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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Leusis said:
But nuttered slaves with shields and spears would be well recieved if Daenna got her hands on unsullied? Sure the Ibbenese wouldn't be recieved well at all but its not as bad as peasants revolting the moment somebody recieved their support like you seem to think.
I don't think you understand the differences between a regular person from Essos, and an Ibbenese person.

To a Westerosi, they're literally a different species. Incredibly bulky, extremely hairy, and dwarf in size. Very little is also known about them

Unsullied are known as loyal, eunuch-slave soldiers. See the difference? Nobody would fear ulterior motives from a Targaryen backed by a few Unsullied slave-soldiers.

A Targaryen backed by a strange race who nobody knows about is far more worrying. Especially when there are 40,000 of them as opposed to 4,000 Unsullied. Nobody would believe Viserys was "in-charge" so to speak, what with so few men in comparison to the Ibbenese.
I'm not saying the Ibbenese aren't incredibly different and I'm not saying a lot of people wouldn't be pissed. Also you underestimate how much slavery is despised in Westeros. A targaryn returning with slave soldiers would be hated nearly as much as Viserys being backed by an established and free nation of people ,even if those people are viewed as non-human.
Never played CK, but yeah. Viserys feels as if he needs to prove himself. Despite the Blackfyre moniker he adopted, he knows he's a bastard. He's always led through example and bravery, even when logically it was the wrong choice. And it should be noted Viserys has no idea of the deal with the Ibbeneese, that'll blindside him as well.

If I have my way (and no, not the throne,) he won't be defeated in Westeros so easily, and things past his military victory/defeat will continue to grow around him
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The GC is in this RP?

Is there any chance I could make a Ser Duck like character?
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Fair enough, but slavery is despised; yet Unsullied are slave soldiers, and Daenna isn't a slaver. So I fail to see why either would be despised, one is a victim, and the other isn't responsible for the crime.

I'm not saying that the whole of Westeros would be in arms over the Ibbenese, I'm just saying that it would be nigh-impossible to take or hold the throne, with a foreign army. I apply that to Daenna too, but to a lesser extent. Really, all it takes is one Great House or a few Major Houses not liking the Ibbenese enough to declare war, and it's game over. Since Viserys' opening move will be declaring on the most powerful faction.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Never played CK, but yeah. Viserys feels as if he needs to prove himself. Despite the Blackfyre moniker he adopted, he knows he's a bastard. He's always led through example and bravery, even when logically it was the wrong choice. And it should be noted Viserys has no idea of the deal with the Ibbeneese, that'll blindside him as well.
If I have my way (and no, not the throne,) he won't be defeated in Westeros so easily, and things past his military victory/defeat will continue to grow around him
Something tells me Viserys will end up traversing the Stannis path; getting crushed, then making a magnificent return! (Fuck D&D, that shit ain't canon, STANNIS LIVES IN THE BOOKS!)
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Archon said:
Fair enough, but slavery is despised; yet Unsullied are slave soldiers, and Daenna isn't a slaver. So I fail to see why either would be despised, one is a victim, and the other isn't responsible for the crime.
I'm not saying that the whole of Westeros would be in arms over the Ibbenese, I'm just saying that it would be nigh-impossible to take or hold the throne, with a foreign army. I apply that too Daenna too, but to a lesser extent. Really, all it takes is one Great House or a few Major Houses not liking the Ibbenese enough to declare war, and it's game over. Since Viserys' opening move will be declaring on the most powerful faction.

Something tells me Viserys will end up traversing the Stannis path; getting crushed, then making a magnificent return! (Fuck D&D, that shit ain't canon, STANNIS LIVES IN THE BOOKS!)
Or he'll be the Sauron to our Numenor. Who will be our Ar-Pharazôn?
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TheAncientCenturion said:
Or he'll be the Sauron to our Numenor. Who will be our Ar-Pharazôn?
Does that make Braedon and co. the Valar? Because that's how one-sided this looks. :P
I would think that whoever uses a foreign army would be smart enough to use them in such a way that the hate would be lessened. I'm not saying a good amount of people won't hate the Ibbenese being there but if its played out well the person being helped by them could definitely hold the throne. So long as they don't throw the Ibbenese at every army and let them burn and rape villages. Try and make the Ibbenese look like really good people and thats the first contact people will likely have with them so that definitely helps.
Rhosvyn said:
Yes Rolly Duckfield.
We're still accepting, I'd give you a description of the RP so far but it's very late for me. The other GM's @Hypnos @WanderingJester might be able to do it.

