A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

They descended to the landing platform, and as soon as they leave the ship they notice they've got 30 blasters pointed at them. Hex gets jumped by 6 heavily armed guards, and doesn't resist as he gets beaten to the ground before they confiscate all of his gear. One of the blaster armed men says "Drop your weapons asshole, or you'll regret it!", directed at Y'drenna.
Y'drenna pulls out her ecquipment, slowly drops it, snapping apart a silver disc as she casually says, "Well, well, a takeover... I see that you are attempting to confiscate our stuff?" She quickly, as she was still at the door, rolls back into her ship, and beginning a transmission as she opens her sheilding. "DROP! YOUR! GUNS!" she says, arming the bomb which she had dropped earlier. "Or this place goes sky high!" she, looking at the transmission, says, "Sister? Would you mind coming over? It seems we've been ambushed." she shot 6 paralyzing darts at the gaurds on Hex, and says quietly, "Hex? I think it might be time to go."
The transmission beeps, and a soft, lilting voice responds. "Oh, did you get someone mad at you again? You know you're too close to the big city though. I can send some help if you want."
".... Sorry. Whatever happened here, I need to find out, because I think it's my own fault. You don't need to come." He says and takes a decisive step towards the group of guards with his hands raised. He turns around and gives her a smile. "You don't always have to win." He says right before he disappears into the crowd of guardsmen.
Back at the station, weasel, felt a breeze of the force come from the prisoner. "That Asshole is consious! Beat him down! That saumensch Y'drenna, she really needs to check her cargo before delivery!" As the freed guards walked forewards, placing the vibroblade spears at Jagat. "He then checked his records, and saw something curious. "Hmm... the castle recorded her hyperjump? Damn that woman, strong as she is, she always gets into trouble. He intercepts her transmission and sees what had happened.

Y'drenna said, smiling, "Yes, I have a talent for antagonizing people, don't I?" she turned, seeing Hex walk away. "... Sis? You mind sending a research squad? We might want to check this out." She hops in shock as she sees Weasel on her monitor. "Y'drenna, you moronic whore, did you really hyperjump with the sith?! Saumensch! You have let the governing monarch, may he rest in bloody peices!" He began a string of all the swear words he had collected. In the background, a voice says, "Oh, god, hes gone off! Somebody, get the liquid nitrogen!" and the transmission ends. She then sets her ship to wait just outside, and hops down, sidling in with Hex. "Nah, i am with you, for now."
Hex felt a bit of relief over Y'drennas choice. "Heh, I'm glad." Then he notices the guards reaction. "But please, leave your weapons at the ship." He leans in closer "At least the visible ones." he whispers, winking at her and glancing down at his boot, which he angeled just so you could see 4 throwing knives reflect the light.
She winks back and says softly, "Weapons? My hands and feet do what a blade cannot." she flashes a smile at the guards, and tosses all her weapons into her ship, but Hex can see two vibroblade daggers up her sleeve, and a bag of odd silver spheres in her pocket.
The guards handle Hex quite violently, but let's Y'drenna walk on her own. They seem to be angry with Hex on a personal level, and the occasional servant they pass berates him, or spits at him. Eventually, after walking through multiple corridors, they arrive in a room shaped somewhat like a throneroom, and on the other end there's a small round, yet still visibly muscular, man sitting on a throne. The guards drag him across the room and throws him to the floor in front of the man. Caedus stands up and walks forward to Hex, lying on the floor. He looks at him for a moment, and then stomps on one of his hands with all his might, and there's a loud cracking noise. Hex grunts, and doesn't resist as Caedus grabs him by the collar and pulls him up close to his face, to shout "You have the insolence, to come to MY HOME, and to ask for MY HOSPITALITY, after what you've done?!" He kicks Hex just under his ribs, sending him flying backwards 2 feet and knocking the air out of him. Between heavy breathing, Hex manages to get out "W-what... Did.. I d-do..?" which just seems to infuriate the man even further, as he grabs the closest loose object, (which just happens to be a small jade sculpture of a jedi) and throws it at his head, leaving a small wound in his forehead. "And now you plan to make fun of me? You f****** bastard!" The beating goes on for about two minutes, until eventually the man seems to have gotten the worst part out of his system. He sits back down on the throne, and says "What should we do with you now? You deserve nothing better than to be tortured to death, you disgusting filth." Hex brushes some of the blood out of his face, and says "I still don't know what you're-" "SHUT UP! You there!" He points at one of the more heavily armed guards. "Cut his tongue out!". The guard approaches, though now a lot more doubtful than before. "Stop!" Someone says, and in out of a corridor a young man comes rushing. "What are you doing to Axel, father?!" he says. "Aidan, this man murdered your brother!" Hex's face grew pale as he look up at Aidan. Aidan met his glance, and said "I don't believe it. Hex wouldn't hurt a fly!" "Are you stupid boy?! We've all seen the camera footage!" Aidan contemplated something for a moment, and then said "If you're really going to go through with this, you'll have to confront me. Guards!" and a small regiment of guards, dressed in the same armor, with the same weapon crest, except different coloring, appeared out of the same corridor. "Aidan, don't-" Caedus was interrupted by a sudden shriek from Hex. He was holding his temple, and grinding his teeth. You could hear him whisper rather loudly to himself "This is not the time, or the place..." He was sitting on his knees, bent forward, but now he looked up, at Caedus, and said "Maybe.. Cough*.. You should settle your differences later... For now.. Lock every door you have between me and the world outside, and leave..." He looks at Y'drenna. "Remember how I said 'I'll tell you if it comes down to it?', well, heh, I'll tell you.. About.. It.... Later.." At which point he fainted.
Y'drenna's eyes widen as she witnesses the beating. She stands up, stalking to his throne. "You bloody Bastard!" she screams into his face, her voice amplifying, and settling the room into a deathly calm. "The only thing keeping me from killing you this instant, is the fact that if i do, I will be a cold-blooded murderer. I don't want to be thought of like that, so I will let you keep your tongue. Axel should be ashamed he even knows you! I have killed, I have tortured, and I know the consequences." She is barely contained, and her face is under an inch from his. She frowns for a second, and then says, quietly, "Show me this tape. If I can not disprove it, he shall face the court of law. NOT. Your law, you pompous pratt. I would call you a saukerl, but then I would be insulting the pigs. However, WHEN i do disprove it, you shall face the court!" she then turns on her heel, and leaves the room, commenting via comm, "Sis? More squads please?"

