A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Hex tilted his head. "You wha..." But he was cut off by her pointing the gun at herself. His eyes widened and he threw his arm in between her and the barrel. He grimaced as the plasma melted through his elbow and his forearm drifted away, but instead of wussing out and crying about it, he used the pain to focus. He grabbed ahold of the rifle with his still attached arm, and kicked her back towards the ship with one of his legs.

"That's fine.. I will murder the shit out of you both if you don't let her go.." He said as he broke the rifle against his knee, and flew after her. At least the plasma sealed most of his wound and he wouldn't immediately bleed out, but it still hurt like hell, and he was grinding his teeth and clenching his stump.
Argimon flew backwards from the force of the explosion, having been standing much closer. She quickly sprang to her feet, staff still in hand, and then cursed. "That she-devil of a woman!"

[And Shylynn, do you want me to play the part of the Jedi, or are you fine just playing it out until you reach another group?]
"Don't you see?" the voice rang out harshly. "We WANT her dead. She has hurt our empire too much. We had hoped you might do the job in there, but as you can see, you didn't." Of course... He... wouldn't... he... isn't... a... murderer... a faint voice pulsed through the air. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" y'drenna yelled at herself, or rather, the spirit at Y'drenna. No. I-am... too strong for... silence. Parts of Y'drenna began to move, begining from her left hand, which released the gun. The eyes were the only thing normal about Y'drenna, but you can see a chained figure within.
"You sound just like me." A smirked danced over half of his face. He started panicking slightly, his schizophrenia was partially over him again. He flew up next to Y'drenna and grabbed her by the collar, and threw her into the still open shuttle door. "Get the hell back in..!" Still grinding his teeth, he tried to surpress his anger.
His fingers moved over the controls with the deftness of an experienced pilot, bringing up destination details and statuses of engines, hyperdrive and all other importnant ship systems. The cockpit was dark, the whole ship was dark save for the red emergency lights that dimly lit corridors, giving the ships interior a more than spooky feeling. In the corner of the cockpit was destroyed droid, a diagonal slash had severed it in two and its remnants were slowly acquiring a thick layer of dust. Throughout the ship, on bulkheads, walls, doors and the floor were dark stains, black reminders of what had occurred years previous.

Alecai leaned back in the pilots chair and stared out at hyperspace "It's almost beautiful" he thought to himself. His eyes flicked down at a small white blinking light, the autopilot was notifying him that they were reaching their destination. Alecai braced himself, the inertial dampeners had never been very good on this class of ship. The ship jolted as it dropped out of hyperspace and now its grey hulk was drifting, dark and menacingly in the orbit of some system.

The sensors went crazy, instantly brining up another ship on scans and multiple life forms. The usual warnings of hull breaches also appeared but Alecai ignored them, like he always did. He liked his ship, the scars and holes that littered some sections of her hull gave her character, it warned others to stay away, some didn't heed that warning and they paid. Now, after 5 years drifting around the Outer Rim 'Revenger' and Alecai were finally back in more civilised space.
Miria waited on her ship orbiting around Coruscant, waiting for her quarry to arrive. She looked absently at her computer screen. Her employer had said that the person she was hunting, some Jedi named Harvey, was heading towards Coruscant.
The Jedi himself had no idea he was being tracked, being more preoccupied with other matters. Like piloting the ship. Harvey sighed, and called back into the cabin of the ship. "How's it going back there?!" A very unhuman growl replied. "Fine!" Harvey rolled his eyes. It was still hard to get used to the fact that the only female on the ship couldn't sound like one if she tried. But then, Lily wasn't the only female on the ship anymore. They had the two captives. Although, now he reflected as to why they had taken the two girls in the first place. Ah, right. They had been trespassing, not to mention the fact that they'd caused quite a few....problems. A younger male voice spoke from behind Harvey. "Er...you do realize that there's an asteroid ahead of you right?" Harvey jolted back into the present. Muttering a curse under his breath, he steered the ship around the giant hulking deathtrap. "Yeah yeah yeah, I know what you're going to say kid, but don't." Silver shrugged, but wisely didn't respond. He knew that Harvey could get irritable. They reached Corescant in silence, as all could feel the heavy fluctuations in the Force. There was something wrong, but the question was 'what?'
Miria saw movement on her scanner. The ship matched the exact description that her employer had given her. She took control of her ship, taking it out of orbital mode. She began to pilot it, flying toward the Jedi's ship.
Harvey frowned, noticing one of the many ships that surrounded the planet detach and head toward him. But wasn't their ship registered in the logs as safe to go? He couldn't sense any hostility coming from it either...."Droid ship." Silver's voice startled the older Jedi, once again. Harvey kept forgetting that he was standing there right next to him. "Makes sense." Harvey turned his attention to the com, preparing himself for an argument with an automated being. Why were droids so faulty these days?
Miria flew her ship closer to the Jedi's. She decided to try to comm him. Her orders were to kill the Jedi, but she was going to judge for herself whether he deserved to be killed or not. She always did, on these kinds of things. "Hello?" She called into the comm. She hoped this wasn't some sort of trap.
Harvey frowned. Okay, the droid wasn't automated? [You didn't have to do the com. I was just playing into the fact that he had no clue the ship belonged to a bounty hunter]

