A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Kayla and Maika would walk around, trying to avoid all Jedi's and other soldiers that are out at night. Kayla shivering in fear, Maika had her sword in her hand and wasn't afraid to stab anyone in her way. "Let's go, Kayla." Maika sighed and rushed a way toward an empty house.
Selesar reattached his jaw, the process stung for a moment as it had to click on directly to the remaining jaw bone. He then entered the system before taking the reins of the ship toward the coordinates he had, while checking his senses for any suprises.

"Argimon, rise and shine."He called out, tapping her arm to wake up."We are here."
She opened one eye. "Ah, good." She seemed to wake up quickly, either because she had already been awake, or maybe because she was just used to it. Argimon reached out, grabbing her staff, before turning to look at the viewscreen. "Well, here we take the plunge."
She wiped the saliva from her cheek, grimacing. "Sir, I hate to be rude, but I'm not on anyone's side. I don't side with the Freed, and I don't side with the Jedi. After all, my writing should not be biased. However, I take note of your opinion and if I ever run into a Jedi I'll make note to ask them the same question." Snow was growling, and almost advanced, but was stopped by the girl's hand. "Down, boy. Now, if we can move on from petty insults and empty threats and perhaps complete the conversation...?"
"Nothing much on the sensors."He said guiding the ship into the gas giant."Not seeing where one to could land a ship, it is a gas giant. Shall we risk contacting them?"
Argimon shrugged. "If you can't find anything, than I guess go ahead. And prepare for evasive action?" She made sure she was buckled in. "That's all the advice I got."

@Primordial Primrose
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"No worries, this baby survived star destroyer ambushes."He said confidently before clicking on the ships holocomunicator finding return calling the previous caller."Hello. Is anyone there? This is your sith hunters. Are you there?"
Shylynn said:
Kayla and Maika would walk around, trying to avoid all Jedi's and other soldiers that are out at night. Kayla shivering in fear, Maika had her sword in her hand and wasn't afraid to stab anyone in her way. "Let's go, Kayla." Maika sighed and rushed a way toward an empty house.
Oh, uh, Naboo! ^.^
A soldier walked by, unaware of the girls' presence. He stopped near the house and looked around, but continued along his way. A cricket chirped nearby.
The girls saw the soldier and quickly hid behind a tree near where he walked. They didn't want him to spot them, so they stayed quiet.
The soldier walked on, oblivious to the two young ladies. There wasn't anything else that moved once he was gone. Only the wind ruffled the leaves that skittered across the street.
Both of the girls sighed in relief that they weren't spotted. Kayla then skittered off with Maika to their home in the woods.
Y'drenna checked the contact she had just recieved. "Oh, so you don't see us allready? Wow, congrats, Weasel," she comments dryly. "Looks like you werent full of bogus this time." She reaches for the stealth control, deactivating it and grinning as her ship materialized right in front of the jedi ship. "But hey, no use talking on a screen when we can do it in person." she says, as a bridge of metal extends between the ships. As she deletes the message, she changes into a simple but elegant white dress, the official couriers uniform for the Freed. She placed an air mask, a small metal cylinder. She rapped three times smartly on the door politely.
Argimon looked at Selesar and shrugged. "Shall I?" She asked, referring to the knocking on the ship's door.

(sorry didnt notice the post.)

"No let me."He said annoyed and somewhat confused by the fact he didnt sensed the ship coming. What bothered him more is an unatural feeling coming from the other side of the door, like an absence in the force. He got up to his feet, taking out his lightsaber as he walked to the door to open it."Just be ready with a blaster just in case."
Y'drenna heard the noise on the other side of the force, and felt waves of energy flowing out. Forcing her face into a half-hearted smile, she pulled the door open, quietly greeting the man on the other side. "You wished to speak with us?" she exerted her practiced presence, the royal presence she and her sister had had to endure through. She pulled out a plasma rifle, slowly placing it on the table, and spent about 5 minutes removing all of her weaponry.
"What are..."He began to say unsettled by the lack of the force flowing through the girl, but the drawing of the plasma rifle made him raise and almost ignite his lightsaber in defense. Realizing she was disarming, he followed suite putting the lighsaber on the table after all he had other weapons just in case. "First i need an introduction to the person i am speaking to."
"Y'drenna" she said crisply. "Last survivor of Aalderaan, Millitary and diplomatic leader of the freed. Second in line to the throne. And you are?" she adds flatly. "Nevermind, we both know you are a jedi, that is enough. Now, what is your request?" she drums her fingers on the table, severely hoping that there would be no conflict, and praying that the others stayed in the ship.
Argimon stood several feet behind Selesar, still holding her staff. Though the other two have disarmed themselves, she didn't have any special powers or stuff. "Hold on a moment. Second-in-line to the throne?"
"Yes, through adoption and fostering with the Master, to whom i owe my life. May she never hear me say that" she mutterred under her breath.
"Well, hold that thought for a minute we might come back to that later if dont carbon freeze an already cold trail. "Salesar interjected." We are here in the hunt of a sith, a signal from here indicates someone here knows something. Was that you?"
"...Perhaps..." she says slyly, remembering the two sith she had encountered. "That would depend on why you need those two bastards."
"Well i have the lightsaber that narrows it down abit."He could help the sarcasm."Its sort my job to be interested in and investigate such bastards every century or so were they rear there ugly pale heads."
Fine. If he has evidence, i am legally bound to help. She thought. "Alright. I know who it is. A sith named Jagat, and his deceased apprentice, Cielo. I killed the student, and have the sith under safe custody. But you will need to make an excellent bargain for him, he is my kill." she crossed her arms quietly.

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