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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
Whoa, whoa. Was that a threat? :D
Just a warning, the seas are dangerous these days, especially with the pirates.
Lancelot said:
Yeah I know, plus he hasn't even met everyone in Essos yet and who knows what Aemond himself will be planning?
Yeah he doesn't even know its daenna yet
Man, I should really start paying attention to what's going on with Daenna's group... ehhh. (>A>) ( O.o ) *shrug*
WanderingJester said:
Man, I should really start paying attention to what's going on with Daenna's group... ehhh. (>A>) ( O.o ) *shrug*
Well she could be the one true born heir of the seven kingdoms who may go to Westeros with 40000 Ibbens so maybe
Akio said:
Well she could be the one true born heir of the seven kingdoms who may go to Westeros with 40000 Ibbens so maybe
Eh... I'm more concerned about someone actively trying to kill her and/or interact with Nagito. Otherwise it's not terribly interesting to me tbh :|
WanderingJester said:
Eh... I'm more concerned about someone actively trying to kill her and/or interact with Nagito. Otherwise it's not terribly interesting to me tbh :|
I think with Nagito, Dom, and William shaping up to be guarding her along with many other soldiers trying to kill her would be a field day of whoop ass. And Cayden plans to interact with Nagito real soon. Imagine if I took him to the Lannister wedding to precipitate in the Melee xD
Akio said:
I think with Nagito, Dom, and William shaping up to be guarding her along with many other soldiers trying to kill her would be a field day of whoop ass. And Cayden plans to interact with Nagito real soon. Imagine if I took him to the Lannister wedding to precipitate in the Melee xD
Meh, tag me if you do that, else I might just miss it (very easily). Also, probably a problem, seeing as in a melee it's not really designed to kill, so if Nagito went...
Hypnos said:
Just a warning, the seas are dangerous these days, especially with the pirates.
I am sure Aemond could handle himself if it comes to that... But I am sure Aemond could make peace with his brother one way or another.
Lancelot said:
I am sure Aemond could handle himself if it comes to that... But I am sure Aemond could make peace with his brother one way or another.
Never be too confident, men at sea are prone to accidents and you never know when a rogue wind could push your sails to more dangerous waters, especially if given the correct push... I'm sure the brothers will reconcile in due time.
Hypnos said:
Never be too confident, men at sea are prone to accidents and you never know when a rogue wind could push your sails to more dangerous waters, especially if given the correct push... I'm sure the brothers will reconcile in due time.
... straight into Valyaria, or a kraken. Wise words from the Lord of Tides.
Have you guys completely stolen this poor Magister's house? Putting your guards around, taking all of his stuff, using his facilities, inviting people over to party.
Hypnos said:
Have you guys completely stolen this poor Magister's house? Putting your guards around, taking all of his stuff, using his facilities, inviting people over to party.
The Magister himself invited Aemond so really he has more power over the place than the Red Spears.
Hypnos said:
Have you guys completely stolen this poor Magister's house? Putting your guards around, taking all of his stuff, using his facilities, inviting people over to party.
We should just rename the Essos tab to "Pento's Frat bros and Daenna" with the occasional guest appearance from the Ibbs and exiled Yi Tish.
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So, since Baelor really dislikes Rory; why hasn't he taken his fleet away? As of now, a few pompous, privileged generals is nothing. After all, Rory has Stannis authority.

Guess my question is, who has more power over the fleet, Rory or Baelor, or is it more like a split?
Oh, I've been playing CK2 for the last few hours and just conquered Qarth as the Corsair King of the Basilisk Isles. I also took New Ghis, those Iron-Legion scrubs.

Other fun tidbits.

Aegon became King of Meereen.

Tommen somehow holds Astapor.

Volantis got totally destroyed by a rebellion.

Ramsay holds the North, and Littlefinger the Riverlands.

Cersei died, so the Westerlands went to King Tommen, who gave them to some random nobody.

The Reach and Dorne have an alliance.

Jaime Lannister was slain by Garlan Tyrell in personal combat when Tommen tried to imprison Mace for leading a depose faction.

And Great Khal Maquo united the Dothraki and is in the process of raping Qohor over and over.
Archon said:
So, since Baelor really dislikes Rory; why hasn't he taken his fleet away? As of now, a few pompous, privileged generals is nothing. After all, Rory has Stannis authority.

