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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Hypnos said:
First of all fuck you. Second of all, go fuck yourself.
I'm terrified of the Wildlings having a dragon egg but we could work with it, @Archon was talking about making a wildling character and needing something to run from right (Since we're conflicted about including others) why don't we say Rhaegal already hatched beyond the Wall and is driving the Wildlings south in a similar way to the Others (Maybe have it have its wings torn off so it can't fly explaining why it wouldn't just go over the wall) that way Wildlings have motivation and we don't need to have others, t would also kickstart the NW story line.
I was thinking about that, actually.

If we don't want it to be magical, we could always go with the Grey Plague. Greyscale isn't uncommon beyond the wall, and if the plague broke out it'd give the Night's Watch good reason to not let a single person escape, and also good reason for everything to run the Hell away. But we can go with dragons, too. I'd say have it be a fully grown dragon, though. Maybe Cannibal or Sheepstealer is beyond the wall with torn up wings and cannot fly properly? That way it's bit more of a serious threat than a newborn or only a few year old dragon.
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Sleipnir said:
This'll do. I'll run with it.
Except the being sacrificed part; I can skip that one.

As for Evin Tyrell — should I hold off using him 'til later or no? I didn't intend for him to be like a prominent part of house Tyrell.
For Evin you can use him, you just have to talk to @HuorSpinks about adding him to the family, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a cousin, there are a lot of non important canon Tyrells (Garth the Gross comes to mind)

You can't skip the Goat, he will find you, you will be sacrificed.

TheAncientCenturion said:
I was tihnking about that, actually.
If we don't want it to be magical, we could always go with the Grey Plague. Greyscale isn't uncommon beyond the wall, and if the plague broke out it'd give the Night's Watch good reason to not let a single person escape, and also good reason for everything to run the Hell away. But we can go with dragons, too. I'd say have it be a fully grown dragon, though. Maybe Cannibal or Sheepstealer is beyond the wall with torn up wings and cannot fly properly? That way it's bit more of a serious threat than a newborn or only a few year old dragon.
The thing about Danys egg is they were petrified in stone from a very long time ago (Back from either before the Dance of the times of Old Valyria) so this one could be fully grown by now if it hatched sooner than in canon (Blood Raven could be meddling with stuff beyond the wall and have done it by accident or something) I just don't think we should add Dragons from the dance as then it would complicate things, whereas if we have Danys dragons running around it sort of makes sense to include them since they were such a big part of canon and they still exist within this universe.

I do really like your idea of the plague though, so we can always go with that.
How large would the dragon be though? In three years, Drogon is only the size of a horse and still vulnerable to attacks. The Wildlings would of killed it by now, I feel.
Hypnos said:
We know about dragons, Others are still mostly a mystery.
True, but Dragons made all of Westeros (with the semi-exception of Dorne) bend the knee. Dragons only stopped appearing when they got sick on their own, or all died in the Damce.

The Others were defeated and pushed beyond he wall.
TheAncientCenturion said:
How large would the dragon be though? In three years, Drogon is only the size of a horse and still vulnerable to attacks. The Wildlings would of killed it by now, I feel.
Well it could really be any age the eldest Dragon was 200 (Balerion) so if we take that as a max I'd say a fifty year old dragon would be pretty impressive (And still younger than Walder :( )

Wildlings would have a very hard time killing it, the only people to have killed dragons were either peasants (The Dragons were restrained at the time) Dragon riders (All dead) or people with strong ranged weaponry (The Wildlings are good archers but they don't have things like trebuchets and catapults) plus they'd be terrified of it and most wouldn't even try, they don't have weapons and armour like those below the wall and are restricted to raided gear or copper (Thenns) I can see wildlings joining it in some kind of weird cult.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
True, but Dragons made all of Westeros (with the semi-exception of Dorne) bend the knee. Dragons only stopped appearing when they got sick on their own, or all died in the Dance.
The Others were defeated and pushed beyond he wall.
We don't know how the Others were defeated though and I don't like the idea of either making them too strong or too weak which would be a hard balance.

