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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Oh, oh, sorry for being away so long. can't keep up with y'all chitty chatter here. Where do the Cleganes come in huh ? I mean, should they come to the wedding now? Or should they be on their way ?
AnnoDomini said:
Oh, oh, sorry for being away so long. can't keep up with y'all chitty chatter here. Where do the Cleganes come in huh ? I mean, should they come to the wedding now? Or should they be on their way ?
If the Tyrell funeral for Hollis Tyrell doesn't start by tomorrow, the Lannister Wedding will occur. I'll leave how Lawsen travels up to you (descriptive or time skip), the same with all the guests. Also, how does House Clegane fancy a wolf hunt?
WanderingJester said:
If the Tyrell funeral for Hollis Tyrell doesn't start by tomorrow, the Lannister Wedding will occur. I'll leave how Lawsen travels up to you (descriptive or time skip), the same with all the guests. Also, how does House Clegane fancy a wolf hunt?
More than well. Safety off?
AnnoDomini said:
More than well. Safety off?
They've been voicing unprovoked threats against the Warden of the West and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands and his family, as have the Storm Lord. Make room on the mantel for some Stag and Wolf heads, just in case. Rory Baratheon seems an honest fellow, and Astris Baratheon have been nothing but courteous to the hospitality House Lannister have shown her; they're not to be touched. Lord Tiber would like to restore peace and stability to the realm, and right now his faith in Braedon Baratheon to do that is slipping away by the day.
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Something tells me Clegane vs Umber will be a thing.

Something tells me Rory vs Braedon may be a thing because of Wendel.
Archon said:
Something tells me Clegane vs Umber will be a thing.
Something tells me Rory vs Braedon may be a thing because of Wendel.
Now I suppose the question is: would Braedon toss Wendel to the wolves (Stags?) in order to keep Rory's fleet and reluctant loyalty? Or would he just head straight for the civil war?
Archon said:
Something tells me Clegane vs Umber will be a thing.
Something tells me Rory vs Braedon may be a thing because of Wendel.
And once they're both dead, who gets the Stormlands? All part of the plan...
WanderingJester said:
Unfortunately no, else this RP would already be over (with an army of shadow babies stabbing everyone from House Stark to other enemies of the Westerlands). Alas, Tiber's not a follower of R'hllor, and probably will not be one in the immediate future. He's not particularly attracted to the religion and it would alienate him from his subjects. :P And Celena's too much of a goody two shoe to make shadow babies.
@HuorSpinks I feel ya on being busy. Have a ton of work myself. Just read your post, still no funeral huh?
Not yet, sorry. Highgarden is a few hours behind everyone I think.
WanderingJester said:
If the Tyrell funeral for Hollis Tyrell doesn't start by tomorrow, the Lannister Wedding will occur. I'll leave how Lawsen travels up to you (descriptive or time skip), the same with all the guests. Also, how does House Clegane fancy a wolf hunt?
You can hold it anytime you want actually. Neither the Lannisters nor their banner houses would be involved in the funeral.
HuorSpinks said:
Not yet, sorry. Highgarden is a few hours behind everyone I think.
Fair enough, the story line for the Lannister Wedding will start tomorrow if the funeral doesn't start by then, and that'll probably involve a bit of skipping time here and there. Just a heads up.

Yes, but I'm sure Tiber and Leanne would like to see some of the Reach Lords attend their wedding as well. And while I know for certain a few will miss it, some will go as well.
JustWhipIt said:
And once they're both dead, who gets the Stormlands? All part of the plan...
I can't help but feel Tiber has this war in the palm of his hand. He's a political genius. He has Astris. He's going to start questioning why he has received no response from Storm's End. He's probably going to send another Raven, or even a messenger. Braedon and Rory will find out Astris is at Casterly Rock and previous letters were sent.

Fingers will point at Wendel.

Or, Braedon can hurry up and give the order to march on King's Landing. In which case, all of the above is considerably harder to occur!
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Archon said:
I can't help but feel Tiber has this war in the palm of his hand. He's a political genius. He has Astris. He's going to start questioning why he has received no response from Storm's End. He's probably going to send another Raven, or even a messenger. Braedon and Rory will find out Astris is at Casterly Rock and previous letters were sent.
Fingers will point at Wendel.

