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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

It'd have political ramifications. A lord-vassal relationship is built upon power and the appearance of power. Even if Heylon did what was right, he did it without telling his better. That's disrespectful and gives off a bad impression of what the new young lord of Highgarden will be like. Not dissimilar to Tytos Lannister's canon rule of the West.

Arren, if he wants to rule with respect and strength, needs to be the one commanding and moving forward. He cannot let others look better than him, especially if he didn't order them to mobilize.
I'm not disputing that, I juat wasn't happy with Jester's passive aggressive respone riddled with sarcasm over very valid reasons, and the fact he put words in my mouth. Arren hasn't isolated or acted towards Helyon at all; and he won't until after the war, depending on what happens in the war.

Arren has just become Lord Paramount, Helyon taking things into his own hands without consequence makes Arren look weak. And it was stupid to not send word to your liege lord when facing a whole freaking invasion.

I don't mean to be a drag, but Arren and Viserys were last together before you took over the character. Interested in doing that at all? If not, i can have Viserys sort of. . Wander around a bit. End up here or there. I just sort of want to get him out there, he's been stuck in mud for a little bit.
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Leusis said:
Watch, Westerlands and Reach cripple each other. Braedon's alliance and loyalists do the same while Viserys sweeps in to take the throne while the Iron Islands and Dorne are busy being irrelevant.
Tyrell and Lannister will probably swear themselves to different sides of the queen's war so they have an excuse to keep fighting without getting attacked by either side of the war for not participating.

The loyalist VS rebel war will likely swing in Braedon's favor.

The Iron Islands might begin a civil war if Conn comes back after the Kingsmoot.

Drone will wait until Daenna comes.

Corbis will sack KL and raze Winterfell and make the White Walkers his bitch.
Now I'm just imagining Hypnos cursing dornish every time he goes to sleep and whenever he rises in the morning like a religious prayer
TheAncientCenturion said:
I don't mean to be a drag, but Arren and Viserys were last together before you took over the character. Interested in doing that at all? If not, i can have Viserys sort of. . Wander around a bit. End up here or there. I just sort of want to get him out there, he's been stuck in mud for a little bit.
Oh yes, I'll continue Viseeys interaction with Arren, just bare with me.
TheAncientCenturion said:
One of the riches of the Golden Company Viserys "sold", he's going to present it to whichever lord he needs to impress the most.
Well, looks like Viserys' negotiating position just got stronger.

TheAncientCenturion said:

So, why is Tiber invading, again?
Oh you'll see...



TheAncientCenturion said:
Viserys has a very sharp tongue, ser. I'm sure Tiber would love to hear any deals he could spit out!
Bring enough Valyarian Steel and he'll be more than happy to have some face time with Viserys.

Lancelot said:
Maybe disguise the Stormcrows as our men lmao but we aren't sending our men to die in a war with no point.
Man, this made my morning. ^_^

Archon said:
The Hightowers will suffer if Tiber loses the war. Not answering the Call to Arms is treason.
If they don't play their cards right, they'll suffer either way. On the other hand, Highgarden would be a tempting prize for Hightowers...

Archon said:
What the hell are you rambling about? That was Arren's thoughts, not actions. Do you realize how fucking serious not sending word to your liege over an enemy invasion, and taking matters into your own hands is? You want a reward?
Wow. Someone needs a chill pill. Those are actually Arren's words, not just thoughts. Wonder what would happen if the maester happen to let Helyon know about how his lord feels about him...

Also, I'm good with the reward. Fulfilling his duties is reward enough for a Tarly.

Leusis said:
I mean shit, if Tiber was a sickly man who had been ignoring an obvious possible invasion Roland would likely take it into his own hands too. I suppose the fact Helyon has essentially raised an army for Arren could probably help Arren overlook the fact he didn't send word to him. I mean the old man has seemingly already gathered whats likely over 10,000 men to march north and protect everybody elses sorry asses.

Archon said:
I'm not disputing that, I juat wasn't happy with Jester's passive aggressive respone riddled with sarcasm over very valid reasons, and the fact he put words in my mouth. Arren hasn't isolated or acted towards Helyon at all; and he won't until after the war, depending on what happens in the war.
Arren has just become Lord Paramount, Helyon taking things into his own hands without consequence makes Arren look weak. And it was stupid to not send word to your liege lord when facing a whole freaking invasion.
Really? Because that's the first time I've used sarcasm at anyone in this RP OOC? Sorry if you took it the wrong way, but it's a joke (even if it's ill received).
Jester I doubt a silverware set is enough metal to make a sword else Viserys probably would have done it
WanderingJester said:
Well, looks like Viserys' negotiating position just got stronger.
Oh you'll see...