I get your point about Dragons being OP but the one beyond the wall wouldn't be able to fly and the two eggs would only have young dragons that couldn't be used for several years.

This is just a suggestion and I'll admit I'm not a great fan of dragons either but if we're having two it would bug me if we don't have a third.
JustWhipIt said:
Storm's End, The Stormlands
After a period of much needed rest, Braedon found himself reinvigorated, in a much better state than he was in a few days ago. He was pleased to discover the news that the remainder of his bannermen would be released from King's Landing, possibly along with his siblings. However, he still held bitter feelings towards the Queen - along with a good portion of Westeros now, so it seemed. While the events could've played out a lot worse than they had, there was no doubt tension building up in the Seven Kingdoms. It was clear that a Targaryen had no place on their throne - one of them was bound to drive the entire continent into chaos sooner or later. Even to this day, no formal apology had been issued for the execution of Osmund Baratheon.

Sitting behind his desk, Braedon caught a glimpse of the letter out of the corner of his eye, having neglected it for some time now. Deciding that he didn't want to further burden himself at the time, he had it set aside ever since he received it from the maester's hands. Picking up the roll of parchment, he found his eyes lingering on the dragon seal that held it together. There wasn't much of an excuse to delay opening it anymore. Clenching his jaw, the Baratheon unrolled the paper, immediately reading the contents inside.

Kuvira Targaryen was a bastard.

Braedon was unable to contain his grin. Finally, it had arrived. The nail in the Queen's coffin, delivered by her very own bastard brother. The letter may very well have been a forgery or false, but it was enough. Its legitimacy wasn't important - it was an excuse for the overthrowing of the Targaryens nonetheless. With this knowledge, rumors were bound to rise and spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The list of Kuvira's supporters would dwindle to a fraction of its original. Recalling his own ancestry, the Lord of Storm's end was amused to find that he had a stronger argument for deserving to sit on the Iron Throne than any of the "Targaryen" children. All due to a grandmother he had few memories of.

Braedon didn't care much about Viserys' threats to reclaim Westeros. He'd let him run his mouth for now. Once Westeros was united under a better ruler, the bastard would be no match for the Seven Kingdoms. Even at this time, nobody in their right mind would support a bastard across the seas.

Setting the letter to the side, Braedon was quick to grab the quill and ink on the table, as well a piece of parchment. Carefully thinking through his words, he transcribed them onto the paper. Once he had finished one, he immediately started on another. Not long after, the second was completed as well. After sealing them, Braedon got up and scooped them into his hands. Exiting the room, the lord smiled to himself once again. He'd find the maester and have his ravens deliver his messages.

His plans had been set in motion. And all he needed was some cooperation.

Relevant Letters

no slide​

no slide


To Queen Kuvira,

I must apologize for leaving your coronation on a rather short notice. Given the circumstances, I hope you understand that my actions were necessary. However, I am writing to you to discuss a much more crucial matter. As you may or may not have been made aware of, your true lineage has come to light - unfortunately rendering your claim to the throne illegitimate. I trust that you will respect our law of inheritance and cede the throne willingly. If not, I am afraid to say that I shall have to come and take what is mine by less diplomatic means. May you make the correct decision.

Ours is the Fury.

Braedon Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and Stag of the People


To Lord Tadhg Stark,

I have dreaded this moment since the execution of my father, but the time has finally come. I have been made aware of the fact that Kuvira and Aerea Targaryen are merely bastards who hold no claim to the throne. To the extent of my knowledge, Daenna is trueborn, but we all know that a Targaryen is unfit for the Iron Throne. Unfortunately, the dragons will not give up their position easily. I ask of you, as a friend and ally, to join me in overthrowing the madmen that have plagued the Seven Kingdoms for too long. Furthermore, Viserys Waters plans on returning to Westeros in an attempt to claim the throne himself. If we are to strike, we must do it quickly - and soon. If we are successful, I assure that your support will not go unrewarded.