Archon said:
Does that make Braedon and co. the Valar? Because that's how one-sided this looks. :P
Anything to be related to a God, huh?

Eh, the war itself doesn't bug me. The real interesting conflicts happen inbetween battles.
Leusis said:
I would think that whoever uses a foreign army would be smart enough to use them in such a way that the hate would be lessened. I'm not saying a good amount of people won't hate the Ibbenese being there but if its played out well the person being helped by them could definitely hold the throne. So long as they don't throw the Ibbenese at every army and let them burn and rape villages. Try and make the Ibbenese look like really good people and thats the first contact people will likely have with them so that definitely helps.
That boils down to using 40,000 Ibbenese as guards, not for war. But in doing that, actually winning the throne at all becomes impossible. And stopping the Ibbenese from committing war crimes seems even more impossible. 40,000 soldiers, orders are not; villages will burn, and families will suffer. As they always have at war, but in this case the Ibbenese will be hated sooo much more for it, no matter how less severe what they do is.

TheAncientCenturion said:
We're still accepting, I'd give you a description of the RP so far but it's very late for me. The other GM's @Hypnos @WanderingJester might be able to do it.
Anything to be related to a God, huh?

Eh, the war itself doesn't bug me. The real interesting conflicts happen inbetween battles.
Well, Rory would make a pretty sweet Melkor, no?

Agree, there; I like the dynamic between Rory and Braedon. It's awesome.
Archon said:
That boils down to using 40,000 Ibbenese as guards, not for war. But in doing that, actually winning the throne at all becomes impossible. And stopping the Ibbenese from committing war crimes seems even more impossible. 40,000 soldiers, orders are not; villages will burn, and families will suffer. As they always have at war, but in this case the Ibbenese will be hated sooo much more for it, no matter how less severe what they do is.
Well, Rory would make a pretty sweet Melkor, no?

Agree, there; I like the dynamic between Rory and Braedon. It's awesome.
I picture him more like the Witch King for some reason. I can just imagine Rory flying in on a fell-beast during the siege of King's Landing. (And dying to

Celena Lannister).
Well the Ibbenese in this RP aren't your average levies who do as they please despite orders. For the last decade Desgran has been building them into a highly desciplined standing army. I'd compare them to a mix between the Iron Legion and Wildlings. Iron Legion because they are a well discplined standing army and Wildlings because thats the only group I see as having similar equipment as the Ibbenese wear leathers, furs and such as armor instead of chainmail or platemail.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I picture him more like the Witch King for some reason. I can just imagine Rory flying in on a fell-beast during the siege of King's Landing. (And dying to
Celena Lannister).
Great, my mind is plaqued. Rory shall forever be the Witch-King riding a fell-beast into King's Landing, with his Corsair's of Umbar Fleet transporting thousands of Gondorian Soldiers to the scene.

Leusis said:
Well the Ibbenese in this RP aren't your average levies who do as they please despite orders. For the last decade Desgran has been building them into a highly desciplined standing army. I'd compare them to a mix between the Iron Legion and Wildlings. Iron Legion because they are a well discplined standing army and Wildlings because thats the only group I see as having similar equipment as the Ibbenese wear leathers, furs and such as armor instead of chainmail or platemail.
The Iron Legions are based off the Roman Legions as TAC pointed out.

Do you think the Roman Legions didn't rape and pillage even if ordered not too? Only the Unsullied are so disciplined as to never disobey, and that's because they have no gonads anyway.

