A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

"Um... They're friends of mine..." Miria lied. She switched to her helmet comm as she suited up for boarding. She put her her vibroblade on her back. She holstered her blaster pistol, and she placed her blaster and sniper rifle on her back.
Lily frowned, still ignoring Harvey. The woman had paused, was there a different reason for her concern? A thousand possibilities flashed through Lily's brain, which was larger than normal for her kind. But she pushed them off to the side, and continued the conversation. "And why would you put your life on the line for them? You...intrigue me..."
Miria's ship was nearly in position to board. "Um... Because...." She couldn't think of anything. Damn it! She needed to get better at making up lies. "Because they're my friends..."
Lily smiled, still oblivious to the fact that Harvey was now racing around the cockpit, looking for his light saber. "Are you sure you weren't raised by Wookies?" Her voice sounded satisfied, as if sure of herself and confident.
"Yes, I'm quite sure. Now, I am about to board your ship so I can retrieve my friends." Her ship was close enough. She made sure her suit was airtight, then put on her jetpack. She opened the airlock, and flew out towards the Jedi's ship.
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Lily chuckled, which earned a strange look from Harvey, who had settled for a blaster instead. He sighed and shook his head before departing the cockpit, leaving Lily to her strange devices. Which, of course, was literal. She began pulling out various metallic spheres and changing their settings well she continued to speak. "Oh? That would get you on trouble too, you know."

Silver frowned. Normally he wouldn't use a view screen for firing the gun, but it was beeping, showing him an object was headed toward their ship. But he couldn't sense anything. With a sigh, Silver reached over and shut it off, convinced that it was simply a systems error. Instead, he aimed at the now very close ship, and fired. The bolt of energy would knock out all power, leaving the shop helpless. Then, that would leave the Jedi free to explore and capture the ship. After all, they could still fight without the Force, but their mysterious enemy wouldn't have the upper edge of machines. Silver stepped out of the gun well, hand on his light saber, and nearly doubled over. He'd always been one of the most sensitive the fluctuations in the Force, but never something like this....

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