A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

The king shook his head. "If this Sith is as powerful as you say, then I don't want my men to be in danger. After all, they can't use the Force." He swooshed his hand at Selesar in dismissal.

One of the Jedi looked up. "Currently in a meeting, as the strong sense of the Dark Side has been sensed." He continued to examine the body, also reaching out with the Force for any other surprises that might have been left.
"That's surprisingly calm. I suppose this might not be as bad as it looks." He says and smiles at the reaction of the jedi when he walks past him. It's always the same expression. They look like they've seen a ghost. But Hex can relate, it must be a shocking experience when one of your senses disappear for no reason. He knows the temple like his back pocket, and walks up to and opens the door to the meeting room so fiercly it flies open and smacks into the wall, creating a loud bang. "Well that's sure to catch your attention." He says and looks at all the surprised Jedi faces. "What the hell happened here?"
The Jedi Masters stop short, and one of the newer ones speaks first. "W-what are you doing here?!" He's practically shaking with rage, but Almira simply smiles. "Ah, Hex. So nice of you to barge in." She speaks with sarcasm, but she's actually sort of glad to see him. "Well, what happened is that you banged that door open and interrupted an important meeting." She grins, and gets up.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/imagesCA5YYU6D.jpg.4f414069eefc0cfa103ed661e750df4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/imagesCA5YYU6D.jpg.4f414069eefc0cfa103ed661e750df4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Your man being in danger is only a matter of time. The sooner you nip this in the bud, the less harm your man will come by."He made one last plea. This was all wrong, his reading of the man was clouded he wasn't being honest. He felt a strong need to choke the help and honesty out of the king, or at the very least mind trick. But both would be noticed and gone would any help at the slightest chance he was wrong. This was all ge could do for now. He needed outside help." They may not have jedi help later or you have any troops when the sith knock at your doors and all that blubber wont stop a lightsaber, or lightning."

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"Duh. And you there." He points at the angry jedi and extends his aura to envelop him. "You feel that right? Calm yourself, or it might get permanent." (Obviously bluffing to everyone who knows anything about his powers) He turns back to Almira "You know what I'm talking about. Dead people and exploded walls aren't a common thing, especially in a Jedi Temple. I'm assuming you've got people on it, so I just want to hear what's going on, since I'm in a hurry. Also, you don't happen to have those 500 bucks I was gonna get for dealing with the kath hounds?"
The king frowned. "If that is what you really think, then I will allow the use of three volunteers." He paused, and his face reddened at the insult. "Now get out of my sight!"

Almira laughed. "I was kidding. We had an experienced saboteur attack an apprentice. It was taken care of, but we are concerned about the sudden rising tide of the Dark Side. This assassin had obviously been trained it it." She paused, glancing around at the Jedi who was now attempting not to panic from the loss of the Force. "And yes, your credits are being transferred to your account as we speak"

Cielo smiled as she climbed the last rise and clambered onto the plateau. "All right 'Freed'! Prepare to meet your match!" Jagat mentally face-palmed, but hopefully Cielo's natural reflexes would help her survive...
"Heh, that's nice." He draws his aura back from the man, and offers an excuse "Sorry 'bout that, I let my ego get to me." He turns back to Almira, bows, and says "I hope you don't mind me getting of this planet for a while. This armor proved to need some upgrading, and so does my swords. But for now I need to check on a... Hm, friend, I guess. I'll see ya around." And he leaves, and hurries back to the mountain.
Y'drenna pulled out her energy bladed Kwan Do, smirking and goading Cielo on. "Come on, you whore, i bet your lightning is so unaccurate, you couldn't hit me if i were the ground beneath you. I would be more worried if you were fighting the person next to me." She continued this kind of banter, until she became unbearably annoying.
Hex takes the last step up the mountain with a leap, jumping nearly 6 six feet up in the air before landing, just in time to hear Y'drenna's berating reach annoying levels. He looks a bit dissapointed, but hides that under his helmet/mask and hood. "Just in time then." He says.
Selesar turned and walking out of the throne room. When outside, he leaned on a wall and clutched his prosthetic hand. He felt like his hand was dipped in molten metal since he sensed the sith presence. He thanked whatever was out there that he face couldn't show that he was pain or the conversation with the king could have gone differently.

