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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Lancelot said:
We could always have Siegfried adopt the dragon egg, if Conn was to die I don't think Siegfried would stick around honestly he is following the man not the Iron Islands or task.
If Conn dies we can always have a Kingsmoot which would be fun, Sigfried v Healga.
Hypnos said:
I don't think you were in chat at the time but we actually have a spreadsheet on the overview tab now that gives the troop numbers numbers of all the Houses of Westeros, it puts the military strength of the Reach as you've said at 80,000 and your numbers for the Redwyne fleet should be fine.
Also about your post, there's just a minor continuity issue, it doesn't really matter all that much but it's bugging me nonetheless, Lord Redwyne has already been mentioned as a man named Luthor and now his name has changed, again it doesn't matter it just bothers me slightly :)
@HuorSpinks Yup, Lord of House Redwyne's Luthor. Are we going with the new name or sticking with the old?
@Veyd Sahvoz now that Lord Stark is approved you might want to look through the old RP to find the letter that Breaden sent him ages ago, since he had no player there has thus far been no reply.

Since Lord Stark is married to a Lady Tully that makes Walder Revena's uncle, we can now see where she got her great fighting ability.
I'll just quote an old post here for @Darth Gangsta as he posted about waiting on me to post for our fight.

Leusis said:
You know what I meant by starting your post earlier right? I meant a post to set up the battle, like your men rowing their way towards the island, talking strategy, state how many men you've brought along in total. That way I didn't have to do some awkward post of suddenly being near the beach with an army I suddenly assembled out of nowhere. Instead I could actually do a post of assembling my forces and coming up with a basic plan of my own. After all, boats aren't too fast and I'd likely see you on the horizon hours before you actually landed.
Hypnos said:
@Veyd Sahvoz now that Lord Stark is approved you might want to look through the old RP to find the letter that Breaden sent him ages ago, since he had no player there has thus far been no reply.
Since Lord Stark is married to a Lady Tully that makes Walder Revena's uncle, we can now see where she got her great fighting ability.
Wow the ego.

Hypnos said:
If Conn dies we can always have a Kingsmoot which would be fun, Sigfried v Healga.
That would be pretty interesting. A Greyjoy out to destroy everything tha makes the Iron Islanders, or a Minor lord who was part of the last King's defeat.
@Sleipnir We may need to discus a few things about your character app (Namely the mini nuke you're carrying around)

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Wow the ego.
That would be pretty interesting. A Greyjoy out to destroy everything tha makes the Iron Islanders, or a Minor lord who was part of the last King's defeat.
Whoa that's no way to speak to your favorite uncle.
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Yeah I noticed that profile and cringed a bit when it said she had an already hatched dragon.
Hypnos said:
@Sleipnir We may need to discus a few things about your character app (Namaely the mini nuke you're carrying around)
Whoa that's no way to speak to your favorite uncle.
Oh yeah. You're right. How about we invite him to go bear fighting instead?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Oh yeah. You're right. How about we invite him to go bear fighting instead?
I'll have you know Walder was quite the warrior back in his day and totally could have taken on a bear.
Leusis said:
Yeah I noticed that profile and cringed a bit when it said she had an already hatched dragon.
The dragon is both crippled and a runt. Like the last dragons the Targaryens had in Westeros. Tiny, crippled, and sickly
All it says is that its wing is crippled. Just because a dragon can't fly doesn't mean it wont grow up to be a fire breathing tank.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The dragon is both crippled and a runt. Like the last dragons the Targaryens had in Westeros. Tiny, crippled, and sickly
Yes but it also exists, the first in hundreds of years, if there was a hatched dragon there is no way it would be going with a bastard claiming to be from a House of traitors, Mearyn would have killed her instantly and taken it. If we're not letting @Veyd Sahvoz have a wolf we're not letting @Sleipnir have a dragon, this is exactly the precedent I don't want to be setting.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
What do you think Ravena's relationship would be like with her uncle? I mean Walder is a pretty good friend to her dad so they would probably see quite a bit of each other.
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So I just went through the list of houses and with the Lannisters owning Casterly Rock, Castamere, and Lannisport they can rally 9,900 men...... They're half the strength of the entire Crownlands by themselves, we're all screwed.
Hypnos said:
Yes but it also exists, the first in hundreds of years, if there was a hatched dragon there is no way it would be going with a bastard claiming to be from a House of traitors, Mearyn would have killed her instantly and taken it. If we're not letting @Veyd Sahvoz have a wolf we're not letting @Sleipnir have a dragon, this is exactly the precedent I don't want to be setting.
What do you think Ravena's relationship would be like with her uncle? I mean Walder is a pretty good friend to her dad so they would probably see quite a bit of each other.
Ravenna would probably view him positively.

Her character is a BIT Mary-sueish, I'll admit, but eh. As long as he didn't piss her off I guess, they'd be good friends
Leusis said:
So I just went through the list of houses and with the Lannisters owning Casterly Rock, Castamere, and Lannisport they can rally 9,900 men...... They're half the strength of the entire Crownlands by themselves, we're all screwed.
Check Hightower and their vassals, I'm pretty sure they could steam roll the Reach if they tried.
Leusis said:
So I just went through the list of houses and with the Lannisters owning Casterly Rock, Castamere, and Lannisport they can rally 9,900 men...... They're half the strength of the entire Crownlands by themselves, we're all screwed.
Corbis has 8 million on his own
12,400 for House Hightower..... God these houses make House Wilds look like a child swinging a wooden sword screaming "I'm a lord, I have power!"
I was concerned about it. I'll be willing to work with you; kinda testing the waters, you know. It's hard to need a dragon to acceptable ranges. I was going for "Basically Useless" — fell a bit short, I see :P
Hypnos said:
Yes but it also exists, the first in hundreds of years, if there was a hatched dragon there is no way it would be going with a bastard claiming to be from a House of traitors, Mearyn would have killed her instantly and taken it. If we're not letting @Veyd Sahvoz have a wolf we're not letting @Sleipnir have a dragon, this is exactly the precedent I don't want to be setting.
Will remove him then. I'd hate to be "that person." I'll edit the profile shortly.

Stop being a reasonable person damn it! Complain about how you worked super hard on that CS and you can't handle being chained down by the GM!

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