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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

News, news and more news.

Gonna delay my post. I got a bit carried away last night at the bars, and now anything that isn't sugar water tastes horrible to me.

I'm gonna look over any CS that hasn't been approved yet, work towards the Recap from the previous RP in the Overview tab, as well.

@Fezzes The Kingsguard are mostly competent and great fighters. It's not a mere paper shield. If you wanna adopt one of them, go ahead. I can think of something for that in the very near future. And if you're looking for future roles, I'd say the Ironborn and Golden Company are some of the more versatile options. I'm going to have the latter really get kick started in my next Essos post, and stir mischief.
He just wanted to make Hadar younger and without kids. I know it. I'm guessing either Hadar is Timos half brother or was sent away from the free cities as a child
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]He just wanted to make Hadar younger and without kids. I know it. I'm guessing either Hadar is Timos half brother or was sent away from the free cities as a child

How long has Deanna been in Pentos? A few days?
TheAncientCenturion said:
News, news and more news.
Gonna delay my post. I got a bit carried away last night at the bars, and now anything that isn't sugar water tastes horrible to me.

I'm gonna look over any CS that hasn't been approved yet, work towards the Recap from the previous RP in the Overview tab, as well.

@Fezzes The Kingsguard are mostly competent and great fighters. It's not a mere paper shield. If you wanna adopt one of them, go ahead. I can think of something for that in the very near future. And if you're looking for future roles, I'd say the Ironborn and Golden Company are some of the more versatile options. I'm going to have the latter really get kick started in my next Essos post, and stir mischief.
Hopefully this will give the Goat Priest something to do, Daenna's gathered quite a posse now, it's getting ever so harder to sacrifice her to the great Black Goat, not impossible mind, just harder.

Also I think at this point we should formalize the tier system so that we actually have a reference for how good at fighting each character is, we pretty much use it already though we've each got different lists, it'd be nice to have a universal one.

@Archon You still here I haven't seen you in a while, we've got planning to do if we want to take King's Landing.
I still have this feeling Daenna is painting a huge target on her back just walking around letting everybody know shes a targ. I mean wasn't she sent away for her safety? It seems like shes less safe in Essos with her letting everybody know who she is because she doesn't even have the Red Keep and queensguard/gold cloaks to protect her.
Leusis said:
I still have this feeling Daenna is painting a huge target on her back just walking around letting everybody know shes a targ. I mean wasn't she sent away for her safety? It seems like shes less safe in Essos with her letting everybody know who she is because she doesn't even have the Red Keep and queensguard/gold cloaks to protect her.
It doesn't help that she only brought one guard, and a servant and is letting everyone she meets join her either, she's too trusting, someone could just walk right up and stab her.
Hey, alright I am not going to make her disregard potential allies. Not when she is so weak. Frankly I'm just not really putting much thought into her actions at this point. Just going along with it until she dies
If she can manage to put together an army and sail back to Westeros in time to save her sisters I will shit myself. Because I completely expect her to be dead within the next month.
Leusis said:
If she can manage to put together an army and sail back to Westeros in time to save her sisters I will shit myself. Because I completely expect her to be dead within the next month.
Honestly so do I. Unless she goes into hiding....there's an idea...
Alright, made my first post.

@Lancelot I didn't want to go too far into the battle, so i left the situation at Grimston largely unprogressed so you can take the reigns there, if you want.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]He just wanted to make Hadar younger and without kids. I know it. I'm guessing either Hadar is Timos half brother or was sent away from the free cities as a child

Hadar is a traveller, and I don't care if they're half brothers or not. Doesn't matter to me
TheAncientCenturion said:
Alright, made my first post.
@Lancelot I didn't want to go too far into the battle, so i left the situation at Grimston largely unprogressed so you can take the reigns there, if you want.
Do you want me to reply now or wait for @Lancelot ?
TheAncientCenturion said:
You can do whatever you think is best. I don't know if I gave you enough to reply, honestly.
Well I need to deal with your battering ram and I can always yell obscenities from the battlements.
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I liked the little part at the end where that guy got hit with the rock that was thrown. Honestly made me laugh and look like an idiot with everybody in the room when I tried to explain lol.
Leusis said:
I liked the little part at the end where that guy got hit with the rock that was thrown. Honestly made me laugh and look like an idiot with everybody in the room when I tried to explain lol.
Ditto. That was good.

I'm trying to catch up with stuff, but I've got an assignment due in two days, so I'll be busy with that for most of today.
I'll just say Hadar is Timos full brother because if they were half that would make Hadar bastard born, which I don't really want to happen xD (I've watched the first 3 episodes and I've seen how people treat Eddard Stark's bastard son. *cough cough* Lannisters *cough cough*)
TheAncientCenturion said:
Grimston will be ripped apart! I swear it!
Good luck getting past the gate, the Redwyne fleet should arrive soon and then I fear it is you who shall be ripped apart.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I'm gonna burn everything on that island. Everything!
When you Ironborn develop a way to burn through stone give me a call, otherwise you're going to have a very hard time.

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