A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

"Then we have to go by time. Once that occurred the last couple of hours."He said thoughtfully studying the list."A few at that time, it would be difficult to pit point the one we want."
Spencer looked up from his collecting when the lasers fired. He knocked twice on the door way and said "What's going on?" He said as his buster glowed blue.
"It doesn't." He said as he finished collecting. "I just finished my jobe here and decided to offer my services to you."
The man frowned in concentration as code and information scrolled down the screen. "It looks like there was only one. The one that was partially deleted. I'm afraid that I can only give you the planetary system that they hyper-jumped to." He pulled up an image on the screen that shows a small sun. Three planets encircle it, one a gas giant, one a tiny planet, and another a planet of decent size, one able to sustain life.
"I think i recognition the system but from what i read there is nothing of interest. Must be something i guess for somebody to go to all this trouble of removing it from the record" He said to the man, noting the planet system."Can you tell anything more about whats behind the hacking about this facility?"

He turned quickly to Spec.

"We are tracking down a sith from this planet. I cant promise credits if you want to join us."
"Better than collecting rock samples for 250,000 creds." He said as he pushed a button on his helmet and took a picture.
The man shook his head. "No clue. All I know is that the files were being accessed without permission, and then parts of that file started disappearing as I was viewing it." Argimon frowned and twirled her staff a bit. "Well, I'd guess that they didn't want anyone to find out what they were doing with the Sith. Which implies that they weren't killing them, as the Jedi and most of the public would no doubt approve of that."
Axela Seta examined the comlink in her palm. She had just found it, quite randomly, on the ground, in almost mint condition. She had an urge to try and contact someone. She turned to her faithful canine companion. "What do you think, Snow? Wanna do it?" The dog whined. "Alright, your call," she grinned, pressing a button and waiting for a response. Maybe she could track someone. Or maybe she was about to be tracked. She wasn't sure. The reception was static-y, and she was about to say something, when someone knocked it out of her hand, most likely by accident. The girl reporter raced into the abandoned alleyway, and picked it up again. At least she was alone now.
Jagat frowned slightly. His comlink was vibrating, and a static noise was heard. Unless Cielo was really that stupid, no one should be calling him right now. Perplexed, Jagat pulled it out of the folds of cloak, ignoring Weasel. "Can I help you?" It was the assassin's comlink, so that no doubt meant that the Jedi would be investigating. Time to put on the show face.
"Hmm, this has the making of a lovely conspiracy. There is nothing we can do about it here."He said after a moment thought."Come on back to the ship."He turned to the man."You to if you want, we can drop you off somewhere."
"This seems exciting, I'm in." He said as he pressed a button on the side of his helmet. "Onjective complete, stand by." He said as the mission statment cleared and he put it a new one.

Mission Statement

Assist Jedi

"Alright." He said as he finished. "What do you guys need?"
Argimon walked into the ship, sitting down in one of the passenger seats. One of the indicators was one, and she turned to Selesar. "You got a message."

[Prim's message to the Jedi embassy was to Selesar, so that's what the message it]
(Oh right.)

"Touch one more bang on my girl and there will be trouble."He said only half joking as he approached his ship."And yeah, if you can keep up."

He entered the ship to the calling of Argimon about a message. Strange he though as he rarely received messages and had called for radio silence from those that he did. He approached the cockpit and opened the holocommunicator to see a Nautolan he didn't recognize. He listened to the message without a reaction not that he could show it if he had one.

"Caught them?"He wondered out loud."I don't like this, smells funny."
Argimon shrugged. "Well, I guess we know what our opponent looks like then." She leaned her staff against the wall and thought for a moment. "It could be a trap, but at the same time, it's the best we can go off of." Turning to Spencer, Argimon nodded in acknowledgement, but otherwise ignored him. She was more focused at the task at hand, pleasantries could be exchanged during Hyperspace.
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Spencer went a bit ways off and entered Incoming. He sat in the cockpit and started it. He then flew it near the Jedi, staying far enough to give them room to maneuver for take off.
"I know your right, but doesnt mean i have to like it. Strap yourself in."He commented going to the driver seat and beginning the take off sequence. He lifted the ship taking it out the hanger cave, before shooting it out upwards through the planets atmosphere into space. After a short time flying in space to let Spencer catch up, Selear spoke up again. "Ok, Argi and any hitchhikers i am not aware of at the moment, coordinates are in, hyperdrive charged. If you changed your mind, left something behind or any goodbye you haven't said...Well, forget it its too late now."

He pulled lever and all the stars began to move past them eventually stretching out into long lines as the ship bolted foward at high speed.
Argimon chuckled slightly at Selesar's comment. "Been picking up a bunch of strays today, haven't you?" She smiled cheerfully and leaned back to watch as the stars streaked by. It was probably the one pretty thing she enjoyed watching, though her job kept her from seeing it very often. With a long sigh, Argimon closed her eyes. "Never gets old."
"Yeah and you see that through closed eyes? Impressive."He commented jokingly, seating back letting the ship fly itself. Instinctively he raised his hand to his stuffy jaw prosthetic as if to remove it as he did often at this time, before realizing the act and prevented himself from continuing, "I admit this quite and usually private time during jumps is one of the few chances i get to relax. "
"Can I help you?" came a voice from among the white noise. It startled Axela, but she didn't move. "H-hello...?" she finally asked, hesitantly. "Who is this?"

//Sorry this is late; I'm not at home right now =P//
Jagat thought for a moment. It was a bit surprising to hear such a young-sounding female voice, but youngsters are easily mislead. Besides, it would...amusing to see how mad these Freed got with Jagat speaking on the comlink. "You know, generally you try to know that before you contact someone."

She smiled. "You can go ahead and do whatever you were going to do." Argimon yawned a little, and reclined the chair. "I'm going to sleep until we get there. I assume we'll be going into battle."
Y'drenna looked at the curious figures on the other side of the screen. "Finally, someone listening. We are at the gas planet, i repeat, the gas planet." she said. "Please, come." she slips her hand off the comm, and to the shut down page on the right side of the screen. (note; the consol is on the left side.) She turns around. "Ok, guys. We are safe, they don't know about the station. We will be safe to return to the Masters and you two can join the freed." she says softly, "At least My sister won't be endangered."
"Certainly seems that way, if not now at least eventually."he said."You can sleep in my quarters if you want, its not much but it has bed which i promise is clean and better than that chair. I am not going to need it."

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