Braedon Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and Stag of the People


@Robyn Banks
Finally!! Found the letter to Lord Stark, you've no idea how long that took to find...
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TheAncientCenturion said:
It depends, she's Maeryn Targaryen's bastard right? Viserys is his eldest and arguably most well known. I'd say they probably met at least once or know of each other to some extent. And, that could work rather well.
Viserys is actually in disguise right now in The Reach, about to enter Highgarden. So they could meet relatively soon. @HuorSpinks I don;t know how you wanna handle that. Want me to just post Viserys in Highgarden, or do you want the guards to sort of. . Lead him inside?
Sure, you could have Viserys being led inside by the guard, to the courtyard at least, and then have the Captain (according to the original thread, his name is Jon Osgrey) notify Arren. I would have offered to post for Arren requesting for the guards to notify him when Viserys is in the courtyard but I'm afraid that would be too short a post.
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HuorSpinks said:
Sure, you could have Viserys being led inside by the guard, to the courtyard at least, and then have the Captain (according to the original thread, his name is Jon Osgrey) notify Arren. I would have offered to post for Arren requesting for the guards to notify him when Viserys is in the courtyard but I'm afraid that would be too short a post.
Alright! I'll try and make the post later tonight, but well, it's Easter. Things are popping up all over the place. My post may be a tad short as well, but it'll hopefully be just the one.

Hypnos said:
Well it could really be any age the eldest Dragon was 200 (Balerion) so if we take that as a max I'd say a fifty year old dragon would be pretty impressive (And still younger than Walder :( )
Wildlings would have a very hard time killing it, the only people to have killed dragons were either peasants (The Dragons were restrained at the time) Dragon riders (All dead) or people with strong ranged weaponry (The Wildlings are good archers but they don't have things like trebuchets and catapults) plus they'd be terrified of it and most wouldn't even try, they don't have weapons and armour like those below the wall and are restricted to raided gear or copper (Thenns) I can see wildlings joining it in some kind of weird cult.

We don't know how the Others were defeated though and I don't like the idea of either making them too strong or too weak which would be a hard balance.

I get your point about Dragons being OP but the one beyond the wall wouldn't be able to fly and the two eggs would only have young dragons that couldn't be used for several years.

This is just a suggestion and I'll admit I'm not a great fan of dragons either but if we're having two it would bug me if we don't have a third.
The Thenn's use bronze weaponry, don't they? And I understand it's a dragon, but the dragon has to deal with Winter, a diminishing food source (Eventually mammoths would start to become scarce, what with a growing dragon hunting around them,) and hostile neighbors. I don't know if we are including the Giants, but they would make for mean enemies. We could have it be fifty or so years old, it'd be. . Very big. Probably larger than a mammoth at that age.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Alright! I'll try and make the post later tonight, but well, it's Easter. Things are popping up all over the place. My post may be a tad short as well, but it'll hopefully be just the one.
The Thenn's use bronze weaponry, don't they? And I understand it's a dragon, but the dragon has to deal with Winter, a diminishing food source (Eventually mammoths would start to become scarce, what with a growing dragon hunting around them,) and hostile neighbors. I don't know if we are including the Giants, but they would make for mean enemies. We could have it be fifty or so years old, it'd be. . Very big. Probably larger than a mammoth at that age.
Yeah, I mean't to say bronze, got it mixed up (But I'm technically right since bronze is made of copper so in your face) Diminishing food source would be exactly why the Wildlings are fleeing, the Dragon has been mostly sitting dormant eating mammoths and giants (Since giants are mostly just larger Wildlings I don't see why they shouldn't be included) but as the ones near its home begin to diminish in number it has to come to the more populated areas beyond the wall and closer to the Wall itself posing a greater threat. Winter could be an issue, but it does breathe fire so I could see it getting through, I'd imagine there would be several dragon hunts so it would be injured but not yet dead and as it grows, it gets more powerful (As you said bigger than a mammoth) and less people would want to try)

