A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Selesar closed his eyes as he felt a presence from within the cave.

"Slow down, i sense something inside."He said concerned as he didn't know what to make of it."Is there meant be something inside?"

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Argimon smiled. "I know." She moved the ship in a seemingly haphazard fashion, but with small movements. The cave entrance opened up, and she flew inside. "Recognition code." She explained as she landed the ship and stepped out of the driver's seat. Picking up her staff, Argimon grinned at Selesar. "You ready?"
A girl with bright red hair and a small white dog trotted down the beaten street of the market, hands in her pockets, itching for a story. She knew there was a bit of a feud going on between force-users and the Freed, but nothing else. She had come here to find out more, and, as often was the case with her, get into trouble.

((//Sorry to just randomly butt in, but it just seemed so awesome! Ignore me if you want//))
"Not really but that never stopped me before."He said jokingly getting up from his seat, removing the lightsaber from his belt and holding it at the ready. He walked toward the entrance of the ship and pressed the switched for the door, on his other hand, his thumb was ready over the lightsaber igniter. "Age before beauty."

He stepped out the ship.
The cave was still relatively small, but it had more space than it looked like it would from the outside. It was a sort of hanger, and two smaller, one-person ships sat farther back. A metal door sat at each end of the hanger, closed shut. Argimon followed Selesar out, looking around. "Dang. They changed the area again. So....which door?"
Spencer slowly eased Incoming into a soft landing. He pressed a button at the side of his helmet and brought up the mission statement.


Collect rock samples from a cave, map with package.

Pay: 250,00

It seemed like an easy score so he accepted it. He looked at his M7 Ptolemy PulSAR Assualt Buster and PulSAR CC-Aid an Utility. He equipped them and stepped of Incoming, heading towards the cave, PulSAR gear glowing blue and bright along the way.
"Wait...Change the area? As in you dont know where we going? Great."He said in slight frustration looking at each door."I guess i can sense the way, anything i should know about what we are looking for?"
Spencer entered the cave. His armor illuminated his path as he continued to go in. Once he found a paricularly clean rock he took and and put it in a tiny box before attaching it to his armor.

"Wait...Change the area? As in you dont know where we going? Great."

Spencer heard someone talk. Buster ready he cautiously went in deeper.
She nodded. "Just tell me which room has a person in it." Argimon shifted her grip on her staff, her subconsciousness telling her that something wasn't right. Which, of course, it wasn't. In the left room, completely sound-proof, an alarm was wailing, and the man inside raced to get the defensive systems up. An intruder had entered, and the system was completely unprepared. This place was supposed to be private of course, but they hadn't had anyone try to break in in forever, and now the warden was caught unprepared.

The news bulletin was going wild. A new update had come in just that morning that someone had broken into the Jedi Temple and blown a hole in it. And then, on the other side of the planet, a rampaging killer had destroyed a small base and killed several people before disappearing without a trace.
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Spencer reached a pair and two doors. He lifted his M7 Ptolemy and it emmited a low humming noise. "Who?" He ashed simply as he trained his aim at the guy.
He closed his eyes trying to get a sense of the place letting the force guide him. A look of uneasiness came over him and he began to stumble slightly, he balanced himself waiting a recent sweat in his brow. A disturbance rippled across the force meaning of death occurring both near and far. He tried to snap himself back to reality as another more imminent danger came into view. He ignited his lightsaber as he turned to the presence, holding the lightsaber in front of him defensively.

"I believe this is self explanatory."He said trying to hide his own uneasiness."Who are you?"
Weasel frowned. "They sent someone. Y'drenna, open your contact. The cleanest way to fix this is by contacting them. NOW!"

Y'drenna frowned. "Weasel, no! They will attack us!"

"But if you don't, they will discover the station!That is more important!"


"You're soldiers. will die."

"... b-b-but... damn, you know me too well. FINE!" Y'drenna screams at the screen. "But quickly, delete their files on those hyperspace jumps. Opening communications... Jedi embassy, do you read me?"
Argimon frowned as she aimed her staff at the intruder. A whir over her head told her that something else was happening. Probably the security systems, although they should have kicked in earlier. "And what are you doing here? This is supposed to be accessibly by only those authorized."

