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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Lancelot said:
Would Barba and Malissa be around the same age.
Probably, none of the Tully's have set ages except Walder, Benjcot and Agnes so as long as it's reasonable (Children not born twenty years apart) you should be fine to pick an age.
@Akio Sorry about arguing with you about Dorne last night, reading it back I realise I sounded like a bit of an asshole, which was not my intention.
I'm just casting about for character ideas at the moment. Probably a Kingsguard, but I'd like a fourth, because why the fuck not? Anyone got any places they'd like filled? Like another associate of Haelga Greyjoy? Or a trainer person for Deanna, possibly a Braavosi? If Viserys is still going to be doing stuff, maybe another guy in his posse?

Or just anything they want to see in general, but can't be bothered to actually make and/or play?

Kind of random, but whatever. I'm hankering for another character, for some reason.
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Fezzes said:
I'm just casting about for character ideas at the moment. Probably a Kingsguard, but I'd like a fourth, because why the fuck not? Anyone got any places they'd like filled? Like another associate of Haelga Greyjoy? Or a trainer person for Deanna, possibly a Braavosi? If Viserys is still going to be doing stuff, maybe another guy in his posse?
Or just anything they want to see in general, but can't be bothered to actually make and/or play?

Kind of random, but whatever. I'm hankering for another character, for some reason.
As I've said before, we can always use more Tullys.
Hypnos said:
@Akio Sorry about arguing with you about Dorne last night, reading it back I realise I sounded like a bit of an asshole, which was not my intention.
No big deal. Wasn't innocent in that matter
Veyd Sahvoz] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24520-crimson-smile/ said:
@Crimson smile[/URL] Looks like young Timos has Hadar as an older brother xD Also, who is luna snd that other kid related to?
I'm pretty sure Luna and Lupin are Tadhg's children.
Hypnos said:
Tully just happens to be the greatest family in the entirety of Westeros.
Naw all about the martells and Tyrells. All hail the smart houses of westeros. Tully is loyal though, ill give them that
Akio said:
Naw all about the martells and Tyrells. All hail the smart houses of westeros. Tully is loyal though, ill give them that
Smart? Martell? I believe you are mistaken sir, I have never seen a House so uneducated. Unless you consider sending your useless, ugly son to try and woe the reportedly most beautiful woman in the realm smart, or were you talking about that time poor old uncle Oberyn got mushed trying to get a confession, or mayhaps when Arianne so beautifully pulled off that crowning...
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Hypnos said:
Smart? Martell? I beleive you are mistaken sir, I have never seen a House so uneducated. Unless you consider sending your useless, ugly son to try and woe the reportedly most beautiful woman in the realm smart, or were you talking about that time poor old uncle Oberyn got mushed trying to get a confession, or mayhaps when Arianne so beautifully pulled off that crowning...
Oberyn was to cocky, he won the fight he could have sat back and let him start dying in agony from poison and question then, that i give no excuse though if doran had been able to fight the same way he would have won, doran is careful and wise. And Arianne got fucked over by her father, her plan was good but she was facing the head scammer of the martells himself so no luck there.
Akio said:
Oberyn was to cocky, he won the fight he could have sat back and let him start dying in agony from poison and question then, that i give no excuse though if doran had been able to fight the same way he would have won, doran is careful and wise. And Arianne got fucked over by her father, her plan was good but she was facing the head scammer of the martells himself so no luck there.
Exactly, I'm not questioning the Red Vipers prowess at arms, merely his intelligence, he could have one, he practically did but he lost it all at the last second because he wasn't smart enough to not question him (Credit where credit is due however he was pretty smart yelling at him like a maniac and giving him a headache) Arianne's plan was less than good she wanted to declare war and crown Myrcella, Dorne can in no way win a war like that alone, they are one of the weakest of the Seven Kingdom's and their main advantages lie in defence making an offensive impractical. Also I wouldn't call Doran smart either, he's hyped up as a really intelligent scheming guy but what has he done thus far? Stopped a plot made by children, got his eldest son killed, nothing of note.
Hypnos said:
Exactly, I'm not questioning the Red Vipers prowess at arms, merely his intelligence, he could have one, he practically did but he lost it all at the last second because he wasn't smart enough to not question him (Credit where credit is due however he was pretty smart yelling at him like a maniac and giving him a headache) Arianne's plan was less than good she wanted to declare war and crown Myrcella, Dorne can in no way win a war like that alone, they are one of the weakest of the Seven Kingdom's and their main advantages lie in defence making an offensive impractical. Also I wouldn't call Doran smart either, he's hyped up as a really intelligent scheming guy but what has he done thus far? Stopped a plot made by children, got his eldest son killed, nothing of note.
How was he supposed to know Dany would want to come back to the seven kingdoms, the smart thing would have been to go back for dany but shes ruled by her emotions and would no abandon her people. As for Arrianes plan she never planned to win the war with just dorne. She planned to wait and defend and let people draw their forces south like the lannisters which would weaken the guard in the north and riverlands who only recently lost in the Red wedding and still had some fighting strength. She was planning to force them to attack because with tywin dead the lannisters lacked their best commander so she was would fight them in dorne itself to stall while forcing them to draw troops south and let rebellion once again spark in the north, only this time backed by royal blood. The red viper was too ruled by his emotions, he was to close to Ellia and took it very badly when she died to fight objectively. His emotion made him reckless but in general he was an intelligent if hot headed guy. By champion tyrion and calling tywin into account on a trial by arms if he won that meant his cause was righteous and that would imply he was right about tywin which would throw down the galgulet so to speak. The plan was good excution was not
Akio said:
How was he supposed to know Dany would want to come back to the seven kingdoms, the smart thing would have been to go back for dany but shes ruled by her emotions and would no abandon her people. As for Arrianes plan she never planned to win the war with just dorne. She planned to wait and defend and let people draw their forces south like the lannisters which would weaken the guard in the north and riverlands who only recently lost in the Red wedding and still had some fighting strength. She was planning to force them to attack because with tywin dead the lannisters lacked their best commander so she was would fight them in dorne itself to stall while forcing them to draw troops south and let rebellion once again spark in the north, only this time backed by royal blood. The red viper was too ruled by his emotions, he was to close to Ellia and took it very badly when she died to fight objectively. His emotion made him reckless but in general he was an intelligent if hot headed guy. By champion tyrion and calling tywin into account on a trial by arms if he won that meant his cause was righteous and that would imply he was right about tywin which would throw down the galgulet so to speak. The plan was good excution was not
The smart thing to do was to not send Quentyn with a marriage pact that didn't even apply to him, Doran should have sent a diplomat, a man that spoke with his own words, instead he sent his son someone with little experience to try and persuade the Queen of Meereen (The fact that she forged a new Kingdom for herself should have tipped him off that she didn't want to come back) to abandon her people, just from the tales told about her you can ell she wont do that.

Arianne may have planned those things (Which I doubt) but it wouldn't have worked out like that and her plan would have failed, her entire rebellion hinges on the fact that the Dornish are angry about Oberyn and Elia, and they want to attack the Lannisters, they wont want to just stay put and wait for an assault which may never come. Even if that worked she wouldn't even have the support of all of Dorne Doran still commands respect and would put a stop to the whole thing very quickly with the loyal Dornish, the Lannister may have lost Tywin but they are allied with the Tyrells (Who still have most of their men) and still have some of the best military minds in Westeros, they're not idiots (Randyll Tarly, Admiral Paxtar Redwyne, Mathis Rowan, Addam Marbrand, Kevan Lannister (So good at ruling they killed him for it)) Arianne though she could pull it off but there was very little chance of it.

Oberyn didn't care about Tyrion though, he wanted to kill the mountain, he didn't want righteousness, he wanted revenge on Gregor for the death of his sister, his whole confession thing was pointless, if Gregor confessed and he won, he was already dead so it didn't matter, even if he admitted Tywin gave the order, everyone already knew, it would amount to nothing.
Darth Gangsta]So...how do we know when we're accepted? [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5434-theancientcenturion/ said:
@TheAncientCenturion[/URL] will like your CS.

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