Or, Braedon can hurry up and give the order to march on King's Landing. In which case, all of the above is considerably harder to occur!
There'll probably be another Raven or two to Storm's End if Astris isn't picked up by the wedding. Either the Stags come to pick up their doe or not, Tiber can work with either scenarios. You're correct though: He's very formidable politically.
Archon said:
I can't help but feel Tiber has this war in the palm of his hand. He's a political genius. He has Astris. He's going to start questioning why he has received no response from Storm's End. He's probably going to send another Raven, or even a messenger. Braedon and Rory will find out Astris is at Casterly Rock and previous letters were sent.
Fingers will point at Wendel.

Or, Braedon can hurry up and give the order to march on King's Landing. In which case, all of the above is considerably harder to occur!
Well technically its only been a couple of minutes since the letter arrived at Storm's End. It's just been weeks since the actual post. .-.
WanderingJester said:
Fair enough, the story line for the Lannister Wedding will start tomorrow if the funeral doesn't start by then, and that'll probably involve a bit of skipping time here and there. Just a heads up.
Yes, but I'm sure Tiber and Leanne would like to see some of the Reach Lords attend their wedding as well. And while I know for certain a few will miss it, some will go as well.
I have to admit, it would be very difficult for me to have the funeral by tomorrow. I'm starting at a new workplace tomorrow and as yet I am not sure what my schedule would be like.

I would suggest that you hold the wedding as planned, and I'll hold the funeral when I can and let the Reach Lords decide which event they will attend.

However, I can safely say that Lord Tyrell would not be attending. He's still in mourning after all, and is probably in no mood for socialising.
HuorSpinks said:
I have to admit, it would be very difficult for me to have the funeral by tomorrow. I'm starting at a new workplace tomorrow and as yet I am not sure what my schedule would be like.
I would suggest that you hold the wedding as planned, and I'll hold the funeral when I can and let the Reach Lords decide which event they will attend.

However, I can safely say that Lord Tyrell would not be attending. He's still in mourning after all, and is probably in no mood for socialising.
Fair enough. I didn't expect the new Lord Tyrell there even if the events didn't conflict honestly. Thanks for the heads up.
JustWhipIt said:
Well technically its only been a couple of minutes since the letter arrived at Storm's End. It's just been weeks since the actual post. .-.
True. :(

Scenario time!

A) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Rory should get the Stormlands.

B) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Wendel gets the Stormlands, Rory joins either Tiber or attempts to join the loyalists.

C) Wendel's deception is discovered, Rory takes his fleet home. Likely joins Tiber, ensue civil war.

D) King's Landing goes horribly wrong, both Braedon and Rory lose horribly, having no fleet nor army, they will probably die soon.


E) Deanna hatches a dragon, fails to tame it, it flies to Dragonstone, Rory tames the dragon, Rory admires the dragonfire, begins following R'hllor, becomes a dragonriding Azor Ahai reborn and burns his enemies into ash with fire and brimstone.
I guess Lyonel could attend the wedding while the other Hightowers attend the funeral then?

Unless it is some sort of time bubble thing.
Archon said:
True. :(
Scenario time!

A) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Rory should get the Stormlands.

B) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Wendel gets the Stormlands, Rory joins either Tiber or attempts to join the loyalists.

C) Wendel's deception is discovered, Rory takes his fleet home. Likely joins Tiber, ensue civil war.

D) King's Landing goes horribly wrong, both Braedon and Rory lose horribly, having no fleet nor army, they will probably die soon.


E) Deanna hatches a dragon, fails to tame it, it flies to Dragonstone, Rory tames the dragon, Rory admires the dragonfire, begins following R'hllor, becomes a dragonriding Azor Ahai reborn and burns his enemies into ash with fire and brimstone.
Where's the scenario for Viserys drowning all his enemies in wine?
Archon said:
True. :(
Scenario time!

A) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Rory should get the Stormlands.

B) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Wendel gets the Stormlands, Rory joins either Tiber or attempts to join the loyalists.

C) Wendel's deception is discovered, Rory takes his fleet home. Likely joins Tiber, ensue civil war.

D) King's Landing goes horribly wrong, both Braedon and Rory lose horribly, having no fleet nor army, they will probably die soon.


