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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Rhosvyn said:
I have no doubt in my mind if you actually did something against the law the police would catch you.
But as you are here I can assume you haven't done anything wrong.
You are really overestimating the compedince of the police

Hypnos said:
Inturrupting this moral debate for a second, does anyone want a copy of Tell Tale's Game of Thrones on Steam?
I would
Rhosvyn said:
I have no doubt in my mind if you actually did something against the law the police would catch you.
But as you are here I can assume you haven't done anything wrong.
Well, I mean, I'll be the first to admit I've done wrong things in my life. It's just with the system of economic scarcity, law enforcement tend to not care (and in turn make an effort to catch) as much about me driving 10 mph over the speed limit and jaywalking as, say, drug dealers and murders in the streets.

I wouldn't say that everyone who breaks the law gets caught, because that's not the case. Though you would be fair in regards to directing that comment solely to Akio *shrug*.

Hypnos said:
Inturrupting this moral debate for a second, does anyone want a copy of Tell Tale's Game of Thrones on Steam?
Appreciate the offer, but I've got one already. Thank you for your generosity my UK friend.
Though I haven't had a reason to steal anything really major or kill anyone but have stolen things and have gotten into fights I've avoided punishment for
Rhosvyn said:
Actually I beg to differ and would say you are underestimating.
Maybe, I haven't done a major crime that's good enough to get them to really really want to chase me. So maybe I'm underestimating their full efficency
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Akio said:
Maybe, I haven't done a major crime that's good enough to get them to really really want to chase me. So maybe I'm underestimating their full efficency
You are really confusing me, you are saying you aren't guilty but saying you commit crimes?
Rhosvyn said:
Actually I beg to differ and would say you are underestimating.
Meh, there are good cops and bad ones honestly. You getting caught usually just depends on who catches you committing the crime.
Rhosvyn said:
You are really confusing me, you are saying you aren't guilty but saying you commit crimes?
I said Major crime, like stealing cars, murder, drug dealing
Akio said:
I said Major crime, like stealing cars, murder, drug dealing
I know you did...

There is really no point in this debate to go any further as both of us are unwilling to give up our positions.
Then again I was never challenging your position or even defending my own, I simply stated what I do and my reasoning
But yeah, Akio you showing no care for other people's property and well being isn't healthy. I wouldn't say you're a sociopath but you definitely have those tendencies. Being completely fine with stealing something from somebody and having no remorse.

What if you found out one time that you stole, let's say $20 that ruined somebody's life? I've lived in poverty and seen quite a lot of it and sometimes as little as $20 can mean getting your house foreclosed on or not. So let's say that measly $20 you stole did this. That person had kids, that person just lost them because as a homeless person child protective services will take them away. By taking $20 or less you just took away a person's house and children.

Think about it Akio there is the possibility you've done this to somebody. And it doesn't have to be money, you could have stolen the only thing somebody had of enough value that they could sell to keep themselves afloat.

Depending on how much you've stolen in your life there is a good chance you've ruined a family. And in that case you're no better than a rapist or murderer.
If I'm being honest I've seen minor theft do some terrible things and I hate thievery more than most things.

Also didn't call him a rapist. Just under certain circumstances he wouldn't be better than one
Its sad to admit but I don't care, I've tried but I can't. I tend to care about very few people. My only concern is for me and a few people. Even my family is not exempt from that, My mother and my sister might me the only only ones in my family I can say I love completely
What do you mean? Kuvira will make the wedding a million times better. With fire and death, why wouldn't you want her to come?

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