A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

HK-1000 wakes up behind her , but disabling his alarm. He watched her silently , knowing he wasn't the free she speaks of. However... He does have.. No , he cannot tell them. They may yet still scrutinize him. However , he can go with them. He's in the same boat , anyhow. They're all fugitives , at this point.
Hex woke up with a jolt. "Eugh... Why do I always do that.." He whispered to himself. He looks to his side and notices Y'drenna doing.. Something. "Eh? What are you doing?"
Y'drenna spins around, noting that both of them are awake. She aborts the communicator, and says, "Talking to a friend" but she is slumped guiltily in her seat.
HK-1000 "a Friend you call master. You better not be the kind of Jedi that hates droids , or else... Or else I just won't like you. And you won't like me when I don't like you. You said you were wondering if taking us to disapora was OK. Now , is it? Because if not. We may yet get found. I know my share of assassin droids that wouldn't be fooled by our little trick.however , we can trust my friends of the A-series. They won't look for us , and may even prevent our capture."
"I would ask, but right now I really don't care. Let's just get to diaspora." You can definitely hear that he's a bit excited over going there, for some reason. "There's a pretty cool thing I could show you there." And he leans in closer "And I kinda wanna relieve myself of this robot for a moment.."
"Well, she is my master, but my sister is also my friend, but we do share many points of rivalry... its complicated." she says finally
HK-1000 "meatbags. Typical... Ok then. But , I must know , are there any iron knights (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Knight) in your Jedi order? I would love to meet one. Being that they are the only droids to possess a connection to the force. Where is your Jedi temple anyway? I thought all the Jedi were killed anyway."
".... I guess you'll have to introduce me sometime." He smiled. "But are we going to Diaspora or not, because I do need to ask you some questions about.. That incident, yesterday."
Y'drenna glares at the droid. "Stop calling us jedi, or i will personally disasemble you and put you in the scrapper! Huh? Oh, i guess we can... Which incident?" she asks as she sets the new coordinates.
HK-1000 "what is this incident you are referring us to? And if you are not Jedi , you are neutral? Or sith? I have heard of neutral force users. And this planet , what is on it? Is it a place strong in this 'force' you people have? Because I've heard certain worlds are stronger in it than others."
"I suppose I should tell you the entire story. I'm schizophrenic. Not the type of schizophrenic that hears voices, the type of schizophrenic that occasionally switches personality. But this time felt different. Besides, you said I didn't attack you?" 
"For being such a perfect droid, you'd think you have some sort of force energy detector. We are the exact opposite of what you're describing. The force doesn't flow through us, much less, it doesn't have any effect on us what-so-ever."
HK-1000 "negative. I do not recall you attacking me. And such a thing is not something I felt I needed. The builder forge was right when it suggested that. That's interesting. I shall enjoy watching your dual personalities. Is it the kind where it's a different PERSON or a different attitude?"
"I felt.. More in control, I suppose. The only things I've known about it until now, is that it's much more dangerous than me, and much more hostile, but not attacking someone? That's revolutionary. I didn't do anything else? Say something?"
HK-1000 "by the time I arrived , you had passed out after murdering my kills. Still mad over that , but it's true. So , that's why you didn't attack me. You were passed out. In fact , one of them had a spine ripped completely out. I shall have to learn that trick. Anyway , so no , you didn't say anything. Why did you feel more in control? Did you want to kill guards?"
"No.. No.. That was still me, partially. Which was also strange, I wouldn't have been able to say a word at that point usually. Nothing else?"
HK-1000 "I must be thinking of the ring thing. This other person may recall the 'incident' but , I may not. I thought you meant the one where I found you from. I find humans on general are confusing."
HK-1000 "and that's when I found you , passed out. You may be figuring out how to control it. I certainly do want to figure out how that spine was ripped out of the guard though. More ways to kill would be handy." He knew he sounded creepy. But he didn't care. He was an ASSASSIN droid , after all.
"Hmph. Still though, it's interesting. If I could utilize this 'other' me, I might be able to grow a lot stronger."
: I did actually say something else, but are you playing it off as if you've forgotten?[DOUBLEPOST=1399945452,1399945372][/DOUBLEPOST]"Hm, I do destinctly remember ripping the spine out of someone through their mouth.. I don't know what to tell you, anything goes with a sufficient amount of violence."
HK-1000 "you will still be a meatbag. Which is fragile. But that spine trick... I shall endevour to find this out. But I like the idea of a stronger meatbag. They need all the help they can get to be stronger."
HK-1000 "the next meatbag I kill will get that treatment. It'll be interesting to see how any of his compatriots may react. They may lose their morale almost instantly , however it's doubtful."
"I suppose we'll find out eventually. Hm, I do ache for a good fight myself. Perhaps I'm the one being absorbed. Not counting yesterdays rampage, it must've been more than a month ago since last." He shrugs. "Well, well. First of all I should probably have something done about this bounty. I don't know anyone who could help me with that, who wouldn't just sell me out, and my only option is living on Geonosis for the rest of my life." He sits down on the floor. "Do you know anyone, Y'drenna?"

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