Back at the station, soaking in a pool of liquid nitrogen, turns to glance at the prisoner. "Now, prisoner, tell me your name." Weasel said crisply.
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"You didn't listen." Cadeus flinches, and sees that Hex is now standing up, though bent forward. It was only a whisper, but everyone heard it.

"... Run.." Hex just stands there. A couple of guards look nervous, and a few other briskly walks out of the room. "W-what are you doing?? Don't run away! Arrest him!" Hex runs a hand through his hair, moving it out of his face to reveal a smirk, with eyes that are looking straight forward at nothing. "... Run.." This time a lot more guards, accompanied by Aidan and Caedus leave the room, and lock two out of the three doors in. Four of the guards are still standing in there though, ready to apprehend Hex if he were to do anything. As the last door is being closed by guards, you can see Hex twitching incredibly quickly and throwing something at the closest guard, and then there are two minutes of screaming. Then there is silence, except for occasional crashing sounds. If you were to want to open the doors for the next (let's say...) 5 hours, the guards would be too scared to allow you to.
Y'drenna turns in shock at the sound, trying to get past the guards to see what had happened. Looking through the doors, she set up a hologram for Weasel and the master. "You asshole guards!" she shouts as she punches one into the wall, opening the door, locking it behind her, and looking on at Hex. "Hex? Axel?" she aks softly, with sympathy in her voice. "Are you ok?" She moves quietly towards him, noting the reckless behavior, but ignoring it. She walks up to him, saying, "Hex, its me. Calm down, they are not going to be able to hurt you. Sit down. Please. She stops when she reaches a few feet in front of him. "Hex?" she says, for the first time a note of fear entering her voice.
Hex is covered up to his elbows in blood, and the guards are spread out across the floor, at least one of them has had their spine partially ripped out through their mouth. There are multiple fist sized holes in, well, everything. As soon as she stops in front of him he attacks her with his hand open, as if he had claws, but stops bare centimeters from her face, sending bloodstains across her, and looking almost surprised at himself. He goes back to just standing there looking at the floor for a few seconds. Then he says "Moloch." and walks over to a wall, which he slides down into a sitting position against, and eventually falls asleep.
She steps back, avoiding most of the stains, and then, inspecting the guards, ("They're all dead, dave") she pulls out a wet towel, and uses it to clean off the parts of him which are dirtiest, and while she does so, she hums a small lullabay. She kneels down, and smiles.