Silver responded faster, which had started to get on Harvey's' nerves. "Greetings, stranger. What do you want?" He sent a thought through the Force to Harvey. We should be more worried, right? Maybe they are carrying one of those little 'no-Force bubble' creatures?
Miria decided to make up a lie on the spot. "Um... You have captured some friends of mine." She lied. "I would like them back." Her employer had informed her that he had in fact captured two people. His response to this would help her judge whether she would fulfill her contract or not.
Harvey was silent for a moment, processing info. He could feel Silver's presence retreat into the back of the ship. "Alright. I'm afraid you have to get the girls back the legal way. They've.... done a few things that now make it impossible for me to just let them go, just like that." He ran a hand through his hair, slightly agitated. "You can fight for them through the legal system."
"And what authority do you have on that matter?" Miria asked. This guy seemed like kind of a prick. Jedi often were. But, whether he deserved to die or not was still undecided. She'd have to get to know him better.
That comment set Harvey off. "Listen here. All sorts people exact their judgement upon others. Why do you question it?!" He stopped, reaching into the Force in hopes of finding stability. "Do you have a problem with it?"
"I do, actually. What exactly did these girls do, anyway?" Miria asked. Okay, now she wanted to punch this guy in the face. Stupid arrogant Jedi, thinking he was better than everyone, just because he can do a couple of fancy tricks.
Harvey glared at the com. For some reason, it just seemed like Lily would be the best to handle this conversation. But she seemed....busy. Yeah, definitely too busy to call up to the cockpit. "Killed a fellow Jedi. As well as trespassing, theft, and suspected spying." He spoke matter-of-factly, hoping to avoid anymore questions along those lines. In fact, he wasn't quite sure himself what the girls had done, but did that honestly matter? They'd done something bad, but it wasn't his job to judge.
"Killed a Jedi, huh? Good for them. Those lot are a bunch of arrogant pricks. 'Oh, I can use the Force, I'm better than you'" She mocked. She hoped she would get on this guy's nerves. She was pretty sure she knew whether she was going to complete the contract by now. This guy may not be evil, but he was a jerk, so, close enough. Her morals weren't too strict. Unlike the Jedi.
"Erk-!" Harvey nearly choked with rage. It took great dedication to become a Jedi, and here this woman sat mocking his very ideals! How dare she! "Better? Better!? You act as if we were the Sith, using people for our own selfish goals!" He trembled, trying to hold himself back. Rage led to the Dark Side. Maybe he should interrupt Lily to take care of this, before he blew.
She was enjoying herself, getting the Jedi to get angry. She knew how much they hated letting their emotions control them. That was another thing she didn't like about them. What was the point of being an organic, if you couldn't show emotions? She was almost half machine, and she showed more emotions than most Jedi. "The Sith aren't much better, if you ask me. At least they have emotions though."
Okay, he was getting Lily. Leaving the girl on the com unanswered, Harvey walked into the main of the ship. "Lily! Life or death situation! I need you in the cabin!" There was an answering grunt, and then heavy footsteps as Lily made her way toward him. She shouldered past him and into the cockpit, leaning over the com. Her pig-like eyes glinted as she spoke in a honeyed tone. "Hello there..." Harvey marveled at Lily's perception. She'd somehow known his problem without him telling her at all.
"Hello?..." Miria said hesitantly. Who was this new person? She could tell whoever it was was an alien of some sort, from the voice. She couldn't exactly place what species though. And the damn Jedi had left them to talk for him! The coward! "Who is this?"
Lily smiled, a toothy grin that the woman on the other end couldn't see. It was always so amusing to her when people became confused. Which of course, was double, for she could still feel the emotions radiating off her comrade, who stood behind her. "Since I'm as snotty as your other friend, I won't tell you my name. But how about a little chat?" Lily chuckled slightly, adding to the effect. Unfortunately, the woman's feelings only showed in her voice. But that was satisfying enough.
"Okay. What exactly were you thinking of chatting about?" Miria asked. This person seemed much better than the Jedi. Then again, most people were. As she talked, she began moving her ship slowly toward the Jedi's, preparing to get in a boarding position.
Lily chuckled, amused by the woman's antics. "For starters, why are you interested in these two captives aboard our ship?" She sat in the chair and leaned back. Harvey coughed, attempting to notify Lily to movement.

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