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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Note the Wolverines aren't just normal bandits, they have better equipment and a lot more numbers than just a normal bandit camp.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Note the Wolverines aren't just normal bandits, they have better equipment and a lot more numbers than just a normal bandit camp.

How many are there exactly and what do you mean by better equipment?
Well at least 2000 (is that a little crazy? Tell me if it is) spread throughout Westeros. By better equipment I mean better swords, maybe even armor (iron or steel armor would probably be best).
2,000 spread all over Westeros doesn't seem unreasonable. I mean its still pretty big but the Kingswood Bandits were practically an army and were centralized in one area. But I'm also not a GM so its not my call.
Okay, thanks.

Do you by any chance know what's been happening in the IC RPing 2 tab?

(I just came back from a wedding right now, I'm kind of too lazy read right now . . .)
@Leusis Just some military. Sorry, should've been more specific. I'll edit it right now.

Unless your character's army wants to be fighting, I'm fine with that too.
TheAncientCenturion said:

The Black Wolf, Oakenshield

Loron Pyke

Loron Pyke had a menacing look in his eyes as he stood at the helm of the ship. He was a man known for his decisive actions in life, stubborn as cold iron itself. Despite his bastardly nature, Loron was looked upon with some semblance of respect for that. The man slashed through the air with an open hand. Horns around him screamed to life, and not before long the other ships around him followed suit. The island was upon them, "Oakenshield" he muttered. King Conn had been specific on how important taking Oakenshield was. It was the closest to the mainland, and likely where The Reach would hit them hardest. It was an honor to be given the task of burning Oakenshield to the ground.

"Full speed ahead!" He hollered, his eyes fixed on the shores ahead. Their approach was expected. Warriors from the island were gathering on the sand, waiting for them. "See that Ironmen?" He shoved his hand forward. "They're scared of us! They won't even let us form up on the sand!" He gave a mighty laugh after that. Their opposition boasted a threatening host, some five hundred men in varied states of dress, and more coming every few minutes. Loron sneered and the shore fast approached.

"Arrow fire!" Someone yelled. The men rowing the oars jumped in their seats, some so much as abandoning their post.

Loron would not have his pace slowed by cowardly dogs and their sharpened sticks. "Face them head on and row with your bloodied hands if need be!" Loron would not have his victory stolen from him. He paused for half a moment. "And bring me my horse!" He didn't spare them another look, his crew would do as he said. Their loyalties were absolute.

By the time the Iron fleet met the soft sand of Oakenshield, the whole island seemed to greet them. Knights and peasants held weapons, shaking like the green boys they were. Women on a nearby hill gathered, some brought refreshments too. They thought it would be a quick battle. How wrong they would be. The brutal Ironborn abandoned their ships as quickly as they could, charging the army on the coast. At first it was heavily one sided, with the Ironborn being unable to amass an equal army to that of the Oakenshield defenders, but time was the ally of the Iron men, and not of the islanders. As the warriors kept pouring onto the beach and charging, and peasants lost heart. Some dropped their weapons and fled, others begging for mercy. Confusion and fear turned the tide in favor of the invaders.

When the battle seemed won, Loron descended to the beach, his soot colored steed clad in decorative armor befitting a man of Pyke. "No quarter! Slay every man you come across, burn them in their homes!" His voice carried far in the battle, earning cheers from his countrymen. Over four hundred Ironborn had landed so far, with ships still out in the sea coming closer every minute. With a hard kick to the horses sides, Loron rode into battle, his morning star being swung erratically at anything that moved. He'd take the heads of friends and foes alike, any man that found themselves in his way met a grizzly demise. Oakenshield's last hope fragmented, over three hundred men left but the battle was lost. "Run them back to their keeps and castles! Take what is rightfully yours!" Loron Pyke, the man known for his hard nature let out a surprisingly warm laugh before slamming the morning star into a young man running from him.

May I ask where this battle is taking place?
I mean I'd be fine with it if you decided to attack my island for whatever reason if thats what your character so wished to do. But if you want that you'll have to move your RP back a bit and start with your character on some boats or just getting some boats or something like that and continue from there. Because just suddenly being in the mix of a battle is a bit odd for my character as hes currently consolidating his lordship on Fair Isle. But yeah if you want to attack my isle you can, you just need to find transport of some kind, somehow.
I think the fortitude of some minor fort on an island is being highly overrated right now lmao.
Ok, I think I will either make a Tully OR

An old hedge knight and a young squire duo (On the road to nowhere!)
Lancelot said:
I think the fortitude of some minor fort on an island is being highly overrated right now lmao.
If you're talking about Greyshield I don't think so, the Shield islands were built for this specific purpose, keeping out Ironborn, hence the name, and the Ironborn didn't bring any siege equipment so they can't really get in, as it would be if you tried to take any castle without the correct equipment.

Him saying that his bandits were spread all over Westeros kind of made me assume that it was more of a large criminal organization rather than your average bandits. Like they might have a couple dozen members dotted all over Westeros in small groups that only really meet up to do damage very rarely and still in relatively small numbers of maybe 100-300 at max.
Hypnos said:
If you're talking about Greyshield I don't think so, the Shield islands were built for this specific purpose, keeping out Ironborn, hence the name, and the Ironborn didn't bring any siege equipment so they can't really get in, as it would be if you tried to take any castle without the correct equipment.
How large is the garrison?

They could always scale the wall.
Hypnos said:
Considering the avarage strength of knightly Houses I think that 2,000 men is too many for a bandit group, bandits are hunted, they aren't like sellswords that can march around with small armies because bandits are actually criminals and are executed and put to the sword by the Lord whose land they occupy, honestly it would be hard to survive if your group numbered over a hundred let alone two thousand which is more than pretty much every house within the crownlands, @Leusis brought up the KWB but they had the men because they were lead by Lord Toyne and even they didn't number in the thousands, I'm also not sold on the fact that the same bandit group coul
Well I didn't really think of them as bandits, more like Vikings.
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@Darth Gangsta

If you see them as vikings why not make a character who leads one of the stronger Ironborn Houses? They raid and pillage other houses on coast all the time. I mean they even use massive longships so they are essentially vikings.
Lancelot said:
Ok, I think I will either make a Tully OR
An old hedge knight and a young squire duo (On the road to nowhere!)
They could run into Hadar :D

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Leusis said:
@Darth Gangsta
If you see them as vikings why not make a character who leads one of the stronger Ironborn Houses? They raid and pillage other houses on coast all the time. I mean they even use massive longships so they are essentially vikings.
OOOOOOH!! I could kiss you! (no homo) But seriously, thanks for the idea.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]They could run into Hadar :D

I can imagine it now, cities burning, thrones being usurped and claimed and three drunken men roaming the countryside.

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