Bring enough Valyarian Steel and he'll be more than happy to have some face time with Viserys.

Man, this made my morning. ^_^

If they don't play their cards right, they'll suffer either way. On the other hand, Highgarden would be a tempting prize for Hightowers...

Wow. Someone needs a chill pill. Those are actually Arren's words, not just thoughts. Wonder what would happen if the maester happen to let Helyon know about how his lord feels about him...

Also, I'm good with the reward. Fulfilling his duties is reward enough for a Tarly.


Really? Because that's the first time I've used sarcasm at anyone in this RP OOC? Sorry if you took it the wrong way, but it's a joke (even if it's ill received).
Re-read your original post, it was very very condescending, if you can't see that I don't know what to say to you. Jabroni controls the Maester, and stressed his loyalty to the Tyrells. If it was meant to be a joke, it looked nothing like one. I fail to say how anybody could have took it as a joke.

I don't know why you're using Leusis post as a basis either, Centurion already explained why Helyon's actions are pretty extreme. Which was the whole point of Arren's anger, is his situation so hard to grasp? Essentially because he's in it because of Helyon?
Akio said:
Jester I doubt a silverware set is enough metal to make a sword else Viserys probably would have done it
Viserys already has a Valyrian Steel sword, he wouldn't need another, it would be too easy to lose.
Akio said:
Jester I doubt a silverware set is enough metal to make a sword else Viserys probably would have done it
...And his bargaining position just went down again (though I mean still higher than it was since, you know, Valyrian steel still).

Archon said:
Re-read your original post, it was very very condescending, if you can't see that I don't know what to say to you. Jabroni controls the Maester, and stressed his loyalty to the Tyrells. If it was meant to be a joke, it looked nothing like one. I fail to say how anybody could have took it as a joke.
I don't know why you're using Leusis post as a basis either, Centurion already explained why Helyon's actions are pretty extreme. Which was the whole point of Arren's anger, is his situation so hard to grasp? Essentially because he's in it because of Helyon?
It was condescending to Arren. It was almost an OOC commentary to an IC character much like how I'll often call Cayden a rapist. While it didn't have the standard unexpected twist, timing and punchline execution of a joke, it's meant to express an opinion describing how one perceives the ridiculousness of a certain fictional character (in this case Arren). The closest thing I can think of comparing this is if I watched the tv series with Lena Headey and commenting in a very sarcastic manner how Cersei's actions is extremely inadvisable from my own standpoint. I doubt she'll take the insult personally unless I said something along the lines of "your acting sucks." I directed that towards your character, and I feel like you took it really personally (which is what I'm sorry for).

I'm quoting Leusis' line because his point about not being able to sit down and do nothing because of his lord's inaction on the edge of an invasion is not something Helyon Tarly would do. While I agree with the point that both you and Centurion pointed out that it weakens the precedent that Arren might want to set for his lordship, but in the face of an invasion of that size, plus possible disloyalty from one of their most powerful bannerman (Hightowers), I just perceived (subjectively) that it shows a bit of immaturity on Arren's part for being concern about how he looks to his bannermen, especially since that won't matter very much if Tiber or Hightowers shoves a sword in his front/back. (If the slightly immatured, not really ready to take the lordship of the Reach is what you were going for with for Arren, then good job. It was spot on for me.)

tl;dr: I directly all malice and insult (whatever amount that might be in my comment) to your character, not you, in a humorous attempt to condescend what I perceived to be a very foolish action (even speaking aloud to a very loyal maester) on Arren's part in light of much worse things to come in the future. I'm sorry if you took it personally. I wouldn't be offended if (when) people tell me Helyon Tarly's a fucking douche, one because he is, two because that's also their opinion about my character, not me. I also think while Arren's anger towards Helyon is justifiable, its also a bit silly to be focused on (to the point of muttering about it to said loyal maester) in light of a very real external and internal threat and should be focused on later, when the situation stabilizes.