Also, a decade isn't enough to turn a full army of 40,000 men from decent, oay, warriors, into highly disciplined, King-obeyers. The newer soldiers, yes. But older soldiers would be stuck in their ways.
It should be said that the Roman Legion, even in combat, was horribly brutal. Centurions (har har) were known for their acts of valor in battle by charging and conquering their enemies like some form of berserkers. There are times when the Roman Legions wouldn't stop pillaging fellow Italian towns, when ordered not to, and killed each other for the loot.

Disciplined in battle, brutal as can be. It was a horrible combination for their enemies.
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Daenna would probably not use the army offered. She really just wants them so that they can't ally with her enemies and make them stronger. If she can open a door so Westeros can get to know Ibben and take a bit of their mystery away, maybe even set up trade, that's all the better. She will probably try and find another way to gain an army. Perhaps, one within Westeros so it wouldn't seem like an invasion. If she wises up a bit and if she grows to hate her sister she will try to ally herself with the Baratheons and their allied houses against her sister. Or wait for them to kill her sister then swoop in and take them down with whatever army she can find.
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It's not the "Baratheons" it's just Braedon.

Rory isn't trying to usurp the throne, he's being emotionally manipulated by Walder and Wendel!

You know the Roman Empire was able to churn out highly discplined legions of soldiers in less than 5 years right? It does not take even close to 10 years to turn what was an average army and turn them into a war machine. Just look at Germany before WWII, it took less than 10 years to turn them into the best fighting force Europe had seen for a hundred years. Ibben could do this in the decade they've had if you believe it or not. Dsicpline is something that can be drilled into a man within a matter of a year or less, it just takes longer if you want them to understand complex formations and many many more advanced things. Only then would it take even close to a decade for something like this.
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Six months to be exact, post Marian Reforms. But there should be a big, big asterisk after disciplined.

The Roman Legions trained relentlessly, to march for 60 miles, in swimming, training with heavier equipment, but they were also full time soldiers and had the benefit of generations of military tradition to pull from. And even then, some disciplined armies were broken, sometimes outright retreating from opponents in battle.

Not all the time, but an untested legion, even if they've been drilled for years, may not be as unyielding as one might suspect. A big factor that made Late Republican Era and Early Imperial Legions so effective was the use of mixing veterans and recruits together. The recruits would be bloodied, usually on the front lines, but if things fell on hard times you still had a rock in your army, the veterans. The entire legion wouldn't falter, not usually at least.

Edit: If I wasn't being clear, proper training is only one part of what makes a disciplined fighting force. You need the hands on experience as well, most of the time.

The Iron Legions/Ibben army, I'm not sure what enemies they've recently fought to give each of them that. But I'm not the persons concucting the lore for these places.
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TheAncientCenturion said:
Six months to be exact, post Marian Reforms. But there should be a big, big asterisk after disciplined.
The Roman Legions trained relentlessly, to march for 60 miles, in swimming, training with heavier equipment, but they were also full time soldiers and had the benefit of generations of military tradition to pull from. And even then, some disciplined armies were broken, sometimes outright retreating from opponents in battle.

Not all the time, but an untested legion, even if they've been drilled for years, may not be as unyielding as one might suspect. A big factor that made Late Republican Era and Early Imperial Legions so effective was the use of mixing veterans and recruits together. The recruits would be bloodied, usually on the front lines, but if things fell on hard times you still had a rock in your army, the veterans. The entire legion wouldn't falter, not usually at least.

Edit: If I wasn't being clear, proper training is only one part of what makes a disciplined fighting force. You need the hands on experience as well, most of the time.

The Iron Legions/Ibben army, I'm not sure what enemies they've recently fought to give each of them that. But I'm not the persons concucting the lore for these places.
As it is very late, and I just caught up, I will say that there has been near constant conflict in the Axe of varying degrees since shortly after Desgran's takeover. Less-so in New Ibbish, but still conflict what with Dothraki loving to be dickheads. I would put a quarter of the military force of Ibben somewhere in the "has experienced battle" category. Probably another few thousand on top of that since in my Ibben the arenas are one of the primary forms of entertainment for commoners and nobles (what few remain) alike. All of the bear cavalry, however, are pretty heavily experienced, being specifically chosen to join their ranks by generals and Desgran himself. All in all, it's a pretty strong fighting force.

Now I must sleep.

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