Back at the station, Weasel watches the holographic video. Smirking in a direction the sith can't see, he turns back to the prisoner, replaying the video, and threatening, "See this? This is what happens to you if you don't cooperate."
Jagat raised an eyebrow, unamused nor feeling that threatened. "It looks more like somebody lost control. I'm surprised that lady didn't get ripped to shreds, but he'd obviously already gotten most of his rage out." Jagat stood strongly, arms crossed and feet planted, but his expression looked disinterested, and he stared straight at Weasel.
"Waaa.... Whaa... Wha.." Realizing it sounded like "What" Hex shook his head and coughed a couple times and asked "You don't happen to have any... Water, do you?"
HK-1000 sees hex. What is this meatbag doing , taking HIS kills? And besides , he doesn't want another human owner. He knew there had to be more... To take him off this rock. He's been on this planet a long time , and now is his chance to leave. (By the way , he's not with the Jedi yet. He's joining shortly though) he walked over to his person , wondering if the person will think him a guard. He decided it's worth the risk and taps them lightly saying "the centurion wishes you to take him off this Kriffing planet , whoever you are." He hoped that sounded as cryptic as he meant it to. Force users always liked strange things..
She pulls out a glass, and read the label "Dehydrated water: just ad water." Rolling her eyes, she pulled a bottle out and placed it onto his chapped lips. "There."

Back at the station, Weasel says indifferently, "You will be much less apathetic to know that soon... *dramatic pause* you will be freed.
"Ugh, uh, what?" This sure was an interesting robot. Would be pretty cool to have one like th-- No. don't let your mind deviate, he thought. He looked at Y'drenna, suddenly realizing what's going on. "What the...? What the hell are you doing in here? I could've killed you!" he thinks for a moment, and then adds "Which is probably what I did to Aidens brother... Please don't judge Caedus harshly.. He's a good guy, but if what he said is true.. I can understand his actions.."
HK-1000 impatiently tapped his metal foot "meatbag , I am the centurion. HK-1000. The last. Whichever suits you best. All I ask is can you just take me out of this rock? I'll join whatever force user sect you belong to. And don't think I don't know your one of the force user groups. Only a force user or a brute could do this , and you don't look like a brute" he then even proceeded to give her water "I don't need it" he muttered... He was going to barter for something with it , but he wanted to get out of here more.
She smiles. "Yes, you could. And I am glad you didn't." She smiled, and sighed. "Oh god. My sister. Oh god, I forgot my sister! What will she think if she sees this?! I bet she'll be all, 'Oh, you DID get someone mad at you!.' or, 'Look at yourself, you're hideous!'" Y'drenna puts her face in her palms.
"Haha, look at this guy." Hex found this robot endlessly amusing, then turned back to Y'drenna. "I've got to get some details for you, but for that we need to get out of here. Now. I just killed these guards, and I probably killed poor Peter aswell, we've got to go!" He looks back at the robot. "And we've gotta grab this tin can, he's hilarious!"
Several light-years away, a delicate looking angel sat upon a throne. She was in the middle of reading a book, but stopped as she suddenly sneezed. After a moment of thought, she said lightly to herself: "I wonder if anyone was talking about me?"

Jagat didn't flinch, or show any outward appearance of concern, but his mind was racing. Interesting. So the Nautolan could capture the Force, the other boy seemed to prevent one from using the Force, and now this fellow can take away the Force? Huh. The 'Freed' are queer indeed....
HK-1000 stated "I am not a tin-fan. But as long as I can get out of here with you I shall accept any nickname. Now , who are you?" He looked around. Where did he hide his blaster rifle? Not important. He probably can get a better one by now "would you like anyone killed? Because I am an assassin droid."
Y'drenna pulls Hex up to his feet. "Sure, lets go." she walks to her ship, praying to herself, "Please, please, if i have done anything worth doing, god, please, don't let her see me like this." She looked with a raised eyebrow at the droid. "Er, no, not yet." she says as she hops into the ship.

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