Hypnos said:
Viserys already has a Valyrian Steel sword, he wouldn't need another, it would be too easy to lose.
I doubt he's willing to give that one up though, but if he is... it'll really tempting for the Westerland's support for the Black Dragon...
WanderingJester said:
...And his bargaining position just went down again (though I mean still higher than it was since, you know, Valyrian steel still).
It was condescending to Arren. It was almost an OOC commentary to an IC character much like how I'll often call Cayden a rapist. While it didn't have the standard unexpected twist, timing and punchline execution of a joke, it's meant to express an opinion describing how one perceives the ridiculousness of a certain fictional character (in this case Arren). The closest thing I can think of comparing this is if I watched the tv series with Lena Headey and commenting in a very sarcastic manner how Cersei's actions is extremely inadvisable from my own standpoint. I doubt she'll take the insult personally unless I said something along the lines of "your acting sucks." I directed that towards your character, and I feel like you took it really personally (which is what I'm sorry for).

I'm quoting Leusis' line because his point about not being able to sit down and do nothing because of his lord's inaction on the edge of an invasion is not something Helyon Tarly would do. While I agree with the point that both you and Centurion pointed out that it weakens the precedent that Arren might want to set for his lordship, but in the face of an invasion of that size, plus possible disloyalty from one of their most powerful bannerman (Hightowers), I just perceived (subjectively) that it shows a bit of immaturity on Arren's part for being concern about how he looks to his bannermen, especially since that won't matter very much if Tiber or Hightowers shoves a sword in his front/back. (If the slightly immatured, not really ready to take the lordship of the Reach is what you were going for with for Arren, then good job. It was spot on for me.)

tl;dr: I directly all malice and insult (whatever amount that might be in my comment) to your character, not you, in a humorous attempt to condescend what I perceived to be a very foolish action (even speaking aloud to a very loyal maester) on Arren's part in light of much worse things to come in the future. I'm sorry if you took it personally. I wouldn't be offended if (when) people tell me Helyon Tarly's a fucking douche, one because he is, two because that's also their opinion about my character, not me. I also think while Arren's anger towards Helyon is justifiable, its also a bit silly to be focused on (to the point of muttering about it to said loyal maester) in light of a very real external and internal threat and should be focused on later, when the situation stabilizes.

I doubt he's willing to give that one up though, but if he is... it'll really tempting for the Westerland's support for the Black Dragon...
You mean the Westerland's support of the TRUE Dragon, Corbis?
Arren should allow Helyon to win his war for him, then invite him to a victory feast at Highgarden except instead of food the hall is covered in crossbow men and they shoot him to death, then if anyone complains say the Dornish did it. It's what I would do.

I will also say this though: In hindsight, I shouldn't have tagged you with the original post. It does nothing but reinforce the misconception that I was attacking you personally, and for that I apologize as well.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
You mean the Westerland's support of the TRUE Dragon, Corbis?
Of course, the true ruler who will end the White Walker threat with nothing but a pocket full of matches.
WanderingJester said:
I will also say this though: In hindsight, I shouldn't have tagged you with the original post. It does nothing but reinforce the misconception that I was attacking you personally, and for that I apologize as well.

Of course, the true ruler who will end the White Walker threat with nothing but a pocket full of matches.
Matches are for children. Corbis can shapeshift into a dragon. Also all the ladies love him
TheAncientCenturion said:
I mean, Valyrian Steel is Valyrian steel. I'm sure Tiber could make nice knife or two out of all of it. .
Wait, wait. All of it? As in multiple knives? *Sits straight up in interest*

Because if we can't find Brightroar, we'll make another one...
Lancelot said:
To hire sellswords do I need to send them letters IC?
If they're an unplayed company then I don't think you would have to actively write out the letter if that's what you're asking but you should mention that you intend to hire them IC.
WanderingJester said:
Wait, wait. All of it? As in multiple knives? *Sits straight up in interest*
Because if we can't find Brightroar, we'll make another one...

Just missing a few spoons and forks... But it's not the worst collection.
TheAncientCenturion said:

Just missing a few spoons and forks... But it's not the worst collection.
Wow it is a nice collection.

Eh... I feel like there wouldn't be enough in there to make a greatsword, perhaps just barely a longsword...
WanderingJester said:
Wow it is a nice collection.
Eh... I feel like there wouldn't be enough in there to make a greatsword, perhaps just barely a longsword...
Yeah. Very old too.

Probably not even that, honestly. A dirk if you want one, but the silverware isn't too thick, unlike a weapon.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Yeah. Very old too.
Probably not even that, honestly. A dirk if you want one, but the silverware isn't too thick, unlike a weapon.
Make arrowheads for when the White Walkers come

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