E) Deanna hatches a dragon, fails to tame it, it flies to Dragonstone, Rory tames the dragon, Rory admires the dragonfire, begins following R'hllor, becomes a dragonriding Azor Ahai reborn and burns his enemies into ash with fire and brimstone.
I'm going with C as my pick. Oh, fun it's scenario time! So here's one of ASoIaF that's not about the RP. Who do you guys think would win in a fight? Duncan the Tall or Gregor Clegane? Both big strong men, but I think the Mountain's just slightly stronger.

Lancelot said:
I guess Lyonel could attend the wedding while the other Hightowers attend the funeral then?
Unless it is some sort of time bubble thing.
It really depends on the length of both events. I know the wedding/tourney would start a lot sooner, but it's likely to last longer than the funeral as well. So you know, how long would be the question.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Where's the scenario for Viserys drowning all his enemies in wine?
Scenario V (the letter, not 5)
TheAncientCenturion said:
Where's the scenario for Viserys drowning all his enemies in wine?
Yeah, uh, somewhere near the bottom of the alphabet. Jester said V, so V works!

WanderingJester said:
I'm going with C as my pick. Oh, fun it's scenario time! So here's one of ASoIaF that's not about the RP. Who do you guys think would win in a fight? Duncan the Tall or Gregor Clegane? Both big strong men, but I think the Mountain's just slightly stronger.
It really depends on the length of both events. I know the wedding/tourney would start a lot sooner, but it's likely to last longer than the funeral as well. So you know, how long would be the question.

Scenario V (the letter, not 5)
I want to say Gregor, just because of that insanely thick armor and his pure killer instinct. Even if Duncan is faster, and more skilled, his main strength is, well, strength, and Gregor does it better. Not to mention he has way more war/battle experience, Duncan can't really outwit Gregor either, he's probably smarter, but not Bronn-smarter.
Ohoho. Sooo, you want Tiber to tell Lawsen at the wedding about this rebelion? And, how would he know who to execute? Or are you leaving this to the bloodlust of the pup?
AnnoDomini said:
Ohoho. Sooo, you want Tiber to tell Lawsen at the wedding about this rebelion? And, how would he know who to execute? Or are you leaving this to the bloodlust of the pup?
Oh, don't worry, there will be plenty of blood after the wedding. I plan on putting House Clegane to good use in the near future.
WanderingJester said:
Oh, don't worry, there will be plenty of blood after the wedding. I plan on putting House Clegane to good use in the near future.
Cleganes : A pack of bloodthristy mongrels that thrives on violence.
AnnoDomini said:
Cleganes : A pack of bloodthristy mongrels that thrives on violence.
With the loyalty, reliability of the same and just the right amount of intelligence and cunning to get the job done. I do hope Lawsen and his pack does as well as I hope with their tasks in the future.
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HuorSpinks said:
I have to admit, it would be very difficult for me to have the funeral by tomorrow. I'm starting at a new workplace tomorrow and as yet I am not sure what my schedule would be like.
I would suggest that you hold the wedding as planned, and I'll hold the funeral when I can and let the Reach Lords decide which event they will attend.

However, I can safely say that Lord Tyrell would not be attending. He's still in mourning after all, and is probably in no mood for socialising.
A shame, I had somethings I wanted to discuss with the new Lord of Highgarden.

Archon said:
True. :(
Scenario time!

A) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Rory should get the Stormlands.

B) King's Landing is crushed, Braedon becomes King, Wendel gets the Stormlands, Rory joins either Tiber or attempts to join the loyalists.

C) Wendel's deception is discovered, Rory takes his fleet home. Likely joins Tiber, ensue civil war.

D) King's Landing goes horribly wrong, both Braedon and Rory lose horribly, having no fleet nor army, they will probably die soon.


E) Deanna hatches a dragon, fails to tame it, it flies to Dragonstone, Rory tames the dragon, Rory admires the dragonfire, begins following R'hllor, becomes a dragonriding Azor Ahai reborn and burns his enemies into ash with fire and brimstone.
Scenario F) Lord Velaryon is sick of Rory and Breaden arguing like children and just takes his fleet back home

Scenario G) Walder is sick of Rory and Breaden arguing like children and joins Kuvira, now neither of them can have the Stormlands.

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