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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Hypnos said:
I found another Luthor Redwyne, you've named Lord Rowan as Roth Rowan and his son Luthor but the Rowan's have been previously named by Fordee (May he rest in peace) as Edrik with a son of the same name, it wouldn't be important but the Rowans have strong ties to the Tyrells through marriage and if anyone ever wants to take up one of the Tyrell girls again it was an important part of her character.
Wait, can you post/link the list of names here? I didn't know they've been named before and I also didn't know they married into the Tyrells, so what's married to who and what were the canon names?
Hypnos said:
Whoa now don't go that far, a goat would never touch a Dornishman.
And the Dornish man would never touch the goat

Leusis said:
Doesn't seem very accurate.
Roland has made Dornish women bow and bend and has broken Dornish men.
And I said it applies to the race, not just a bunch of random individuals xD

Eveleen Rowan née Tyrell





Nicknames / Titles:

The Rose At Goldengrove

Queen Of Love And Beauty

Marital Status:



Eveleen Tyrell is the definition of a lady. She is generous, giving, polite, and well-mannered. This is all due to her mother's mentality. Her mother always believed that a lady should act like, well, a lady.

Eveleen has no ulterior motive behind her manners. She is not hiding anything at all. She truly is a traditional woman.

However, she is quite clever. And she definitely uses the people she wrangles in with her courteous behavior, to her advantage.

She can be seen as a little bit controlling to her close friends and family. She feels as if she needs everything to go perfect for her. BUT- she is not a power hungry person. She doesn't mind having a bit of power here an' then, but she would never seek something as powerful as The Iron Throne.


Born in a long Summer. Eveleen Tyrell was the first daughter born to Hollis Tyrell and Sibylla Peake. She grew up in Highgarden, and from a young age she learnt all the basics of being a woman in Westeros.

She learnt how to courtesy, and how to sing, and how to sew, and how to walk with poise. Due to her being the only girl ( for a time ), she would never get along well with her brothers. She would speak with them on occasion- but, they were always off doing some "boy-ish" thing that she didn't want to do at all. This caused her to become very detached from her male siblings.

Eveleen adored her mother though. She felt as if she could confide anything in her mother and she'd help in whatever way she could. Eveleen spent most of her time as a young girl with her mother.

Until her mother gave birth to a new baby girl. Sibylla passed away only hours after birth. The little girl she left behind was a poor, an' sickly thing- that didn't live to see her second nameday. Eveleen didn't react as you think she would after her mother's death. She didn't weep at all, she just... smiled. Eveleen was, in some strange way, glad.

Her mother had been her best friend, but she told Eveleen to never fear death- to, in fact, embrace death. So Eveleen did just that; she was happy that her mother would be able to rest easy.

At the age of 15- Hollis Tyrell remarried. Brynn Caswell was not much older than Eveleen herself. Eveleen was weary at first, but, her and Brynn soon became close friends. Brynn soon gave birth to Filicity Tyrell.

Eveleen immediately adored her baby step-sister. And it made her want children of her own one day.

When she was only 17- Eveleen was crowned "Queen Of Love And Beauty" at The Tourney At Ashemark by Ser Erik Rowan, a young knight. She fell in love with the gallant man as soon as he place the crown upon her head. She begged and begged her father to let her marry Ser Erik.

And after a year of begging; she found herself in Ser Erik's bed, and her new name was now "Rowan".

But she quickly regretted it all. Ser Erik was a gentle man- yes- but he was also a glutton. She soon founder her husband would fall on their bed in the middle of the night, smelling of Arbor Red.

But, she kept on. She may of not of loved her husband, but she loved her position of power in The Reach. Her father was Warden Of The South, and her husband was a fool who'd listen to every little word she'd whisper in his ear.

Ser Erik's love has never wavered, but, Eveleen's has. And now she sees her husband as a 'tool' than a lover.

Her 35th nameday approaches and Eveleen has produced two younglings for her drunken knight. A boy of 16, Erik, and a girl of 11, Hallie. Both of 'em may have their father's genetics- but, they have their mother's mindset. And she couldn't be any prouder of them.


Eveleen earned the nickname; "The Rose At Goldengrove"- for how she placed and poised herself when she came to Goldengrove, alone. There wasn't any other Tyrell at her side, but she managed to integrate with the people of House Rowan and Goldengrove very gracefully.

She is known for her 'luncheons' at Goldengrove. On warm summer days- she will hold large feasts only catering to the ladies of Westeros. She regularly holds one every year.

She would like to think she doesn't fear death, due to her mother's beliefs.

