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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Leusis said:
You know the Roman Empire was able to churn out highly discplined legions of soldiers in less than 5 years right? It does not take even close to 10 years to turn what was an average army and turn them into a war machine. Just look at Germany before WWII, it took less than 10 years to turn them into the best fighting force Europe had seen for a hundred years. Ibben could do this in the decade they've had if you believe it or not. Dsicpline is something that can be drilled into a man within a matter of a year or less, it just takes longer if you want them to understand complex formations and many many more advanced things. Only then would it take even close to a decade for something like this.
And ibben is nothing in comparison to Rome.
@TheAncientCenturion[/URL] if they invaded the Stormlands Cayden will likely encourage them and even provide assistance to divide the Bartheon army. Just imagine them sending 20000 soldier to crush the golden companies pillaging only for in the middle of battle 20000 Dornish falling on their backs
Leusis said:
I'm not saying the Ibbenese aren't incredibly different and I'm not saying a lot of people wouldn't be pissed. Also you underestimate how much slavery is despised in Westeros. A targaryn returning with slave soldiers would be hated nearly as much as Viserys being backed by an established and free nation of people ,even if those people are viewed as non-human.
Except Daenna could free then and probably keep their alligence and their likely to be free men by the time they get there anyway
Leusis said:
Well the Ibbenese in this RP aren't your average levies who do as they please despite orders. For the last decade Desgran has been building them into a highly desciplined standing army. I'd compare them to a mix between the Iron Legion and Wildlings. Iron Legion because they are a well discplined standing army and Wildlings because thats the only group I see as having similar equipment as the Ibbenese wear leathers, furs and such as armor instead of chainmail or platemail.
Only problem with comparing the Ibbens to a roman legion is before Desegn its been several generations since the men of Ib has fought as an army. Their last armies were crushed by the Dorthraki and since then their most experienced troops are likely the former guards of new Ibs one city and certain pit fighters. But even after 10 years it would be very very difficult to fight like a roman steel locked legion. Ibbens have also been known to fight more like vikings then the disciplined roman formations
Rhosvyn said:
Is there anyone in the Golden Company that would have been able to take on a squire?
So far the only fleshed out member of the golden company is the captain I think
Leusis said:
Braavos won't try and stop the Ibbense if Lucas/Viserys convinces Braavos that they are the best and strongest choice for the throne and that they'll pay any debbts the crown has then they'll support them. Sadly Braedon outnumbers everybody right now so Viserys/Lucas needs to gather like 140,000 soldiers or wait for everybody else to be weaker than them.
Unless someone else already promised the Iron Bank that already... ( ;) )

TheAncientCenturion said:
We're still accepting, I'd give you a description of the RP so far but it's very late for me. The other GM's @Hypnos @WanderingJester might be able to do it.
Anything to be related to a God, huh?

Eh, the war itself doesn't bug me. The real interesting conflicts happen inbetween battles.
Just woke up, who needs a description and what?

TheAncientCenturion said:
I picture him more like the Witch King for some reason. I can just imagine Rory flying in on a fell-beast during the siege of King's Landing. (And dying to
Celena Lannister).

There ain't no prophecy about killing the Shadow King! Hell, Walder can beat him to death with a fake leg if he wanted to (hypothetically speaking)! Wait a minute...
Leusis said:
You know the Roman Empire was able to churn out highly discplined legions of soldiers in less than 5 years right? It does not take even close to 10 years to turn what was an average army and turn them into a war machine. Just look at Germany before WWII, it took less than 10 years to turn them into the best fighting force Europe had seen for a hundred years. Ibben could do this in the decade they've had if you believe it or not. Dsicpline is something that can be drilled into a man within a matter of a year or less, it just takes longer if you want them to understand complex formations and many many more advanced things. Only then would it take even close to a decade for something like this.
Yes, but Ibben's army are not the Roman Legions, before Desgran they shouldn't have been anything close to them, if reforming the whole military to being a highly disciplined standing army stronger than most of Essos was so simple, everyone would do it. Rome and it's people have always been militaristic by nature, not to mention it was an Empire; Ibben is neither, why would they be able to suddenly emulate Rome in less than a decade?

Germany is hardly comparable because that was a completely different timeline, which relied far more on technology than individual troop discipline, and complex war formations.
I don't think Ibben can match the displine of the unsullied or even new Ghis who have practiced lockstep formations the roman empire was famous for since the time of the Giscari empire back then.
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Rhosvyn said:
Is there anyone in the Golden Company that would have been able to take on a squire?
It depends, how far are are you willing to stretch the definition of squire and what are your opinions on goats?
Hypnos said:
It depends, how far are are you willing to stretch the definition of squire and what are your opinions on goats?
Well the character is going to be a exiled westerosi who was a son of a blacksmith with dreams of being a knight, he was one of the lowborn or "smallfolk" so it could be any knight really.
Rhosvyn said:
Well the character is going to be a exiled westerosi who was a son of a blacksmith with dreams of being a knight, he was one of the lowborn or "smallfolk" so it could be any knight really.
I'm not sure you want to be squire of the goat xD
Rhosvyn said:
Well the character is going to be a exiled westerosi who was a son of a blacksmith with dreams of being a knight, he was one of the lowborn or "smallfolk" so it could be any knight really.
Well he's a knight if that helps but thats more on the account that any knight can knight a knight considering he doesn't follow the faith of the seven, though you may want someone else, Crazy Old Goat priests tend to not make the greatest mentors.
Hypnos said:
Well he's a knight if that helps but thats more on the account that any knight can knight a knight considering he doesn't follow the faith of the seven, though you may want someone else, Crazy Old Goat priests tend to not make the greatest mentors.
Speaking of which were about to leave pentos so we may soon meet the goat
Rhosvyn said:
Well the character is going to be a exiled westerosi who was a son of a blacksmith with dreams of being a knight, he was one of the lowborn or "smallfolk" so it could be any knight really.
Hypnos said:
The Goat is going on a bit of a side mission first but I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough.
Most likely Cayden may be gone already to Westeros and Dallen will be the one you negotiate with.

Also just caught up on what's happening in Westeros. Is everyone a dick to their families?
I mean Astris is being left at the Rock, Agnes was sold into a loveless marriage, and all the Targaryens are trying to kill each other
Hypnos said:
Hey I tried to get her out of that marriage, it's @WanderingJester 's fault for being so tricky.
Doesn't change her father sold her xD jeez I'm just saying the lack of family affection is real. (Says when he still has to consider how to replace Elia as leader of Dorne
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Hypnos said:
Hey I tried to get her out of that marriage, it's @WanderingJester 's fault for being so tricky.
Hey, I ain't Helyon Tarly. I just made him xD . Also, I don't blame Walder one bit. He did the same thing as Hoster with Agnes where Hoster married off Catelyn to Ned, so that was a legit move on his part @Akio

Not that I'll expect a Dornishman to know what two out of "Family, Duty, Honor" means.

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