A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Y'drenna, annoyed at the siths lack of appearance, flew back to the area where she saw the 2 people fighting, or rather, preparing to. She hops off her ship, an unreadable expression on her face. She stormed right up to the Jagat, and, 2 things happened to his shock: First, his force levitate dispelled, and he got a punch so hard on the way down, that he went flying a few feet. "Well?! I have better things to do than sit on a mountain all day!" her mask of calm dissipating. Cielo, when your master gets up, tell him i am waiting!" she calls her ship down, hopping on, and says, just loud enough to hear: "Force-users... think they control everyone. Oh!" she comments as she sees the imminent duel. "First, freed, it would be a shame for you to die! Force user, you are screwed if you wield a lightsaber!" as she flies off.
"... I don't really know how to react to this." The girl just kept astounding him. That was incredibly reckless, but she seemed confident. "And why did you tell them that!"
She grins, saying coldly, "I like to watch them squirm, when they realise, that despite a lifetime of training, they could be bested by a four year old. Trust me, it will offset their moves, keeping them from operating smoothly. They know that a vibroblade can act as a lightsaber, but without using the force. They can't beat us unless they... hm... actually, i do see a scenario where they escape us. Wierd."
"... Do you never plan what you do?" Sigh. Well this was weird. Suddenly the battle felt completely pointless. "Can you give me a ride over that... Whatever mountain, since you're going there. I've got business there of my own."
Mondas spun around, taking out his sniper. He shot right in front of Y'drenna's feet. "Don't think all of us are so bounded."
"Woah there." Hex extended his hand and placed it atop the snipers barrel, pushing it down. "Let's keep the sides on the way they are now, shall we?" He looks over at the girl. "Also, don't underestimate jedi, or sith. They are thought of as the most potent combatants in the universe for a reason. Although, It's true that there's a lot of overconfident underqualified ones around." He looks back at the Jedi. "It doesn't feel like you're one of those however."
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"Sure," she grinned. Come on. Her ship came back down, and as she hopped on, a thread came down, pulling him up into the confines of her ship. "Well..." she began awkwardly. "Um, how has your day been?"
"Pretty good considering the circumstances. I woke up eight minutes ago with a banging headache, and then I went over there. All in all, a perfectly good first eight minutes of the day." He sheathed the one sword he was still holding. "I didn't catch your name, by the way. I'm Axel, but just call me Hex. Everyone else does."
Jagat and Cielo left the Jedi and 'Freed' to their own devices, deciding to stop in the city along the way. Of course, only half way up, they were interrupted by sudden call from the assassin they had sent to the Jedi Temple. "-isson completed! I'm getting off th-" The message suddenly ended as the figure crumpled to the ground. Jagat and Cielo looked at each other. Almost immediately, a telepathic argument occurred. Well, Cielo was arguing, Jagat was giving one word responses. Finally, Jagat interrupted. "We should get going. The Sith should not be late, and we already are." Cielo looked up, and sighed. "But wouldn't it be better to arrive 'fashionably late'?" Jagat rolled his eyes behind his mask. "You figure out how to play that out." He levitated up again, heading up to the plateau, skipping the stop they were going to make at the capital city. Cielo sighed, and followed, running along the ground beneath him.
"Mine comes from booze and an night spent in the forest." He just sits for a few seconds looking out of a window "Oh yeah, wonder how I ended up there anyway." He looks over at Y'drenna. "Y'drenna huh? I feel like I've heard that name before... You didn't happen to have been involved with the manhunt for Cadeus, the rogue jedi, did you?... And honestly, what you have against jedi?" He says with a smirk.
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"Well," Y'drenna says, "i was, probably, and what i have against the jedi is... well, it is private." she says, closing that lane of conversation, as they reach her destination. "Here i am, if you are ok with either waiting or with watching."
Jagat turned to face the Jedi. "Oh really? Meet us at the top." He glanced down at Cielo. "And do hurry up." Cielo winced slightly, and leapt over a large bouler, disappearing from sight as Jagat sped off thorough the air.
"Neither, as a matter of fact. I said I was going somewhere didn't I? I'm off to the Jedi Temple. Gotta pick up my paycheck for my latest job." Hex turns around and walks a few steps. "Oh, and depending on where you're headed next, could I ask you if you could give me a ride to the nearest space station? You know the one orbiting this planet." He walks a few more and then turns around and says "Actually, I'll be back here as soon as I can, if you're bent on fighting that chick, I would like to see it."
Silver pulled her hood off her head and her ears twitched as she walked out of the Jedi temple since she did not have any missions she had to do, so she wanted to take a walk before having the younger self arrogant Jedi want to test there luck and fight her but they always ended up knocked on there butts whining that she cheated and that is the only reason that she won even though they all knew it was not true. (My character is open and can be bumped into or something if anybody wants to)
As Mondas began levitating, he shot forward and something caught his foot. More accurately, his foot caught someone's face. He lost concentration and fell to the ground. He looked back and saw a young Jedi standing in front of him. "Damn. What are you doing?"
Silver glared, a death glare level of glares at the guy with her blood red eyes and why well because the guy had basically just kicked her in the face but she did not show any sign of it hurting."Well what are you doing levitating around like a dimwit?"She said in her stubborn and nonsense voice often used with those younger than she was.
@Wishtobeawolf @Michael Dineen

By now, most strongly attuned to the Force felt the Dark Side, and a meeting was called. After a strong discussion, a message was sent out to select Jedi. "-bzzt-A strong feeling of the Dark Side is coming from these coordinates. -24325, 61313. All getting this message are needed to investigate and if necessary, put down this outbreak. -beep-"
Silver sighed at the message then she ran off to go investigate those coordinates and see what is causing that feeling of dark side. (Gotta go for a bit)
"Don't get angry at me! I was just in pursuit of a Sith lord…" When the transmission came through, Mondas stopped and listened. Mondas chased after her. "Wait up, we might as well go together."

((Yeah, I do to.))
As Hex approached the temple he saw the jedi from before run off with some girl. "Wonder what they're up to. Might track 'em down later." He saw the state the temple was in and hurried up to it. "What the hell happened here? Where's (OOC: Insert name of important leader figure in temple here, I thought maybe you wanted to make that up yourself DarkWolf)!?" EDIT: Almira it is!
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"Well nothing as unreasonable as the whole army. Five or six volunteers from your security forces would do."He suggested though feeling he knew the answer already. But something was strange, this hostility from the king didn't seem like it was from doubt. Maybe something sinister."A small price to pay for piece of mind."

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