Guess my question is, who has more power over the fleet, Rory or Baelor, or is it more like a split?
Baelor doesn't dislike Rory, Baelor quite likes Rory actually and respects him as a general, probably moreso than he does Breaden. He's got his eggs in a lot of baskets right now and he's just kind of waiting to see what happen before choses one to stick with, he himself is in King's Landing, his heir serves Rory on Dragonstone (Since he is their liege) and his youngest is squiring for Breaden, he's also got his bastards off serving various people just in case. Right now he wants to see who makes the strongest first move, there's a lot of money in war, especially for someone whose invested in banks pirates and sellsword/sail companies and he wouldn't be apposed to just letting the two sides duke it out.

The problem with Stannis level loyalty is that is didn''t really work out that well, the masses disliked or ignored him and he was betrayed several times, Baelor has a strong grasp on the fleet and still offers them funding (Even the ones on Dragonstone) and has recently upped their pay so as to get them to build up a reliance on wealth that Dragonstone can't provide in case he needs their loyalty in the future. Baelor has a pretty firm grasp on his fleet.
Hypnos said:
Baelor doesn't dislike Rory, Baelor quite likes Rory actually and respects him as a general, probably moreso than he does Breaden. He's got his eggs in a lot of baskets right now and he's just kind of waiting to see what happen before choses one to stick with, he himself is in King's Landing, his heir serves Rory on Dragonstone (Since he is their liege) and his youngest is squiring for Breaden, he's also got his bastards off serving various people just in case. Right now he wants to see who makes the strongest first move, there's a lot of money in war, especially for someone whose invested in banks pirates and sellsword/sail companies and he wouldn't be apposed to just letting the two sides duke it out.
The problem with Stannis level loyalty is that is didn''t really work out that well, the masses disliked or ignored him and he was betrayed several times, Baelor has a strong grasp on the fleet and still offers them funding (Even the ones on Dragonstone) and has recently upped their pay so as to get them to build up a reliance on wealth that Dragonstone can't provide in case he needs their loyalty in the future. Baelor has a pretty firm grasp on his fleet.
Fair enough, I guess he just saw Rory's move to help Braedon as foolish - hence the comment.

Stannis-level loyalty is also very different from Stannis-level authority. Keep in mind, Stannis was someone who commanded great respect and authority in those who followed him, but he lost a lot of loyalty points for converting to R'hllor, probably why the masses disliked him so, and losing Blackwater Bay so decisively is a big reason in his own troops doubt. If you refer to the show, then the men who abandoned him after Ser Goodman of House Twenty arrived, were sellswords who had been on a relentless forced march through the cold North. In this case, Rory also has a reputation as something of a warrior-legend - people probably perceive him as a Top Tier warrior for killing The Glass Knight - whereas in truth he's not.

I suppose if Baelor was to turn-tail against Rory the fleet would tear in two. Although I can admit, the only reason to turn tail would be if the Stags lose at King's Landing, at which case a solid majority of the fleet would deflect.
Archon said:
Fair enough, I guess he just saw Rory's move to help Braedon as foolish - hence the comment.
Stannis-level loyalty is also very different from Stannis-level authority. Keep in mind, Stannis was someone who commanded great respect and authority in those who followed him, but he lost a lot of loyalty points for converting to R'hllor, probably why the masses disliked him so, and losing Blackwater Bay so decisively is a big reason in his own troops doubt. If you refer to the show, then the men who abandoned him after Ser Goodman of House Twenty arrived, were sellswords who had been on a relentless forced march through the cold North. In this case, Rory also has a reputation as something of a warrior-legend - people probably perceive him as a Top Tier warrior for killing The Glass Knight - whereas in truth he's not.