The man inside the pod frowned. The system was acting up. Someone was accessing the files from outside! Quickly, he began to disconnect the box from the airwaves, something he had a lot more experience in doing. The threat would no doubt be taken care of, after all, one of the soldiers was here. He turned his full attention to his task, backing up files and attempting to keep the hacker out of the system.
Hex woke with a Jolt. "What? What are you shouting about?" He then noticed to whom the communications were open to, and a smile spread across his face. "Well, hello!" He said in a cheery tone. "Is Almira there by chance?" He said with a sarcastic smile on his face. 
His smile faded after a few seconds, and he says out loud "Aw shit. I should NOT have done that. They're gonna chase us now, aren't they?"
@Michael Dineen

Silver nodded."Yes i did get that."She flew the ship in a slightly different direction and they quite soon ended up at the cave just about everybody else was at and of course it seemed quite evil inside so as soon as she got out of her ship, she ignited her light saber which was a dark purple.

(Just gonna go to the cave like almost everybody else)
A feeling of danger had not passed as Selesar had expected. He left the two to talk and was guided to the door on the left. He tried the panels to open it but there was no response. Too thick for a force push, he thought to himself feeling the door. He raised his lightsaber and plunged it in the bottom of the door with a bit of force. With some strength, he began cutting an opening in the door.

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Weasel swore violently. "Damn, they deleted the airwave! Hold... hold on, computers, trap all airwaves, do not let them be removed!" he locked onto the file, saving it to his computer before unlocking it and letting it go. "...That was close. Coffee break!"

Y'drenna said quietly, "Are you two after some sith? If so, I caught them and sent them to friends. We are on a gas planet, resting and repairing our ship."
The man inside swore violently. Some of the files had disappeared! Luckily, he'd managed to get a rough back-up of them, but it wasn't the detailed report it should have been. And now, a noise was distracting him. He turned, and saw a beam of light cutting through the thick metal door. Quickly, he glanced at the screen. His fellow soldier was running over...wasn't that the person she'd brought in with her? Why was he cutting through that door?

Argimon sighed and rushed over to Selesar. "What are you doing? I know the damn passcodes!" She stepped up to the box on the wall and started pressing buttons. It didn't open. She looked at Selesar again, and frowned. "Hold on...is there someone behind here?"
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"Goes to show i know what i am doing."He commented when the door didn't open. He continued cutting, now down to the last quarter of the door."I don't know but i get a bad feeling here, something wrong in here, and in my experience that's normally the right place to go."

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Argimon rolled her eyes. "Awesome. Well, I guess we'll see what's wrong in a moment." She picked up her staff and held it at ready as he finished cutting through the door.

The man frowned. The viewscreen was still showing that something was wrong. Maybe his fellow 'soldier' was actually an escapee. He checked the files quickly, and rebooted the system. If this was going to be his end, he'd not die in vain. Lacking fighting skills, he activated the defense system instead. Several small lasers began to target the people outside.
"Crap, get behind me!"Selesar called noticing the lasers. He stepped away from the door, pulling his lightsaber in front him and in sharp quick movements of soresu began deflecting the laser blasts."Kick the door down and let get going!"

A flick of his wrist as laser came to hit his lightsaber, returned the laser back to it sender putting it out of commission.
She nodded and slammed the staff into the door. "All right, what's going on in here?!" The man looked up in panic, and reached down to press a button. Before his hand could hit it though, a blast of electric energy from Argimon's staff sent him flying. She raced inside and turned off the lasers. With a quick glance at the coding on the screen, she frowned and turned on the man. "You were going to delete the files?! What were you thinking?!" The man shook, but managed to respond weakly "Your friend...was attacking...the facility..." She sighed, but motioned for Selesar to join them. "Listen, we need to access some of the hyperdrive files. Somewhere in the C5 sector."
He breathed a sigh of relief as he turned of the lightsaber when the lasers stopped.

"Yeah, thats not how i see it. i try to get through a locked door sensing trouble on the other side while you fire lasers at me."He said as he entered through the door. He raised his lightsaber."Also normally these thing means i am a good guy."
The man sighed and got up, walking over to the computer. "That was until you started using it to cut through the door." He pulled up a list of coordinates, and frowned. "Funny, somebody tried to delete a set of coords from that sector. I've only got the general coords of where they went."

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