He took a few deep breaths and continued to walk as the guards had seemed to notice his distress. He had to soldier on. Pain from the loss of his parts was not uncommon but this was different. It was due to the sith being here, and it was one he knew well. Even if he actually got the three volunteers offered it wouldn't be enough but he took his first steps. He was owed lost body parts and he would do anything to get it back.

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Y'drenna says quietly, "Hex, would you please stand by Jagat so he doesn't interfere?" She flashes a smile, and whispers, almost imperceptibly, "And when i am finished here, the master will love to see those sith!"
"You mean that guy over there?... Hm.. Alright.." He walks over towards him carefully. Then he turns to Y'drenna "Huh? Did you say something?"
"Huh?" She asked. "Oh, nothing, just commenting on my next mission. Don't worry about it."

(Wolf has allowed me to act out her character, so here goes...)

Cielo began fuming, infuriated by "Oh yeah, you little bitch? Keep mocking me and you might just get shocked!" as she began blasting a bolt of lightning into Y'drenna's heart
Jagat landed as Hex walked over to him. He was smart enough to know not to use the Force near a Freed, after all, there's truth at the heart of a legend. Of course, Cielo didn't know that yet. She'd learn. If she lived through this...

One of the guards had run off, presumably with the king's orders. The noble, being like most, had also vanished, leaving Selesar without a guide. But that probably didn't matter. When he reached his ship, a young, female soldier stood nearby, leaning on her staff. It was kind of hard to imagine that the king would let such a pretty little thing go to battle, but upon closer examination, she had a long, jagged scar running across her eye.
"Eh?" Hex looked over his shoulder. "Oh right. You were levitating. Why do you do that? The only one I've seen doing that instead of walking was a wannabe jedi guy, who tortured a small settlement with his self-taught force usage. Killing him off was ridiculously easy. I don't suppose that's the kind of vibe you're trying to give me?"
Jagat didn't move, but his voice came through his mask sounding bored as he countered; "Why did humans first build a ship?" Hm...I forgot to teach that one to Cielo...
"Well, I suppose its too much to hope you are a peace offering from the king."He said sarcastically as he approached the girl."More likely your here for the "blubber" comment which i stand by it."

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The girl laughed. "Pft. No. Honestly, if you called 'his majesty' blubber-butt, I would join in whole-heartedly." She straightened and picked up her staff. "But either way, I'm pretty much the only person who volunteered. So I'm all yah got."
The lighning gethered up for a few minutes into Y'drennas hands. "Your lightning isn't working, Cielo, try choking me with the force instead, maybe it will work better!" she called out in mock disapointment, Yawning at how boring this mere apprentice was, she sat down and began eating a sandwich.
"Because hovertanks are complicated. Believe me, I built one once." Hex sits down, and thinks to himself "I'm making smalltalk with a sith. Wow." He puts one of his sheathed vibroblades in his lap. "You'll grow fat, mr. sith."
Cielo stopped short. This was something that had never happened before. She tried to send a telepathic message to Jagat, but for some reason it was blocked. She glanced over, and saw him talking to the other 'Freed'. Cielo frowned. Y'drenna was using the same trick that they had used on the other Jedi, who still hadn't showed up. "I know better than to do that..." Force lightning wasn't working, and Jagat wasn't responding. This was far more complicated than Cielo thought it would be. So she drew her blade instead. [sorry. But you kind of made it fail...]

Jagat laughed. A pure, simple, and very short laugh. But it was still an actual laugh. "Perhaps. But all with power prefer ease of movement."
"Well, your one more then i expected, so this is a win for me." He said studying the girl."Not to sound ungrateful, i could use the help but why? I would suspect blubber-butt would call volunteer for my firing squad rather then to help me, miss..."

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