I suppose if Baelor was to turn-tail against Rory the fleet would tear in two. Although I can admit, the only reason to turn tail would be if the Stags lose at King's Landing, at which case a solid majority of the fleet would deflect.
Stannis' lack of loyalty predates R'hollor and has a lot to do with his strict moral compass and the contrast between him and his brother, Stannis would chop of the fingers of a friend or an ally whereas Robert would drink with an enemy and send his measter to heal a foe, Stannis refused to suck up to the Lords and whilst we respect that no one else would at that time period, baring in mind those that supported Stannis did so only when there was no other choice, the majority of his army came from defectors from Renly's and most lost hope after the Blackwater, even people like Aelester Florent who had so much to gain if they won betrayed Stannis because the man is unreasonable and refuses compromise, I'd argue that at this point R'hollor is what's keeping most of Stannis' army together as we've seen that he's mostly left with the fanatical, Rory doesn't have that.

Loyalty to Stannis took years, forged through lots of time and only through a select few men, he inspired no love but rather fear and a certain respect, people didn't want to serve him, not like Renly's who could show up, shower everyone in praise and be voted the best man in the room, there is a reason Stannis' support is so small.

The split in the fleet would be massively uneven, one side has been ruling over then for years, picking out those he wants kicking out the rest and pays them all of their wages, remember the goldcloaks v Ned Stark, they'd see their allies gone and they'd leave too. Reversely if Breaden and Rory make a strong first move then they may find docking in King's Landing to be a great deal easier then they would have thought.
Hypnos said:
Stannis' lack of loyalty predates R'hollor and has a lot to do with his strict moral compass and the contrast between him and his brother, Stannis would chop of the fingers of a friend or an ally whereas Robert would drink with an enemy and send his measter to heal a foe, Stannis refused to suck up to the Lords and whilst we respect that no one else would at that time period, baring in mind those that supported Stannis did so only when there was no other choice, the majority of his army came from defectors from Renly's and most lost hope after the Blackwater, even people like Aelester Florent who had so much to gain if they won betrayed Stannis because the man is unreasonable and refuses compromise, I'd argue that at this point R'hollor is what's keeping most of Stannis' army together as we've seen that he's mostly left with the fanatical, Rory doesn't have that.
Loyalty to Stannis took years, forged through lots of time and only through a select few men, he inspired no love but rather fear and a certain respect, people didn't want to serve him, not like Renly's who could show up, shower everyone in praise and be voted the best man in the room, there is a reason Stannis' support is so small.

The split in the fleet would be massively uneven, one side has been ruling over then for years, picking out those he wants kicking out the rest and pays them all of their wages, remember the goldcloaks v Ned Stark, they'd see their allies gone and they'd leave too. Reversely if Breaden and Rory make a strong first move then they may find docking in King's Landing to be a great deal easier then they would have thought.
I can't disagree with any reasoning there. You're right, of course. I guess I mistook authority and loyalty as the same thing for a moment.

Whilst Rory isn't a pure-Stannis clone, more a split between the him an Robert (to a degree). As we can see, Braedon is pure Renly.

I still believe his fanaticism is nothing but negative though, and a great deal of his hate from the other lords and small support is because of Melisandre. I can't imagine many of his soldiers were particularly happy when he burned people alive in the name of a foreign God, sure, some of them may be zealous followers, but I'd say a good deal were wishing they were on a different side. After Blackwater Bay, his army pretty much consisted of the very few zealous followers left, and sellswords.

Also, Baelor hasn't been ruling them for years, has he? I thought the whole reason Rory had the fleet, and not Kuvira, was because he had all the captains killed, and replaced with men loyal to him? I don't know if we went with that reason now, I thought we had though.
Archon said:
I can't disagree with any reasoning there. You're right, of course. I guess I mistook authority and loyalty as the same thing for a moment.
Whilst Rory isn't a pure-Stannis clone, more a split between the him an Robert (to a degree). As we can see, Braedon is pure Renly.

I still believe his fanaticism is nothing but negative though, and a great deal of his hate from the other lords and small support is because of Melisandre. I can't imagine many of his soldiers were particularly happy when he burned people alive in the name of a foreign God, sure, some of them may be zealous followers, but I'd say a good deal were wishing they were on a different side. After Blackwater Bay, his army pretty much consisted of the very few zealous followers left, and sellswords.

Also, Baelor hasn't been ruling them for years, has he? I thought the whole reason Rory had the fleet, and not Kuvira, was because he had all the captains killed, and replaced with men loyal to him? I don't know if we went with that reason now, I thought we had though.
Tbh if I had Melisandre with me I wouldn't care what the other Lords thought either lmao.

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