You're the GM here so its your call, I do like your plague idea so I wouldn't be aposed to rolling with that, but I love the mental image of the watch and the wildlings teaming up on a dragon hunt.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24727-leusis/ said:
@Leusis[/URL] I think my post is good now.
I'd like to offer my commiserations for the death of your first character, you're going to be slaughtered.
TheAncientCenturion said:
The Black Goat will eat in due time, damn it.
And if we need a third dragon/egg, who would get it? Daenna? Kuvira? Walder Tully?
me :)

jk, let's give it to Deanna and make her officially our Dany :P
Hypnos said:
Yeah, I mean't to say bronze, got it mixed up (But I'm technically right since bronze is made of copper so in your face) Diminishing food source would be exactly why the Wildlings are fleeing, the Dragon has been mostly sitting dormant eating mammoths and giants (Since giants are mostly just larger Wildlings I don't see why they shouldn't be included) but as the ones near its home begin to diminish in number it has to come to the more populated areas beyond the wall and closer to the Wall itself posing a greater threat. Winter could be an issue, but it does breathe fire so I could see it getting through, I'd imagine there would be several dragon hunts so it would be injured but not yet dead and as it grows, it gets more powerful (As you said bigger than a mammoth) and less people would want to try)
You're the GM here so its your call, I do like your plague idea so I wouldn't be aposed to rolling with that, but I love the mental image of the watch and the wildlings teaming up on a dragon hunt.
WanderingJester said:
me :)
jk, let's give it to Deanna and make her officially our Dany :P
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]I like that idea. I need something to give Daenna a boost and everyone else has armies.

So here comes the problem, where does the last egg/dragon go? Deanna or Beyond the Wall? I'm fine with either out come, maybe even a blend of the two. With Deanna taming the wild dragon through some means. . But what do ya'll think should be done?
TheAncientCenturion said:
So here comes the problem, where does the last egg/dragon go? Deanna or Beyond the Wall? I'm fine with either out come, maybe even a blend of the two. With Deanna taming the wild dragon through some means. . But what do ya'll think should be done?
There is always the option for ice dragon :^)
TheAncientCenturion said:
So here comes the problem, where does the last egg/dragon go? Deanna or Beyond the Wall? I'm fine with either out come, maybe even a blend of the two. With Deanna taming the wild dragon through some means. . But what do ya'll think should be done?
I want Daenna to get the egg and hatch it. I have a character development idea for her and that will help.
Lancelot said:
Thank you, how many chocolate eggs per hour have you consumed?
Not a problem. I have consumed exactly a slice of cheese cake, a half a bowl of leftover fried rice, and a bottle of hard cider in the last hour. You know, just living the high life. How about yourself?

TheAncientCenturion said:
So here comes the problem, where does the last egg/dragon go? Deanna or Beyond the Wall? I'm fine with either out come, maybe even a blend of the two. With Deanna taming the wild dragon through some means. . But what do ya'll think should be done?
I'm not crazy about the wildling dragon thing, but I'm totally behind just giving Deanna a dragon egg as another "last minute thing" so that when her shit inevitably hits the fan hard it could hatch or something.

Plot Twists!

Lancelot said:
There is always the option for ice dragon :^)

Centurion hates Ice Dragons :P :|

I'm cool with them though.
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TheAncientCenturion said:
So here comes the problem, where does the last egg/dragon go? Deanna or Beyond the Wall? I'm fine with either out come, maybe even a blend of the two. With Deanna taming the wild dragon through some means. . But what do ya'll think should be done?
I think Deanna should have it, the beyond the wall idea was just because you said that you might want the dragon there so I wanted to make that work, I'm totally fine with Deanna having it (Though again it will be neigh impossible to hatch)
Hypnos said:
I think Deanna should have it, the beyond the wall idea was just because you said that you might want the dragon there so I wanted to make that work, I'm totally fine with Deanna having it (Though again it will be neigh impossible to hatch)
She's a Targaryen. She'll figure it out. I'n the meantime she can plan how to survive

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