Eveleen has never touched a weapon. She hasn't even ever gone hunting with her lovely lord husband.
Ser Erik Rowan, married to Lady Elveleen Tyrell with whom he has two children Erik Jr and Hallie. I'd say it could still fit with being friends with Luthor and Helyon since he was a fighter and a tourney knight in his youth, but the post mentions he fell to gluttony at some point in his life so he's a changed man now.
Leusis said:
Our bad for failing at dehydration and being cravens.
We have the smallest armies except for the islands and you want us to meet double our numbers openly or more? We would just lose by numbers alone. I rather win
Akio said:
We have the smallest armies except for the islands and you want us to meet double our numbers openly or more? We would just lose by numbers alone. I rather win
Have you no honour?
Hypnos said:
Ser Erik Rowan, married to Lady Elveleen Tyrell with whom he has two children Erik Jr and Hallie. I'd say it could still fit with being friends with Luthor and Helyon since he was a fighter and a tourney knight in his youth, but the post mentions he fell to gluttony at some point in his life so he's a changed man now.
Ah crap, is Erik the Lord of House Rowan or Lord? It sounds like he's the heir rather than the Lord himself.

Leusis said:
Our bad for failing at dehydration and being cravens.
Hey, hydration ain't no joke son. Gotta keep that fluid level high in the body, especially during combat and war times xD .
Lancelot said:
Have you no honour?
Honor is tossed aside when I want to go home to my family

Leusis said:
Roland Wilds hereby challenges Cayden Martell to a duel to the death!!!
Sure give me a real reason to take your head and I'll come right for it
WanderingJester said:
Ah crap, is Erik the Lord of House Rowan or Lord? It sounds like he's the heir rather than the Lord himself.
Hey, hydration ain't no joke son. Gotta keep that fluid level high in the body, especially during combat and war times xD .
He was the heir at the time, he's the Lord now, with Erik Jr being his heir.
Akio said:
Sure give me a real reason to take your head and I'll come right for it
Lets just be real for a second. Cayden is a good fighter but from what I've seen of his description hes probably less skilled than Roland (though hes obviously still one of the higher level fighters) and he also has that lung problem that keeps him from fighting for long. Also his spear would struggle to get through even the weak points in Roland's platemail if he even hit Roland. Also a spear isn't the best weapon to combat a longsword because if Roland gets within Cayden's reach hes likely going to die before he can create distance again.

But thats just how I see how Roland and Cayden's fight to the death would go.
Hypnos said:
He was the heir at the time, he's the Lord now, with Erik Jr being his heir.
Can we retconn a bit with an older son than Erik Jr being Luthor? Erik Jr can still exists just a second born instead, also with a young daughter named Kathleen. I can understand with the rest of the stuff, though I mean I'll have to do something thinking in regard to his relationship with House Tyrell and House Tarly, seeing as how the two houses didn't have the best terms personally (though professionally well enough). I can still do the whole "Erik was supposed to marry Kathleen thing but she died a horrible death."
WanderingJester said:
Can we retconn a bit with an older son than Erik Jr being Luthor? Erik Jr can still exists just a second born instead, also with a young daughter named Kathleen. I can understand with the rest of the stuff, though I mean I'll have to do something thinking in regard to his relationship with House Tyrell and House Tarly, seeing as how the two houses didn't have the best terms personally (though professionally well enough). I can still do the whole "Erik was supposed to marry Kathleen thing but she died a horrible death."
Yeah sure, I see no reason why you can't retcon that stuff in, it makes sense and it could add a bit of conflict in House Rowan since Erik will want to support his old friend but Eveleen has mostly been in charge for a wile (Though if @TheAncientCenturion disagrees then I never said anything)

National said:
I'm ready, just tag me
We're going to the Lannister wedding soon so I'll tag you then, also I may or may not be forging your name on letters so that Helyon Tarly doesn't throw them out when he see's Barba.
Hypnos said:
Yeah sure, I see no reason why you can't retcon that stuff in, it makes sense and it could add a bit of conflict in House Rowan since Erik will want to support his old friend but Eveleen has mostly been in charge for a wile (Though if @TheAncientCenturion disagrees then I never said anything)
We're going to the Lannister wedding soon so I'll tag you then, also I may or may not be forging your name on letters so that Helyon Tarly doesn't throw them out when he see's Barba.
I think it's time Helyon and Erik had a talk then. I'll fit it in later with the next Tarly post. Erik Rowan's time to retake control of his house is nigh and crucial in the coming troublesome time ahead. What with imminent war approaching his literal doorstep.
Hypnos said:
Yeah sure, I see no reason why you can't retcon that stuff in, it makes sense and it could add a bit of conflict in House Rowan since Erik will want to support his old friend but Eveleen has mostly been in charge for a wile (Though if @TheAncientCenturion disagrees then I never said anything)
We're going to the Lannister wedding soon so I'll tag you then, also I may or may not be forging your name on letters so that Helyon Tarly doesn't throw them out when he see's Barba.
Vladan's been doing that with Gelgin for a while now!

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