A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

"... You really shouldn't have shouted." Hex whispers, trying to salvage the situation. "Now please, turn it the F*CK off."
"What-, for a fight?" Hex looked surprised for a moment, then his uncertainty was washed off by excitement. "Heh. Though it would be fun, are you sure?" He stretches his arms.
Hex looks a little disappointed. "Ah. I guess I'll keep out of sight then. I AM wanted, and I've seen a lot of freelance Jedi lately."
Axela shot the comlink a dirty look. "Hey..." she muttered. "So are you gonna tell me who you are or not?" she smirked, adjusting her position by leaning on the wall of the alleyway. Snow barked. "Hush," the girl ordered, then turned her attention to the comlink. "For your information, I just so happened to find this and I'm sorry if trying to figure out who it belongs to upsets you." She got up and headed back towards the street, wondering if someone here might know, but she kept the frequency open in case the voice wanted to talk more.
Weasel looked at Jagat. "Hey, give me that!!!" he snatched away the comm, and started talking to it, using a deep voice of a jedi he knew. "Hello? This is Master (er...) Koru-Tishu. We locked onto your comm. You are under arrest for consorting and supporting a sith lord!" he wiped his brow. "Go to the satelite if you want to have your trial. Otherwise, we shall capture you and place you into jail."
Weasel smiled at the effect of his voice trick. "That is right. The man on the other side of the communicator is a sith lord, and you are being arrested for it. Come to the satelite." he added more forcefully.
"There is a satelite run by the government for dangerous courts. If it were public, had you been freed, there could be attempts at your life. And as I said. My name is master Koru-Tishu." he sighs. "Look, please, for your own sake, come?" he wasn't entirely lying. He did care, and she was in trouble. And there was a secret satellite.
"Okay..." she squinted. She glanced down at Snow, who whimpered. "C'mon, boy! A mysterious comlink, secret satellites; what next? Let's go!" she took off at a jog back to her small cruiser, almost entirely sure she was getting herself into deep, deep trouble. Well, nothing she'd never done before.
Weasel sighed in relief. Then, he stood tall, turning to Jagat. "Well, what do we know! You may have helped us catch a rat!" he smiled and began drinking some tea.
Axela grinned; before she knew it, she would be in deep trouble--her favorite kind. It would make an excellent story, to say the least. She suddenly saw something ahead, and figured it was the 'secret satellite' the voice had been talking about. She whipped out the comlink and wondered if she should say something.
Jagat raised an eyebrow, unmoving. "Interesting way of catching a fly, I will admit. But are you sure that's even a rat?"

Argimon raised an eyebrow, having been awake from the moment 'Shit!' had been yelled. "Well then. Sounds like it is a trap. Do we check out one of the other planets?"

Cielo woke carefully. She was nearing a planet, that much she could tell. And there was two living beings coming toward her...suddenly, she was knocked backwards as a dog leapt at her face. Cielo yelped, and the two went cartwheeling through the emptiness of space. "Hey there Diablo!" She laughed, and braced herself as the second dog came over. Jagat was very good at alchemy, Cielo was impressed. How he had managed to imbue both dogs with enough Force to allow them to create similar Force-bubbles around themselves was beyond Cielo's comprhension, but she was glad he did.
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The door slid open. Axela breathed softly. What had she gotten herself into? Her hands were currently thrust into the pockets of her large coat, concealing the laser gun in her fist. She didn't say a word.

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