salty dornish do. And the sandy dornish are kind of just a mix between andal and rhoynar laws. The stony dornish don't like the Martells at all and the sandy dornish seem to not give a fuck about either side really. Dorne is not as unified as you think, the only thing that keeps them together is their fierceness for independence and pretty much nothing else. If Dorne went to war for Daenna she would only be getting the salty dornish and some of the sandy dornish houses fighting for her. You'd have half of Dorne supporting you at max most likely.
And I'm not sure how much Daenna wouldn't offer considering the Lannisters would be one of only two allies. Unless they want to make her a puppet or absorb the entire reach and therefore outnumber the rest of Westeros there is likely not much of a problem considering she would need the Lannisters
Akio said:
I'm not assuming, I'm saying its a possiblity. Though if the Lannisters support the Stag the war is over and we might as well wrap up the rp
Woah... This war is not the only thing that this RP will be about. I'm sure if we're still active when it ends things will continue to move forward, we might even do timeskips or something to get to more interesting times.
Leusis said:
Uh, the entirety of Dorne is not like the Martell's, you know that right? The stony dornish for the most part follow Andals laws instead of Rhoynar like the salty dornish do. And the sandy dornish are kind of just a mix between andal and rhoynar laws. The stony dornish don't like the Martells at all and the sandy dornish seem to not give a fuck about either side really. Dorne is not as unified as you think, the only thing that keeps them together is their fierceness for independence and pretty much nothing else. If Dorne went to war for Daenna she would only be getting the salty dornish and some of the sandy dornish houses fighting for her. You'd have half of Dorne supporting you at max most likely.
Theyre might be disent but they would march with them. You think the Stony Dornish who despise the reach and the Stormlands would ever want to see the stag crowned and as for the Sandy dornish man they have their pride and they are sworn to house Martell and the Targaryens. they would follow for that reason alone
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The stony dornish wouldn't give support for the simple fact that they are the closest ones to the Stormlands and Reach. If Dorne marches out to fight and loses they are the ones who will be attacked first in a counter attack and because Dorne lost outside of its region they'll be weak compared to what they are normally. Why do you think Roland is only sending 480 soldier to Tiber's army instead of like 2,000? Its because the Iron Islands is close and could attack Fair Isle while all those forces are gone and now all of Roland's lands have been taken from him and the men he has with Tiber aren't enough to come back and take the island back.

The same would go for the Stony Dornish houses. Sure they hate the Reach and Stormlands a lot and MIGHT help you but even if they do their aid will be minimal at best because they won't risk their holdings for Daenna becoming queen considering they don't even follow Rhoynar law and probably don't think a woman should rule in the first place.
Leusis said:
Being married off is expected of her as a woman from a feudal society, so no complaint should be there. Her house being destroyed shouldn't bother her considering she WANTED to leave Westeros. Also she doesn't need to become queen she WANTS to, she could easily just slip away into obscurity and live a life away from Westeros and all of its politics and wars. She has CHOSEN to fight to be queen, and when I see somebody complaining or crying that what they decided to do is hard it makes me think that the person is whiny because it was her choice from the beginning.
Daaaammmn spitting fire I see. I can't even think of anything to argue with since you backed everything up.

*starts clapping*
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Leusis said:
The stony dornish wouldn't give support for the simple fact that they are the closest ones to the Stormlands and Reach. If Dorne marches out to fight and loses they are the ones who will be attacked first in a counter attack and because Dorne lost outside of its region they'll be weak compared to what they are normally. Why do you think Roland is only sending 480 soldier to Tiber's army instead of like 2,000? Its because the Iron Islands is close and could attack Fair Isle while all those forces are gone and now all of Roland's lands have been taken from him and the men he has with Tiber aren't enough to come back and take the island back.
The same would go for the Stony Dornish houses. Sure they hate the Reach and Stormlands a lot and MIGHT help you but even if they do their aid will be minimal at best because they won't risk their holdings for Daenna becoming queen considering they don't even follow Rhoynar law and probably don't think a woman should rule in the first place.
I love how everyone else has the full support of their houses and apparently Dorne doesn't but anyway. Dornish houses are as loyal to their overlords as anyone else. The Bolton's didn't like the starks but they marched with him

Your assuming they would lose first off and the Stony Dornish raided the Reach and Stormlands for generations and would love to do so again. Besides I'm not suggesting he pull all 30000 out of Dorne immediately, Cayden wouldn't leave his home defenseless ethier. He's not saying fight the rest of the seven kingdoms on open battle, they will wait for a good opportunity, Daenna will be in Essos so they have no reason to hurry out. They'll take their time and do things as things become possible
Akio said:
I love how everyone else has the full support of their houses and apparently Dorne doesn't but anyway. Dornish houses are as loyal to their overlords as anyone else. The Bolton's didn't like the starks but they marched with him
Your assuming they would lose first off and the Stony Dornish raided the Reach and Stormlands for generations and would love to do so again. Besides I'm not suggesting he pull all 30000 out of Dorne immediately, Cayden wouldn't leave his home defenseless ethier. He's not saying fight the rest of the seven kingdoms on open battle, they will wait for a good opportunity, Daenna will be in Essos so they have no reason to hurry out. They'll take their time and do things as things become possible
Well, I can't speak for the other regions but House Lannister, while not universally loved and liked by all houses in the Westerlands, has the authority and respect that came with literally ending two of them and all of their lines in a recent war, so that's where that's from. There's still dissent from some houses of course, but why the Westerlands' relatively united.
Well if you think all the other great houses have full support of their vassal you're wrong.

Reach has always had problems with their vassals.

Westerlands only has vassal support because they fear Tiber due to what he did to two rebelling houses.

Stormlands have always just been ridiculously loyal until a Baratheon isn't leading them anymore.

North of course has the most loyal houses

Riverlands has always had the same problem as the Reach.

Vale are a bunch of super honorable men so of course they're loyal to the people they swear oaths to.

Iron Islands is going to have a kings moot so more than likely that will create lots of factions.

Trust me, Dorne is not the only region with loyalty problems, you're just being dramatic because you aren't getting 100% loyal vassals who'll drink your piss if you ask.
Leusis said:
Well if you think all the other great houses have full support of their vassal you're wrong.
Reach has always had problems with their vassals.

Westerlands only has vassal support because they fear Tiber due to what he did to two rebelling houses.

Stormlands have always just been ridiculously loyal until a Baratheon isn't leading them anymore.

North of course has the most loyal houses

Riverlands has always had the same problem as the Reach.

Vale are a bunch of super honorable men so of course they're loyal to the people they swear oaths to.

Iron Islands is going to have a kings moot so more than likely that will create lots of factions.

Trust me, Dorne is not the only region with loyalty problems, you're just being dramatic because you aren't getting 100% loyal vassals who'll drink your piss if you ask.
Your talking about half the houses of dorne, actually 2/3s to say fuck you to their rulers who have ruled dorne since the Raynor and did a damn good job of it to. Dornish people have always been loyal to each other and while I'm not asking for perfect unity but they have their own pride and their own loyalty. They would march with them at least at first, if failure happens some like house Yronwood might plan a Bolton but its rediculious to thing have of dorne was follow their lords, that would just end in a cival war within dorne

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