A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Opening a door, he pulled out a tray of fruit, and sat down, taking some notes. "Good, good... now... where did you find the comm?"
"Hmm... I wonder what it could have been doing there?" he mused to himself. "And who left it?" he looked at her offering her some fruit and tea. "You want some?"
Weasel shrugged. "Your loss." as he popped a grape into his mouth. "Now, if you found the comm in the market, then why didn't you report it?"
"Well, what's the fun in that? No mystery, no adventure, no story, and I'd never find out where it came from or what this is all about," she said, matter-of-factly.
"Hah, and you think you will be allowed to make this into a story?" he challenged. "Besides, you could have gotten hurt." he adds, genuinely concerned.
"Take too long with no guarantee of finding something."He said nonchalantly laying his had back in his seat."The trap is the only connection to the sith so we might as well spring it. A bridge to cross when we get to it, preferably well rested and alert. Offer of the bed still stands."
"I'm a journalist," Axela replied, shrugging. "Besides, I've gotten hurt before; nothing I can't handle. Danger makes it more exciting!" She smirked, almost to the point of grinning.
Argimon shook her head. "Naw, I've learned to refuse such offers. I can sleep anywhere." She closed her eyes and didn't move.

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"As you wish."He said waiting for a moment to be sure Argimon fell a sleep, before unlaching his prosthetic jaw placing it on his lap. He began to message the remainder of his mouth, the prosthetic tended to chafe when worn for long periods and could be really irritating. Normally he would leave the room for this but somebody had to keep watch on the ship, the usually hyperspace travel was normally uneventful issue can occur specifically unaccounted for obstructions. Sensors are able to detect the issue in good time but someone has to be on hand to adjust.
"This?" He gestured with a grand flourish. "This is the Airwave Database Control Satelite. ADCS for short. Here, we moniter and store all of the data on the planet, and send them where they are needed." He declared with a note of pride in his voice. "After all, the freed need to know what is going on here." he stopped, realizing his mistake, but trying not to let it show.
He winced. "Yes, sorry for not explaining. FREED stands for:






We were hired by the jedi to monitor and provide their echolocation tech. Like hyperspace records." He said, bluffing his way through an explanation.
"Well..." he paused to consider. "I know that we were hired here fopr the last few years, and general stuff." He looked at her, and began tapping his foot. "Not much more than most."
"Not exactly." he responded. "You see, now that you are in knowledge of this station..." You have to die. He stomped, and all but one of the doors sealed up, while 10 soldiers stormed into the room, aiming their blasters.
"Wait, what?" she exclaimed, looking around at the impending soldiers. "What's so important about this place? What about it is worth killing me for?" She wouldn't fight until she had to.
"I hope you understand. Nobody knows of us, and we need it to keep that way. You are a reporter. Which means that the public will know. And the jedi can't have that, now can they? People hear a word of this, and the government will be overthrown. You know, the force-freed are a paradise compared to their tyranny." he turns, smiling away from her vision. "In fact... we might just let you go. So then the jedi will be revealed as the tyrants they are!!!" He says, as the soldiers part the way.
After another hour or so of travel, the pair of ships reached the Solar System. The star shone with a bright blue colour, highlighting the three planets that circled it with an eerie blue glow. The gas giant loomed up ahead, a swirling mass of greenish gases.
The girl's grip on her blaster in her jacket pocket didn't loosen. "...You said you were a Jedi master...yet you want to overthrow the Jedi....?" she raised an eyebrow, examining the other carefully. Snow was poised to strike.
"Yes." he smiled grimly. "Though the key word, is were. I was once a jedi, in fact, i was right there when aalderaan exploded. The deaths of all those around me severed both my and my friends connection to the force. It was then, that I realised, the sith are cruel tyrants, and that jedis are little better. They said it was their duty to protect us." he was getting choked up, as he sat down, his eyes rimming with tears. A single one dropped down his face as he coldly said. "But do you know what they did? They sat snivelling about how weak they were, while their ruler AND billions of lives were on the line. Can you see why I am distraught with them?" he challenged. "Or would you like me to annihilate your planet, and all but one of your only friends, while you are frozen in time and unable to help?!" He was frothing at this point. "You remind me of those saukerl cowards, those jedi filth. Stupid, and fear-stricken. Can you challenge anything I am saying? Saumensch." He spat in her face.

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