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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV said:
I don't need an army. All I need is 20 good men
20 good men to be riddled with arrows, but down in a melee, or crushed by a collapsing castle wall
Akio said:
lol get support of your own people first before that
If Tiber Lannister will support Haelga, gaining the trust of her own people will not be as difficult as before, considering Tiber's resources and what I've read from the Kingsmoot.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
If that happened I would cry. Maybe if the Seastone chair won't take me, another chair will?
You mean, like one made of Iron?

Akio said:
Plot armor doesn't exist in this game of thrones

Really? Tell that to Corbis xD .
WanderingJester said:
If Tiber Lannister will support Haelga, gaining the trust of her own people will not be as difficult as before, considering Tiber's resources and what I've read from the Kingsmoot.
You mean, like one made of Iron?

Really? Tell that to Corbis xD .
Cobus is special, he's crazy and we need at least one crazy person per house
WanderingJester said:
If Tiber Lannister will support Haelga, gaining the trust of her own people will not be as difficult as before, considering Tiber's resources and what I've read from the Kingsmoot.
You mean, like one made of Iron?

Really? Tell that to Corbis xD .
Corbis IS plot armor.

And yes, a throne made of iron. Swords, perhaps?
Hypnos said:
And what's that supposed to mean?
They never do anything for themselves. In the age of hero's they were never kings, before Aegon came they were conquered by the Iron Islands. After Aegon came they followed the dragon and in the books when Robb declared they swore themselves to Winterfell dispute never being ruled from there. Their like ducklings and just follow whoever rules at the time. Even when their discontent they don't do anything about it
Speaking of which when's the wedding starting because if its soon and Cayden wants to be at the wedding he better teleport or mess with the time line so he can be in two places at once
Akio said:
They never do anything for themselves. In the age of hero's they were never kings, before Aegon came they were conquered by the Iron Islands. After Aegon came they followed the dragon and in the books when Robb declared they swore themselves to Winterfell dispute never being ruled from there. Their like ducklings and just follow whoever rules at the time. Even when their discontent they don't do anything about it
Oh I'm sorry, do you not understand the concept of following someone who you don't expect to sleep with, I'll explain if for you: House Tully has a little something called honour (I assume as Dornishmen you've never heard of it) this means that they are not crazy maniacs that want to rule the world and rather are nice people this means that they are willing to help people out even if they themselves don't directly gain because they have a duty to their people and to their family. If you'll notice all but one of those things really helped the Riverlands and House Tully out (Robb was family, we don't abandon family) by not being kings the Tullys didn't comit political suicide as they knew the Riverlands were impossible to defend at the time, by following Armistead Vance they were given the best plot of land in all the Riverlands to build a castle, by following Aegon they beat out their more powerful rivals and gained the Lord-Paramountcy, by allowing themselves to not fight the Iron born they remained at full strength when Aegon came (Bracken and Blackwood would have been named LP but they were weakened at the time) The Tullys can wait and bide their time, they're in no hurry, they are not rash, and sometimes waiting and a few pleasant words here and there can do wonders, how do you think they've kept control of such a chaotic region for so long.
Akio said:
Speaking of which when's the wedding starting because if its soon and Cayden wants to be at the wedding he better teleport or mess with the time line so he can be in two places at once
Hypnos said:
Oh I'm sorry, do you not understand the concept of following someone who you don't expect to sleep with, I'll explain if for you: House Tully has a little something called honour (I assume as Dornishmen you've never heard of it) this means that they are not crazy maniacs that want to rule the world and rather are nice people this means that they are willing to help people out even if they themselves don't directly gain because they have a duty to their people and to their family. If you'll notice all but one of those things really helped the Riverlands and House Tully out (Robb was family, we don't abandon family) by not being kings the Tullys didn't comit political suicide as they knew the Riverlands were impossible to defend at the time, by following Armistead Vance they were given the best plot of land in all the Riverlands to build a castle, by following Aegon they beat out their more powerful rivals and gained the Lord-Paramountcy, by allowing themselves to not fight the Iron born they remained at full strength when Aegon came (Bracken and Blackwood would have been named LP but they were weakened at the time) The Tullys can wait and bide their time, they're in no hurry, they are not rash, and sometimes waiting and a few pleasant words here and there can do wonders, how do you think they've kept control of such a chaotic region for so long.
Still could have been an allied kingdom to Robb, he probably would have accepted it. Who's idea was it to dip their banners to him?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
"I'm going to the Lannister Wedding!" *a few moments later* "Wait, this isn't Casterly Rock!" *Sees Desgran and Daenna about to get married, somehow managed to end up on Ibben despite heading west* xD
Akio said:
Still could have been an allied kingdom to Robb, he probably would have accepted it. Who's idea was it to dip their banners to him?
That would have been such a bad idea, if Robb had won they'd be absorbed into another Kingdom by twenty years time. Robb's generation may have liked the Tullys but the next might not be so lenient, then they'd have to deal with constant attacks from the North, raids from the Iron Isles who are now no longer legally obligated to leave them alone as they are a separate Kingdom and a full on conquest from the Vastly stronger south, by swearing to Robb they gained a permanent ally who would not betray them since they were under him and could use the Northern Strength and ties at the time to deal with their enemies. Hoster fucking Tully made that call and he's a hundred times the man Cayden will ever be, it also was the one thing that brought together all of the Riverlords under one banner for the first time in a hundred years, even Bracken and Blackwood were willing to cooperate, if Robb hadn't been an idiot it would have worked out better than the brief Kingdom of Rivers and Hills.

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